
By Jennoula2009

277K 8K 2.1K

"Reign means kingdom, reign means power, reign means sacrificing what you love most. Politics, intrigues, lov... More

1. Arrivals
2. Stepping together
3.First day of the rest of your life
4. Annoyance
5. Bad omens
6. Confess and reveal
7. Intruders
8. Meet the monsters
9. Sweet little Claire
10. In sickness and in health
11. Sleep tight
13. The contract
14. Coronations and Goodbyes
15. Grow
16. Cruel days of summer
17. Crystal Clear
18. Embraces
20. Desire
21. Scene of the crime
22. Holy War
23.The President and the snitch
24. Born under a bad sign
25. The consequences of intimacy
26. Seven minutes
27. Broken Crown
28. Hearts and minds
29. The God of Blood
30. Fight
31. Roses
32. That Dr. Mineo
33. Katharsis
34. The courage of the fall
35. Dance me to the end of love
36. Divide and Conquer/ Epilogue- Aknowledgements

12. The months of love...

6.9K 203 27
By Jennoula2009

Note: Hello everyone!!!!!!!!!!! This is a very celebrating chapter. Many parts of the world have already celebrated 2014, so it's my turn to wish Happy New Year! I hope 2014 will be lucky for all of us. Health, Happiness and Prosperity to all of you and your families. Learn to respect the simple things and enjoy the presence of your loved ones. The other reason I am celebrating is that it's been a year since my arrival in Wattpad. I've downloaded it as an application, very ignorant that it will be a new territory for me, where I would be able to read perfect stories and meet awesome people! Thank you all for being here. 

About "Reign" now. I didn't find time to update sooner because I was very busy! I warn you, this is the last -let's say- happy chapter. From the next one things will come to their place. 

This chapter is dedicated to my lovely new reader @SunshineBeauty. Her comment lifted my spirit and so, I devote the chapter to her with all my heart! 

                12. The months of love...

"Happiness is such a fragile thing. 

A thin veil can shred it into million pieces...

So plainly. So imperceptibly." 


Six months later/ Late May

I'll dismiss them.  

Roselyn's lips twitched into a shy smile, as she was reading Alexander's neat handwriting on a small piece of paper that Hudson had passed discretely to her. The princess grabbed her pen with excitement and left her note on the same paper underneath his message.

We can't just send them away! They are Redmond's most wealthy men. Our economy needs them. 

The princess grabbed her cell phone and quickly texted him under the long conference table. They were attending a very important meeting with the most influential entrepreneurs of the state. A tall old man was presenting an investing plan that could benefit some degraded areas of Densmore, the capital city of Redmond.  All the people inside the room were concentrated on the presentation. Another piece of paper came to her hands a few minutes later.

But I need you. Immediately. I want to feel you... Savior your taste, your smell...

Frustrated, she tried to avoid the angry scowl of his father, Lord Corterel, who must have realized their game of seduction. Instantly, she blocked everyone out and concentrated solemnly on the prince who was sitting on the opposite edge of the table, nonchalantly rubbing his stubbled chin. The man, so handsome in his expensive gray suit, was nodding and lifting his eyebrows towards the eloquent orator, but when he realized that she was staring, he leaned backward and pierced her with his intense gaze. She smiled at him and it was a moment of plain happiness. 

They were together more than seven months, and her heart was still skipping a beat when he was looking at her like that. Those months were the best of her life. Not because she was going to become a queen in three weeks time, not because she was starting to gain respect from the whole political world, not even because the unemployment rates seemed to have been decreased. The real source of happiness in her life was him and only him. 

They were spending most of their routine in Alexander's office, preparing for meetings or granting audiences for ambassadors and other missionaries. They were proven to be a very efficient and industrious group, which would guarantee a promising future for the state. But behind the large conference rooms, away from the politicians and the reporters, they were two young people, who were longing to be together. They were spending every night mostly in Alexander's bedroom, cuddling in front of the television and enjoying a glass of wine or mainly, losing the track of time in each other's arms. When they wanted to stay from the hustle and bustle, they organized excursions and sometimes their best friends, Philip and Jade were following them.  

Alexander seemed to enjoy the stability this relationship had to offer. Roselyn's mild character balanced his own outrageous temperament. His eyes were sparkling with admiration when she was talking in front of the crowd or to the politicians, and when they were alone, he wasn't the skilled negotiator or the wealthy playboy, but a simple, affectionate partner. Long were gone the exaggerations of the past.

A whole new world was unfolded in front of Roselyn's feet, as well. A world of security far away from danger or dark spots. The press was still making offensive comments about her simple clothes and manners and Lord Corterel was becoming more and more offensive and demanding. But she didn't care at all because Alexander was supporting her in every step.

A few weeks after their union photos of them kissing and hugging were mysteriously leaked. They were taken by the paparazzi during their secret romantic trip to the prince's hunting house and shared in every media. For weeks, the morning and afternoon television shows and the blogs were commenting about the relationship, mentioning the older affairs of the future king and concluding that Roselyn was neither the perfect match for him nor suitable for the title.

