No Room For Era

By MsChryssieE

274K 11.6K 6.2K

A marriage is not 50/50. A marriage is 100/100. Its about giving everything you got for the love that created... More

Bonus Chapter


3.6K 176 71
By MsChryssieE


"Why are you walking around with your hair like this?" She pulled it.

"You better leave my curls alone." I slapped away her hand. "You wasn't saying shit when your nigga was walking round with his hair like this, talking bout some 'Augusto' shit."

"First of all that's my man and he looked good. Secondly, you looking like Lloyd's dirty little cousin, Floyd. Like no."

I fell out laughing when she said that honestly.

"Well my wife love it so what you say don't matter."

"I need to talk to my sis because this shit ain't right." She shook her head as we ate.

"So you all set for his birthday tomorrow?"

"Yea I am." Keira nodded with this huge smile.

"He still don't know you planned this trip huh?"

"Nope." She laughed.

"Well good luck with that." I shook my head.

"How you been managing though. I'm surprised you went back to working."

"You know I can't stay down for too long sis."

"True but at least her aunt is there to help."

"Yea and now that momma is here and Aug's mom, I can get back into the groove if things."


Even though Bash is just two weeks old, he was alert and active. Things been easy with the extra help we been getting from Nita's aunt so now I can get back to working.

"Let me ask you something?"

"Anything sis." I took a bite in my sandwich.

"You think it would be strange if I selected the Caribbean for our honeymoon."

Slowly chewing, I looked at her. Giving my full attention, I swallowed before answering.

"It depends on where."

"Not Jamaica, if thats what you are thinking."

"Ok well nah, it shouldn't be weird, but where you had in mind?"

"I came across this amazing resort in the mountains of St. Lucia called Ladera Resort. Oh my God, Kevin." She placed her hand on her chest. "This place is breath taking."

"Well damn. Let me see."

Laughing, she came around by me with her Macbook and pulled up the site.

From the moment she went to the photo gallery, I was in awe.

"The suites are opened so you have the bed and like when you wake up, you see the sun rise and all that stuff."

"Where the hell do you find these places and why don't you tell me bout them?"

"I do my research Kev."

"But this shit looks different and nice."

"And peaceful too. I just want somewhere thats private."

"So what this room comes with?"

"Read the description bruh. I gotta spell everything out for you."

"Don't start." I pointed at her.


"But this shit is dope. I say do it." I nodded.

"Ok but."

"God, what now?"

"There is another place I saw and fell in love with."

"You need to close your damn eyes more often."

"I'm going to ignore that and still tell you. This place is in Greece though. Its called Dana Villas and they got this suite called the Infinity Suite. Kevin, the room has an indoor pool where you can walk to outside and its an infinity pool."

"Are you even interested in this being a honeymoon." I look at her crazy. "Because this shit seem like you more into which place got the best pool."

"I mean the better the pool, its another place for me and August to fuck." She shrugged.

"You know what." I got up. "You canceled Keira. Fuck outta here with that shit!"

"Aye watch you to talking to my girl in our house woe." Aug came in. "You maybe her brother but a nigga will fight you."

"That's right." Keira hyped him. "Hi baby."

"Hey ma." The shared a kiss.

Shaking my head, I went over to the fridge to get something to drink.

"Where's Kenya?"

"With her grandmothers. They all going crazy over that baybeh."

"I'm surprised YaYa ain't start to show out yet." I laughed.

"Nah we had a talk with her where tha baybeh and attention is concerned. She straight."

"Well that's good."



Taking back my seat, I went through the emails Kei had for me and my schedule.

"I was thinking, for your birthday tomorrow-"

"Let me stop ya right thea. Ion wanna do shit fa my birthday. I just wanna wake up, say thank God and chill with ma girls all day."

When he said that, I looked at Keira. Her face dropped as she got really quiet.


"Yea. I'm gonna turn my phone off, and we do family shit." He smiled before walking off.

Keira stood there as though she was lost at this point.

"Sis you good?"

"Umm, yeah." She nodded. "I'm fine. Just give me a minute."

As she walked off, I sighed. I knew she was hyped by the plans she had set up. She and Yung ain't really had much alone time so I know she felt some kind of way.

"Hey where Keira went?" He came back in.

"I don't know. All she said was to give her a minute."

"Oh aight, well tell her I went to make a run to come back."


Once he left, I sat and waited till she came back. While waiting my phone vibrated.

"Wife❤: Babe when you get home, I wanna talk to you about something."-1:25pm.

": Something good or something bad?"-1:26pm.

"Wife❤: idk how you would take it tbh🙈."-1:28pm.

": I'll be there in a minute."-1:30pm.


Leaving the kitchen, I made my way down the hall looking for Keira.

"Yo sis!"

"Yea?" She finally answered.

Walking out of a room, she sniffled a bit before approaching me.

