Everything I Didn't say (Lash...

By Halevetica

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Luke and Braxton are best friends and as a gift for graduating high school Braxton's parents are sending him... More

Speak For Yourself
Oh boy
It's just me
Too far
Stop baiting Ashton
Change it up how?
Are You Two Dating?
What are you doing up?
Putting in effort
A word
Nothing is going on
I told you you were being obvious
We need to talk
It's not allowed
You did what?
Are you asking me out?
A break from everything
What do you see in him anyway?
My first...
Are you gay?
Mad at Myself
I love him...
Quick question!!
Poor Ashton
Barely Friends
We have to stop
I don't trust myself around you
Care to explain?
What's going on?
Hemwin Dinner
Luke, baby
It sounds bad any way you put it
It was always you
I can't
I love you
Meet the Parents
It's complicated
I can't do this anymore
You wanted the truth...
With all that being said

Let's talk

935 70 51
By Halevetica

It was nearing dinner time and everyone was pretty hungry.

"Why don't I go pick up a couple pizzas." Zayn offered.

"I'll help you." Braxton offered eager to get out of the house already. He, unlike Ashton, got bored quick.

"Hurry back." Michael called as Zayn and Braxton left.

Once Liam was sure they'd pulled out of the driveway he turned to Ashton.

"We need to talk."

"Liam, no." Luke begged.

"Luke, this doesn't concern you." Liam sighed.

"Yes, actually, it very much does." Luke snapped.

"What's going on?" Ashton frowned.

"He knows about us." Luke answered.

"What about us?" Ashton asked confused.

"The fact that you slept with him again."  Liam barked.

Fear covered Ashton's face.

"Let's talk." Liam growled pointing outside.

"Li, please, it's not that big of a de-"

"Luke, it's fine." Ashton interrupted.

He followed Liam outside.

Once they were a little ways from the house, Liam whirled around to face Ashton.

"How fucking dare you?" Liam growled.

"I know, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have but he was tempting me and I don't know how to tell him no." Ashton said ashamed.

"Bullshit, you didn't think I'd find out!" Liam snapped.

"That's not true." Ashton sighed.

"How could you do that knowing how I felt about him?" Liam demanded.

"I honestly didn't think about it until after." Ashton answered bowing his head sadly.

"We promised neither of us could have him." Liam snapped.

"I know but you don't understand. I've had feelings for him for years. I'm crazy in love with him and I fucking hate it. I can't get him out of my head!" Ashton shouted.

"How do you think I feel? He was my first guy. I fell for him hard." Liam responded annoyed.

"You're all over Zayn!" Ashton continued shouting.

"Because he returns my feelings." Liam answered.

"So what, if Luke returned his feelings for you, you'd drop Zayn?" Ashton asked.

"Yes." Liam nodded.

"I don't believe you." Ashton crossed his arms.

"I would." Liam argued.

"Fine, go tell Luke how you really feel." Ashton ordered.

"No, I'm not doing that." Liam snapped.

"If you don't I will." Ashton threatened.

"You wouldn't dare." Liam said narrowing his eyes at Ashton.

With that Ashton stomped off back to the house.

"Luke." Ashton stated clearing his throat.

"Stop, okay, okay." Liam grabbed Ashton's shoulder.

"What's going on?" Luke frowned looking between Ashton and Liam.

"I have feelings for you." Liam blurted.

The room went silent. Ashton realized what he'd just made Liam do. He looked at Luke who had a blank look on his face.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Luke asked looking at Ashton.

"N-no, I know I probably should have told you sooner but I was sure you didn't feel the same way." Liam answered.

Luke opened his mouth to reply but stopped. He was about to tell Liam he did feel the same way but he glanced at Ashton.

"I-I...I did." Luke stated not taking his eyes off Ashton.

Ashton felt his heart drop. He pulled his eyes from Luke's to look at Liam.

Liam looked surprised.

"But then, I realized that it was just a physical attraction. You'll find that it's the same for you. I see the way you look at Zayn. You forget everything else exists around you when he's with you." Luke smiled. He was now looking at Liam.

Liam pondered the thought for a moment.

"You really think so?" Liam asked.

"Yeah." Luke nodded.

"Besided, Braxton would never allow it." Luke chuckled.

Ashton felt relief flood him. Luke had just officially turned down Liam.

"That's true." Liam chuckled.

Just then the door opened and in walked Braxton and Zayn holding three large pizzas.

The guys all dug in. Liam watched Luke carefully. He had a slight suspicion that part of the reason Luke didn't return his feelings was because of Ashton.

Luke had glanced at Ashton a few times while they had been talking.

Sure enough Luke was watching Ashton and every once in a while he would give a subtle smile at something Ashton did.

"You okay, babe?" Zayn asked touching Liam's waist affectionately.

Liam's stomach flipped and he felt himself smile.

"Yeah." Liam nodded.

"You're just staring Luke down." Zayn chuckled nervously.

"I think he may have a crush on Ashton." Liam admitted quietly.

"Oh, that's obvious." Zayn nodded. He'd caught on to that earlier.

Liam felt a tinge of jealousy but recalled what Luke had said about it being purely physical. It was true that Zayn could take his mind off anything. Liam smiled fondly at Zayn. From now on he wasn't going to pay any attention to Luke. He was going to concentrate on his and Zayn's relationship.

Tiny filler chapter. Hope you liked it! Love you!

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