Homecoming Pt.4

By lov3_dontchang3

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The final chapter in the Homecoming Series.............. More

Homecoming Pt.4 Intro
Devin 1
Zyshaun 2
Marcus 3
Enzo 4
Khalil 5
Noah 6
Legacy 7
Khalil 8
Julius 9
Devin 10
Young Mon 11
Marcus 12
Blaze 13
Legacy 14
Devin 15
Marcus 16
Enzo 17
Zyshaun 18
Khalil 19
Iman 20
Noah 21
Devin 22
Zyshaun 23
Legacy 24
Marcus 25
Toussaint 26
Khalil 27
Marcus 28
Nico 29
Enzo 30
Devin 31
Blaze 32
Marcus 33
Legacy 34
Khalil 35
Zyshaun 36
Noah 37
Toussaint 38
Khalil 39
Dominique 40
Devin 41
Enzo 42
Noah 43
Zyshaun 44
Legacy 45
Toussaint 46
Marcus 47
Devin 48
Cadence 49
Tonya 50
Mama Angela 51
Khalil 52
Sa'vion 53
Zyshaun 54
Dominique 55
Blaze 56
Toussaint 57
Noah 58
Marcus 59
Devin 60
Cam 61
Liberty 62
Enzo 63
Khalil 64
Zyshaun 65
Devin 66
Noah 67
Legacy 68
Toussaint 69
Cam 70
Sa'vion 71
Will 72
Dominique 73
Emilio 74
Alex 75
Devin 76
Khalil 77
Marcus 78
Khalil 79
Zyshaun 80
Mario 81
Toussaint 82
Enzo 83
Blaze 84
Devin 85
Marcus 86
Legacy 87
Iman 88
Cam 89
Noah 90
Marcus 91
Yuri 92
Khalil 93
Zyshaun 94
Devin 95
Toussaint 96
Dominique 97
Enzo 98
Alex 99
Cam 100
Dominique 101
Marsean 102
Marcus 103
Zyshaun 104
Cam 105
Khalil 106
Enzo 107
Toussaint 109
Legacy 110
Marcus 111
Noah 112
Khalil 113
Dominique 114
Emilio 115
Devin and Blaze 116
Mario 117
Yuri 118
Noah 119
Enzo 120
Blaze 121
Khalil 122
Zyshaun 123
Noah 124
Cam 125
Toussaint 126
Khalil 127
Zyshaun 128
Enzo 129
Marcus 130
Yuri 131
Noah 132
Legacy 133
Toussaint 134
Khalil 135
Epilogue 1: Mama Angela
Epilogue 2: Emilio, Vanessa & Justice
Epilogue 3: Sa'vion
Epilogue 4: Alex & Cadence
Epilogue 5: Yuri
Epilogue 6: Blaze
Epilogue 7: Dominique
Epilogue 8: Tonya and Marsean
Epilogue 9: Cam
Epilogue 10: Legacy
Epilogue 11: Zyshaun
Epilogue 12: Enzo
Epilogue 13: Devin
Epilogue 14: Marcus
Epilogue 15: Khalil
Spinoff Character Synopsis
Chapter 1: The Perfect Son
Chapter 2: The Forgotten Son
Chapter 3: Both Sides of the Fence
Chapter 4: The Man with the Plan
Chapter 5: The Boy with the Secret
Chapter 6: The Artist
Chapter 7: The One Who Got Away
Chapter 8: The Reunion
Chapter 9: The Man Who Would Be King
Chapter 10: The Father To Be?
Open Discussion

Devin 108

2.2K 123 10
By lov3_dontchang3

I can't believe this muthafucker just threw a sippy cup at my head, but then again I always knew that in an instant Blaze could come out and there was no telling what 'he' was capable of...... honestly at this point I don't even remember why we were arguing, I just knew I was pissed. Thankfully Noah and Saint had the hindsight to take all the kids downstairs to watch a movie because I hated arguing in front of them, which has happened way more then I would like. This was probably me and Torian's tenth argument and in the last twelve hours and each argument was worse than the one before; it seemed like the closer we got to our wedding date the more we fought and it shouldn't be like this but the stress of everything that was going on was starting to get to both of us..... mainly me. I followed Torian up to our room and watched as he started packing a bag and felt my heart trying to escape out my chest and my stomach pressing against my spine.... damn was he really leaving? I was searching for the right words to get him to stay but what came out was entirely different than what I was really feeling.......

