Nobody Compares. (Lauren Jaur...

By hallelujahchorus

245K 4.9K 643

Lauren Jauregui is your average teenage girl. During her Summer break she has no intentions but to spend it w... More

1. Concert Virgin
2. Mystery Brunette
3. Boyband Bullies.
4. Special Treatment.
5. The Oak
6. Birthday Girl.
7. Truth or Dare.
8. Hospital Date
9. LA baby.
10. Twitter hate
11. Lying Lauren
12. Rain Check
13. Feeling Guilty
14. My Insecurities
15. Making Moves
16. Hungover Harry
17. Disappearing Act
18. Goodbye Girls
19. Drama Rama
20. Carrying Guilt
21. Nervous Wrecks.
22. It's Over.
23. Different Coasts.
24. Senior Year
25. Surprise Kisses
26. Florida Plans
27. Unwanted Gatherings
28. Welcoming Commitee
29. Girl Fight
30. Three Words
31. Skype Session
32. Failing
33. Facetime and embarrassment
34. Christmas Eve
35. Sibling Sitter
36. Worry Wart
37. Misunderstandings and Surprises
39. Midnight Memories
40. The End :)

38. Innocent Smirks

3.4K 111 7
By hallelujahchorus


The pitter-patters of the rain hitting against my window was enough to wake me up. I rolled over on my bed, and started to stretch. I just hoped this rain was gone by tonight.

I pulled myself out of bed, and over to the bathroom to do my duties. Once I fulfilled those, I went down to the kitchen. Apart of me being lured in by the pleasent smell of bacon, eggs and cinnamon rolls.

Sitting at the table, were Chris and Taylor. Small smirks on their face. A plate fresh plate of streaming food and a glass of orange juice were sitting in front of an empty chair. "What's this?" I smile heading over to the chair. "We made you breakfast." Taylor said.

"Why?" I ask. "Thank you guys, by the way." I say, sitting down from my food.

I poke my fork in, then stop. I look up at them. "Wait, did you guys do something to this?" Chris laughs.

"Lauren, we woke up and decided to do something nice for you." He said. Taylor nodded. "You do so much for us. Mom and dad put you in charge and you could have left us to fend for our own since we are old enough."

"Yeah, you cook for us, you clean the house, you don't yell at us if we get home a few minutes later and we aren't going to take advantage of that." Taylor adds.

"New year, New us." Chris toasted. We all held our glasses up, and clinked them together.

"I have the best siblings ever." I grin.


"So what are your plans for tonight?" I ask Chris and Taylor.

"I'm going to be with Katie. Is it cool if I spend the night?"

"Be my guest." I turn to Chris. "Plans?"

"I'm probably going to get into some chaos with Jason." I make a face at him.

"Yes on Jason. No on chaos." I say.

When I get back up to my room, I grab my phone off the charger and see I have a voicemail. I go to listen to it to rid the symbol. It's Zayn. "Lauren, it's me, obviously, I just want to say that I love you, no one else, and I hope you have a nice night and I miss you, and I hope we'll see each other soon." 'To replay this message, press 1, to save, press 4, to delete press 7.' I clicked on the 7, and listened to thd confirmation that the message was in fact deleted.


All day it's been raining, and I had no messages from Lauren. I just started pacing, hoping I didn't actually piss her off. Harry walks in from his shower. "Put on some clothes, what the hell?!" I shout.

He grabs a towel on the bedside dressers and wraps it around his waist. "It's anatomy, relax." He says trying to jusify having his penis hanging out.

"Aren't you going to get ready? There's three hours until New Years Day hits." I nod.

"I just hope this surprise goes well. I mean, Lauren is actually quite pissed at me."

"Why is that?" Harry asks, finally slipping into clothes.

"I called her yesterday, and the car I was in got cut off so he beeped and Lauren heard that, and thought I was off being a sneak somewhere, and got upset and hung up on me and now she won't respond to anything." I sigh tossing my phone onto my unmade duvet.

"No. The plan is going to go great. Lauren is going to be surprised, you're going to be happy, you're both going to fall even more in love with one another. Don't freit about it." He put a shirt on. "And if anything, just know Camila won't let Lauren down, and I won't let you down mate."

"I'm going to grab a bite with the boys. Do you want to come?"

"No, I don't want to get caught by the swine." I say referring to the paparazzi. "No ones out there though, I've had it checked."

"I'll just order up some room service." I say. "Plus I have to get ready."

"Alright mate, suit yourself." He grabbed a complimentart hotel umbrella by the door.

"Wait!" I stopped Harry just as he was walking out the door. "Yeah?"

"Should I wear a suit or keep it casual?"

"Zayn. I wear jumpers with holes in them, why are you asking me?" He laughed and walked out.


I started to get ready in hopes that the rain will stop. Normani was already at Troy's with Ally finishing getting everything ready. I was at my house with Camila, Dinah, and her boyfriend Siope. c He had a car, so he offered to give us a ride.

"If this rain doesn't stop, I will have a word or two with mother nature!" Camila groaned combing through her hair.

