All Things Go Bump In The Nig...

By JJReaders

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~~[Highest Ranking #121]~~ Have you ever wondered... What goes bump in the night? Well the simple answer is... More

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The Narrator
All alone
The Tricycle
My Best Friend
A Haunted House
Writer's Block
How I met Your Mother
The World Up Here
Something Supernatural
Fresh Meat
Eyes Wide Shut
How could you forget me???
Grandma's House
How To Survive A Horror Movie
Running With Scissors
Orchaestrated Death
Dramatized Fascination
How To Survive A Horror Movie Part 2
The French Tongue Ripper
And They Lived Happily Ever After
How To Survive A Horror Movie Part 3
Break In
How To Survive A Horror Movie Part 4
The Witch
The Callers
Journal Entry Z
How To Survive A Horror Movie Part 5
The Skin of Man
Daddy's Little Boy
Alice and Wonderland
How To Survive A Horror Movie Part 6
A Valentine's Day Poem
An Accident
A Message From Death
The Polished Floor
The Monster With A Thousand Teeth
My Torture Plan
The Door

The Boy Who Always Had To Be Sedated

18 2 0
By JJReaders

The man was a good doctor. A good scientist. A good sport. A good man. An overly good human being. His name was Dr. Jackson, and he worked at a particular facility. You see, not many people knew about this facility. It was a secret! But still he worked and kept everything about the place a secret, like any good person would do.

Technically, they weren't doing anything illegal there. But they were doing things the public eye wouldn't like. No one really wanted to see what happened when someone tried out a brand new medicine. Some of the side-effects were devastating, even if Dr. Jackson never got to see.

About a hidden scientist run facility where a scientist befriends a little boy there who has to be constantly and forcefully medicated everyday. Finding nothing wrong with the boy he decides one day not to medicate the boy. The boy however is a uncontrollably psychic with incredible telekinetic powers linked to his emotions. When the scientist did this the boy was over whelmed with joy and ending up accidentally killing the scientist by blowing him up.

Sometimes he wondered why he worked there. Why he bothered to help out there as sometimes he really believed they weren't doing the right thing. But every time his conscious got the better of him, he decided to stay. And there was one reason why.

You see, the good doctor had made a friend there. A very good friend. With a little boy (get your mind out of the gutter). This little boy was very strange indeed. He was the only child, actually only human being at the facility other than the scientist and the occasional visitor who came in to volunteer as a test subject.

One thing about this little boy was that he was a darling. Cute as a button and as kind as ever. He easily made friends with all the scientists, including Dr. Jackson who was the boy's very best and closest friend. Another strange thing about the boy was the fact that he had no parents. Everyone remember that the boy was not there then he simply was.

But then came one more odd thing about the boy. His didn't have a name. He was simply referred to as 'T' by the scientist. But perhaps the strangest thing about the boy was the fact that he needed to be medicated everyday three times daily.

Everyday when it was time for him to get his needle, he would scream and shout and fuzz. Three heavily geared scientist in protective suits would go in and forcibly give him the needle.

Dr. Jackson always knew that the boy would probably give more fuzz if it wasn't for the medication he was on constantly making him feel drowsy. The boy would be drowsy the first few hours after getting his needle, then he would regain most of his energy, and just when it seemed he would go back to his normal state, the scientist would come back and medicate him.

Dr. Jackson saw no reason for doing this. He was never given a reason why the boy never be medicated and he saw it as a cruel practice. But eventually he found himself, making sure that that cruel practice took place everyday. He was placed in charge of the boy by his supervisors.

He would have to make sure the boy was fed, clothed, entertained, cleaned, happy and medicated. He was afraid being put in charge of the little boy's medication would put a strain on their relationship... But it didn't. The boy and the good doctor remained good friends. But by watching the boy he found yet another oddity about him. Over the course of about three months it seemed as if the boy had aged from 5 to 7.

Strange it was but the scientist still kept his bond with the boy. Even though he knew there was something incredibly strange about him. Then the scientist decided to do something stupid. He told himself that he was doing it for research and to answer all the questions lurking in the depths of his mind. But he was really doing it because he wanted to help out his friend.

He decided one day not to give the boy his medication. Assuring all the nurses that he would give the boy his medication for the final time of the day he then went into action. He just told himself that he would watch the boy, see if anything different would happen while he wasn't on the medication then just let the nurses medicate him the next morning. He never expected anything to happen. But he was wrong.

"Hey T," he called to the boy as he stepped into the room. The boy however hid from him, he knew it was time for the scientists to sedate him and he was prepared to fight. The small white room was empty except for a chair, a small table, a mattress and a box with some crayons and paper in it. The boy hid behind the chair."Leave me alone!" He yelled. The scientist smiled, "No T, I'm not going to give you your medication today," he told him calmly.

The boy stood up. "Really?" He asked. The boy could already feel himself gaining all of his energy. "Yes T. I don't see a point in it. So I'm just going to sit here, but if you do anything bad, I'll have to sedate you," the scientist told him.

The boy was so happy that tears came to his eyes. "I promise not to do anything bad!" He squealed with joy while he jumped up and down on the ground. An uncontrollably smile spread across the scientist face and soon he started to laugh. He thought that maybe he was just overly delighted to see the boy happy but that wasn't it.

Soon he started to jump and down happily along with the boy. That's when he realized something was wrong. He wasn't control his movements. He tried to wipe the grin off his face but he was physically unable to. "T.. T stop somethings wrong. T... T!" He yelled as he slowly began to float in the air but the boy was too excited. "I promise to be good! I promise to be good! I promise to b-" the boy stopped when he heard a giant sickening Splat!

His eyes were closed in enlighten just seconds before. Until he felt something warm on his cheek. He stopped jumping and the smile disappeared from his face as he opened his eyes and did his best to look at his cheek before touching the red liquid on his face. He brought his hand in front of him and examined the blood before looking up at him.

The scientist, was dead. His corpse floated in mid-airHis guts and organs sat on the ground in a pool of blood. That same blood decorated the walls and the door and spread out as if trying to reach the boy from where he stood in the centre of the room. The scientist legs where the only recognizable part of him. His boots shook uncontrollably and as for the rest of the scientist. The only part that remained of his torso was his spine, spinal cord and brain. The scientist coat lay on the ground, so covered in blood that it was no longer distinguishable from the bloody mush that was once the scientist.

The boy was beyond horrified. As he screamed the scientist body fell to the ground with a sickening crunch. The boy curled up in a corner and he screamed more. The boy continued to scream and the bullet proof glass in his room broke and the tiles shook and cracked. The table bent in half and the boys crayon box exploded.

Three scientist rushed into the room to stop him but upon entering they floated a few feet above the ground before incinerating. People who were in walking distance of the room ears and eyes began to bleed as the everlasting power of the boy was unleashed upon them. Finally the main scientist came in on the speakers in the boys room.

"PLEASE CALM DOWN!" He yelled at the boy. The movement stopped and the Earth was still. The boy breathes heavily in his corner and cried. "This is why you need to be sedated, let us help you please. Before you cause anymore damage," the scientist begged. The boy stopped crying, still shaking but doing his best to calm down. A team of scientist ran into his room and he was startled at first, causing the men to stop in their tracks, before he calmed down and allowed himself to be sedated.

The boy never really knew what he was or why he had the power that he did. All he knew was that he didn't like it and he couldn't control it. At least now he knew why he had to be sedated.

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