Under The Southern Sky (ON HO...

By neonblonde1

70.2K 3.6K 560

When unexpected circumstances take Mercy Rae Harrison and her parents, Jeb & Carla, all the way to Fort Worth... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Note from the author

Chapter 13

2K 95 10
By neonblonde1

(Continuation of chapter 12)

When we finally made it back up to my house, Hank, Sheriff Johnson and Tuck were in my barn, I guess waiting on us.

"We were checkin out the rest of the fence line. Mercy Rae wanted a fresh pair of eyes on it." I had to try really hard not to laugh, but played along with what he said.

"Uh yeah, but everything else looked fine as far as we could tell" I said as Tuck helped me from Bo's horse, then Bo got down and tied Mandy next to Thor.

Earl, Sheriff Johnson, agreed with Hank and everyone else's thoughts on the piece of wire.

"I gotta a friend at Midland PD, in their crime lab, and I'm gonna send it to her.

Maybe she can lift some prints off it and we can see if they can match the prints. I'll let y'all know what is found.

Mercy, you keep Bo, Hank and Tuck close, ya hear? Also, here's my card. You call me if anything seems out of the ordinary." I gave the sheriff a quick hug, along with my thanks.

Tuck took care of Thor for me. He was unsaddled and brushed and he and Mandy seemed to be enjoying each other's company too.

"Darlin I'm worried about you being here by yourself tonight" Hank said, his arm wrapped around my shoulder protectively.

I smiled at his concern and knowing that he loved me like his own child made me feel heaps better.

"I'm actually going to be with Bo tonight. He's taking me on a date. But I am worried about the girls though. I hadn't thought about them" I said, voicing my concern.

"I'll stay at the house tonight, Merc. Lacey and Laila will be just fine. No worries" Tuck said. Oh I could just kiss him!

"You're the best big brother!" I gushed, hugging his neck. I loved watching his ears turn red when he got embarrassed.

I told Tuck that I would be leaving at five and he promised to be here at five sharp. I thanked him again and watched him and his father leave.

Bo and I walked into my kitchen, where he was greeted excitedly by my girls and it did my heart good watching him love on them.

Mama always told me that you could tell a lot by a man on how he treated his mama, sister, animals or any other females and Bo was the best of the best as far as I was concerned.

I walked into my bathroom for some Advil and when I walked back in and saw Bo, the man of my dreams, rolling around with Lacey and Laila on the floor, I died and went to heaven.

"Be still my heart" I said dramatically, getting a laugh from Bo. "Really?" He asked. "I thought all it took to stop your heart was my kiss."

I popped the Advil and swigged it down with a bottle of water, smiling at him and his comment.

Leaning up against my kitchen counter, I put my finger out for him to come to me and when I watched him get off that old, faded carpet, he did it again. He made my heart stop.

Pretty soon we were involved in a heavy session of kissing and I had to admit that my lips were puffy, swollen and sore...but in a very good way.

"Babe, if you don't leave now and see to the rest of your chores, we'll never be able to go out tonight." He groaned and I giggled at the sound.

"I know you're right, but hell I hate bein away from you Mercy. It, I feel empty." I knew the feeling...very well.

"Me too, Bo. I feel exactly the same way. I've never felt this way before and sometimes it makes my stomach churn." I should have been worried about sharing this so soon, but with him, there was no worry or concern. Just peace.

His lips were so amazing. The way they felt against mine; moist and soft, yet passionate and fervent at the same time.

The way they made love to me with just the simplest of acts took my breath away. It was a craving, a hunger, that seemed to draw me to him from the very start and now it was too late. I couldn't leave him if I wanted to. I was a lifer now as well.

I walked him to the front door, hat in his hand, and I had to say that this man looked just as fine with or without a hat.

He had a head full of thick, coal black hair and it was soft as the fur on a baby rabbit; I guess that's why I had my fingers in it so much, I couldn't resist how it felt.

"Five o'clock. You be ready, you here? Oh and bring you a jacket and depending how the evening goes, bring a small bag with you." Bo was up to something and I was so excited to experience whatever he had planned.

"Five it is, Mr. Robertson" I said with one final kiss, before he walked out, went to the barn and jumped up on Mandy.

I swear if you've never seen a cowboy ride away on horseback, well let me tell you what your missin.

A strong back, sitting straight and tall; strong, defined legs encased in tight Wranglers, gripping the saddle and strong; and capable hands tightly holding the reigns, like he holds my heart.

Lacey and Laila who sat next to me, watching Bo ride down the road, started whining and I knew exactly how they felt. "I know girls, I miss him too. Come on babies, let's go in for a little nap."

I went ahead and took a shower, shaved and washed my hair so I wouldn't have to do it later and decided to let my hair dry naturally.

I treated and redressed the wounds on my arm, pulled on some panties and set the alarm on my phone for three o'clock; that would give three hours to nap and two hours to get ready.

I allowed the girls to get up on the bed with me and I had to admit, it was an unbelievable feeling having them next to me. "Goodnight girls" I said softly, drifting off and thinking of Brody.


Brooks and Dunn Cowgirls Don't Cry was my alarm and it was blaring away, waking me immediately.

I noticed that Lacey and Laila were no longer with me, but laying out in the hallway protecting me and I loved them for it.

Now, to get ready! I flossed, brushed and used mouthwash and added some spearmint gum for good measure.

I did a light makeup, consisting of barely any foundation light powder, light blush, eyeliner, peachy eye shadow, peach lip gloss and mascara.

For my fragrance I used some Bath and Body Works Pink Cotton Candy body spray, a gift from Aunt Lettie and lastly I put my head upside down and ran my fingers through my hair, leaving a little wave.

I wasn't exactly happy with that, so I got out my straightener and did my hair the way I knew it would come out looking the best.

For my underwear, I chose a sage green lacy panty and matching bra and I know I'm weird, but I like my underthings to match my outfits. Call me a girly girl, but I couldn't help it, I truly loved being that way.

I chose a sage green floral strapless dress with my blue jean jacket, boots and four leaf clover earrings because I was feeling lucky tonight. My straw cowboy hat would look good with this as well and once I had the whole thing on and looked in the mirror, I loved how I looked.

I took my tan leather backpack and carefully rolled up a fresh pair of panties and bra, packed my bare makeup essentials, deodorant, and other toiletries.

I didn't pack any sleep clothes because I figured I would wear one of Bo's shirts. Now I know I was taking a lot for granted, but to me this was the way it felt like the evening was going to go.

I threw my small brush, phone charger and body spray, along with my wallet and keys in the bag as well. I was ready.

I had taken up every bit of the two hours, so he should be getting here soon and so should Tuck.

Well it was a good thing that my brother and boyfriend were best friends because they arrived together!

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