Rosalie's Kingdom {OLD VERSIO...

By ForMyOwn

1.1K 110 34

REWRITE IS UP NOW ANd is way better seriously. Taking a shortcut was the most life-changing decision Rosalie... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
So long, and thanks for all the fish

Chapter 5

48 4 1
By ForMyOwn

Corvin looked at her for a moment before snickering under his breath. Ro blushed, not realizing she had said that out loud. The king glanced their way, smiling at their interaction. It seems that Corvin isn't as impassive as many make him out to be. Sparing a look for his friends, he saw that Lord and Lady Duarte made the same conclusion.

"Now, I think we would all do well to retire to the library," Gaius said, clapping his hands together once. As they all stood, Lady Duarte shot a meaningful look at Corvin and gesturing to Ro while her head was turned. Rolling his eyes, he offered Rosalie his arm.

"Oh, thank you, Corvin," she said, smiling his way. It's strange to be treated like a lady, she thought. Sleazeballs from high school have got nothing on nobility, as snobby as some are.

"My pleasure, your highness," he replied.

Ro frowned. "Please, don't call me that," she groaned. "I need to get into this whole royalty thing slowly, and I'd rather not have friends feel like they have to tiptoe around me for fear of my royal wrath." She waggled the fingers on her free hand, making him laugh again.

"If that's what makes you more comfortable," he said, stopping for a moment, "Rosalie." Hearing her name lifted a weight off her shoulders she hadn't realized she'd been carrying. They went back to walking; when they stopped, the adults and Ana had pulled ahead some, enough to be noticeable. "So, have you seen the library at all?"

"No, but I'm looking forward to spending time in it," she said, not bothering to hide the excitement in her voice. "I've always been partial to books, and now that I have a chance to learn more, and at my own pace, I'm practically chomping at the bit."

His eyes took on a mischievous glint, like he was privy to some secret she had no idea about. "I can say with certainty, that you won't disappointed." He smiled and looked ahead again.

The others had stopped for a moment outside a large wooden door, again, much like the throne room and dining room. It was open, letting a warm glow seep into the shadowed corridor. Rosalie could smell the paper and ink from where she was standing, her hands itching to turn pages. What she saw once she stepped inside made her gasp. She let her arm slip from Corvin's, walking into a large room filled with rows upon rows of shelves.

There was no empty space on the shelves. It made her happy to see that all the books were dusted and well-maintained. Nothing bothered her more than neglected books. Except maybe asparagus, she thought. The more she entered, the less she cared about her situation. She spotted a spiralling staircase tucked into one corner, leading to the upper level.

"This is...this is amazing..." she said, unable to fully articulate her joy.

"What's so amazing? It's just books," said Analiese. Ro's head turned to where the others had sat, giving Ana an utterly bewildered look.

"Just...books?" Ro stuttered. Gaius was holding back his laughter. "There is no such thing as just books. These," she gestured wildly at the room around them, "are history. These are knowledge. These are not, and never will be, just books. In this room is so much knowledge, just us two could solve every problem in the world without stepping outside that door." She leaned down and took Ana's hands in her own. "There is no such thing as just books," she repeated. She straightened up. "Hey uncle G, where would I find something on weavers? I want to know everything."


Nearly half an hour later, Ro was sitting at one of the tables, four books open to seemingly random pages. Another three were stacked on the edge waiting to be read.

Corvin sat across from her, leaning back in his chair and reading a novel. Ro looked up suddenly. "Corvin?"


"Is it possible for a light weaver to learn skills of a dark one, and vice versa?"

He sighed and set his book down, taking care to mark his place. "Yes, it is very possible, just very difficult," he answered.

Ro looked thoughtful for a moment. "Would you be willing to teach me some?" The question gave him pause.

"I think you should learn what you can do before trying your hand at what others can do."

She nodded and looked back to her book. "It says here that dark weavers are healers," Ro stated. "And alignment with the earth and plants is common, too." With a gasp, she looked up. "No wonder I've always been good with plants!" Corvin raised an eyebrow. "My mom ended up killing every houseplant dad gave her," she explained, her eyes taking on a wistful shine. "Soon enough, he learned to just put them in my room." She chuckled under her breath and shook her head gently, turning back to her book.

In the corner sitting beside a fireplace, the king and the elder Duartes looked on at the scene. "It warms my heart more than the fire," Lady Duarte whispered. She gave her husband an affectionate look. "It reminds me of us..."

