One Direction Preferences

Oleh -superheroes

4.1M 25.5K 1.4K

a huge book of one direction preferences [ first book- completed ] Lebih Banyak

One Direction Preferences
1. You Get To Caught Up In School
2. He Paints Your Nails
3. Another Man Hits You
4. How He Cheers You Up
5. What He Tells When You Tell Him You Want To End Your Life
6. You're Sick With The Flu
7. You Tell Him You're Pregnant
8. You Have A Nightmare
9. Physical Contact (His P.O.V.)
10. You Lose A Family Member
11. You're Cold
12. You Comfort Him
13. You See Him Cry For The First Time
14. You Get Hurt When He's On Tour (Part 1)
15. You Get Hurt When He's On Tour (Part 2)
16. You Get Hurt When He's On Tour (Part 3)
17. Hugs
18. He Feels the Baby Kick For The First Time
19. You Get In A Fight With A Family Member
20. He Cuts Your Hair
21. He Finds Out You Sleep With An Animal
22. He Paints Your Nails
23 - He Catches You During Your Suicide Attempt (Harry)
24. First Kiss
25. He Catches You Singing In The Shower
26. He Compares You To His Ex
27. He Compares You To His Ex (Part 2)
28. PDA'S (Public Displays of Affection)
29. ❄Christmas Preference❄ Baby's First Christmas Tweet:
30. You Break Up Without Him Knowing You Had Birth
31. Christmas Time (Harry)
32. Christmas Time (Niall)
33. Christmas Time (Zayn)
34. Christmas Time (Louis)
35. Christmas Time (Liam)
36. He Leaves For Tour
37. Midnight Dancing
38. You're Shorter Than Him
39. You Get Hurt Playing Sport
40. Baby Series- Birth
41. Baby Series- Bringing The Baby Home
42. Argument
43. Management tells Him You Have to Break Up
44. Twitcam (1)
45. You're mentioned in an interview
46. He Mentions You In An Interview (2)
47. You Do An Interview Together
48. One Of The Ex's Are Mentioned
49. Mentions You In An Interview (3)
50. You're His Celebrity Crush
51. Baby Series- Interview
52. You Won't Open Up
53. He Gets Jealous
54. Skype Date
55. He Meets Your Family
56. Article on him with a new girl
57. You try to leave during an argument.
58. The Fans See You At A Concert
59. Flight Delay
60. Fans See You With Lux
61. You Accidentally Hurt Him
62. He walks out on an interview.
63. (MATURE CONTENT) You're Cheating With Another Band Member
64. He Drives You To Work
65. Olympic Closing Ceremony
66. Your Best friend Spreads Rumours
67. Managment Says You're Around Too Much
68. How He Handles Fan Fiction
69. You're In A Music Video
70. What The Other Boys Think of You
71. You See A Maniped Picture Of You Which Was Originally You And Him
72. You Pack His Suitcase
73. He Visits You At University
74. First Date (Longg)
75. What Language You Learn Together
76. How Your Friends Respond To Him
77. Fans Spot You
78. Celebrities Talk About Your Relationship
79. You Meet Him On The Aeroplane.
80. You Meet Him While Babysitting Lux
81. Family Twitter
82. Points Out Love
83. You're both famous and run into fans.
84. You Embarrass Him On Twitter
85. You Get Lost On A Road Trip
86. You Say Another Boys Name While Sleeping
87. He Sees You After Your Break Up
87. You Go Into Labor During Twitcam
88. He Gets Jealous Of Your Famous Ex
89. He Finds Out One Of The Boys Had A Wet Dream About You
90. He Sees You With Your New Man
91. He Calls You Fat
92. Meeting Him At The Gym
94. He Does Your Hair
95. One Of You Doesn't Feel The Same
97. One Of The Boys Stick Up For You
98. Room Service!
99. Your Waiter Hits On You
Thank You!
100. Another boy walks in on you changing.
101. Marriage Permission
102. Sleepover.
Requests. (Closed)
103. He overhears the boys talking about you sexually
Request For WriterStyles
Personal for ButZaynsAccent_
104. You're Pouting
105. he wrestles with you for the remote
Rant #1
106. Your Children Catch You Arguing
108. You Lose The Baby
109. He Helps You Dye Your Hair
Please Check It Out!
110. First Fight (Part 1)
111. First Fight (Part 2)
112. You Tell Him To Sleep On The Couch
113. You Tell Him To Sleep On The Couch | 2|
114. He Meets Your Best Friend
115. You Break Up And Your Mother Comes To Talk
116. Celebrity Affair | 1 |
117. How you surprise him while he's on tour
118. Fans Hack Their Twitter, What Do They Find
119. You Have A Horrible Day At School and Kinda Take It Out On Him
120. You Play Truth or Dare and Things Get A Little Dirty
121. You Take Care Of Them When they're Drunk
122. How They React When You Like One Of The Twilight Guys-Request
123.He Slaps Your Bum
124. The First Time He Holds Your Hand
125. He Tells You That He Wants To Break Up With You and You're Cool With It
126. Marriage (1)
127. Midnight Dancing
128. It's Your Birthday
129. Stubborn
131. He Makes You Cry During a Fight
131. You Fight (HOMEMADE :D) Harry & Niall
132. Something He Does That Drives You Crazy!
133. You Fight (2) HARRY- HOMEADE! :D
134. Justin Bieber Via Twitter
135. Harry Imagine (1)
136. Harry Styles Imagine (2)
137. You accidentally see his willy
138. He Whispers Something Dirty To You During A TwitCam
139. Fans Ship You With Someone Else
140. The power goes out and you mix up the boy
141. Major Surgery (Sad'ish)
142. PART 1 Your kids get attacked by paparazzi/ fans and get hurt!
143. You guys are dating even though you're 15
144. You guys babysit/play with Baby Lux!
145. Your twitter conversation while he's on tour (Mature)
146. You go to rehearsal with him
147. You try to teach him cheerleading!
148. You guys get caught in public
149.He has a dream that you are leaving/left him
150. Your Anniversary Tweet
151. How Your Outed As A Couple
Rant #2
152. Your Baby Is Crying In The Night (H.M.)
Personal For JessHoran96
Rant #3
153. He hires a hot Nanny and you get jealous
154. You see him after the break up
155. A fight gets physical
156. A fight gets physical [Part 2]
157. You tell him to sleep on the couch
158. You tell him to sleep on the couch part 2
159. Fans crash your wedding
160.He Tells You He's Going On Tour For A Year
161. He likes you but doesn't know you have a boyfriend
162. He likes you but doesn't know you have a boyfriend [PART2]
163. You film the boyfriend tag
164. He has a nightmare
165. He meets your best friend
166. He picks you up from school
167. "I don't deserve you."
168. One of the other boys makes you feel insecure
169. You meet at a signing/meet and greet/concert
170. A young fan proposes to you
171. You used to be overweight
172. He Proposes But You Say No
173. You're opening up for them and he likes you, but you don't like him
174. You're opening up for them and he likes you, but you don't like him [ 2]
175.You are to get married to someone else
176. He sees you after you've had his baby/ You break up because you're pregnant
177. He sees you after you've had his baby/ Part 2
178. He sees you after you've had his baby/ [PART 3]
Rant #3
179. What He Loves That You Do
180. A Mix (3 Preferences)
181. 5 Preferences 186
198. 10 Preferences
thank you + message from me + rant 4 + writingisawesome5 + other books

