Something I Can't Have (Seme...

By Uunouncium

302K 8.2K 1.9K

watch as kakashi the college professor falls for the reader, who happens to be one of his students. featur... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
Author's Note (important)
AP: Hidan
AP: Hidan (Pt 2)
AP: Hidan (Pt 3)
AP: Hidan (Pt 4)
AP: Hidan (Pt 5)
AP: Kiba Inuzuka
AP: Kiba (Pt 2)
AP: Kiba (Pt 3)
AP: Kiba (Pt 4)
AP: Kiba (Pt 5)
AP: Shikamaru Nara
AP: Shikamaru (Pt 2)
AP: Shikamaru (Pt 3)
AP: Obito Uchiha
AP: Obito (Pt 2)
AP: Obito (Pt 3)
AP: Obito (Pt 4)
AP: Obito (Pt 5)
AP: Obito (Pt 6)
AP: Obito (Pt 8)
AP: Obito (Pt 9)
AP: Obito (Pt 10)
AP: Juugo Taka
AP: Juugo (Pt 2)
AP: Kidomaru Smith
AP: Kidomaru (Pt 2)
AP: Kidomaru (Pt 3)

AP: Obito (Pt 7)

623 23 0
By Uunouncium

author's note: told ya this was gonna be one of the longest.

reader pov

"well that was a bit rude but its neither here nor there. greetings, john. im suigetsu and ill be your tour guide for...well probably the next few weeks," he stood up and held out a hand. i took it, shaking it warily. i didnt have any other options but to accept what was going on here. obito seemed to trust this man so ill have to as well. "i can tell that brain's a buzzing about whats going on right now but fear not, for our job is pretty simple. id say by the third appointment, you would be pretty versed with how we do things here..." he leaned in close,"....and dont think that since you are dating the boss's son that you get any freebies from me..." he leaned back, elbowing me playfully,"...well all have to do our part, yeah?" he seemed to be in a happy mood about something. i was still confused about the whole thing. i just nodded, wishing to avoid saying the wrong thing to the wrong person. the glint of silver was faint through his jacket but i saw it and it didnt tell me that he was all play and games. he clasped his hands together. "now, lets get ya into some better clothes and get on the road, shall we?" he chimed as he made his way out. i followed him, merely not having a reason not to.

i was lead back the way i came, passing the door to the room i had woken up in and heading straight. we eventually came to another door, not unlike any of the other doors ive seen. he opened it right up, revealing a closet of sorts. nothing particularly fancy about the dull grey walls with shelves evenly spaced on them. the shelves to my right held shirts, the ones to my left jeans and shorts, while the ones that lay ahead held many pairs of shoes. "have your pick. just wearing something comfortably. we will be doing alot of walking and jogging," he said before he stepped out the room, closing the door softly behind him.

it didnt take long for me to chose. i only chose a variation of what i was already wearing. simple and bland but not boring in my opinion. solid black jeans, a collared white shirt, and some black and white high top tennis shoes. i was even able to find a matching hat that i placed comfortably on my head. i had adjusted the pants to ride comfortably on my hips, aided by a belt, when the door opened again. suigetsu circled me quickly before smirking. "i dont know how you do it but the bland look really works on you. anyway, lets go. if we are lucky, you will get the hang of it by the third appointment and we will be all good to go by early tonight," he said before walking out. i said nothing, just following the strange man.

i was led through some more halls and up some steps before we walked through a door. through it, revealed a large under ground parking structure with a few scattered parked cars. i followed him to a somewhat normal looking black sedan. he got in the driver's side while i got in the passenger and he prepared to drive off. the car was empty, save a small children's back pack in the back seat. "whats in there?" i asked curiously. he chuckled. "why that's the merch, john. pretty fucking expensive too. lucky for you, i only deal with high profile clients. they dont spend millions but its not uncommon that they would hand over upwards of about 6k each visit," he said before he pulled off.

