Something I Can't Have (Seme...

By Uunouncium

306K 8.3K 1.9K

watch as kakashi the college professor falls for the reader, who happens to be one of his students. featur... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
Author's Note (important)
AP: Hidan
AP: Hidan (Pt 2)
AP: Hidan (Pt 3)
AP: Hidan (Pt 4)
AP: Hidan (Pt 5)
AP: Kiba Inuzuka
AP: Kiba (Pt 2)
AP: Kiba (Pt 3)
AP: Kiba (Pt 4)
AP: Kiba (Pt 5)
AP: Shikamaru Nara
AP: Shikamaru (Pt 2)
AP: Shikamaru (Pt 3)
AP: Obito Uchiha
AP: Obito (Pt 3)
AP: Obito (Pt 4)
AP: Obito (Pt 5)
AP: Obito (Pt 6)
AP: Obito (Pt 7)
AP: Obito (Pt 8)
AP: Obito (Pt 9)
AP: Obito (Pt 10)
AP: Juugo Taka
AP: Juugo (Pt 2)
AP: Kidomaru Smith
AP: Kidomaru (Pt 2)
AP: Kidomaru (Pt 3)

AP: Obito (Pt 2)

1K 31 2
By Uunouncium

author's note: gonna refrain from fully re-describing each of the characters. meaning im not gonna say 'older woman with huge rack'. im just gonna say tsunade or mrs senju-gallant. save time and effort.

first day of school....

reader pov

i took a seat in the room. it was a nice bright day today. air was clear. all that good stuff. feelin good. i did all my studying. got all my school supplies. im good for the year. i had sat near the window so i could enjoy outside when i had the time. people finally started filing inside, taking seats in random places. a buff guy with blonde hair and whiskers. sorta scrawny guy with a pony. mostly random faces with solemn looks. looks like no one was as prepared for today as i was. i was surprised when i saw the buff guy from that frat party come in and take a seat next to the scrawny guy. im pretty sure he is straight but.....well a guy can dream, right? he glanced back at me. shit! i looked away, my face feeling hot. just got here today and i already have a crush. aint that bout a bitch?

tsunade walked in just a few minutes before the start of class. started her spiel about how privileged we are to be in this class. it was hard not to look at the guy. he was buff but short and compact. im sure he would have been like a running back for the football team. super cute. sexy. i would LOVE the opportunity to feel him up. just a little. would have been nice to run into him at like the gym or something. maybe after a football game. he plays football. he is way too buff not too. a nice 'good job' slap on that plump ass of his. maybe grip it a little. he wont mind, right? his girlfriend wont even have to know. damn. am i really that much of a pervert? " anyone in this class that isn't susposed to be? this is a junior level course so please make sure you are all in the right class," said teach. i raised my hand. "im a sophomore but am susposed to be in the class. ended up taking an AP health course so im a year ahead," i said. she smiled. "well that's good. im glad to see someone ahead of the game," she continued teaching.

it was really hard to focus on my work. i still managed to do the work well but it wasn't easy. he had joined a group with the pony tail guy and blondie with whiskers. i wont deny that i was a little bummed. she handed out a packet for each group. shit. all that staring and i ended up being the one person who isn't in a group. "well john, it looks like you are the only one left. cant have one guy left out, right? soo....go ahead and join naruto, shikamaru, and kiba over there in the corner," teach pointed right at the people surrounding mr beefy. i sighed. "oh dont pout about it. chat and get to know each other. you could even make a few friends!" she chimed. i sighed. i reluctantly grabbed my bag and walked over.

i pulled up a seat and sat down. "hey man, im naruto. its nice to meet you," blondie held out a hand. "just call me john," i shook it. "that's kiba..." he pointed to mr beefy,"...and shikamaru," he pointed to the pony tail guy," but everyone calls him shika for short. welcome to our group," he said. i nodded.

naturally it was hard not to stare when he was literally sitting across from me. he wouldn't look at me either, no doubt recognizing me as his stalker. i sighed. i cant bear this awkwardness for the rest of the semester. "hey kiba..." he looked at me,"....did you happen to be at that frat party on 26th street like three days ago?" i raised a brow, hoping to break the ice. shika and naruto busted out laughing. "hell yeah he was! he was knocking back those shots like they wasn't nothing!" naruto elbowed him playfully. "see! i knew i saw you somewhere before," i smiled when i saw his lips curling into a smile. hopefully that will break the ice a little.

