Under The Southern Sky (ON HO...

By neonblonde1

70K 3.6K 560

When unexpected circumstances take Mercy Rae Harrison and her parents, Jeb & Carla, all the way to Fort Worth... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Note from the author

Chapter 9

1.9K 103 8
By neonblonde1

(Continuation of chapter 8)

Hank and Tuck arrived, along with Belynda Marie, who said Tammi Sue would be here as soon as she could get one of her people to close the bar.

Randy and Walker arrived together and then another truck I didn't recognize pulled in behind their's. I waited for the man to get down.  It was Luke and he had an older gentleman with him and it wasn't until he slid from the truck I realized who it was.

"Sheriff Jackson!" I said walking up to him for a hug. "My goodness, Mercy Rae. Look at how you've grown" he said smiling at me.

"You're lookin as handsome as ever" I told him, leaving him smiling and laughing at the same time. "The meat is almost ready. I've got plenty of sweet tea, beer, soda and water, so help yourself" I finished.

I walked back over to see how Bo was coming with the meat and I couldn't believe who I saw talking to him! Charity Spencer!

Of all the nerve that heifer showed in coming onto my land and without an invite.  Tammi Sue had just arrived and was shooting daggers along with Belynda.

She was laughing and flirting shamelessly with Bo and he looked about as comfortable as a bull with his balls tied up under him.

This girl was playin with fire and I was about to serve her ass. I walked right up to Bo, with a plate, put my arm around his waist and kissed his bicep.

"How's it comin baby?" I asked. Bo chuckled, knowing exactly what I was doing, but he answered me anyway. "Good little filly. This batch is done" he said kissing my cheek. Yes!

"Oh hey Charity. I didn't see you standing there" I said unamused. She huffed and started to walk away. "You're welcome to stay and eat" I threw out there, really meaning it.

She stomped back, apparently pissed, and said "I wouldn't eat your food if it was the only food left in the world." Wow, this one was hateful and bitter.

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I think you would have enjoyed the company." And with that, I turned and faced Bo, talking to him and ignoring her.

A few minutes later I heard her truck peel out. No love loss there and good riddance.

"What did that crazy cow want?" Tammi Sue huffed as Belynda snickered. 

"To start trouble no doubt" I replied, more than ticked off about her attitude.

"I'm sorry she was rude to you darlin. She's just really set in her ways and doesn't like the word no" Bo explained.

I shrugged. "I really did mean it when I told her she could stay. But Bo, I'm not gonna waste my time trying to get someone like her to approve of me. I don't do that."

And then I threw out there for good measure "Also, I don't want any trouble and if there is something going on between y'all, I don't want to get in the way."

Bo didn't look happy at my statement.  "Mercy Rae, there is only one woman in this town that I'm interested in and she's standin next to me.  So I don't want her name mentioned again.  She's irrelevant" he said adamantly.

I had to smooth down the feathers I just ruffled, so I turned him gently, facing me, and pulled his face down to mine and gave him a slow, sweet kiss.  I had soothed the beast.

"Okay?" He asked.  I nodded and said "Okay."  Wanting to add some levity to the situation, I said "You look good behind a grill, Mr. Robertson."  He laughed and spun the spatula expertly, which made me laugh.

All the steaks were done as were the hamburgers and hotdogs and finally it was time for everyone to eat.

The whole evening turned out great and the more time I spent with these folks, the closer I felt to them and wanted them to feel like family.

I could feel Bo's eyes on me as I walked around seeing to everyone's needs, just chatting and laughing with them over a good meal.

I had purchased containers for people to take leftovers home in, but just Bo and his friends, the way they ate, I didn't know if there would be any left.

With the country music playing in the background, people talking and laughing, the evening couldn't have gone any better until he showed up. Mathis Gillis.

"What the hell does that pecker wood want?" Hank asked, standing up, along with the others.

Gillis was a pompous, narcissistic asshole who thought he could just buy up everyone's land, but my daddy wouldn't sell to him and I'm sure not going to either.

"Your daddy wasn't a very smart man, Ms. Harrison" he said, rocking back and forth on the heels of very expensive cowboy boots.

"Really? My daddy was the smartest man I ever met, Mr. Gillis. Now unless you would like to sit down and have a meal with us, I suggest you get off my land, because you are not welcome here and you will not slander my daddy." I was pissed.

"Come now, no need to get upset over the truth. I offered him a very generous amount for this land and he flat out refused, giving it to you instead." There was a whole wagon load of condescension in his tone along with arrogance.

"Yes. Key word here is giving, meaning it's mine. Now, Sheriff Jackson is here and if I need to get him I will" I replied.

His stare was cold and the last thing he said before getting into his Cadillac was "I'd hate to see a pretty young thing like yourself get hurt." And just like that, he was gone.

Everyone kind of stared at me and then I said "Come on folks. Don't let that back end of a mule ruin our family dinner" I joked as everyone laughed, but deep down the man's words made my blood run cold.

I didn't want any trouble, but this is my land and you'd have to drag me kickin and screamin to get me off it.

"Mercy?" Bo called out. "Yeah, sorry. What baby?" I replied. "Don't let that asshole get to you darlin. He's got no claim on you or your land." I knew he was right, but still.

Just then Thompson Square Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not came on, so I took Bo by the hand and asked him to dance with me.

We just grinned like two Cheshire cats as he whirled me around my front yard, one minute he was singing to me, the next I was singing to him.  He helped me enjoy life and I was a believer in it being better when you could share it with someone special.

"Will you stay for a while, after everyone leaves?" I asked.  He kissed the top of my head.

"You don't have to ask little filly.  I'd be glad too" he said.

Happy with his response, I laid my head against his chest while we finished our dance.

I could most definitely see Bo in my life and the possibilities with this man made me look forward to my future.

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