How could you forget me???

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Dear Bestie,
Hi!! It's been a while. You probably don't know who this is. You've probably forgotten me. I haven't. I've been watching you.

You sat down and your children sat on the carpet. They were delighted to hear mommy talk about her old friend. Her old imaginary friend. Every kid has an imaginary friend. Every kid should have an imaginary friend.

But you made me real.

You started your story and told them how we first met. In the garden when you first lost your kitten. The dog had found it, and it was with us no longer.

You found its remains. I guess you were trying to cope. So you imagined my arms wrapping comfortably around you. We were best friends after that. I never left you side.

We played games, we laughed together, sang together, performed together, bullied together. It was perfect. Life was perfect. Then you told them how you eventually forgot me and how I was never real and that they shouldn't hold onto their imaginary friends.

Then you reminded your youngest son not to hold on to his imaginary friend. Not to hold onto me. But you forgot something important. You forgot almost all of the story. The parts of the story that made

How could you forget me?

You even forgot about playtime. Or at least I think you did. You didn't tell them about what we did to the kitty's body after. How mommy yelled at us for putting him on display like that. But that didn't stop us. We just hid from her.

Remember when we started having playtime. We started with the ants, then the beetles, then the caterpillars, then the butterflies, then the toads, then the kitties, then the puppies and then the other kids.

How the ants lit up in the magnifying glass. How the beetles and caterpillars tried to aimlessly scatter after we ripped off their legs. Or maybe you remember how the butterflies would wait helplessly for the snakes we caught to eat them after we ripped off their legs.

How the toads we tied to the pavement would fry after a day in the sun. How the kittens and puppies would whine and cry when we cut open their bellies.

And the children. Remember when I took care of those bullies. How when I was done with them we invited them to playtime. That's when we learned that the game lasted longer when the victim was alive longer.

We we learning about psychological torture. And it was fun.

We were at the top of the school and no one would mess with us. Everyone practically bowed down to us. Just one look into the buttons that were my pupils and anyone was under my control

Everywhere we went I towered over you, and fear prevailed. I even learned a new trick. How to swallow souls. But you got scared and told me we should stop cause we might get in trouble.

So we did, occasionally picking out the a playmate for playtime when we were bored. But when we took things to the streets that's when trouble started.

Drug dealers, mob bosses, criminals and just average people thought it ridiculous when you, being a fourteen year-old, made your demands. But when I showed up, it was a piece of cake.

But someone had to tell. I had lots of fun with him while they questioned you but I was too late. They told you I wasn't real. That I was just something ridiculous like a 'split personality'.

Those liars. But you believed them. Even after they sent you to the mad house and locked you away for years, you ignored me. Because what we were doing was 'wrong'. How could something so fun be wrong?

Soon I was invisible to you but I gained the ability to become visible to anyone. But still you would close your eyes and pretend I wasn't there. They had corrupted you.

But after they let you out and you settled down, even killing your husband wouldn't change your mind. But your son saw me. He calls me Boxy. Cute right?

You can't convince him I'm not real. I've already explained to him that I am real. But don't worry, I'm going to tell him the real story after playtime.

I hope you realise that if he can see me, so should you. I'm your friend. I'm not imaginary anymore.

Come back. Come join us. There's always more room for playtime. I've got more business to attend to now. Until next time.

Don't forget me.

Your best friend,

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