My Mafia Husband {ManxBoy} [C...

By lostboys_lostgirls

4.8M 157K 56.7K

HIGHEST RANK: #3 IN ROMANCE 18 year old, Liam Spencer's life changes drastically when a sexy, mysterious man... More

My Mafia Husband
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Valentines Day Special
Marco and Ortiz Story

Chapter 35

79K 2.5K 1K
By lostboys_lostgirls

Sorry for the wait, here's another update.


I was a little over eight months pregnant and Osvaldo and Niccolo had decided to come check on me and drop off more things they had gotten for Luca.

I was getting bigger and clumsy and experiencing hot flashes. But I had made it this far in the pregnancy, I was really hoping I could make it one more month. But things were changing, I could feel it. I hurt more often than usual and I could feel our baby shifting.

They walked in and Osvaldo gave me a hug, "How are you and my grand baby?" He asked.

"Good." I said, even though something felt wrong. I was tempted to tell Enzo but I didn't want to worry him.

Niccolo gave me a quick hug and then we looked at what they had bought. They got a few more clothes and a chair that matched that theme of the nursery.

I gave Niccolo and Osvaldoa hug again, "Thank you so much for the clothes and the chair."

Enzo thanked them both and even hugged his brother and then announced that lunch was ready so we headed to the dinning room table to eat.

I was trying to pay attention to their conversations but I couldn't focus on them with the awful pain coming from my stomach.

"Enzo." I said lightly, gripping my stomach.

He looked over at me and instantly got out of his chair and kneeled by me, "What's wrong?"

"We need to see Dr. Mettio." I said in between my big intakes of air in an attempt to rid the pain and calm myself.

"What's wrong?" Osvaldo asked.

"Go tell my driver to be ready." Enzo said and tried to help me up.

Osvaldo disappeared, doing as Enzo said.

"Niccolo, call Dr. Mettio." Enzo ordered, throwing his cellphone at his brother.

When we figured out I couldn't walk he picked me up and carried me outside.

I saw Marco and Ortiz give me concerned looks as we walked out.

Osvaldo was standing in front of the car.

"If you want to come, follow behind." Enzo said as he slid me into the back seat.

The driver already knew where to go.

"Liam, what do you think is wrong?" He asked, moving my hair from out of my face.

"I think I'm going into labor." I said resting my head on his shoulder.

"But that's a month too early." He said.

"I know." I said looking up at him, "Somethings wrong. Remember what I told you when I found out I was pregnant?"

"Liam." Enzo shook his head, "You're both going to be fine."

"But if we're not and you have the choice to save on of us, save our little boy."

Enzo just silently nodded.

We were there faster than I thought we would be and Enzo carried me in.

Dr. Mettio was waiting for us, "Liam, I need you to tell me what you feel."

"Every few minutes my stomach hurts, a lot." I said.

He nodded and led Enzo into a room. With the help of Enzo, I was changed into a hospital gown.

Dr. Mettio examined me and then spoke, "Liam, you've gone into labor and you're body is trying to naturally give birth, which it can't so I'm going to have to do an emergency cesarean, or c, section."

He had me sit up while he injected me with numbing medicine, then laid me back down so the medicine had time to work while he put an IV in my arm and got everything ready with the help of a few nurses.

They put up a curtain so I couldn't see over my stomach.

I don't remember much, just feeling really tired and holding onto Enzo's hand the whole time while they cut me open and removed my premature baby.

I remember everything when they pulled my baby out though. The nurses took him away to clean him, at least I thought.

As Dr. Mettio stitched everything up I couldn't help but notice my baby didn't once cry as they cleaned him and he was never brought to me.

Dr. Mettio noticed too and walked over to the nurses after finishing the stitches and sutures.

They went into another room with my baby and I could feel the tears form in my eyes as I looked up at Enzo. I knew they would have to clean him but I don't think they usually have to take them to another room.

I squeezed Enzo's hand and a nurse walked back in quickly, "You're baby boy has been born with underdeveloped lungs and needs help breathing."

"Will he be okay?" I asked

"Yes, baby. Dr. Mettio is taking good care of him. But I'm afraid you won't be able to hold him for a while." She offered a sad smile, "Dr. Mettio will be with you shortly." She added and walked out.