"listen here, man, cause im only gonna say it once: say nothing and do nothing. at the very least for the first few appointments. the people we deal with arent quick to trust a new face. just let me do the talking. stay there and look pretty, ok?" he warned as we walked towards the entrance of a large hotel. i just nodded briskly. he had received a call earlier and excused himself while we were enjoying some breakfast. whatever the conversation was, it left him quite peeved. i didnt push the matter. i simply followed him to the receptionist desk. "im here to speak with mr taka. he called me a few minutes ago asking that i come quickly," said suigetsu. the woman nodded. she placed a quick call before motioning to the elevator. "top floor, room 10 to the left. he is expecting you," suigetsu nodded before walking to the elevator. i just followed.

it was a long ride up but we finally made it to the door. he knocked a few times. a muffled 'come in' and he opened the door. i followed him into what was arguably the biggest hotel room ive ever seen. we walked past a full bathroom into a living room that was bigger than my apartment. there was a full kitchen, a large screen tv with a closed door beside it, and a full living room set, on which sat an older man with orange hair who wore nothing but a towel. my face immediately caught on fire. the guy didnt shy from the gym, that's for sure. suigetsu took a seat on the sofa across from him. i joined him on said sofa and for a moment, i could see under his towel. im pretty sure he was at least as big as i was. no shame in his game whatsoever. "did you bring what i asked?" the man grunted, his voice full of irritation. "whats with the attitude, juugo? you know good and damn well that im a busy man. i dont have time to drop everything im doing to wait on you," suigetsu was clearly just as upset as the other man, whom im assuming was named juugo. he sighed, dragging his large hands down his face. "im sorry, its just....well ive ran out and i need--" a phone started ringing, interrupting their conversation. he pulled it off the side of the sofa and looked at it. "just give me a minute. i gotta take this," he grunted, standing up and walking briskly towards that closed door. wow does he have a nice ass. the towel hugged his hips loosely and i could faintly see the crack of his muscular ass. the things i could do to that man.....shit. im thinking all this and i have a boyfriend? what is my world coming too.

as soon as the door to the room closed, suigetsu let out a long sigh of relief. "uugghh!! the sooner i get this out the way, the sooner we can be done," he thought aloud. "who was that guy?" i asked, my curiosity getting the best of me. "him? oh i dont think you wanna try and bark up that tree, john. juugo has been married for 17 years to my ex girlfriend. from the sound of it, they are in a rough patch but i doubt the chance he would switch sides," he said. at that, i heard some unintelligible screaming followed by some loud grunting. "tsk....sounds like Karin is chewing him out again," commented suigetsu. i sighed. while i do desire him, if for nothing but sex, i cant talk to him. id rather not brand myself a home wreaker.

it was roughly a half hour before he came out the other room. he still wore the towel but i was loosened, no doubt from him sitting on the bed. hell....if he were to walk in a certain way, im sure his towel would--"shit!" he grunted as his towel snagged on the side of the sofa, pulling it right off. he bent over quickly to pick it up but i saw it bright as day and it gave me a boner. his ass looked AMAZING. he quickly tightened it back up before sitting back on the sofa. my face caught on fire as he looked right at me. it was difficult to hide since i was......endowed. shit.

sometimes its really inconvenient to have a big dick.

the next thing that happened caught me off guard though. he....blushed, looking away quickly and closing his legs. "just...give me the stuff," he muttered, trying his best not to look in my direction. suigetsu smirked at the wordless exchange but neglected to comment, instead digging into his little bag and pulling out three bags of white powder. he set them on the table between us. juugo reached for them but halted when suigetsu put his feet on the table. "money first," he growled. juugo looked up, no doubt spotting the exposed gun and retreated, instead moving back to the room and returning with a small roll of bills. he handed them to suigetsu and after he counted it quickly, he removed his feet, allowing for juugo to claim the bags. he took them and walked into the room, closing the door behind him. i heard a faint click, indicating that he had locked the door for safe measure. i looked over to suigetsu, who was smiling like a child as he counted the money. "he gave us an extra 500, john!" he quickly counted out the money. he handed me three bills totaling 250 bucks. "normally i dont split the cut i get but im pretty sure you are the reason he was feeling generous. anyway, lets go. we have three more appointments," he said, getting up quickly. i put the money in my wallet before following him out the door.

later on that night....

