Alone With Ross

By japanese_buffalo

180K 8.7K 1.3K

"Two months of being alone and without Ross, is two months of me regretting my decisions, of me being absolut... More

Alone With Ross •Ross Lynch•
Hello <3


524 33 6
By japanese_buffalo

"C.Lynn.G thank you so much for meeting with me today." The interview woman held her hand out for me to take and I awkwardly shook it as I took a seat.

"Yeah, no problem." Her office had the most beautiful view I have ever seen of New York City.

"How was your tour of the building?" She asked as she timidly stirred her coffee.

"It was great, just kinda regret wearing heels." We both laughed, but on the inside I was wanting nothing more than to just tell her to get on with it.

"Alright so before we begin did your publicist provide you with a list?" I looked towards her confused. "You know, of the things we can't ask?"

"Erm, no, ask away." We both laughed again, and I looked away to roll my eyes.

"Okay well to break the ice, you have sold over one million copies worldwide within the first three months of your book being published, and at only 19 years old you've made the New York Times best sellers list, what are your thoughts on all of this?" I saw her little audio recorder sitting on the table between us.

"Well if I'm being honest I still wake up every day thinking it's just all a really, really good dream. But then I realize I'm awake and I never want to sleep again, because for once in my life reality is much better than my dreams." I shrugged.

"What about your family, are you getting any special treatment?" She smiled towards me, and I had to force a smile back.

"Oh, no. My foster mother congratulated me and in the same paragraph reminded me about some books I still have to pay for for college." I saw the woman's brow arch in silent question before she finally voiced it.

"So were you a foster child like your character Cassandra in the book?" My stomach dropped as I realized I had slipped up, I was just so irritated about this interview I forgot to be vague.

"Yes, I am, I thought I needed to shed light on foster children to capture them in a way that most people don't normally see, just like Cassandra, I was very close with the other foster kids, they're my family." The woman nodded and I could see this glint in her eyes that warned me she just saw a way in.

"Did you have your own Ashton as well?"

I couldn't think of anything to say so I just laughed before shaking my head to recompose myself. "Nope."

"Really? Because the blush on your face seems to be telling me that there was indeed an Ashton." I was stumped and just as I was about to tell another lie my publicist entered the room, hair askew and out of breath she looked back and forth between me and the woman.

"What are you doing?" She asked. "You legally can't produce this interview without me present and you know that." Janice came marching forward, grabbing me by the arm taking me out of this tense environment.

"Your people will be hearing from me!" Janice shouted as we were on our way out.

"Thank god!" I sighed as we got in the elevator and Janice gave me a harsh stare silencing me.

I was practically chasing her through the building and into the car that was waiting for us. "What the heck is going on?" I buckled my seat belt as the driver practically put the petal to the floor.

"What happened was one of our newer receptionists took a phone call for you, and we need you to clear the air." She had a tablet in her hand, viscously tapping away.

"Clear the air?" I looked to the floor in thought. "Who the hell called for me?"

"He said to call him Ashton." She gave me a glare and I sunk back in my seat.


"Okay, everyone, just calm down, I can explain." I fanned my face off as the room of people I have grown to love looked back at me in confusion.

"Alone With Ashton is a true story." Some people in the room groaned. "Hold on, but it's my story, I-I'm Cassandra, er, well Caspian, not C.Lynn.G." Some people looked really mad and I still have yet to understand why. "And Ashton, is Ross, my ex boyfriend, and the best human being on this planet." I shook my head. "I didn't want people to know this is a true story because I didn't want people to meddle in my personal life, and Ross, he personally asked me to never reveal that he is Ashton, now I don't know what possessed him to call and leave a message saying it Ashton, I assure you I'm going to have a talk with him tonight."

Janice came to the front of the room with me and sat me down with a sigh and I looked towards the rest of the room to see them looking towards Janice expectantly. "Okay, Caspian. I'm going to have to be the one to break this to you, but you have two options here."

"Option one, you can continue to lie and watch as your book sales slowly begin to decline." She crossed her arms across her chest leaning against the wall. "Or, we can use this to our advantage."

"What do you mean?" I don't like the sound of this.

"Caspian, this is a true story, meaning we could peak the interests of customers who wouldn't typically buy a teen romance." One guy in the back of the room cleared his throat gaining everyone's attention.

"Or, we could reveal that the story is real, let the fan base go wild with it, let them make their own assumptions, the media might pick up on it, boom, free promotion." People applauded him as he took bows and Janice nodded her head, grinning from ear to ear.

"Uh, no?" I said quietly, and the commotion in the room died out.

"No?" Janice's smile dropped from her face and she turned her whole body towards me, her stare was intimidating.

"No." She raised a brow at how I had raised my voice and I faced everyone else. "My life story isn't going to be used just for you guys to make a profit, alright? I made a promise and I'm going to keep it." No one tried to disagree so with that I left, no longer being able to withstand the tension in the room.

The ride back to my dorms was quiet because I couldn't get my brain to shut up, and when I was finally alone in the confines of my own room, I called Ross.


"What the fuck was that?"

"Nice to hear your voice too."

I rolled my eyes throwing myself back on my bed. "I hope you know that you calling my work and claiming yourself as Ashton really fucked a lot of things up." I sighed.

"What are you talking about? Claiming myself as Ashton? I've been at work all day."

I picked my head up from my mattress, trying to process his words. "Wait what?"

"I never called you, I was too busy at the hardware store, there was a mix up in the ship-"

"If you didn't call, then- Keith! I'm sorry Ross I'll call you later."


I rushed to dial Keith's number. "Hola muchacho." He greeted lamely.

"Keith, did you call the publishing office today?" I rattled my finger nails against the wall feeling anxious.

"No, I have your personal number, why would I need to?"

"So that means, that someone, who doesn't have my personal number called me at work?" I tried to rack my brain for the possible candidate, my mind coming to a blank.

"Wish I could help, but Debate waits for no one."

"Good luck." I grumbled before hanging up.

Who the hell could possibly have my number? I thought, feeling exhausted after today's turn of events, so I decided to take a nap but as soon as my head hit the pillow my phone buzzes making me groan.

*Look at Goodreads, NOW* Janice sent and my heart dropped. Quickly I opened my laptop that sat at the foot of my bed.

And what I was greeted with sent me for a whirlwind.

Infamous author of Alone With Ashton, true story?

And let's just ask what we're all dying to ask, Who's Ashton?





Q: Who do you think called as Ashton?

I hope y'all have a good rest of the week


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