Chained In Red (BoyXBoy, Vamp...

By Aramyst87

90.1K 4.2K 590

"Alvin! Kenny!" I called out, hearing more footsteps move from one place to another. Some idiot was moving ar... More

1| Emergency
2| Attack
3| Capture
5| Blood
6| Deal
7| Midnight Chills
8| Jealous Hunger
9| Defend Me
10| Keep Me Warm
11| Clean
12| Bedtime
13| You Hurt Him
14| I Will Kill You
15| You're to Blame
16| My Heartbreaker
17| Killing Me
18| Kiss me?
19| Just Like You
20| Sleep With Me
21| Just a Taste
22| Liar-Liar
23| I Hate You
24| I'll Defend You
25| Fear of Him
26| White Fanged Monster
27| Don't Tattle On Me
28| He's Coming For Me
29| Bleeding Out For You
30| Where Are You?
31| Captured By The Past
32| Runaway From Home
33| Deadly Like a Loaded Gun
34| Smile for Me, and I'll Go
35| Welcome to the Team
36| Play Time
A/N 2

4| Cadell

4.4K 196 31
By Aramyst87

Damien's POV

Ryan had said to be careful walking around with my ankle all twisted. To be honest, it was a little sore and I was limited to a slight limp, but it was bearable.

I stood at the top of the twenty flights of stairs, all going down. Somewhere way down, there were the unused vampire cages, they must've put the little brat down there for now before they move him somewhere else.

I took a deep breath and stepped down the first step, pain shot through my ankle and I bit my tongue. Still bearable of course...

I then forced myself down the other nineteen flights of stairs, each time getting the slightest bit more bearable. Hopefully the pain would go away after a little while, it was starting to really bug me.


Finally carefully landing on the ground, I stood face to face with a heavy metal door. I opened the door- having to push it with all my might in order to get it open just enough for me to squeeze through. The room on the other side was huge, the walls and ground were cobble and stone, a little cement mixed in-between as well.

Cages were everywhere, most scattered across every wall in the room. Smaller cages were placed in the very centre of the room, only about five of them though. The vampire was in the very centre of the room, in the middle cage out of the five- I could understand their choice of placement. Our first vampire deserves to be placed in a specific area for show.

A girl stood by the vampire, looking down at it, pondering. She had short blonde hair that looked like it was just cut messily with scissors but it still looked good. She had glasses on with dark blue eyes behind them, she looked serious.

I've seen her before as well- I didn't know EVERYONE in the building, but I have seen most walking around or doing their jobs. She seemed deep in thought, focusing on her thinking.

"Excuse me?" I asked politely, standing at the door and leaning against the doorframe a little. I kept my sore ankle a little bit off the ground so I wouldn't hurt myself more.

The woman looked at me after a moment, her eyes locked on mine. Her eyes sent tiny shivers down my spine, they looked blank and emotionless, like they were dead or something. Whatever they looked like, they made me uncomfortable, but I acted like I wasn't bothered by them.

"Ah, Damien you're awake..." she greeted with a faint smile, she looked so empty... "I have to go and retrieve my iPad, I ended up forgetting it in my office. We cannot miss any information that this one might give, will you please watch it for me for a few minutes?" She asked, I didn't have anything else to do, so I nodded.

Her smile fell as she nodded softly, walking past me with a blank stare. Creepy... The door then closed behind me with a small click, my eyes were already locked on the vampire. How disgusting it looks...

The vampire had pitch black hair, a small streak on the side of his head was dark red, probably dyed. His eyes were a bright blood red, staring at me. I bet he was trying to look innocent, yet all I saw was a creepy sinister look shadowing in his eyes.

"Stop looking cute, it isn't working," I finally mention, the vampire rolls his eyes as his eyes narrow slightly, he didn't take his eyes off me once.

"What am I to you humans? A sex slave?" He innocently brought a finger up to his lips, opening his mouth in an 'o' shape as he gently gripped one of the cage's metal bars. My eyes widened ever so slightly as blush burned my cheeks, the vampire slowly ran his tongue up the bar seductively, his eyes were dark and alluring.

I felt my body twitch uncomfortably as I looked away, trying not to look at him. The vampire made tiny noises, like he wanted attention or something. I closed my eyes and ran a hand slowly down my face, my cheeks still a little red.


"What's your name pretty boy~?" He asked, the question made me wrinkle my nose slightly. Why would someone like him care?

"Damien. What about you?"

"Eh... call me... Cadell, nice to meet you, master," he teased. I groaned and looked away, what an idiot...

"Master?" Cadell asked innocently, I tried to ignore him. "Masssster~ Master master!" He whined, I still ignored him even if he was getting more annoying as the seconds passed by.


"WHAT?" I barked, glaring at him. His bright blood red eyes locked with mine as he smirked sinisterly, still obviously teasing me.

"Am I a good boy? Do I get a treat?"

I groaned again in annoyance and stomped my foot onto the ground, wincing in pain as I heard a small crack in my ankle. Cadell stared at me curiously, he eyed me as I trembled in pain for a moment.

"Fuck..." I mumbled as I looked at him, still glaring out of the corner of my eye at him. "I'll see if I can bring you some dog treats later or something, I don't know. Don't get your hopes up, got it?" I asked, I was joking obviously, why would I get anything for a vampire- especially... this one.

Cadell clapped his hands together and smirked, his eyes darkening as his hand caressed the same bar of his cage. Once again he ran his tongue up it, staring into my eyes as he did it.

"I'll be eagerly awaiting my master's return~"

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