"I didn't even get to see him." I cried.

Enzo knelt down beside me and kissed my cheek, "It's going to be okay," he reassured, "Dr. Mettio is taking very good care of him."

I nodded. Enzo continued to distract me until Dr. Mettio came through the door, "Liam, Enzo-"

"Is my baby okay?" I asked.

"Yes, he is fine. But unfortunately with his undeveloped lungs he needs to be breathing through a tube for a while and getting the nutrients he needs with some help as he was born prematurely."

"When can I see him?" I asked.

"Liam, you need to rest right now, I'm going to give you some pain medicine that will help you rest. When you wake up I will let you see him." He informed me then injected something into my IV.

Enzo planted a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Enzo, if you follow me I will let you see your baby boy." He said and Enzo smiled back at me before following him out.

It didn't take long for me to fall into a deep sleep.


Dr. Mettio led me to a room where our beautiful baby boy laid, sleeping, in a bed in a glass box. There was a tube going to his nose and another one in his small pale, almost transparent arm.

His stomach slowly went up and down with each aided breath.

"How big is he?" I asked putting my hand up to the glass.

"Four pounds, two ounces and sixteen inches long." He informed and I felt a smile pull on my lips.

"You know, you can touch him through this hole. Not for very long though." He said and pointed to a door in the glass.

I sat down in the chair and opened the door, sliding my hand in and taking his small hand in between my index finger and thumb. He was precious. 

I looked over at Dr. Mettio, "What are the extra tubes and wires for?" I asked, pulling my hand out after I softly ran my finger down my little ones face, making him turn his head in his sleep.

"We are monitoring your babies condition and supplying him with the nutrients and warmth that he needs to survive." He informed me and I turned to face him.

"Don't lie to me. Is he going to make it?" I asked.

"In situations like this, the odds aren't always good. But I'm doing everything I can and he is remarkably healthy considering the circumstances. But I'm telling you now, and I will tell Liam this when he is up and well, Liam will not be able to have another baby. His organs were to weak to carry your first, thus causing the early birth. There's no way he will be able to carry another child without hurting himself or the baby."

I was worried that would be coming. I only nodded as a nurse walked in.

"Mr. Di Mercurio, you're father is asking for you." She said.

I glanced back at my baby boy and Dr. Mettio patted my back, "He will be fine. Go talk to you're father and brother."

I followed the nurse to a waiting room where my father and Niccolo were sitting.

"How is Liam? How is the baby?" My father asked.

"Liam is getting rest, and my son is in the NICU. You can come see him through the glass." I said and led them down a hall way until we got to glass wall that let us see into a room with my precious little baby.

Niccolo leaned in as close as he could and smile at my precious baby, "He's so cute." He smiled.

"Is he going to make it?" My father asked lowly.

"Dr. Mettio said the odds are good." I told him.

We watched my little one for a while longer before I went back in the room with Liam and kissed his cheek, sitting down in a chair beside him and taking a short nap with him.

* * *

I woke up to a hand on my head.

"Enzo," I felt someone smack my head again.

I groaned and sat up, Liam had his hand raised to smack me again.

"Calm down." I mumbled, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Go get Dr. Mettio, I want to see our son." He said, determined.

"Alright, alright. Calm down." I said and got up to find him. He was in the room with our son.

"Liam wants to see our son, he's awake and will slap me if I tell him no." I said.

Dr. Mettio smiled, "Let's go get him then." 

We walked back into the room and Liam was already trying to get out of bed.

"Liam, you're going to have to calm down, your son isn't going anywhere he's fine. You're just going to hurt yourself if you don't slow down." He said.

I walked over to Liam and he sighed, "Help me get up." 

So I grabbed his hands and he held on tight as he slowly got up, his face scrunching up as he did so.

"Do you need a wheel chair, you don't have to walk just yet." Dr. Mettio offered.

Liam just nodded, biting his lip, still holding onto my hands.

One of the nurses came in with a wheel chair and I helped him into the chair before pushing him into the room where our son was laying in the temperature regulated box.

I pushed Liam right up to him and he smiled, tears coming to his eyes as he looked at the precious baby in front of us.

