Not Just a Summer Love (One D...

By Crazymorninglove

4.6K 113 61

Britney is just a small town girl. She's been through a lot this year and summer is finally here but is her l... More

Not Just a Summer Love (One Direction)
1. The Drugstore
2. Hangout
3. Rejected! lol
Author's note..
4. Getting Ready
5. The Date
6. Little Things
7. Ian or Zayn?
8. Hi, nice to---OW! you?
9. He's mine!
10. Expect the Truth Unless You Pick Dare.
11. Butternut? Is it really you?
12. Hi, I'm Trey Summers.
14. More chocolate?
15. It all makes sense now.
17. Stalker much?
19. No signal.
20. Screw That
21. MY HARIBO!!!
22. Announcements.
AUTHOR'S NOTE!! PLEASE read or baby manatees will eat your nandos
23. Let you go
24. Dream about it
26. When Will This End?
Author's Note! Read if you must
30. Step on my feet
31. I don't love you too

27. To be honest...

58 2 1
By Crazymorninglove

Sorry guys! I'll be explaining EVERYTHING (to the best of my ability) in an author's note. Here is the update I FINALLY finished... Once again, sorry. But I hope that yall enjoy this chappie and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR STILL BEING HERE! If you kept my story in your library, it means a lot to me... READ ON MY CHILDREN


xx M


Britney POV

September 3rd,

My calendar says. 

I look into the mirror and it still stares back at me. ‘It’ being the girl who constantly reminds me of all the things that went wrong. She looks just like me with the exception of large dark circles under her eyes showing her lack of sleep. I haven't gotten much sleep either lately... We may look alike but we have many differences. My mouth never opens whereas hers chants sad words that irritate my already bruised up soul. I sigh and shake my head, my legs walk me back to the bed and the light pink walls lull me to sleep.

"She's dead"

"he's gone"

"join them"

"your fault"

"look at what you did"

"if you hadn't..."

"he's back"

A knock at the door wakes me up. I am sweating and breathing heavy; the words from my nightmare don't leave when I awake.

“I’m not here, go away.”

 “Britney, we know you’re in there… It’s been 4 days… Can you please open the door? I brought you some soup” they reply

I groan and unlock the door, to find Haleigh and Niall with worried looks on their faces and bowls of chicken noodle soup in their hands. I let them in and to make them happy eat the soup even though I’m not hungry in the slightest. 

After a while, Niall whispers something to Haleigh and she gets up and leaves, taking the dirty dishes and spoons with her. I try to look away from him but I can feel his eyes on me, our awkward silence filling up the room.

“Britney, you can’t keep shutting everyone out,” he starts the conversation that I’ve been dreading, “You won’t eat, you never come out of your room. We all love you and want you to be okay!”

“Lily will never be ‘okay’ again. And we don’t even know where Trey went.” I mutter, my voice barely audible as tears begin to stream off my cheeks.

Niall pulls me into a hug with comforting words and kisses my head repeatedly. I babble incessantly to him, a mash of ‘sorry’s, ‘not fair’s and ‘why’s. I sob until I run out of tears and sniffle is all I can do. After a couple minutes I look up at him.

“I love you.” He says but quickly his eyes widen and he hurries out of the room. 

For some reason, I’m stranded here wondering if he really means it. No words come out of my mouth but my mind is going a million miles a minute. I jump out of my daze and hurrying down the stairs behind him. I finally find him sitting outside, in the warm sun of the backyard. 

I sit beside him, Pouff,  the house dog, laying on my lap.

“You didn’t have to go, you know….” I say, a smile on my lips, “Because, to be honest… I love you too.”

When he hears this, his face lights up and he captures my lips in his. We hadn’t kissed since Lily’s death so it was full of pent-up passion and longing. It began to get heated as we kept going for several minutes, alone on the grass. His warm hands played around my waist and once in a while he would cup my face, going deeper into the kiss.

We stay lounged out in the yard, breathless and smiling like idiots, until it gets dark. We go inside, hand in hand, and we are greeted by the rest of the house snickering and smirking. 

My cheeks go red when Harry and Alexis begin to mimic our making out… Meanwhile Niall is laughing and I can’t help but join in too.

Suddenly I hear noise coming from the stairs,


We all turn around in confusion; Louis comes in with an excited Jeanne on his back…


A couple hours later, I eat dinner with everyone for the first time all week and end up having a great time, planning on going to the zoo soon. Later that night, I cuddle up to Niall since we decided to spend the night together (in an innocent way you filthies).

That night, I didn't have a single nightmare.

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