"You better now?"

"Yea. You're leaving?"

"Yea. Nita wanna talk to me about something."

"Ok no problem. When I get your new schedule in order I'll email you."


Turning to walk off, I remember the message from Yung.

"Oh before I forget. Aug said he went to make a run to comeback."

"Ok. Thanks."

"What you bout to get into?"

"Like I said, work on your schedule then get some rest before my appointment later today."

"What appointment?"

"I have a dress fitting today."

"How come you ain't tell me?"

"Because I don't want anyone to know. I want to go by myself."

"Ok. Well you do yah thing then."


I knew she was a little bummed by what Yung said but I mean, she still had time to try to change his mind.


Soon as I walked in my house, I was shocked by how quiet it was.

"Hey momma." I kissed her on her cheek. "Where's everyone?"

"Bash and YaYa are sleeping. Sheila out back relaxing and Mari in the kitchen fixing something to eat."

"Oh ok. Where's Nita?"

"I think she went to take a shower. Where your sister?"

"Home drowning herself in work."

"Oh God, why?"

"You know she had plans for her and Aug tomorrow for his birthday right?"

"Yea and what happened."

"Well she was about to suggest they go somewhere and he shut her ass down."

"I highly doubt he did."

"Before she said anything, he cut her off saying he don't want to do anything but chill with his girls. He turning off his phone and all that."

"He said that?"

"Yea and you know how she sensitive when it comes to Aug."

"She is. I don't understand how she can be so aggressive and sensitive at the same time."

"Because he loves that kinda shit with her. They weird momma. I been telling you this."

"Its what works for them."

"Yea and they making you're granddaughter weird too."

"No. You just made that she still mad at you. Like they left specific instructions for feeding Brody Kevin. How could you not follow it."

"Y'all mad because I ain't fed the dog to their liking. Man whatever." I fanned her off and left.

Making my way up to my room, Nita sat on the bed rubbing lotion on her legs.


"My love." She smiled.

"What you needed to talk to me about?" I sat next to her.

"I want to start back working." She said instantly.

"Come again?"

"Babe I miss working. I know Bash is still a new born so to speak but I'm tired of being home." She looked at me.

"I want to get out more and get back to doing me."

"But you breastfeeding babe."

"I know but I'm sure I can do something that won't resort to me being away for long."

"Only because I understand how you feel that I'm going to suggest talking to Keira. I'm sure she could hook you up with some modeling here and well you can check up on INC ever so often but I want you to pace yourself."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you baby." She jumped on me.

Falling back on the bed, we laughed before kissing each other.

"I thought you would have been against it."

"Nita I ain't stupid you know." I looked at her. "Its a reason why they say Happy Wife, Happy Life. I want both so whatever makes you happy, then I'm down for it."

"Thank you." She got up and began to dress.

"Where you going?"

"To check Kei. Why?"

"What you mean why? I wanted to you know." I motioned between us."

"Not right now babe." She pecked my lips. "Got business go deal with."




"Lunch was amazing, thank you." He kissed me on my cheek.

"You're welcome." I looked up at him giving him a tight lip smile.

Half the day had gone by and he honestly wasn't interested in going anywhere.

I tried everything to get us out the house but he didn't budge so I had just given up at this point.

"What you doing?" He came back behind me. "Keira ya really doing work on ma birthday?"

"Just checking for some thing here for Anita. Its not like we're doing anything." I shrugged.

"Well if you got off ya damn laptop maybe we could do something."

Storming out of the kitchen, I didn't even bother to say anything. Honestly I was in my feelings about all of this.

August and I hadn't have any alone time in months and now that I wanted it, again I had to take the back burner.

"Momma?" Kenya patted my leg.

"Yes Kenya?"

"Can I give daddy his gift now?"

"In a minute babe."

"Please!" She begged.

"Fine." I sighed.

Running off, she went straight to her room and came back with the bag.

"Daddy." She held it out. "Happy birthday."

Climbing onto him, she kissed his cheek.

"Thank ya princess."

Looking at me, he opened the bag and pulled out the box.

"Keira?" He looked at me.

"It was her idea." I nodded at our daughter who sat there just smiling.

"I love it."

"My foot print." YaYa whispered.

"It is huh." He kissed her cheek.

Getting up from my seat I was heading upstairs when he called me back.

"I really do appreciate this out off all my gifts babe." He held me by my waist."

"I'm glad you liked it."

"What's going on with you?"

"Nothing, just feeling tired so I think I'll got have a little soak."

"Oh. Well you do that and when ya get out, we can all lay and watch a movie like we used to. We ain't did that in a while."

"Mhmm." I nodded.

"Go head and do ya thing, I got this lah one hea."


Heading upstairs, I sighed heavily once I'd reach into our room. Changing out of my clothes, I drew myself a nice warm bath and got in. Sliding down into the tube, I let the warmth of the water sooth me.