Gaius laughed lightly at that. "They haven't threatened to chop off each other's arms," he joked, nudging Lord Duarte with an elbow, "so I doubt they're anything like you two were." That made the three adults laugh. Analiese had fallen asleep on the floor; the adventure book she had been reading was used as an impromptu pillow. The king's expression soon turned solemn. "Have you told him?" he whispered, trying not to alert the two studying.

Lord Duarte shook his head. "I didn't think I'd ever have to, to be honest," the man replied, his jovial mood turning somber. "At the time, I didn't think we'd ever find her, let alone announce their betrothal."

"I believe we should wait, the longer the better," Gaius said. "She's barely started learning about this world; I'd rather not push her into marriage." He shook his head then spared his niece a sad look. Ro was too busy reading to notice the world around her, but Corvin was busy looking at her. She is quite a sight, Gaius thought, reminiscing on days past. "Let them grow," he said, turning back to his friends. "Luckily, the other nobles didn't catch wind of it, or it'd surely be a problem."

Rosalie let out a yawn and rubbed her eyes. Her uncle slowly pulled himself standing and looked at the clock. "Lovely as it has been, I've got quite a bit more work to do before I succumb to sleep," Gaius groaned, stretching his back out like a cat. "I'll let you keep Rosalie company, if she so wishes, but I will retire to my rooms for the night." Stepping over a sleeping Ana, he reached over and hugged Ro. After another short goodbye, he left them.

Ro went back to her reading. It seemed like only five minutes later when Lady Duarte walked up to the table with Lord Duarte not far behind carrying Ana, still fast asleep. "Corvin, dear, you're welcome to stay a little later," she whispered, giving him a kiss on the forehead, "but your father and I need rest. You know where the manor is, and there's always the spare room the king offers to us."

Corvin sighed and closed his book. He glanced at Rosalie. Looking at the clock, it was only 9 in the evening. "I think I'll stay a little longer," Corvin finally said. "I'm nearly finished with this book, and it's at an interesting part."

His mother gave them both a smile. "Alright, deary. Rosalie, I enjoyed your company, and I hope we'll see more of each other in the future." Ro returned the smile and stood to hug her newfound friend.

"Plan on it," she replied. They left soon after, and both returned to their respective books. Another two hour passed without either noticing. They only realized the time once Ro's stomach began to growl.

"Uh, excuse me?" she said sheepishly. That made Corvin laugh. Ro noticed he had finished his book quite a while ago, but he still stayed with her. I wonder why, she thought curiously. Another thought went through her mind, but she didn't let herself finish; she silently thanked the dim lighting, as is masked the heavy blush on her cheeks. One mental slap later, and she realized he had said something to her. "Sorry," Ro apologized. "I kinda zoned out there for a minute."

"Zoned out? That's an interesting way to say it." their laughter filled the quiet library. "I said that we could sneak down to the kitchens to see if anyone would be willing to make something," he explained.

A mischievous smile plastered itself onto Ro's face. "That's a great idea."


Two minutes later, they were walking quietly through the halls. "How do you know where you're going?"

"I know the castle like the back of my hand," Corvin answered with a wink. "The only person who knows it better is the king. Turn here." They went down another small hallway. The only other people up and about were guards and the odd maid or two. Ro couldn't stop giggling.

"You know, we could've just gone back to my rooms and ring for a maid," she reasoned. "They would've brought us something." Corvin went rigid and blushed furiously. "Are you alright?"

"The thought of...going into a lady's room this late at night is...deplorable," he explained, grabbing her hand to keep her from falling behind.

"So you'd go into a lady's room in the middle of the day?" Rosalie teased. Her companion decided he wouldn't win this, so he stayed silent.

They walked for another few minutes, dodging the halls with heavier traffic. Just as they were about to turn a corner, Corvin sucked in his breath and ducked back behind the wall, dragging Rosalie with him. He motioned for her to stay quiet. Before they could fully turn around to find another route, a voice called out.

"It's no use," she said. "I already saw you." The two sighed and stepped out of the shadows. Lady Haley was standing in the middle of the hall, a playful smirk on her lips. "Corvin, I didn't peg you as the type to run around the castle at night, with the princess, no less."

Corvin sighed. "We were going to the kitchens to see if there was anything for us to eat," he explained. Ro noticed he was still holding her hand, but decided not to say anything.