"you were at the party friday night? i didnt see you," asked naruto. "yeah but i didnt stick around for very long. ended up messing around with this guy..." shika and kiba's eyes widened,"...oh shit. sorry guys. im gay. hope that doesnt make things awkward," i muttered. instant elephant in the room. both kiba and shika looked away, scratching their heads nervously. "oh its fine. im no homophobe," naruto motioned for me to continue. "well, yeah. i ended up stumbling into the basement of the frat house. guess drunk me wanted some peace and quiet so of course the guy whose room was down there happen to come back..." everyone's eyes widened,"....i thought he would have freaked out but he was actually pretty chill about it. got to talking and....well we started messing around. sorta ran into a problem though. you see...both of us was trying to throw the ball while no one wanted to catch it, if you get my drift, so i had to cut it off. sorta left him high and dry but i know what i like," i shrugged. their eyes were still wide. "why are you guys looking at me like that?" i asked, completely confused. "so you were the guy who messed around with obito? shit," muttered naruto. shika moved into a thinking stance. his brows were creased in concentration. "its not a big deal. two tops cant do the do. good guy but im not leaving my comfort zone," i made and 'x' with my arms. they started chatting amongst themselves. "well that's rude," i pouted.

shika broke away from the huddle. "listen, john. obito has....a few screws loose, if you will. we advise avoid him like the plague, Ebola, and AIDS all put together. he is part of our frat as well as the football team so being at any games would risk him seeing you. being at the frat sorta iffy. you would need to hide if he is coming or going and if he has to piss so....well we may as well say the frat house is off limits. trust us, we are saying this for your own good," he said. i looked at them like they were crazy. "look guys, me and him are good. he knows we wouldn't have worked out anyway. we are cool. im not gonna walk on eggshells because he might be near. i can handle myself," i said. they all sighed. "dont say we didnt warn ya," naruto shrugged.

"hey kiba!" i called after him. he had walked out the class before i got a chance to talk to him. he looked back as i finally caught up to him. "yeah?" he muttered, refusing to meet my gaze. "didnt get a chance to ask you you play football? cause you are way too beefy not too," i used this chance to openly ogle him. YES i want him soo bad but ill have to settle for friends. "yeah," he grunted. i grinned. " love to see what you bee doing in the gym to get beefy like that. i need to get back in the gym. cant say i wanna be this beefy but i do wanna build some muscle," i took this opportunity to touch him a little. poked his pecks. his face went dark red. "yeah, i mean, that....that would be fine. i dont know when you go to the gym. i usually go every morning at like six am," he said. "cool so ill see you....tomorrow, bright and early?" i raised a brow. he smiled. "yeah," he said.

next class went by in a blur. couldn't stop thinking about kiba. totally gonna feel him up all day. will he be a little uncomfortable? well its not like he dont know im gay. ill stop if he asks but until then, im gonna enjoy every second.

shikamaru pov

my face felt hot. john is fine as FUCK. yeah, he could totally have it. id give him anything. literally anything. "i...i think he likes me," whispered kiba. since it was a nice day, we decided to walk back to the frat house. i sighed. that is also true. "yeah, that's kinda obvious. i mean the guy was staring at you all class," i grunted, realizing that im way to fucking jealous about this. i wish he would have liked me like that. kiba chuckled nervously. "so what did you guys talk about? i saw him stop you in the hall," yeah, i was being nosy. "said he wants to work out together," he whispered. "you may as well ask him out, kiba. just get it out the way," i grunted. "you think....he would say yes? i thought....i mean im susposed to wait till he asks, right?" he seemed to think it over. "he doesnt know that you are gay, kiba. that's probably whats stopping him from asking you out," i said. he nodded. "yeah, that makes sense," he muttered.

