Artemis Fowl: The Olympian Ca...

By ProdigyZar

58.6K 1.8K 654

=An Artemis Fowl-Percy Jackson(World) crossover= A year after the events at Berserker's Gate, Ex-criminal and... More

A. Note
Ia: Ab Ovo
Ib: The Third Party
IIa: Misunderstanding
IIb: A Jump Gone Wrong
III: A Not-so Typical Camp Night
IV: Minerva's Resolve
V: Artemis and the Barn Owl
VI: The Mortal in a Business Suit
VIIa: Meet and Greet
VIIb: Artemis and the Beauty
VIIc: Death, the Sorceress and the Hammer
VIII: The Genius I Love
IX: Who are the Fowls?
Xa: The Armory
Xb: Capture the Flag
XI: Struggle
XII: The Nature of Things
XIII: 'Them'
XIV: Camp Assault!
XV: Demands
XVI: Decisions
XVIIa: Where We Fall
XVIIb: Where We Stand
XVIII: Awakening
XIX: Artemis and Athena
XXa: Athena-Artemo Polias
XXb: Crossroads
XXI: The Vision
XXII: The Prophecy
XXIIIa: Imprisonment
XXIIIb: "Reunion"
XXIIIc: The Ireland Incident
XXIVa: A Spar Gone South
XXIVb: The Path of the Gods
XXIVc: Rage and Storm
XXIVd: The Water Elemental
XXVa: Just Koboi Things
XXVb: Sisters
XXVI: Twisted Truth
XXVII: The Past that Binds Us
XXVIII: I Name You
XXIX: Athena-Artemo Ergane
XXX: A Surprise in Dublin
XXXI: The Past and Its Shadows
XXXII: The Depth of Grief
XXXIII: Honest Thoughts

VIId: Welcome (Mortals)!

1.3K 48 5
By ProdigyZar

(Time skip to night time...)


Artemis was astonished at the number of campers gathered in the dining pavilion, counting at least 60 and then some. These gods must have been busy, he thought, reviewing what he had learned from the video orientation he had after the fiasco in the forges...

We know where you're hiding, Artemis Fowl...

He shook his head, the chill sending shivers down his spine. He will discuss this with Holly later, but if it's what he suspects...

"Hey, Arty" Artemis snapped out of his thoughts to the voice of Minerva, who seem to look nervous as she approached him, "I'm sorry I walked away, something has just been bothering me and-"

"You've got nothing to apologize for," Artemis spoke in a soft manner. No one, not even towards his family, does he talk in such a caring way as he does towards Minerva, and although he doesn't fully understand why this was so, he is fully aware that it's a byproduct from their relationship, or as he thinks it is, "If I had paid more attention, we wouldn't be stuck here in this mess, truly I'm a failure as a partner in this endeavor. I'm sorry, Minerva"

Instead of the result he expected, this seem to deepen Minerva's frown. What has he done now?

"Before we begin our feast, we would like to welcome three new campers who will be with us for some amount of time; they are a special case of demigods, and have travelled far, and now seek refuge in this camp while they try to find a method back home; as for the matter of where they come from I'm afraid the gods are not ready to answer this matter" Chiron called out in alignment with the plan. Sure enough, the campers didn't question it any further.

Artemis had relayed a strategy to the centaur awhile ago, stating that revealing too much of their circumstances could draw too much unwanted attention; it'd be safer to pass as special demigods than to honestly speak out to be mere mortals. Based on his theory, none shall go looking for truth if they pass under the guise of the gods indecisiveness in revealing their origin; It would basically be a repeat on the Greek and Roman fiasco a couple months back, and therefore no one would be eager enough to trigger the appearance of a third party when presently they are still coping of the existence of the other demigod camp in California. As there are still in a state of recovery it's best at the moment to leave mysteries remain as they are else risk a potential third war, even if it seems inevitable...

We know where your hiding...

"...Articules Found!" A lazy voice called out, which Artemis looked around but assumed it was he that was called out. He simply shrugged and got up to the platform, his appearance seem to be odd and intimidating as hushed whispers spread out the pavilion. As he arrived at the center with his cane, the barn owl, which Artemis had named Atrytone or "Atry" for short (Don't worry, a short will come in the future for this) flew in out of nowhere and perched itself contentedly on his left shoulder, earning the silence of the crowd, even Dionysus seem to have flinched a little. Minerva and Holly filed behind him, allowing Artemis to do all the talking.

