The Callers

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Sometimes when I was little, I would hear people calling my name. It was so strange.... Sometimes the voices were random, sometimes I actually knew them. I would hear my mom and sisters calling me, when I was alone. They could be sleeping or just not around and I would hear it. A voice calling my name, not exactly telling me to go anywhere but beckoning me to come.

It was the creepiest thing I've ever experienced as I child looking back, but at the time I didn't really mind. I just thought that it must of been my mind playing tricks on me or I was imagining it. But I was always sure I heard it. I never just assumed it to be the wind or some other nonsense. I knew what I heard. I just didn't care that much. One experience I remember the most about hearing these voices is one day when I woke up before everyone else.

My sister was still sleeping (we shared a room), and I was quite sure that my mother and other sister were sleeping as well. I tried to go back to sleep and just laid down in bed for a while. That was until I heard my mother calling me. She called me in a loud voice, like she was slightly upset but I could hear the urgency in her voice. She wanted me to come to her. The voice was coming from downstairs, so I got up to went to it. I was moving quickly mainly cause I heard the urgency in her voice.

Now I would of probably gone downstairs to find out why my mother was calling me, but being the scaredy cat I was (and still am) I didn't want to go downstairs by myself. Even if my mom was supposedly down there and my sisters were in their rooms. So instead, I leaned over the banister and shouted, "YESSS!".

Now usually when my mother called me, I would respond with "Yes?" or "Yes Mommy?" And she would tell me what she wanted, to come to her or whatever it was. But this time she didn't respond. Take in to fact that I must of been around four years old at the time. I didn't know why my mother was calling me so early in the morning, but I assumed it might of been for breakfast. But I wasn't oblivious to the fact that something was wrong. Now I wasn't a stupid kid like the ones you find in horror movies who walk towards the monster to find out what it is, and I rationalized if she wasn't responding, she wasn't there. I shouted so loud I thought I would of woken everyone in the house up but luckily, I didn't. I quickly went to my mother's room and peeked in it. She was in there sleeping soundly.

I even went to my other sister's room and she was also sleeping. So I just went into my room, crawled into my bed, and waited for my other sister to wake up. I wasn't scared or worried. I never wondered what had called me or why. If it had bad intentions or not. Or why it had my mother's voice and was trying to lure me downstairs.

I just waited nonchalantly for my sister to wake up and when she did, we went happily about our day. I even recall telling my sisters about it at one time or another because I thought it was kind of cool and weird. I never sensed any danger in it and looking back, I still don't. Maybe I was just a bit crazy when I was younger and I heard voices. So what if I'm a bit schizophrenic, it's not like I hear voices anymore.

The fact is that I was recently wondering, what would of happened if I went downstairs to find out who was calling me. If I ignored all rational thought and went downstairs to find that unseen voice. Maybe if I wasn't such a scared and paranoid little kid who believe there was monsters around every corner I would of gone. I would of ventured downstairs and.... maybe I would of found nothing. Maybe.... I would of found a monster. A horrible monster that would take me away and I wouldn't be here to tell my story today. Or maybe, I was just crazy and I heard voices when I was younger that I probably should of told an adult about.

One thing's for sure, I'll always wonder what would of happened if I went to find out who was calling me. Maybe one day I'll hear them again.

The Callers

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