Zombie apocalypse (A 1d fanfi...

By xxsweetheartxx786

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Zombie apocalypse (A 1d fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 17

199 11 0
By xxsweetheartxx786

Chapter 17

Talia's POV

"What the hell was that about?" Asked Perrie. Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

"I'm going to check on Kara." Said Ariana getting up, with that she ran off in the direction Kara ran off to. I sighed and got up holding my stomach as I felt a cramp come in. I winced. Harry noticed and quickly stood up.

"Are you ok?" I looked at him and smiled.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry." He nodded. "I'm going to check on Ray, he needs a friend right now. We've already lost two." I mumbled the last bit to myself. Everyone nodded.

"Be careful." Whispered Harry. I nodded.

I turned to head off in search of Ray when I saw Sophia walking towards us nervously. She was wearing a loony sleeved dress with white tights underneath. I smiled at her before walking off.

I was in search of Ray but couldn't found him anywhere. I turned to head towards his bedroom when I saw a figure in the distance sitting under a tree. I made my way towards the figure, as I neared I realised it was Ray. I approached him but he didn't look up, so I sat down.

"Aaah." I said as I sat bedsides him. He quickly looked at me.

"Talia, what the hell. What if you hurt yourself?" I laughed at how much he cared for me.

"I'm fine."

"Maybe we should go sit on the benches there, so you're comfortable." I shook my head and looked at him.

"No, it's ok. I like it better here."

"So?"I asked after a while.

"You want to know, don't ya?" He asked. I chuckled.

"You already know the answer to that question."

"I love her Talia." He said as he looked at me. I smiled.

"She's loves you too, Ray." He shook his head.

"No she doesn't." I looked at him, confused. "She hates me now that she thinks me and Sophia are going out."

"Why does she think that?" I asked. Ray then told me everything from yesterday.

"Tell her." I asked after listening to everything.

"You don't think I have tried." He said.

"Well try harder, Ray. Don't leave her side until you have told her everything and tell her about the feelings you have towards her." He looked at me, thinking.

"Maybe your right." He said and got up, helping me to get up as well. "Thanks Talia." He then kissed me on the cheek and went to find Talia.

Ariana's POV

"KARA!" I yelled.

"Leave me alone, Ariana." She yelled back.

"Not until you tell me what's the matter?" I said as I reached her.

"Nothing." I looked at her as though she thought I was stupid.

"Yeah, right." I muttered.

"Ariana, please I want to be alone right now." I grabbed her hand and made my way to a bench and sat down, pulling her down with me.

"Kara, if you consider me as a friend then you will tell me what the matter is right now." She looked at me.

"I love Ray." She said, sighing. I smiled at her.

"That's awesome! But what the hell was that about back there?" I asked her.

"I don't think he likes me the same way though, Ariana." She just said. I looked at her.

"What, why?"

"I caught him and Sophia together, half naked on the bed in his room." She said now again in tears. I gasped and held her close knowing she needed a hug.

"Oh Kara. That's not true. You should listen to his side of the story, he might have a reason."

"I know what I saw." Said Kara in anger. "Please don't side with him to, Ari."

"I'm not Kara, but you can't just get to a conclusion without talking to him. Whatever you saw maybe made you think like that, but he might have a reason for him like that with Sophia." She looked at me.

"Maybe your right." She said smiling.

"Tell him as well you love him." I said randomly. We both laughed. I saw a figure in the distance...it looked like Ray.

"Hey, I think Ray is coming. I'm leaving now. Good luck." I said.

"Thanks." Said Kara as she stared at where Ray was. I smiled and then walked away.

Ray's POV

I walked towards Kara she was standing near a bench. She smiled when I approached her, so I smiled back.

"Kara, I-" She cut me off.

"No, Ray. She said. "I should have listened to you, it's my fault." I smiled at her.

"But let me tell you the story." I said.

"Ray, you don't have to. I'm being stupid I can't force you to be with me, if you wanna be with Sophia and like her better its fine. I can't stop you, I mean-" Hearing her ramble on and on was getting annoying so I shut her up by crashing my lips against hers. I grabbed her waist and pulled her in closer, her hands travelling up to my neck. I smirked. She smiled into the kiss and moaned. I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance, she accepted. Our tongues fought for dominance but I obviously won. Breaking the kiss to take a breath, we had our foreheads against each other and were breathing heavily. I looked into her eyes and she looked into mine. This was it, I was going to tell her.

"Kara, I don't like Sophia. Ever since the first day I laid my eyes on you, I loved you and only you. Will you be my girlfriend, Kara?" She looked at me, tears pouring out of her eyes. I wiped them away.

"Yes." She said and then hugged me. I smiled and then we both kissed each other.

"Come on." I said. "Lets show the others we are back together." She giggled and we both walked hand in hand to everyone in our place.

Kara's POV

I walked with Ray to our place where the gang was, hand in hand. I loved him with all my heart and hearing him say all those beautiful things to me made my heart melt.

"So, I see you two made up!" Stated Talia. I smiled and Ray smiled as well.

"Good, it's about time!" Yelled Ariana.

"So, we should have a celebration." Said Max.

"Yeah!" Everyone said in unison.

"But when?" Asked Niall.

"Well, I have to introduce Ray to my dad first and if he agrees then we shall hold a grand party." I said.

They all nodded.

"So Talia, when is your due date?" Asked Perrie. Everyone looked at her.

"Not long now, just two or three weeks left." She said. "Do you know any doctors that live here?" I nodded.

"There's one, her names Lucinda Jones."

"Do you mind if we pay her a visit?" Asked Talia.

"Sure, we shall head down whenever your ready."

"But, why?" Asked Harry.

"Well, when I give birth I will need a doctor." She said in a duh tone. Everyone laughed and Harry turned pink.

"Yeah, silly me." He said.

This was all going great. Me and Ray were together. Talia's baby was nearly arriving. I just have to get her and Harry together and I will start that mission when her baby is born. And as for Ariana and Niall, well that mission starts now and I will talk to Talia about that. The only worry I have is Ray meeting my dad. My dad is very protective over me, since he already lost his wife and doesn't want to lose me and boyfriends, well lets just say that no one has ever asked me out cause of my dads temper.

Lets hope this goes great and me and Ray can be together!

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