96. He See's You In The Crowd

20.1K 107 1
Oleh -superheroes

Harry: He pushes forward through the crowd, making his way to his seat but he stops. There’s a girl ahead of him, long hair curled down her back and she’s beautiful. He hasn’t even seen her face yet but he can tell. She turns and his breath catches, she’s as beautiful as he thought. Harry changes direction, following the flow of floral until he’s in front of her. “What’s your name?” he asks with a smile and you turn, startled at the question and even more startled to find Harry Styles at your back. “(Y/N)” you say quirking an eyebrow as he asks for your last name before disappearing. But that night you have a new follow and an inconspicuous tweet directed at you “@harry_styles: floral never looked so good from afar, tell me your name and I’ll make you mine”.

Liam: Liam tilts his head up, pulling at his tie before sighing. It’s too hot for a wedding but here he is, watching as his friend kisses his new bride before he glances around. There’s a girl dressed in peach ahead of him, laughing as she tilts her head up in the sunlight as he’s mesmerized. His feet propel him forward until he’s at her side, asking for a name that she gives with a smile. “Would you like to dance (Y/N)?” Liam asks, bathed in the glow of moonlight beneath the stars of the reception and you smile before joining him on the floor. “I’m glad I met you” you tell him and he smiles. “I’m glad I saw you” he counters, dipping you backwards and relishes in the giggle you breathe out.

Niall: Niall rushes forward through the rain, the water pelting down around him as he hurries through the streets of Dublin. He comes to a stop at the street corner, waiting for the walk signal when he spots a girl with a pink umbrella across the street. She’s got matching rain wellies pulled over her leggings, a blue rain jacket shielding her slim body from the cold as the light changes. Niall steps onto the wet street, catching her eye as he passes her by and she gives him a small smile before he decides to change his course. “You might melt” he starts and you turn to look at him and he smiles. “I’m (Y/N)” you offer, tilting your umbrella up for him to share and he grins as he leads you to your destination. 

Louis: He’s surrounded by girls asking for pictures and autographs and it isn’t taking him long to get annoyed. He’s looking for an escape, any escape, but something catches his eye. There’s a rather lovely girl at the counter ordering a milkshake. She isn’t making eye contact with him, or even looking over at the commotion, and that intrigues him. He pushes himself away from the crowd and stands by your side handing the worker money to cover your drink. You smile at him, but say nothing as you walk out of Milkshake City, leaving him stunned. Later that night you’re scanning Twitter to find a tweet of his that brings a smile to your face: ‘@Louis_Tomlinson: some things are better left unsaid. #Beautiful’ time stamped moments after you had left the shop.  

Zayn: He was making his way over to the bar to greet the girl he had his eyes locked on. She had been sitting at the bar ever since he had showed up to the Buddha and he was set on getting her name. He pushes past the multitudes of people on his way over to her. People in the crowd were recognizing him left and right which only slowed his advance to the bar down, not to mention aggravated him. He took his eyes off of her for one moment to tell the girl that had latched onto his arm to back off and when he looked up she was gone. He stood on his toes looking over every one to try and find her, but had no luck. He continued to walk over to the bar to take the seat she had left in hopes she would show back up. He looked down at the napkin that had had her drink on it and smiled. You had seen him walking over to you but didn’t want the crowd he was bringing with him around you. You left your number on your napkin and left the club knowing he would take your seat hoping you would come back.  

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