Twisted Fate (The Personal...


40.7K 1.2K 50

Tara Anderson is a lovely but fiery young woman who is beautiful and doesn't back down from anyone and despi... More

Author's Notes
Work! Work! Work!
Lunch Date
Flash Back
What The Fuck (WTF)
I'm Screwed
Who Cares!
Love Your Self!
Interruptions Whilst Ignoring
The Story of My Life
I Need to Get Laid
Life's Revelation's and Family only make you Stronger
chapter 15
chapter 16
She's finally mine
Jealous and angry boyfriends
moaning and groaning
he made me wet like soaking wet
why does it have to be me?
serious talk
together we rise
oh no she didn't
life is going good
crazy ex's
my bestie is a hoe
Girls Night Out
diamonds are a girl's best friend
Melt Down!!!
Author's note
love is in the air
he is an idiot
can you be mine
we made it

The Wedding

423 15 0

Tara's POV

The day was finally here, it was the day when I would get married to the most wonderful man on planet earth. Rafael-Levi Ibrahim Blackburn I would finally have him as mine and only mine, not that he has someone else or that I was sharing him, all I knew was that I was over the moon with happiness while at the same time I wanted to run for the hills screaming. Yes, he was all I would ever need all I ever wanted but somehow all this seemed unreal I felt as though I was in a dream and I would wake up soon and it would all vanish but I knew it wasn't a dream because I pinched my self several times just to wake up to see if it was real and it was very muchly.

When we were planning the wedding we couldn't decide on a color we argued it out for days until we decided on black, white and gold to plan the whole thing was a battle not between me and Rafa so much but his mother mainly; much as she apologized I still didn't like her are feel comfortable around her but my wedding was being planned and it would be a wedding fit for a queen.

When I visited the venue last night to make sure that everything was in place my breath got caught in my throat. The wedding was being held at a church. The inside was magnificent flower petals lined the aisle going in a curve at both ends bouquets of white roses along with bows also lined the chairs at the end of each row to the aisle. At the back there were bundles of white roses in glass stands with candles laying at their feet, on each chair there was a gold gift bag lined with white. Although the church was old it was perfect.


The time had come where I was no longer going to be Ms. Anderson but instead, I'd add Blackburn to my last name Mrs. Blackburn. God knows how long I've waited for this and how many times I've had second thoughts about marrying this man, for whatever reason although I was told it's just normal wedding jitters. "Are you ready sweetheart" I turned around to see my father standing in the doorway with tears forming in his eyes "look at my little princess, all grown up getting married and doing her own her thing", I wanted so badly to cry but I couldn't mess up my make up "daddy your gonna make me cry and you know I can't, I'm still your little girl, I haven't change" I told whilst smiling and giving him a hug. "Come on you two it's time to go, Rafa, is losing his shit wondering where you are so long, and your only two minutes late?" Krissy said walking into my room ushering us out. As I got to the back of the line everything that we've been through started playing in my mind the good times the sad times the happy times and the crazy times; through all that I had nothing but love and admiration for this man nothing prepared me for this day I never thought this day would come so soon I never knew this day would come considering I placed it in my cards but here I am about to get married to the man of dreams who I thought would only stay in my dreams. "Sweetheart it's time everyone is staring, don't tell me you're having seconds thoughts" I was so engrossed in my mind that I didn't even realize that the line had and that my marching song was playing " no dad no such thing I'm just amazed at what I've achieved and this step I'm about to take I'm more than ready," I said with the biggest smile ever, as I took my step onto the white carpet. Here goes everything.    

"We will now have the exchange of vows by the couple, they chose to each write their own vows," the officiant said he had the brightest smile on his face as he took my hand with the ring in his to place on my finger. The ring was beautiful I wasn't expecting that ring "black and gold you got a black and gold ring" I whispered to him with a grin he responded "anything for you my baby" and kissed my hand then began his vows "I need so severely to be able to clarify all the adoration I have for you. Not just the butterflies and stomach knots—but more the obscuring of self and the trap with another soul. I pledge to honor you and regard you, back you and empower you. I guarantee to dream with you, celebrate with you, and walk adjacent to you through anything life brings. I promise to snicker with you and console you amid times of bliss and times of distress. I guarantee to continuously seek after you, to battle for you and cherish you unequivocally and wholeheartedly for the rest of my life. You're my best companion and I'm the most fortunate individual on planet earth to call you mine."  "Do you Rafael- Levi take Tara to be your lawful wedded wife" the look he gave the officiant was priceless "that's a stupid question of course I do" with that he placed the ring on my finger.

"Ms. Anderson your vows," the officiant said to me with a small smile "I guarantee you my eternal commitment, my devotion, and my regard. I guarantee to cherish you unequivocally and to develop with you in intellect, body, and soul. I guarantee to implore with you, dream with you, construct a family with you, and empower you. I guarantee to share in your delights and distresses and all that God should offer us. You are my until the end of time, my best companion, my dream come through, and now my spouse. With these words and all the words of my heart, I wed you and tie my life to yours. Until the end of time and continuously. I adore you."  And with that, I was more than ready to start this journey with this man "although you just practically did my part do you tara take Rafael-Levi as your lawful wedded husband" I looked at Rafa as the question was asked of me and without hesitation answered "I do" and placed his ring on his finger. "I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU HUSBAND AND WIFE YOU MAY KISS THE BRIDE!!" before the officiant could finish his sentence I was in Rafa's arms with his lips against mine "you're officially mine now Mrs. Blackburn" he whispered in my ear after pulling away. 

The ring bears suit.

Bridesmaid dress

Brides ring 

Grooms ring 

Flower girls dress

Brides accessories 

Brides dress 

Grooms suit 

Wedding reception 


Gift bag 

Church for the wedding 

Brides shoe

Brides after wedding dress 

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