In spite of the negative comments, the normal people seemed to love the idea of them together. A wave of frenzy was spread among the Redmonians, who wanted to know every detail. At the beginning, the monarchs decided to keep a low profile and refused to respond. But after Alexander's urge and many contradicting announcements, they decided not to hide the liaison. In their public appearances as a couple, they preferred local small restaurants or quite pubs rather than expensive exclusive clubs. They were always so keen on discussing with normal people or taking photographs with them.


"Thank you for your present." Alexander's hands circled her waist and placed a kiss on her cheek. "I loved it."

The prince's birthday was in late May and, of course, a big party was held in the throne room for him. Politicians, actors, singers, celebrities were invited to celebrate among his family and other highly ranked members of the court. He was animated and jovial, as always, wandering around the tables, joking with his guests and teasing them. The high society adored him. If they could bend on their knees and lick the laces of his shoes, they would gladly perform it. And when the prince was associated with them, he was clearly in his element, but in the end, he was always returning to the brunette woman with the beautiful chocolate eyes.

"It was nothing," she humbly noted with her heavy northern pronunciation.

"Oh, it was! I think that you want to spoil me with such expensive presents," he whispered and kissed her cheek again. Her present for him was a car, a shiny black Mercedes SLK 55 AMG. It was a special delivery only for his sake, with his name engraved graciously on the back. Roselyn had never bought such an expensive thing in her life. She didn't even own a driver's license or a car and generally, she wasn't spending too much money for anything. The palace was covering all her daily expenses and her bank accounts were loaded with money, but she was always living plainly. This time, she exaggerated but her partner worth every penny. And the fact that he was acting like a child when he saw the parked car outside the palace doors, made her feel even more content.

"You always spoil me," she replied referring to the small but ridiculously expensive presents he was giving her now and then. "Shouldn't I do the same just for once?"

"I will be beyond happy if you spoil me later tonight," he whispered wickedly and grabbed her hand. "But before that, I want to say something."

He moved graciously to the middle of the dance floor and nodded to the famous DJ to stop the music. As he appeared in the middle of the dance floor, everyone stood up and started applauding.

"Hey, everyone! Thank you for being with us tonight," he greeted exuberantly, his voice loud and clear. "Wow! I'm 30 now. Suddenly, I feel very old, like a grandpa."

He grinned as the crowd started laughing, shouting and clapping their hands. 

"Um... This year was very important for me. First of all, I will be king in three weeks. You all know that. And this means that I will stop getting drunk here and there, and I will be a serious and austere monarch."

The hollers of the extravagant guests and celebrities were that loud that he nodded them to calm down.  

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding," he exclaimed playfully when they finally stopped. "I consider myself a very lucky man because among others, quite unexpectedly a girl came to my court and she made me change my perspective. Come here, Rose."

The woman hesitantly and with slow steps appeared in the middle of the dance floor next to him in a simple black gown. She was very pacing carefully not to step on it and fall on the ground in front of them. She didn't want to ridicule herself in front of the crowd. When she reached her partner, he grabbed her by the waist.

"As you might have noticed, we are together some time now. These months were the best for me because I learn to trust and mostly, to respect."

His face became red and for the first time in his life, he had lowered his eyes to the ground. Then he looked at her with those shiny blue diamonds. 

 "I had a couple of drinks before I decided to come up here. Umm... I have only one heart. It's mine to give, but it's yours to choose to do whatever you want with it. I know we haven't discussed that, and you might feel a little bit unready, but I want you in my life and I can't imagine me without you. I've asked your father, and he gave his consent. So, Roselyn Amelia Elma Gifford will you accept my hand and marry me?"

Roselyn noticed the prince taking a small red box out of his tuxedo pocket and opened it. A diamond ring appeared glorious and shining and the woman was so taken aback that she couldn't reply.For the first time during that night the guests held their breaths waiting for an answer.

Rose! Say no! Look at him, look at his eyes. He doesn't want it. His smile is diplomatic. He doesn't want it. It's just a move to attract the attention. Why in front of everyone? Why now? Say no!   

"Yes," she simply murmured and her finger was instantly entrapped in the elegant shiny diamond ring. He kissed her lips and hugged her lean body.

"Welcome to the family, Mrs. Corterel," she heard him say before she was lost in the arms of her mother and Jade. his embrace. Those words sounded like a threat and his hands seemed like poisonous ivy that wanted to diminish her. The crowd was cheering now and her parents rushed to congratulate them.


They were lying on the bed, completely naked and silent, after a lingering and intense lovemaking session. She was curled in his lap, and her lean fingers were placed on his abdomen. The ring was shining blatantly in the darkness. The balcony door was open, and a warm spring breeze was cooling their bodies from the tension.   

"The tradition wants us to wear the bands on the right hand," he started talking. "I prefer a gold one, something simple and solid, engraved with our names from the inside. Your ring is Cartier, but our wedding rings will be made by our best goldsmith from the purest gold. Someone will come tomorrow to take our measures. They need time."

"Ok," she simply said not quite realizing why he was rushing that much.

