No Room For Era

By MsChryssieE

273K 11.5K 6.2K

A marriage is not 50/50. A marriage is 100/100. Its about giving everything you got for the love that created... More

Bonus Chapter


3.5K 187 92
By MsChryssieE



Rolling over, I passed my hand on August's side only to realize it was empty. Laying flat on my back, I opened my eyes and just stared at the ceiling in the somewhat dark room.

"What time is it?" I mumbled taking my phone from the bedside table.

Pressing for the screen, my eyes widened when I saw it was twenty five past ten in the morning.

"These fucking curtains." I sighed.

Still laying in bed, I thought about all I had to do for this day. Even though it was Saturday, I had a schedule as usual and with it being literally and exact month till our wedding, I still had to book our honeymoon, get shoes, a makeup artist and hair dresser all while managing Kevin and Nita.

"Shit, Nita!" I got up quickly.

Remembering she had a photo shoot today, I walked over to the curtains and pulled back the dark ones, allowing the sun light to shine through the sheer ones.

"Thank you God for another day, health, strength and safety. Continue to bless and protect me, my family and loved ones all over. In your name I pray, Amen."

After giving up my gratitude, I began to straighten up. Making our bed, picking up clothes that August had on his side, I dropped it in the hamper before going and doing my morning ritual.

"🎶Love come down. Ouu you make my love, come down.🎶"

As I sang along to kid the wiz mix, I found it strange that I didnt hear nor was interrupted by neither of my Augusts.

Stepping out, I cleansed, toned and moisturized my face. Pulling on my robe tie some more, I left and went down to the kitchen.

"Ok, so they've eaten." I walked over to the stove.

Shaking my head at what he made for breakfast, I just laughed.

"Where the hell are they?" I questioned out loud.

Searching all of downstairs, the only other place that came to mind was YaYa's play room and if the door was closed, I wouldn't hear anything because it, like our bedroom and the studio, was sound proof.

As I approached the door, it was slightly cracked and I heard my princess's voice.

"This one daddy! Let's sing this one!!!"

"Aight lah baybeh."

Hearing her giggle when he said that, I just smiled. She loved when his New Orleans accent came out and would say things just so he can say it in the accent.

As I stood there, I heard "Ready to go" intro began. YaYa in her happiness began to dance instantly.

"Sing daddy, sing!"

"Alright love." He laughed as Jussie's verse began.

Quickly heading back to our room, I grabbed my camera and came back to record the moment.

🎶Put your hands up and just turn up the bass!🎶

August began to jump like YaYa as the horns came in. Lifting her up he began to sing the second verse to her as he spun around a bit making her laugh.

🎶Said I can't deny,
I get high off of life.
This world is all mine,
but I'll share with you🎶

Stopping record, I began taking a couple shots of them. The sound of the shutter gave me away as August looked in my direction.


Wiggling out of his arms, she ran over to me.

"Morning princess." I lifted her, giving her a kiss on her cheek.

"Morning sleepy head." She mushed my cheeks.

Laughing I approached August and gave him a kiss before putting YaYa down.

"You sneaking pictures now?"

"Those are the best ones." I smiled.

"Momma come sing with us."

"Just a minute babe. Go look for a song in the mean time."


Going over to her music system, she scrolled through as I looked at August.

"Wassup? What I do?"

"Mac n Cheese for breakfast babe?"

"Oh." He laughed.

"That's she wanted when I asked her."

"Yea but babe not for breakfast. You spoiling her."

"She already spoilt plus I didn't mind. Ya lucky we left back for you."

"I'll make something else."

"Fine, me and mini August would just eat what's left. Ain't that right princess." He looked at her.


"Uh! I didn't say I didnt want it." I looked at him.

"Just selfish and greedy."

"That's why you're going to make me pancakes." I cheesed.

"Who said that?"

"Our daughter."

"When she said that?"


"Princess doesn't daddy have to make pancakes for mommy?"

"Yes mommy." She got up and came over to us. "After we dance." She took our hands.

"She's too much into music." I laughed as Drake's 'One Dance' came on.

"Yea." He laughed as we sang and dance.

When the female voice came in, YaYa sang it.

🎶Baby, I like your style.🎶

She was so into it, we paused just staring at her as she danced.

