Kindness For Weakness

By Rayyy115

1.8K 221 21

Enjoy 😌 My first book so bare with me 😁 More

My BestFriend
Betraying Ass Hoes
Rude Awakening
Ungrateful Bitch's
Broken Hearts
New Beginnings
No Strings Attached?
Someone New
A Night To Remember
All About My Business
Second Chances
Rethinking Things
Important Things
Negative Attitudes
The Next Level
Back How Things Were
Loving You
Time For A Change
Played Out
Apart Of Me
Taking A Break
Bigger And Better Things
Wedding Bells
Old Flames
The HoneyMoon
Truth's & Cheater's
Karma Kry's
Game Plan
Private Time
The New Assistant Part 1
The New Assistant Part 2
The New Assistant Part 3
The New Assistant Part 4
The New Assistant Part 5
The Baby Shower
Authors Note
Old Romance
Tricky Ass Nigga's
My Baby
A Bad Business Trip
Bad News
The Sequel!


35 3 1
By Rayyy115

~ Monday 8:00 AM ~

Ashley's Pov:I was back in Paris with my boss and Lucy and some other co-workers so we could start opening up more stores and really get Mr. Browns work out into the open, so while he goes and host for Paris fashion week I have to setup all the stores for grand openings so I'm basically doing all the hard work.

Ashley:"Um Miracle where are the flowers I ordered last week?" She said confused.

(Miracle Is One Of Ashley's Co-Workers Btw)

Miracle:"I don't know I thought they were getting flown over here." She said continuing to chew her gum loudly.

Ashley:"Well they were supposed to arrive yesterday so where are they."

Miracle:"Oh wait I just remembered something." She said picking up her iPad.

Ashley:"What now?"

Miracle:"Oh fuck."


Miracle:"I forgot to order them."

Ashley:"You what!"

Lucy:"What is going on up here I can hear yah all the way downstairs." She said opening the door.

Ashley:"Her stupid ass forgot to order the flowers so how are we supposed to finish decorating all the stores." She said sitting down in the chair near by.

Miracle:"First off I ain't stupid you should have did it your damn self!"

Ashley:"Bitch who the fuck you talking to I'm in charge not you!" She said hopping out her seat.

While Ashley and Miracle kept on bickering Lucy stood there not knowing what to do but its good she stopped them before hands could be thrown.

Lucy:"Please stop yah."

Ashley:"No she got me fucked up."

Miracle:"We can take this outside."

Lucy:"STOP!" She said getting in between them.


Lucy:"Look we have about ten hours left we have plenty of time left all we have to do is go to some type of flower store and get some bomb ass Looking flowers to go with the store colors."

Ashley:"Well we are in Paris I guess it couldn't hurt."

Miracle:"Mm I guess."

Lucy:"Thank You now lets get the rest of these stores done please."

~ 5 Hours Later 1:45 PM ~

Andre's Pov:Sense Ashley left earlier for her business trip I decided to take Brian with me for some drinks and maybe a little clubbing later on just to get his mind back on the right track because something has been up with him but I can't put my finger on it.

Brian:"Man I told I didn't wanna come here all I wanted to do was sleep."

Andre:"And thats the reason why I dragged your ass out of the bed, you needed to have some fun what happened to the old Brian."

Brian:"I don't know maybe he's fucking some hoe right now." He said taking a sip of his beer.

Andre:"You know what its time I get your ass to loosen up just a little cuz you trippen nigga, aye bartender let me get 5 shots of tequila for me and my friend here oh and don't forget the lemon on the side."

Bartender:"Coming up sexy." She said winking.

Brian:"Ashley is gonna kill you."

Andre:"Guess what Ashley Ain't here and plus she probably in Paris having a good ass time also so I ain't worried."

Brian:"How if its a business trip you know she's there to work not to play."

Andre:"Just shut up and take these shots with me."

Ashley's Pov:Time was going by fast as hell and we still couldn't find any nice flowers to go with the the store colors and Miracle wasn't making things better, when I would pick up a Certain flower that I thought would go well with the store colors she would say slick shit out her mouth or under her breath. When I tell you I was trying my best not to grab her by her throat and choke her to death like literally.

Ashley:"Lucy we are never going to find anything."

Lucy:"Calm Down Ashley we will find something."

Miracle:"What about these." She said picking up a vase full of gold and matte black roses.

Lucy:"Oh my god she found the right colors Ashley see I told you we would find them."

Ashley:"Yeah whatever just ask the manager to have one hundred delivered to each store please, and Lucy call everyone and tell them we found some flowers."

Miracle:"Sure thing." She said walking to find the manager.


Ashley's Pov:"After wasting time finding stupid ass flowers we were able to get them delivered to all the stores and we also finished decorating each one. It was about twelve in the morning and I was tired as hell I've never worked so hard in my life. As soon as I got in my hotel room I hopped right in the shower I couldn't wait to get out that dress. When I was done I did all my other hygiene stuff and put my hair in a bun I put on my Victoria Secret underwear and bra hopped right on my bed. Right when I was about to lay my ass down there was a knock on the door.

Ashley:"Who is it?"

???:"Room Service."

Ashley:"I didn't order no room serv-" She said opening the door.

???:"Hey Ashley I knew You was here I've missed you these last couple of days."

Ashley:"Why are you here?"

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