Keira been in that bathroom fa so long that YaYa fell asleep after I gave her a bath.

Walking into our room, the bathroom door was still closed. Approaching the dresser, I took the box with my new chain and placed it with the others along with the Rolex Keira had given me that morning.

"Babe?" I knocked and called. "You good in there?"

"Yea, I'll be out in a second."

"Ok. You need anything?"

"Um just look in my drawer and take out one of my oversized tees please."

"That's it?"

"Yea. I have everything else in here."

"I gotchu."

Pulling her drawer, I got out one of the tees. As I pulled it out, some paper fell out as well.

Picking it up off the floor, I looked it over and saw our names on them.

"What are you doing?" I heard behind me.

"These fell out from in there." I stood up and faced her.

"Oh, I forgot I had put them there. Give them to me." She stretched but I pulled back.

"These say Miami, why you got tickets to Florida?"

"It doesn't matter anymore so just hand them over."

Stepping back a few, I looked it over one more time and thats when I saw the date and time.

"These for today?"

"Yea but like I said, it doesn't matter anymore so just give them to me."

Looking at her, she just sighed and dropped her extended arm. Shaking her head, she just went ahead and finished dressing.

"I'll be downstairs when you're ready." She walked out the room.

Looking at the papers in my hand, I just stared at the date and thats when it hit me. The conversation she had started that I cut her off with yesterday.

"Keira?" I made my way downstairs.

"Yes August." She looked at me.

"You wanted to surprise me with this?" I pulled her from off the couch.

"I mean, yea but."

"But I cut you off. Then went on about not wanting to do anything."

"And its cool. Its your birthday."

"It is but you was going to let this go down the drain."

"You said you wanted to just spend time with your girls. Thats the opposite of what I had planned."

"What exactly did you have planned."

"Well I had reserved the villa suite for us at the versace mansion for the weekend."

"These tickets say return is Tuesday, that four nights."

"Yea but-"

"Keira that's about five grand in total."

"Well I figured seeing as how we hadn't had any alone time in a while, it would have been the perfect time."

"So what, you canceled."

"I was just about too."

Dipping in my pants pocket, I pulled out my phone and called my mother. Even though she was staying with us, she was over at E's house a lot because of the baby and Keira and em momma.

"Yes son?"

"I need ya to come hea now fa me."

"Ok. Is everything ok?"

"Yea. I just need ya ta watch YaYa, me and Keira flying out to Florida and we gotta be in tha airport in an hour."

"Oh ok. I'll see you soon."

Putting my phone down, I held he by her waist.

"I love you. I'm sorry I didn't listen. Now go pack." I kissed her.

"You sure?"

"Positive. Now come on."

Taking her hand, we went back to our room and packed as quickly as we could. By the time we were finished, my momma was already here so it was just to tell YaYa.

"Princess." I gently shook her.


Rolling over to face the next side, I laughed because thats what Keira would do.

"August, daddy need to talk to you."

Opening her eyes, she just stared at me.

"Princess, momma and daddy going away for the weekend. Grandma got you ok."

"Ok daddy." She nodded closing back her eyes.

I looked back at Keira standing by the doorway and smiled. The way our daughta' was maturing was crazy.

"Love you princess." I kissed her forehead.

"Love you too daddy."

Keira came over and did the same and after that we left heading for the airport.

"Again, I'm sorry baybeh."

"Its ok."


"I can't believe I almost made you cancel this."

Dropping our bags by the door, we just stared into the room.

"This shit is perfect." She whispered.

Before doing anything, we called my mother and spoke to YaYa. Thankful enough she was ok and not fussing.

After speaking to her, Keira and I laid across the bed, head side by side just staring at the ceiling.

"I miss this." I confessed. "Us, just chilling."

"Me too. Being a parent is so much work." She laughed.

"I love YaYa but she be too much at times and that damn dog."

"Babe you bought him."

"I know and I love his miserable ass but Brody, Kenya and Frankie, shit crazy."

"At least she takes care of them."

"Yea. Thats a plus. We got a smart fucking daughta' ma."

"We do."

"Would I be sounding crazy if I said I miss her already."

"No because I miss her too."

Turning our heads, we looked at each other and laughed.

"You ready to officially be Mrs. Alsina."

"You mean Mrs. Cox-Alsina."

"Yeen dropping the name?"

"In memory of my dad, I don't want too."

"I understand and that's cool with me."

"Thank you."



"What you wanna do?" I stared at the ceiling.




"So watchu waiting for?"

Without hesitation, she got up and put her hair back. Laying straight in the middle of the bed, she undid my pants and took full control.

"Happy Fucking birthday to me!"


Needed to get this out of the way before this time jump to come...

Anyway... I'm out!!!

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