"She gets that little whining thing from you." August shook his head.

"At least she can dance."

"Hey. I'm gonna surprise ya one day. Just wait on it." He side eyed me.

Since we been together, I won't lie, my baby has improved on his stiffness of his waistline but he still had his moments.

"I'm going to finish get ready." I whispered.

"Yeen got on anything under there?" He pulled the neck of my robe.

"No and I don't have time to fool around. I got a lot to do today."

"You lucky." He kissed my lips.

"Don't forget she has a birthday party today and its a pool one."

"Yea I know."

Nodding, I left the both of them to get ready. Looking through my clothes, I decided I wanted to be a bit dressy but still casual.

As I got out my outfit from the dresser, I remembered our honeymoon booking. Going into the smaller top drawer, I grabbed our passports and tossed them on the bed then got dressed.

"Ok let me see about these flights."

Grabbing the passports, I sat by my vanity, in front my laptop. Typing in the airline, I searched the flights and dates.

"Fuck." I mumbled.

Everything was basically booked or too late. Thinking, I got my phone and called my mother. As the phone rang, I flipped the pages of August's passport randomly.

"Hi lovie." I heard my mother's voice. "Hello? Keira?"

Hearing her call me, I was too caught up in the last page of his passport.



"Sweet heart, what's wrong?"

"Oh nothing mommy. Sorry I zoned out."

"You good though?"

"Yea. Um, I called to ask for a favor. I'll pay the cost if I have too."

"Ok what is it?"

As I explained to her what I needed and all the information, I kept staring at August's passport.

When I was done with her, I flipped back through it. Stopping on another page, I became more confused than before.

"Baybeh?" I heard him call.

Dropping my hands before he came in sight, I put my attention on the door way.


"Pancakes ready."

"Oh ok. Thanks." I nodded.

"You ok?" He looked at me.

"Uh huh. I'm fine."

Staring at me, I gave him a tight lip smile.

"Alright then. Come eat before it gets cold."

"Ok, I'm coming."

Once he was gone, I got up and went back to the dresser, looking at his passport.

"What have you been up too August?" I questioned.


"Sis, thanks again so much for getting me this shoot."

"You're most welcome babe. You look amazing by the way. That snapback was too real."

"Girl I'm so grateful for it." I laughed.

Keira and I were in the dressing room as I finished my makeup and sang along to 'Can't let you go' to myself.

After talking to Kevin some more, we decided to wait a bit before I got back out to work and now that Bash was three months, I finally got to get back into the swing of things.

"I'm loving that bang on you."

"I know right. And Kevin is too." I laughed. "Take this picture for me." I handed her my phone.

"Snapchat or insta?"

"Do the regular camera and I'll just edit and post it."

"Ok cool."

Taking off the jacket, I sat on the chair and posed before she took the picture.

"Thank you." I smiled satisfied. "Why aren't you the photographer again?"

Laughing she just shook her head as my name was called. Getting on set, I did my thing.

As I did my shots, I saw Keira with her phone lowkey recording for me. Laughing, I really enjoyed myself.

"Next look!" The photographer yelled.

Walking into the dressing room, my outfit was laid out already. Smiling, I got dressed quickly then took a picture and sent it to Kevin to tease him.

Soon enough my phone began to ring.

"Yes." I laughed.

"You getting to keep that top thing?"

"I highly doubt it." I laughed at his excitement.

"Sneak it in your bag or some shit. Hell tell Keira I said to buy it for you."

"Babe." I laughed.

"I'm serious Nita. Bring that shit home and watch me put another one in ya."

"I'm gone. Goodbye." I laughed.

Ending the call on him. I walked out and got back into my mind frame.


"These looked really good?" I heard Keira say to the photographer.

"You did great picking her for me." He looked at her and smiled.

"I know you not here flirting with my sis." I walked over to them.

"I mean she's a beautiful female." He smiled.

"Yea. That's what my fiancé tells me." She smirked.

"Let me stop before Yung Aug sends his niggas for me." He joked.

Looking back at some of the photos, I smiled, being proud of myself.

"Nita, thank you so much for this. You too Keira."

"You're most welcome Derek."

"Megan should have your payment ready for you."

"Ok cool."