"Good evening, everyone. My correct name is Artemis Fowl, and on my left is Minerva Paradizo and on my right is Holly Short. I hope we could all get along while we sort our own problems. Thank you for your cooperation!" Brief and Efficient, Artemis had always told himself when in terms of introduction while avoiding curious statements. Artemis went down the platform with little applause just as Chiron takes the camper's attention right away by announcing the upcoming events, like Capture the Flag, and in no time the pavilion was buzzing with noise, the case of Artemis Fowl forgotten as the wind. Good, he smirked.

The trio were then directed to sit with Chiron, but as they headed towards the table, Artemis froze, his gaze fixed at the man with a chubby face, a red nose and curly hair so black, it looked purple. He wore a leopard-spot Hawaiian shirt and purple running shoes, and had bloodshot eyes that tell that this person was no stranger to alcohol. To any normal passerby this man was a typical drunkard with a terrible fashion sense, but Artemis could see the Mist cling to this man so densely, even in the lowest LEP settings it was still too much to fathom. To attract this much magical influence and go as far as change it's very color to the man's very nature...

Artemis walked forward to the man and bowed respectfully, "Lord Dionysus, a pleasure to meet your humble presence". Minerva and Holly followed suit as they too came down with the same deduction. Dionysus simply glanced at them, his Diet Coke in his hand stopped mid-sip. The God then placed down his cup and looked curiously at the three, eyed at the owl, then looked Artemis straight at the eyes, which made the boy stiffen; The eyes of Dionysus seem to spark like purple fire, a mixture of wine and it's potential to bring insanity and bliss...

Artemis was shivering, but maintained his posture, his mind seeming to wane and twist as if in the influence of alcohol. His left hand then gripped on Minerva's, and was shocked to feel that she too was convulsing, and assumed Holly too was being subjected to this suppression. He glared at the god but in a stoic manner, as if to say, 'is that all you've got?'

The god then did something unexpected; he barked into laughter! The camp got quiet, the attention drawn immediately back to the three guests, then away again. By the looks of it, the campers judged it was best to stay out of it, although the members of the Seven kept their sight at the scene, confused and wanting to hear any possible conversation. Alas, they were too far.

Holly and Minerva were kneeling and gasping, but Artemis remained in his bowing stance, albeit shaken but not broken. "Interesting pests, aren't you?" Dionysus sighed in amusement, "I was wondering if my sister has truly lost her mind favoring a mortal as frail as you, but of course it had to be one of strong mind-quite predictable of her, and all around dull"

"It is an honor to be recognized by you, my Lord" Artemis smiled diplomatically, careful to observe respect and avoid insult. That last thing he needed was a broken psyche, and he wouldn't be Artemis Fowl without it.

"Tell me, are you a hero?" Dionysus questioned tiredly, as if he was losing interest in the conversation, yet maintained eye contact

"It depends; who am I a hero of?" Artemis replied with a shrug, "I'm branded a villain, but is a hero in a sense; or rather, wouldn't it depend?"

"Hmm, is that so?" Dionysus answered annoyingly, "Truly, my sister has found a particularly shrewd mind; it would be waste for me to break, though it would be great to see a genius like you fall..."

The god of wine pondered at this while sipping on his Diet Coke then heaved an exhausted sigh, "Id rather not be involved with you any longer, mortal. Your more trouble that it's worth. My sister should really look more in the ends of this, but ah..." Dionysus stood up then smirked knowingly, "Welcome to Camp yadda-yadda, please try not to break too much buildings in the coming calamity you are about to reap; this dump is still under my watch, and I'll not have it be decimated completely until I'm rid of this prohibition, so if you will" he raised his goblet and popped away, the smell of wine and grapes lingering in the air.

"Well," Chiron looked at them with a forced smile, "That went smoothly. Do finish your meals then proceed to the campfire; approach me anytime so I may assist you on your rooms at the Big House or in any problems you may encounter. Late as it is and regardless of your situation...Welcome to Camp Half-Blood, and do your best not to die during your stay"

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