The Unknown Doppelganger

Par FanFicLaura

226K 5.5K 361

A new arrival has appeared in Mystic Falls to interrupt the known line of Doppelgangers: Amara, Tatia, Kateri... Plus

Dalia Petrova
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirtheen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Twenty

4.7K 111 17
Par FanFicLaura

When Dalia's arm was stopped mid swing she quickly looked over her shoulder at who had grabbed her. She had been expecting Damon, Stefan or even Tyler but she was surprised when her eyes landed on another face, familiar just unexpected. Looking back and her eyes met Elijah, her narrowed eyes scanned him up and down. It was evident she was annoyed at his actions, at the mere fact he was even here. "What are you doing ?" she asked angry

"Well I came here to find my brothers, yet I find you, about to stake Katherina" he said pulling her wrist so she was standing up now. Once to her feet Elijah used his other hand to grab the stake from her grasp, keeping a calm exterior. 

"Then go find your brothers and let me do what I want" she growled, trying to reach over and grabbed her stake back yet her attempt was unsuccessful. 

"No can do Dalia, you don't kill family. I know that from experience" he nodded, exhaling lightly at the idea. Elijah had stood back and watched as Klaus staked Kol, Finnick and even Rebekah at one point. He was simply thankful that staking them wasn't permanent, that removing the stake would grant them life again. Yet for any vampire not an Original, a stake to the heart meant permanent death and he couldn't allow Dalia to do that. 

She understood what Elijah meant though she didn't agree with him in anyway. She rolled her eyes at him before speaking "She's not my family, you know what she did, she's a traitor" she spat turning to look at Katherine over her shoulder. 

"She's a survivor Dalia, like you. You learned from her, you don't want to kill her" he doubted, shaking his head lightly as he let her wrist go "I'll take her to Klaus, wherever the hell he may be" he huffed "Let Klaus do want he wants for her failing. There will be no blood on your hands, you will not be at fault" Elijah didn't just want Dalia not to kill Katherine for his own residing feelings for the elder Petrova, he also cared for Dalia. That being said, he didn't want for her to kill Katherine and feel the weight of a life on her hand for the rest of her life. 

Dalia scrunched her nose looking at Katherine, before averting her gaze back to Elijah. She looked at him, scanning his features. She was hesitant to allow Elijah to take care of Katherine, she worried that he wouldn't take her to Klaus like he'd promised. Yet as she looked at him, he didn't show any signs of lying. Dalia also knew that if she told Klaus of the events and Elijah didn't bring Katherine to him, he would be in trouble as well. Giving Elijah the benefit of the doubt she nodded, letting him know she was agreeing with him as she stepped back from Katherine. "You're nothing going to take me to Klaus ?" Dalia questioned "Won't he be mad at you?" Though she was giving him a chance with doing as he said with Katherine, she was curious as to why he was allowing her to go. The returning of her instead of Katherine would surely have gotten him bonus points with his brother, yet he was going against the expected actions. 

"I'll say my neck was snapped again" he smirked shrugging lightly "Now go, but I must tell Klaus where I saw you" he said walking and picking Katherine up  placing her over his shoulder. 

Dalia smiled at him and pecked his cheek "Thank you Elijah" she whispered, before he smiled back and blurred away. She took a deep breath before turning and walking back to the boarding house. She wasn't sure whether she'd tell the guys what had happened or not. Dalia was aware that if she mentioned conversing with Elijah, they would probably want to prevent her from leaving the house again for fear another Mikaelson got close to her again. She understood why they didn't trust nor like the Mikaelson's as much as she did. After all Katherine had managed to fill Dalia in on a lot of what had happened in Mystic Falls before she'd gotten there. Walking away from the bridge she strolled to where she'd parked Tyler's car before getting into it and driving off.