Saying our goodbyes, Keira went to check Megan while I went to change. Meeting her back by my car, we got in.

"This is for you!" She said handing me my payment.

"Thanks babe. It feels so good to be back to working."

"I know what you mean. But girl I need to talk to you about something."

"Oh God what happened?"

"Nothing yet." She looked at me.

Judging by the look on her face, I waited as she went into her purse.


"Man I think Keira knows."

"Wait you ain't tell her yet?"

"No and my passport is missing. Well both of ours so I figure she took them to plan whatever."

"Man why didn't you tell her."

"I honestly forgot.

Me and Aug were on our way to the mall to get some gift he also forgot to buy for some party YaYa had to go too.

"So what you going to do?"

"Well when we get home later, I'll see if she says anything."

Shaking my head, I kept my eyes on the road. Between my work schedule, Nita getting back out there and raising our son, shit was getting tough.

Our mothers had went back to handle some business that they wasn't ready to tell us about yet so it was just me and Nita on shifts so to speak when it came to Bash.

Finding a parking spot, me and Aug got out and got out kids.

"Man, he'on look shit like you." Aug laughed.

"I know right. He's all Anita."

Walking in the mall, some females approached us. Asking for a photo with Aug, I got this chilling feeling. Looking down at my niece, her expression wasn't too pleasant.

"Daddy!" She called.

"Yea princess."

Looking at her, he didn't say anything.

"Aight ladies. Tha boss ain't having it and a nigga on her time." He laughed.

"Awe she's so cute though." One said.

When YaYa heard that, she went into Keira mode.

"Oop!" Another one said when she saw YaYa's look.

"C'mon ma lah gangsta baybeh." Aug took her hand. "Just like ya momma."

As we walked, I couldn't help but laugh. Walking into a toy store, Aug didnt care what it was, he just got it and we left.

Heading over to the community pool for this party, I was glad to be getting out and its not work related.

"Woe, make sure you tell my sister."

"I will man. But tell me why these lah girls in these kinda swimsuits though."

Looking around, I knew we wasn't gonna be staying long.

"Daddy change please."

"Slow ya roll lah girl. Now we ain't staying too long aight. Daddy wanna take ya momma out tonight and ya gon be staying with TeeTee Nita."


After changing her, the birthday girl and her momma came over to greet us.

"Hi August, so nice of you to come." She spoke to YaYa.

"Thank you. Happy birthday Ava." She gave her her gift.

"Princess let me get a picture of ya with ya lah friend for momma to see."

Hugging the little girl, they smiled as Yung and I took a picture.

Letting her go and play a bit, we made our way to the grow folks food table. Getting a plate and a seat where we could see her, I placed the carrier my son was in on the table.

He was wide awake and just looking all around him.

"Aye little man." I rubbed his belly as we ate.

"You think she gonna be mad at me?"

"How she been these days, health wise?"

"She been ok."

"Then nah, she gonna want to keep herself calm but if she does know, she will say something."

When he was M.I.A back when Keira and YaYa were in Cali and I approached him bout it, he came out and told me where he went and what it was for.

Personally, I would have done the same, but I wouldn't have kept it from Anita this long.

After spending a good hour and half, YaYa got bored so we decided to leave. Pulling up at the house, Keira's car was there.

"Momma home." YaYa smiled.


Walking into the house, the smell of food caught me.

"I'll just help myself to whatever it is my amazing sister cooked." I smiled.

As I was about to walk off, Keira came down stairs.


"Hey babe wassup."

"We gotta talk." She told Aug.

"Woe. I'll see you." I turned and walked back out.

"I thought you was-"

"Nah man, Bash in the car remember. Sis, send me some food later."


Kissing my niece goodbye, I left and went home.


"Something smells good." I smiled.

"YaYa go change please princess." Keira instructed while still looking at me.

Biting the inside of my cheek, I watched as our daughter left the room. Keira left and went into the kitchen and I was right behind her.

"So wassup babe. How was the shoot?"

"Why did you go to Jamaica?" She turned and looked at me.

Standing there I knew I had to come correct or this whole conversation could go left.


Ok so I think its only two more chapters to come then the epilogue for this book.

I'm ending it sooner than I planned because the response, I don't feel like its worth continuing.

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter.

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