MCSM Stories

By Quiietjay

13.2K 402 322

These are MCSM stories that I am writing for practice. These aren't weird shipping stories, but some pretty e... More

Son of the End (1)
Son of the End (2)
Son of the End (3)
Son of the End (4)
Son of the End (5)
Son of the End (6)
Son of the End (7)
Son of the End (8)
Son of the End (9)
Son of the End (10)
Son of the End (11)
Son of the End (12)
Son of the End (14)
Son of the End (15)- FINALE
Aetherman (1)
Aetherman (2)
Aetherman (3)
Aetherman (4)
Aetherman (5)
Aetherman 6
Aetherman (7)
Aetherman (8)
Aetherman (9)
Aetherman (10)
Aetherman (11)
Aetherman (12)
Aetherman (13)
Aetherman (14)
Aetherman (15)
Aetherman (16)
Aetherman (17)
Trek (1)
Trek (2)
Trek (3)
Trek (4)
Trek (5)
Trek (6)
Trek (7)
Trek (8)
Trek (9)
The Lost Ones (1)
The Lost Ones (2)
The Lost Ones (3)
The Lost Ones (4)
The Lost Ones (5)
There's Still A Part of You Deep Down (COLLAB)
Final Hopes (COLLAB)

Son of the End (13)

239 9 0
By Quiietjay

I barely had time to dodge before Einde shot a flaming purple ball. It grazed my wing, catching off guard, and I landed skidding on a smaller floating island. Einde let out a menacing growl before flying at me at top speed, all four wings beating. I had to admit, he was terrifying. He let out a screech, and within the blink of an eye, he pulled back a fist. It lit up with purple energy before charging full speed right at me. Some how, in some way, I managed to jump off of the island astoundingly far. I guess the reflexes of an Endergod really helped a lot.

I only had a split second to see the island Einde punched obliterated, a huge cloud of dust flying up and pieces flying everywhere. I hovered in the air, my heart racing. There was no way I could attack him now. I didn't have any weapons, and he could easily counter of block, then kill me instantly. The fate of the whole world resting on my shoulder didn't help much, either. His menacing eyes locked onto me, sending chills down my spine. But, to my surprise, he hovered there for a second, before drawing his claws back, and forming a growing, purple ball. I had about thirteen milliseconds to realize he was firing a gigantic laser beam at me. I folded my wings tight against my back and allowed myself to fall, nimbly dodging the beam. A split second later, I unfolded my wings, feeling all of the force of the air slowing my fall and then lifting me up.

"Just meet your fate already, half-blood!" Einde screamed into my mind, enough to give me a headache.

I didn't have time to give him the sassy comeback I came up with before I gasped to see that he had spawned a large glowing sword of energy in his right hand. He sliced at me, and I backed up enough that it cut my stomach. It was a little deep, but I didn't have time to worry about that. I was forced to land on a large island, only to leap off of it as my dad's sword came down, slicing the island in half and destroying it. Every island I jumped to, he destroyed.

"You stubborn brat!" he growled.

"You're sounding a bit bratty yourself, 'dad'!" I countered. I didn't think anybody would think I had the nerve to insult a god who was trying to kill me, but hey, that's just me.

After I jumped another time, I realized there was no more islands to jump on, and I took flight once again. But, that quickly ended as I felt Einde's claws gash deep into my face, notably on my left eye. I let out a scream of pain, and before I could bring up my hand to cover it, he punched me, sending me flying straight towards his palace. I must have broke several walls, as I found myself on the ground on the other side. I turned my head and vomited out an unhealthy amount of blood. My no-longer-functional eye was stinging harder than when Mevia's axes cut into my stomach, killing me. I struggled to get up, but it was impossible. Soon, I saw Einde's figure looming over me. I knew I was dead meat.

He grabbed one of my arms and slowly lifted me off of the ground. He brought me to his face, which had a terrifying grin of amusement on it.

"Pathetic." he spat. "And to think that you're my own son? I have been watching you, how you become a 'hero' with your little band of humans. I thought Jesse, leader of the New Order of the Stone, Slayer of the Wither Storm, would do better than this. I should strike you down right now."

I couldn't reply. My vision was blurry, and I could feel the blood trickle down my face. I let out a whimper out of instinct. Despite everything, I was glad none of my friends were here to see me die. I couldn't have bore that.

Einde turned around with a look of annoyance, and I saw that Mitera, with sword in hand, was charging at her own creator.

"Today will either be the fall of the Overworld or the fall of the End!" she cried. "I prefer it to be the fall of the End. Maybe then, I won't have to be used as a pawn just to make the population grow!"

Einde quickly dropped me. I fell back-first onto the ground, sending a sharp pain up my spine. I let out a screech. Einde spawned his own sword, and his clashed against Mitera's. The knockback sent her flying back, but she held her ground. Her green eyes fixed on me.