It didn't take long for her to reached the boarding house and she hastily made her way towards the front door. She opened the door and made her way to the living room where she saw Damon, Stefan, Tyler, Caroline and Elena all there awaiting her. Leaned on the door frame she exhaled as they all turned to look at her. "What's barbie doing here ?" Dalia asked pointing to Caroline, speaking before anyone had a chance to ask how things had gone.

"It's rude to point" Caroline retorted folding her arms over her chest as she pursed her lips clearly unimpressed. 

"It's rude for you to legally be allowed to walk around with that face" Dalia smirked cheekily, cocking her head to the side. It was evident to see despite her current hatred for Katherine, she definitely had taken on some of her mannerisms. 

Stefan looked between the two and shook his head at their words "Dalia" he breathed, braking the attention from them both. "What happened on the bridge?" he asked as he stood by the fireplace, arm leaning on top of the mantel.

Flicking her gaze away from Caroline, Dalia instead looked to Stefan as he spoke. "Nothing major, we met, we talked, we left" she shrugged nonchalantly, figuring it was best to leave out the fact Elijah had came anywhere near her.

Damon furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at her "Somehow I doubt that" he spoke up. Dalia simply looked over to him and shrugged, not revealing anything else and instead leaving it be.

"I should get going" Tyler said standing up from the couch and beginning to walk from the living room.

"Okay, where're the clothes ?" Dalia asked moving off the door frame to look at him as he neared. Tyler stopped and looked over his shoulder to the others.

"Upstairs in one of our many rooms, more specifically the room you had when you were first in Mystic" Damon smiled at Dalia, answering her question.

"Why amin't I living with Tyler?" she asked arching an eyebrow. She wasn't really annoyed or upset at the sudden change yet curious as to why the change was happening. 

"It's not safe when it's just me and you in the house" Tyler sighed "Here you have Damon, Stefan, Elena, and Jeremy. It's better that way"

Dalia rolled her eyes at his words. "I thought you guys said in the beginning it was better for me to live with Tyler now you're changing your minds again? I can look after myself"

"Sure you can, you looked after yourself while you got pulled out of a window by Katherine" Caroline remarked sarcastically as she looked to Dalia.

Dalia laughed dryly "Look at yourself Caroline, tell me again, who decided to turn you?" she asked rhetorically. It was evident the relationship between Dalia and Caroline was nowhere near getting to the level of being acquaintances just yet. Though Dalia did enjoy messing with her and it was only fair in her eyes. If Caroline continued to persist with her snide comments Dalia would retaliate. 

Caroline exhaled angrily making a grunting sound as she got up and stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind her. Dalia grinned happily before she looked to Tyler as he walked towards the door. She walked out into the hall and placed her hand on his shoulder turning him around. He turned and smiled at her playfully "I'll come by and see you tomorrow" he said and pecked her cheek, before opening the door and making his way down the steps of the boarding house.

"Ty..." Dalia called in a singing tone. He chuckled and turned around again to see her smirking as she held up his keys. "Can't really drive anywhere without these now can you numbnuts"

He shook his head amused and blurred in front of her. "Thanks" he smirked as he took the keys and turned again ready to head towards his car before he was stopped when once again Dalia's hand was on her shoulder.

She bit her lip and spun him back to face her before quickly kissing him on the lips. The kiss gentle and yet quick enough and as she pulled away she could see shock masking his face, but a slight smile also. Tyler was surprised at her actions yet he leaned in cupping her cheeks and kissed her softly, she kissed back her hands wrapped around his neck. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was 11 pm and Dalia was in her room, she was checking out the room and getting ready to relax. She had changed into a string top and shorts and was walking around her room bored, she wasn't tired but she didn't have anything to do. She sighed walking around, her lamp was on, the only source of light in the room, aside from the moon and stars shining in her window. She sighed and grabbed her black cardigan from the end of her bed. She quietly walked to her door and out into the hall, she walked down the stairs and to the front door. She slipped on her shoes and opened the door, she decided to go for a walk. 