"YEAH WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED YOUR PUNK ASS IS LEAVING!" I yelled even though on the inside I was kicking myself my pride wouldn't let me admit I wanted him to stay. "IF ANYONE SHOULD BE MAD IT'S ME, YOU THREW A FUCKIN CUP AT MY HEAD SO YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE MAD TORIAN!"

"YOU ARE BOUT THE MOST IGNORANT ASS NIGGA I'VE EVER MET IN MY LIFE! YOU KNOW WHAT DEVIN I'M SICK OF ARGUING WITH YOU EVER FUCKIN DAY, SO I'M JUST GOING TO GO TO A HOTEL AND CALM DOWN BECAUSE I'M ABOUT TO SECONDS AWAY FROM KNOCKING YOU THE HELL OUT!" Torian said still throwing clothes in the bag, damn he was so damn sexy when he was mad but why did he need so many clothes? How long was he planning on being gone for.


"ARROGANT AS FUCK! JUST ADD THAT TO THE LIST OF YOUR MANY CHARACTER DEFECTS, YOU'RE REALLY STANDING THERE PUTTING THIS ALL ON ME! You know what..... me when you're ready to talk like adults Devin, because this shyt is childish." He said grabbing his bag and walking downstairs, I didn't follow him to the basement but I knew he was down there with the twins. After a few minutes he walked back up and I really needed him to stay.

"SO YOU'RE REALLY LEAVING! FUCK YOU MIGHT AS WELL LEAVE THE RING TOO!" I said like an idiot and Torian stood there looking like I just ripped out his heart. We stood there staring at each other until he finally took the ring off his finger and put it on the table before walking out. I ran to the door and froze, my hand outstretched towards the doorknob what the fuck did I just do? I was having trouble breathing, I needed something to distracted me I looked all around the living room and saw someone had painted a house on the walls. "TRINITY GET UP HERE!" I yelled.

"Yeah Uncle Devin...." He said looking scared as fuck.

"Did you do this?" I asked trying not to look at the ring on the table.

"I'm sorry Uncle Devin...... but whenever I see a wall I just gotta paint it." Trinity said quietly and I'll admit I had an extremely childish moment where I wanted to laugh, but there was a very obvious double entendre in there that made me smirk.

"Aight look just go get a washcloth and clean this up." I said walking over to the table and sliding the ring in my pocket. I walked downstairs and sat with the kids watching play, Darion was wobbling around and I couldn't help but smile, I looked over at Odion who was either really far behind his brother or just too lazy to get up and walk, I mean I've yet to see him even try.

"Da....." Darion said looking up at me and it was crazy how much he looked like Torian. I picked him up and kissed his cheek, Odion looked up us and I watched as his eyebrows creased and out of nowhere he stood up and walked over to me and started reaching up.

"AYY TORI ODION IS WAL......" I froze mid-sentence because he was gone.

"Uhh.... Uncle Devin not to be nosy or anything but you were really wrong." Saint said and Noah nodded in agreement.

"Stay outta grown folks business." I said picking up Odion. "But uhh..... since y'all were being nosy what exactly happened because I've lost track of all the times we were arguing." I said avoiding their eyes.

"Well.... you were sitting at the table writing and Uncle Blaze asked you something about y'alls other house, you got snapped at him and he walked away. Then he asked you something about the wedding and you snapped at him again, I could tell he was getting pissed.... my bad he was getting mad and then he asked you about the marriage certificates and you just kinda flipped out so..... yeah not taking sides or anything but I think you could've handle that better." Noah said and I shook my head.