"You can touch him, through this door, but not for very long." Dr. Mettio informed Liam.

Liam didn't hesitate to open the door and stick his hand in and gently run his finger over our sons pale belly and face.

"Have you two decided on a name?" Dr. Mettio asked.

Liam looked up at me and smiled genuinely for the first time since we had gotten to the hospital.

"Luciano," Liam answered.

"Luca for short." I added.

When we were choosing the name Liam said he wanted to keep the name Italian because my family was from Italy. I told him that it didn't matter but he ignored me as he continued the search for an Italian name.

"Middle name?" He asked.

"Nathaniel." I answered, focused on the smile that graced Liam's face as he saw our baby boy.

"When you you think I can hold him?" Liam asked, reluctantly pulling his hand out of the glass box and looked at Dr. Mettio.

"As soon as we know that he is safe and can breath on his own you will be the first to hold your baby boy." Dr. Mettio smiled then took a seat.

"Is something wrong?" Liam asked as he noticed the sudden mood change in Dr. Mettio, I knew he was going to tell him that he wouldn't be able to carry anymore children, I didn't know how he'd feel about that.

"It depends on how you look at it." He said, making Liam even more confused.

"What is it?" Liam asked.

"Liam, your organs were too weak to carry your first baby, that's one of the things that caused the early birth. If you tried to have another child I'm afraid you would just have a miscarriage like we thought you had in the beginning of your pregnancy."

Liam was silent and I squeezed his hand, crouching down beside him, waiting for him to say something.

"Now I know this can be a hard thing to hear, but there are other options if you and Enzo decide to have children in the future. Like a surrogate or adoption."

Liam spoke up after Dr. Mettio, "These past eight months have been the worst and the best months of my life. I hated all the pain I had to go through but at the end I got the best thing in the world. I don't ever want to feel that fear of my baby not making it and I think I'm just glad that I don't have to." I looked down and the tears that had gathered in his eyes had fallen.

I wrapped my arms around him and held him close, kissing his head, "Right now I just want to make sure that my baby gets better, and your going to do that." Liam said, his voice getting a little lower when he looked at Dr. Mettio close to the end of the sentence. I was rubbing off on him.

"I will, he's going to be just fine. Now I think it's time for you to go lay back down. We have to run a few more tests and you should let your parents and Osvaldo come see you, they were worried." Dr. Mettio said and I pushed Liam back into the room, lifting him up and setting him back in the bed.

"When did my parents get here?" He asked.

"I don't know, I asked my father to call them before I came in here to take a nap. Do you want me to go get them?"

He nodded, "Please."

He looked tired now, even though he had just woken up.

I walked out of the room and got everyone out of the waiting room.

The room Liam was in was big enough to fit us all without being cramped.

"How are you feeling baby?" Liam's mom asked taking his hand.

"Good mom." Liam offered a smile.

"How is our grand baby?" She asked.

"Good, but he has to stay in the NICU until he can breathe on his own." Liam said.

"They are doing tests right now but after they finish you can go see him." I informed.

"What name did you decided on?" Niccolo asked.

"Luciano, Luca for short." I answered.

"And for the middle name?" Liam's dad asked.

"Nathaniel." Liam answered.

"Luciano Nathaniel Di Mercurio." My father spoke, his accent showing in the Italian names, "I like it." He smiled.

We all talked for a while before one of the nurses came in and told us they could visit him, but only two at a time.

So his parents went in then my brother and father. They said a few quick words before leaving Liam and I to sleep and for them to go home and sleep as well.

I laid down beside him and ran my fingers through his hair.

"Go check on Luca for me before you go to sleep." Liam said.

I kissed his temple, "Okay, get some sleep, baby."

So he did. When I saw that he was fully asleep I got up and went to check on Luca. There was a nurse checking on him but she moved away when she saw me.

He was sleeping still, breathing with help. I watched him for a while, feeling that if I left something bad would happen, but after a while the nurse coaxed me to go to sleep.

I gave Luca one more look, smiling before going back into the room to lay with Liam.


So this is the end. I've started on the Marco and Ortiz story and will probably have it published by the time I get the Epilogue written and published.

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