Dalia found herself walking through the square, it was dark and no one was around except her and possibly people in the Grill, but no one outside. She had her hands dug deeply into her cardigan pockets, trying to keep warm, she stopped underneath a light pole leaning against it. Looking around, the only noise was the breeze that blew. As she looked around, she turned her attention to a dark corner, the corner without a light post. She squinted her eyes, hearing the footsteps trying to see who was coming from the shadows. Her eyes then widened, the person's head was down but she could tell who it was. His head rose up as he looked at her a smirk on his lips. "Hello love" Klaus grinned. Dalia's breath seemed to hitch in her throat upon hearing his voice. "Why didn't you answer my calls ?" he asked as he neared her "I bought the phone so I'd be able to call and make sure you were okay"

"Of course I'd be okay" she said trying to move back but the pole was blocking her so all she could do was lean against it.

"Why did you leave ?" he asked arching an eyebrow. Klaus knew that at the start things had been rough, if it had been at that time she'd had the option to leave he would have understood. But they were mending things. He'd apologised and they were getting along, they'd even had a day plan to go out for drinks yet she'd disappeared off with the Mystic Falls gang.

She licked her lower lip before speaking "You kidnapped me, I was rescued. That's my cue to go" she shrugged 

He shook his head "I don't think that's the reason" he said standing directly in front of her now. 

"What do you think the reason is ?" she asked looking up at him due to the small height difference.

"Tyler" he muttered, it being obvious even saying the name to him wasn't exactly something he enjoyed. He and the Hybrid had never really seen eye to eye and after the recent events, he doubted they even would. 

She looked at him befuddled "Tyler ?" she questioned "Wha...what do you mean ?"

"You like him Dalia, it's obvious, and please do not try to lie to me" he huffed, shaking his head. 

She looked down, staying silent as she tried to think of something to say. "Did you get Katherine?" she asked, the idea of changing the subject popping into her head and besides the subject of Katherine was something she wanted to know about. 

He raised an eyebrow as she tilted his head towards her "What about Katherine?" he asked confused.

She looked, eyebrows knotted together surprised at his confusion. "Katherine sent to get me captured for you, it didn't work out. I found her and was about to stake her, but Elijah came and took her. He said he was giving her to you" she clarified. It was obvious to her that this story was totally new to Klaus by the look on his face.

He shook his head "I haven't seen Elijah since we left the house" he added "Nor have I seen the obviously unsuccessful Katherine"

She exhaled before biting her lower lip "I sure it's fine, she's probably just back at your house. Elijah didn't know where you were, so he probably took her there and compelled her. I hope"

Klaus nodded "I'll call and make sure if you wish" he assured her. Klaus could see that Dalia truly hoped Katherine was still under the watchful eye of Elijah and not elsewhere. "But back to you Dalia. I bought the clothes and returned, you were gone, Kol and I came looking for you. He misses you, why would you resurrect him if you were going to leave?" he asked

"I couldn't bear the thought of him dead and he was the only one I trust out of all of you" she said her eyes on his intensely as she spoke the truth. To most people Kol was the least trustworthy of the Originals aside from Klaus, though not for Dalia. She knew Kol could be the most unpredictable, yet when you knew him as well as she did you were able to read him well.

"Come back with me" Klaus asked of her, breaking her from his thoughts as she reached down to gently take hold of her hands.

She shook her head "No Nik, I can't" she said taking her hands from him as she walked around him back in the direction of the house.

He spun around and walked to catch up with Dalia as he  started walking alongside her "Why?" 

"It doesn't matter" she lied "I just can't go back"

"Dalia, why won't you come with me?" he repeated.

"I just don't want to"



"Tell me" he demanded as he stood in front of her and they stopped walking in the street.

"Because I kissed Tyler!" she shouted "I kissed him okay? And I care about him so I can't just up and leave" she explained quickly. Her eyes looked into his and she could see the instant sadness he was hit with upon hearing her words. Dalia opened her mouth to speak but was too overwhelmed. Closing her lips she backed away before quickly turning around and walking off.

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