"we done for the night, john. ill be back to get ya at 9am sharp. dont be late. our first appointment will be at 11 but we need to refill on stock before hand. tomorrow is gonna be more informative than today so be ready," i nodded as i got out the car. home sweet home. finally, i was done for the day. it was nerve wreaking, that's for sure. all i did was watch but the threat was real. i knew from the first meeting with juugo that this wasn't necessarily on the right side of the law and at this point, im sure it would be a classic 'you know too much' case if i were to attempt to escape so instead, i went up to the apartment and awaited the next day.....or i wish it would have went so smoothly. i was extremely horny ever since seeing juugo in his towel....and for a short moment, without. the boner had yet to leave so i was stuck in a more than uncomfortable situation until i was released for the day. i had a pressing matter to attend to...or more like the matter was pressing against my jeans.

i went into my room, intending on braving being with obito but....well it would be impossible since he wasn't here. there was a note, however. it was situated on the bed, hastily written in black ink. i picked it up.


it will be a while before we can be together again but do know this: i love you. i know that it would be unfair to ask you to save yourself until our reunion but.....well i just ask that you protect yourself. i also know that i cant expect you to want to get back together so quickly when we have yet to talk about the bedroom so until then, take care of yourself. i only hope that when we meet again, we can pick up where we left off.



i saw a few wet spots on the parchment, indicating that he was crying while writing this. was it wrong that i didnt really feel....bad any more? something tells me he was to some extent responsible for our situation and can only ask, knowing that he had no right to, but asking none the less. i sighed. i truly did not know what to make of our situation. i guess this is the truest test of our relationship. it was growing uncomfortable. this matter is getting out of hand. i do know of a guy who can take care of me though. i grabbed my keys before heading to his house.

he didnt even question my presence, knowing full and well the reason for my visit. he pulled me inside, right to his bedroom and was upon me, kissing me like he missed me. it felt good, i admit. its been along while since ive been on the receiving end of love. obito stopped trying to make me feel good, having to dedicate all his energy to the surviving the onslaught that ensued the moment he expressed willingness to lay with me. i sighed.

as i let the lust take over, i couldn't help but think back to the first meeting today. it was about it. i could tell. i dont know what it was but something wasn't right there. i couldn't help but feel as if i had started something by my presence there. "hey! im right here, john. focus on me," grunted hidan as he spread his legs, revealing the only thing that will rid me of this accursed arousal. ill have to ponder such things later.


obito pov

dad said nothing about this. i thought i would remain within the city but i was forced onto a private jet almost immediately. four restless hours of sleep before i landed in Italy, where my older brother was stationed for the time being. "things just cant get any worse," i whimpered, the tears escaping my eyes once again. i filed off the plane, quickly wiping away the tears as i saw my older brother for the first time in years. his eyes were kind, full of sympathy yet at the same time happiness. from his rushed embrace, id say he missed me just as much as i did. he chuckled. "last time i saw you, you were only knee high man! how has life been treating you?" he asked as he guided me to a waiting limo. "its been better. while i did want to see you again, i wish the circumstances were more favorable," i muttered as we got inside. "well i cant help that. dad said we gotta rush to get this money back before the high council finds out. those old bastards will eat him alive if they find out that he threw away 40 million bucks over something so trivial as to keep up a farce of a school," his frustration seemed directed at something else other than what we were speaking about. "but enough about that. i want to take you out. at least have a weekend of fun before we get to work, what do you say?" he said as the driver pulled off. i just groaned, not wanting to see the old things that drove me for so long. i hadn't missed the single life at all. not when i had finally found love after so long. he elbowed me playfully. "he must be pretty special for you to be worried so much," he said, resting his arm behind my shoulders. "been together about 8 months now then this shit happens and we have to be apart for who knows how long. im so fucking messed up about this, itachi. im seriously considering spending this whole trip locked in the fucking room looking at pictures of us....of him," i muttered. "well i cant let ya do that. im sure he would understand if you tested the waters. hell, you might even meet someone new. i cant have you sulking for this trip. its too long and we have too much work to do," he said, an air of seriousness in his voice. i sighed. i desperately need something to get my mind off the hopelessness i feel right now. off the strong possibility that he will meet someone else and my john would no longer be such when i finally make it back. "some good liquor and you will completely forget about him," he thought aloud. shit. i hope it will, no matter how much i doubt it.


time skip next part. the relationship between you and juugo is different this time around, as you will see in the near future. i foresee three more parts before this is done but dont quote me. its just a guess based on how the story is going right now. i dont know for sure.


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