"When are y'all leaving?" I asked irritated, because now it was starting to come back to me. I was writing the song I wanted Lafayette to sing at our wedding and honestly when I'm writing I hated being distracted and now I had possibly fucked up my relationship.

Khalil and Marcus finally showed up about three hours later and I could see how much they loved each other, it just seemed like they never argued. As Marcus got the kids together I pulled Khalil to the side because I really needed his advice right now, I gave him the watered down version of what happened and when I got to the part about the ring my voice crack and I became painfully aware of the ring that felt like a brick in my pocket.

"Look Dev when me and Marcus first got married..... we argued over everything. Where we were going to eat, what we were going to do over the weekend, my annoying habits.... a lot of little shyt. But I couldn't imagine being with anyone else, when Marcus left to clear his head after he found out about Noah....... that was one of the hardest time of our relationship because there was so much uncertainty there, were we going to make it and stuff like that....... But I had to get him back, which is exactly what you need to do, track down Blaze and make this shyt right." Khalil said. "We'll take Darion and Odion tonight so you can go get you dude."

I spent the next six hours checking all over the city for him before finally tracking down a hotel he was staying in, I pulled up and took a deep breath I was nervous as fuck going in there because like Khalil said the uncertainty of what was going to happen scared me. I got to his room and knocked quietly, I heard movement behind the door and knew he was looking at me through the peephole.

"Torian I know you're up, I can hear you breathing..... can you please open the door so we can talk?" I said and even though I couldn't see him I knew he was silently cussing me out. "I'll sleep out here if I have to but I can't go another minute without seeing your face..... please." I said and after waiting another minute or so he finally opened the door. I walked inside and saw a bottle sitting on the dresser.

"Turn the light off, I got a massive headache." He said walking over to the window and sat down, the light from outside was the only thing that helped me get through the room without falling and breaking my neck.

"I don't wanna keep fight with you anymore Torian........ and I'm sorry that I keep causing us to fight but this shyt is stressful as fuck and maybe I'm not dealing with it in the best way. I'm also sorry for how I acted earlier, it was beyond childish." I said.

"I don't wanna fight with you either Devin...... and you aren't the only one who is stressing out; I got my mom constantly calling for something or other, that bitch ass dude Finn is back at work because of some legal reason or whatever, then to top it off it feels like I'm handling all the wedding stuff by myself." Torian said and in the dim light I saw his eyes tearing up.

"Baby from here on out....... I'm going to be right by your side for every little step, because I gotta admit when you took that ring off it scared the fuck outta me. You know I got abandonment issues and when you left I was so damn scared that..... that you weren't coming back." I said wiping my eyes.

"I regretted taking the ring off the second it happened but this shyt between us is dangerous, we're both extremely passionate. When you get mad you hit hard and I'm the type of person who hits back harder..... I walked out and turned right back around but just like you my pride wouldn't let me lose." He said laughing a little. "And you aren't the only one with abandonment issue Devin, I know all too well what you went through which is why I would never leave you." He said quietly.

"That's why we worked so well..... two lost boys who found each other." I said grabbing his hand and sliding the ring back on his finger. "You better not ever take it off again." I said leaning forward and kissing him.

"We got a lot of work to do....." He said looking down at the ring on his finger. "But we've been through the worse so I know we can make it......" Torian said laying up against me.

"So are you coming home? I'm pretty sure you're going wanna see Odi walking...." I said laughing.

"Devin that boy has been walking, he just doesn't like doing it in front of a lot of people. The other night I watched him climb out of his crib and get in bed with Darion one night and it tripped me out..... I was going to tell you but I really thought I was dreaming." Blaze said laughing.

"He loves his brother....." I said smiling. "And I love you......" I said kissing him gently. We didn't have the most stable relationship but he just did it for me in ways that no other person could, I knew we had a lot of work to do but there was no other person I'd rather spend the rest of my life with.............................

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