"Nobody's in there; I already checked. You should come to the mess hall," Fausta invited. Ro shook her head.

"I'd be glad to meet the guards and staff, but I suspect sneaking out at nearly midnight is generally frowned upon," she said, frowning to prove her point.

Fausta laughed. "You certainly are your mother's daughter. Raised by a different person, but the same nonetheless." At that point, Fausta noticed their hands still together. Following her gaze, Ro pulled away stammering incoherently. Fausta just laughed it off. "Well, it was nice to see you again, but I'm going to bed. Sorry for kidnapping you earlier." With a last wink, she ducked down another hallway.

Rosalie chuckled nervously. "Uh, well, this has been fun and all, but we probably should go to bed," she started. "Do you think you could lead me back to my room?"

"That's probably for the best," he said. "It's dark, and you haven't been here for a full day yet. There's no way you'd make it back by yourself." His voice edged on teasing, but Ro took it has a challenge.

"Oh really?" She cocked an eyebrow. "What if I try and lead us back, and if I get lost, then you can lead us the right way."

"It's your sleep you're cutting into," he countered, "but only on one condition: if you lose, then tomorrow, you have to train with me."

Rosalie shrugged. "Uncle G was gonna get me started tomorrow, anyway. It's a deal."


"You're lost."

"No, we're not lost."

"Yes, we're technically not lost, but that's only because I know where we are. You're the only one who's lost."


"You lost track of where we were half an hour ago."

"No I didn't."


"It was only twenty minutes ago. Trust me, I got this."

More silence.

"Ugh, fine. Lead the way," she finally conceded. Corvin smirked. They turned down two hallways and ended at her room within three minutes. "Seriously?! I was so close!" Ro threw her hands up in defeat.

"You went down the same hallway six times," Corvin explained, leaning against the wall by her door.

"I was wondering why there were so many copies of that landscape painting," Rosalie said sarcastically. They both laughed. Ro looked around the empty hallway. "Isn't there supposed to be a guard stationed by my door? Uncreative-name was standing here right before dinner."

Her companion raised his eyebrows, but didn't ask. Instead, he shrugged stepped closer. Please don't kiss me, please don't kiss me, please don't kiss me, please kiss me, please kiss me, was all that was going through Ro's mind. She tensed up as he came an inch closer than she would normally comfortable with. Since he was a few inches taller, she had to look up into his eyes. Such interesting eyes...

His bangs were swept to the side and brushed against his brow. He didn't break eye contact as he reached his hand down and took her own, brushing his lips on her hand. At that point, Ro was trying not to swoon. So goddamn charming, she thought. Breathing heavier than she would like, she opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. "Goodnight, Rosalie," Corvin said, in his obnoxiously deep and smooth voice, gods above.

"Goodnight," she managed to say, despite being out of breathe. Corvin smirked and sauntered away.

Rosalie let out the breath she hadn't realized she was holding. Once he turned the corner, she leaned against the wall, not trusting herself to stand. Once recuperated enough, she slipped into her room.

Loud snores were coming from her study. When she reached the source, she held back her laughter. Myrtle had fallen asleep in one of the chairs; the fire had died out hours ago. Walking lightly over to the sleeping maid, she gently shook her awake. "Myrtle. Myrtle?" With a jerk, she shot upright.

"Oh! Your highness! I didn't mean to fall asleep, it's just that you were ou-"

"Calm down, Myrtle," Ro soothed. "It's really no big deal. I did come back quite late. I probably would've left you there, but I kinda need help getting out of this dress."

"Of course your high- I mean, Miss Rosalie," she said, hopping up from her chair and leading her to the closet. Ro sighed. At least it's better than "your highness."

While being unlaced, Ro had a thought. "Hey, Myrtle?"


"Where do you sleep?"

Myrtle clucked her tongue. "Did you not see the maid's quarters? They're in the back of the closet."


"Will that be all, miss?" she asked.

"Um, yes. Thank you, and goodnight," Ro said, watching Myrtle retreat into the back of the closet.

Rosalie felt dead on her feet. The consistent adrenaline she had with Corvin had finally worn off, as did the nap she took earlier. Falling onto the soft bed, she sighed once more.

Why does he have to be so charming? she thought. It's not fair for any one person to be so charming. It makes me want to smack him in his stupid charming face, but he'd probably say he deserved it. Rosalie groaned and shoved her face into her pillow, letting sleep rush in.  

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