"I have never agreed with something more." I giggled. The door burst open and in walked Dinah. "Siope and I are going to get something to eat because we don't got time to be eating finger foods." I nodded, still focused on my hair. "Do you want anything?"

"Depends where are you going?" Camila asked. Dinah shrugged.

"Girl I don't know we just want food."

"Okay then, can you get me eyeliner? I'm running out and I suck at using liquid so I can't borrow Laur--" Camila stopped talking once she saw we were giving her looks of concern.

"What?" She sighs.

"Girl I am going to get FOOD, nom nomz, they don't sell french fries with a side of pencil eyeliner."

"Please! Just stop and get me eyeliner." She dug around in her handbag and pulled out a ten dollar bill. "With the change you can treat Siope to something nice."

"Mila, there is no time for that. We're going to eat and then we're gonna beep and pick you guys up." She blew us kisses and strutted out of the room.

Camila sighed, and sat on my bed with her arms crossed. "Stop acting like a drama queen. Go to Taylor's room, she has a ton of pencil eyeliner in her makeup bag." Camila instantly jumped up with a grin on her face. "Yes!"


Time was ticking and sooner than later I will be at Troy's party surprising Lauren. Liam walked into the room. "You all ready?" He asked grabbing his phone from my bedside table. I take one last look in the mirror. I opted for black slacks, and a white tshirt with the sleeves rolled up. I didn't want to go too dressed up, and I didn't want to be too casual. I rubbed my chin, I didn't bother shaving. I like the way it looks and I know Lauren likes my scruff.

"The cars gonna be out back, so whenever you're ready." Liam said, walking out of the room. Harry walked out of the room, he had on a black blazer, a white tee and jeans. "Alright. I am all ready the boys are ready, right?" He shoved his phone into his back pocket. I nod, grabbing Lauren's gift and slipping it into my back pocket. "Liam said the rides out back."

"Perfect." He smirked.

After some time the chauffer pulled up in front of what I'm guessing is Troy's home. "Right so I'm going to stay in the car for a bit so Lauren doesn't get any ideas when she sees you guys."

"Good thinking." Niall says.

"We'll text you when the coast is clear." Harry adds.

"Yeah, maybe we'll sneak you in." Louis says. We all look at him.

"This is not some James Bond mission." Liam says.

"Yeah we'll text him, make sure Lauren isn't nearby so he can show up behind her." Harry says. I nod and they all make their way out of the car. I take a deep breath, and rub my sweaty palms together. Get it together Zayn.


There was exactly an hour until the clock struck twelve and we'd be ringing in the new year. I sat back on the stool, and put my chin in the palm of my hand. "Don't worry, I don't have a New Years kiss either." I look up and see Normani and Camila standing in front of me. "Come on! New Years is not about that midnight kiss. It's about celebrating the fact that you made it to another year, and reflecting back on all the good times and bad times you dealt with in the past year, and how it makes you wiser or makes you want to start a new chapter." Camila preached.

"Okay Ghandi." Normani laughed. I nod.

"Camila has a point." I say. Camila smirks and flips her hair. "Call me Ghandi Cabello."

I haven't talked to Zayn since the day I heard him in a car, and he lied. I pull my glass of champagne closer, and start tracing the rim with my finger.

Camila's eyes widen and Normani gasps. "What?" I ask. They are looking past me. I turn around and that's when I damn near fall out of my chair. Harry, who I was expecting to arrive walks in, with Liam, Louis, and Niall. They walk over to us with grins and exchange hugs and well wishes for the new year. "Harry, what's all of this about?" Camila asks, pointing to the boys. "They surprised me. Said I couldn't spend the new year alone."

I look behind them, hopeful to see Zayn lagging, but no. "Where's Zayn?" Normani asks, taking the words right out of my mouth. Niall shrugged. "We tried getting in contact with him, but we had no success, so we just came to Florida without him." Liam answered.

"That's depressing." Normani said. I start to drink from my glass, and down the entire thing. I take Camila's glass and start to drink it. "It sure is." I say. I stand up. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need some air." I make my way through the crowd and to the backyard. I stand on the patio, knowing it's drizzling, but I don't even care. I have no one to impress.

My hair that I worked so long on curling starts to unravel itself. Maybe twenty minutes pass I'm standing under the oning. I didn't want to get soaked. I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Do you want to dance?" I look up and see an unfamiliar face. "No thank you." I say.

"Fine, then can I atleast help you inside? You're too beautiful to be getting sick in the rain. I can keep you warm." I actually laugh out loud. "No thank you. I actually have a-" I don't even finish my words because they're cut off by the melodious english accent I've been staying up all night wishing I could hear in person again, "She already has a boyfriend."

My heart feels like it skips a beat, does a cartwheel, stops, and falls to the pit of my stomach all at the same time. I slowly turn around, hoping I haven't officially gone crazy and let hallucinations take over. Standing there with an innocent smirk on his face and a wrapped gift in his hands is Zayn. He looks beyond handsome right now. I can hardly breathe. This is actually happening.

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