"We'll get married in July, for your birthday. Then honeymoon till late August. We will return a week before the official opening of the Parliament on the 1st of September. I wasn't thinking something exotic. I prefer south Europe, such as France, Sardinia, and Greece. Do you have any other preference in particular?"

"No. These will do."

"Great," he murmured. "In Greece, we can go to Crete and Santorini. I've never been there, but they say it's the most erotic place in the world. And in Sardinia, we have to go to Spiaggia Rosa, the pink shore. You will love it."

She didn't respond back. It should have been the most beautiful day in her life, but a huge knot was permanently established in her stomach and a feeling of discomfort worried her.

"Something's bothering you," he concluded quietly and rubbed her shoulder. "Is it about the proposal?"


"No." The fact that she was hiding the truth from him thrice in a night worried her. "I just feel tired. That's all."

"I know when you're lying to me, Rose. I can tell. Didn't you like it? Didn't you want me to kneel? I can do it again if you want."

"No, no," she immediately protested and prevented him from getting up. "I just wanted it more private. You and I, just like this moment."

He remained silent for a while thinking. It was the first time Roselyn seemed distant and he could not understand why. He had done everything flawlessly. All the women would love that proposition. Why the hell did she belong to a different kind? 

"I wanted everyone to see how happy we are and how happier we will be. That's why I proposed in front of everyone and why I want an open ceremony. Our families were here, our friends. The whole world will know that you are mine. No one will take you away from me."

 Alexander always had a different perspective of his world. All those people, the friends, were cheering and applauding, but what she saw in their eyes wasn't joy, but pure hostility and envy. They would easily snatch him from her, not the opposite. Him. Couldn't he recognize that? She chose to say nothing. She simply kissed his stomach, and his warm flesh tempted her not to stop until early morning. 


A few days later, the princess was still awake, trying to concentrate on a law book, when a loud knock on the door forced her body to jolt. It was an hour after midnight. She rolled her eyes at the door, but immediately a second louder bang made her get up and rush to the door.  She was in her own bedroom, as her fiancé wanted to spend the night with his friends. Practically, she was all alone on the fourth floor and so, she remained hesitant in front of the door.

"Open up, love," Alexander's familiar voice was heard and she immediately turned the key.

Before she could see his face, his strong body covered her completely, causing her to stumble backward. Alexander was much taller and heavier, and he immediately collapsed on her lean body.

"Regina," he exclaimed and his face was hidden to her neck. The strong smell of alcohol hit her, and she grimaced annoyed. He had never seen him in that state.

"Regina," he repeated again and it was like chanting. She scowled as she imagined he was saying the name of a woman, maybe an ex or a random lap dancer in Philips private club, but very soon it dawned on her that the man was referring to her. Regina is the term for a queen in Italian and he was a fluent speaker.

"You will be Regina, my Principessa." he vociferated again, and he finally lifted his head from her shoulder breathless. 

"Regina," he repeated his favorite word, but his eyes were now looking at her with disapproval, disdain even. It was the first time he was looking at her like that and it was terrifying. He was looking at her like he hated her.

 He also looked so scruffy. His hair was untidy and his shirt wrinkled.  He was carrying a jacket, which has fallen to the floor a few meters behind.

"You are very drunk, Alexander," she concluded and he nodded with a  huge fake grin like a child who had been mischievous. Roselyn's hands stabilized his torso, and she tried to move him, but he was strong like a rock. "Come, please," she requested softly but helplessly, and tried to move him to the bathroom.

"I usually say that under different circumstances. When you're on the top of me," he said and laughed at his own vulgar joke. Then he whispered sardonically to an invisible friend next to him. 

"Oops! The protocol doesn't allow swearing, didn't you know? Roselyn follows the protocol. She's the good girl! How stupid of her!"

After many efforts, she had managed to carry him in the bathroom and started undoing his tie, after forcing him to sit on the closed toilet seat. She opened the faucet and started washing his face, thing that probably relieved him because he didn't protest at all.

"Wait here," she murmured and she turned her back to find a towel in a cupboard under the sink. A loud and rather frumpy sound forced her to return to him. Alexander was on his knees, kneeling towards the bathtub staining the luxurious marbles and porcelains. At least, he had the decency not to vomit on the floor. She kneeled as well placing his palm on his sweaty forehead.  

Finally, she had put him to bed and managed to take off his shoes and shirt, leaving him only with his trousers and a white flannel t-shirt he was wearing underneath.  After emptying his stomach in the bathtub, he certainly looked much better. His eyes were closed, and his cheeks had acquired their natural color. 

"I'm really cold."

Roselyn was lying next to him, her head just above his, to make sure he was ok. She pulled a coverlet closer to his body and remained still. Her fingers were inside his golden hair, stroking them affectionately. Her heart was beating really fast. He had scared her very much. 

"What have you done? Why have you drunk that much?"

"Because..." he mumbled with difficulty. "Let's skip it."

"Skip what? Tell me," she asked confused.

"The wedding. Rose, I don't want to marry you."

Note: What do you think about the chapter? Did you like the ring? Please vote and comment! "Reign" needs you!

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