"Jesse, you are a swordsman, correct? Spawn your own sword, you will have an easier time defending yourself-"

She cut herself off to nimbly dodge an attack from Einde.

"TRAITOR!" he screamed. "Why are you siding him!? You belong to me! I created you, and your only role is to make my army!"

Mitera didn't reply. She charged at Einde, sword out. She swooped past his side, making a deep gash. The god let out a roar of pain and rage. I struggled to get up. Mitera told me to spawn a sword, but how could I do that!?

I closed my remaining eye, ignoring the pain and trying to focus. Spawn a sword. Spawn a gigantic purple sword that will help me kill Einde. Spawn a sword.

Moments later, I could feel something in my right hand. I opened my eyes, and what do you know, a sword made out of energy. It looked just like my diamond sword, broad and long, heavy, and sharp. Now it was show time.

Mitera was struggling to block Einde's lightning-fast attacks. I saw my opening. Some other sword-fighters might have frowned upon me for attacking the enemy from behind, but at that moment I didn't care. Spreading my wings wide, I took off at full speed. Sword in both hands, I let out a battle cry. Trust me, it would have been better not to hear it. I thrusted, and the sword sunk into Einde's scaly back. Einde stopped what he was doing and screeched, whirling around. I had just enough time to pull out my sword to block a slash from Einde's own sword. I was incredibly strong, and my arms screamed with the effort I put into making sword blade not slice me in half. He pulled back, and within the blink of an eye, he managed to smack me with the flat side of his sword. I went flying, but luckily I was prepared and managed to catch myself in midair. I saw Mitera get tackled by none other than Eerste, and within seconds, they were sword fighting each other to the death. I fixed my eyes on my dad. Eerste wouldn't be a problem, but now I had no help with facing the real threat.

"Do you really think you can defeat me!?" Eerste growled as he blocked an attack from me.

"No, actually, I don't. But that won't stop my from trying!" I replied loudly.

I saw an opening at Einde's stomach, and charged. I managed to make a deep cut in his stomach before he hit me back, sending a stinging sensation across my side. I landed on the large island where Einde's palace was once again, and I saw the light of an energy beam heading right at me. I closed my eyes, waiting for it to hit, and instead I felt the disorienting feeling of teleporting. I opened my eyes to see myself right next to a hole that went straight through the island, showing the static void below. I teleported!?

Mitera smacked the sword out of Eerste's hands with her own, sending it flying. It hit the back of Einde's head, and did probably one his stupidest and last mistakes. He turned around, growling at his son.

"Fool! Do not interfere with my fight! Are you allowing a female to defeat you!"

I took my chance. Leaping up from the ground, I let out a rar as I flew at him at top speed, sword in hand. Einde was too late to turn around. As soon as he did, my sword pierced right into the middle of his chest, and I heard something crack. I remembered Crest telling me one time that's where the Ender Pearls, essential to an Enderman's life, was. He let out a shrill, deafening screech, and by some force I was tossed 20 blocks away to the ground.

Einde was screaming into my mind now. "HALF-BLOOD! What have you done to me!? You will regret this! My descendents will come after you I'll-"

Einde was cut off after his scales started cracking, and a bright light showed underneath. I could see Mitera finish Eerste off a distance away. Einde struggled towards me, and collapsed, as if it one last attempt to defeat me. Then, he despawned in a burst of bright light.

Relief and exhaustion washed over me. Now that the battle was over, I could feel the pain from the wounds in all of their glory. I collapsed to my knees.

"Jesse," I heard Mitera's telepathic voice as she landed beside me. She had me sit up, and her eyes widened.

"Your eye..." she gasped.

"That... was a hard fight." I breathed. Out of instinct, I brought up my claws, covering the wound.

"Allow me to heal it," she said. "It will be the least I can to as a token of gratitude."

She had me remove my hands. Putting her claws on the wound, she whispered physically some words that I could understand. Suddenly, the pain started to dull, and disappeared altogether.

"Try opening it," she advised.

I did so, and to my surprise, I could see through it again. I was sure it would still leave a nasty scar, though.

I got to my feet. "Thank you."

"Anytime," she replied.

Suddenly, there was a loud rumble. WInged Endermen started to fly out of the palace, and scatter in all directions. The palace was crumbling.

"You need to go, now." she told me.

"What about you?" I asked. It was only appropriate to worry about someone who helped you keep the world from being destroyed.

"Do not worry about me," she said. "I am a goddess, remember? I am able to teleport. I know a place beyond the Far Lands."

I nodded. Well, at least I knew she wasn't going to die like Einde and Eerste.

"Look, Jesse. Defeating Einde has left a portal... back to your home."

I turned. Mitera was right, there was a portal, just like the one the Ender Dragon left. I slowly walked, or more accurately limped, up to it.

I turned to Mitera.

She waved. "Farewell, Jesse. I hope that we meet again."

"Thank you, Mitera, for everything."

After that, I let myself fall into the portal, ready to finally go home.  

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