the next day....

reader pov

i was ready. had no problem getting up this morning. i gathered some things so i could take a shower at the gym. he takes a shower right after a workout, right? of course he does. i grabbed my keys and headed right out the door.

i had the wondrous pleasure of watching him do squats. it was something else. "come on, kiba! flex those gluts! one more set!" i chanted. yeah, i was staring right as his ass. he flexed them a little as he squatted. i had the pleasure of watching the firm cheeks spread and jiggle a little as he went through the motions. it was my turn. he stood in front of me as i started squatting. it was really easy to go past my max when im staring my crush right in the eye.

bench press ended up being last. i towered over him as he got under the bar. did i mention that i didnt wear undies today? oops. while i didnt have undies on, i wore compression shorts instead. im bold but not that bold. it was a good work out. despite my shameless ogling, i did manage to work up a good sweat. "time for some running before we hit the showers," i patted him on the back. he nodded.

i had the pleasure of watching his pecs bounce while he ran. i mean my perversion knows no bounds. i feel uncomfortable for him. ok. one more glance....and im done. that's it. no more openly ogling him. im being weird. im good. we had a good run. got the heart rate up really good. worked up a nice sweat. "time for a nice relaxing shower," i patted his back again as we made our way to the locker room.

we enjoyed casual conversation. i willed my eyes to stay on his as we stripped down for the shower. it was tough but kiba is a good guy. he really is. nicer than anyone you will ever meet in your whole fucking life. shower was good. it was just me and him so nothing was awkward. who would have thought that i would have the opportunity to see my crush washing his naked body right before me. who also would have thought that i would have been able to maintain eye contact this whole time. i sighed. this is torture. "how do you do it, kiba?" i asked. he looked confused. "how on earth can you keep the ladies off you? i mean goddamn. i know you cant feel too comfortable showering next to a gay guy and ill tell you right now: its been hell trying to keep eye contact," i said. his whole body went red. "its....its...umm...." he trailed off. "come on, it cant be easy. football stud, young, nicest guy you will ever meet who can bench 325 like its nothing. you must have an inner asshole side of your personality or some stalker tendencies to NOT be stalked by women 24/7," i said, the will to maintain eye contact fading away rapidly. my eyes wandered his body. the perfectly sculpted muscles, round firm butt, hell even his member which.....i couldn't help but laugh. "well that would explain it," i said as i looked at his throbbing member. his blush got darker as he looked at it. "well ill be damned. have you been hard this whole time?" i asked. he nodded slowly. "well that cant be good. i mean....if one guy having a boner in the shower is embarrassing enough..." i said. he looked at me. yeah. i was growing too. " gonna go out on a limb here...." he looked at me. " sure you noticed me looking this whole time. would it be alright if i know, touch?" i asked. i didnt need to ask twice before he was upon me.

i could barely control myself as what was once dangled in front of me was now fully available. my hands roamed his body as we kissed. i got a good hold of that plump ass, giving it a sensual squeeze. he wasn't shy any more, shamelessly feeling up my chest and groping my erect dick. i put his back against the wall. his grip on my arms got tighter as i hoisted his legs up on my hips, getting right into position. shower was all i had to lube up with. "i apologize. i didnt...prepare," he mumbled. naturally i didnt care. we are in the shower right now. he bit my neck as i filled him up all the way. his warmth was amazing and tight. the moisture from the water was driving me nuts. his grip got tighter on me as i started thrusting up into him, quickly getting that jiggle i always wanted.

{time skip}

we were both gasping for air as our fantasies were finally fulfilled. i pulled out of him and let him down off the wall. his legs were wobbly. he held to me to keep himself up. shit. i felt really bad now. everything i had for the guy went away as soon as i came the last time. i heard him whimpering. i met his eyes. they were pouring out. im sure he is feeling the same way. "kiba...i--" "i love you john," he whimpered. wait...what? "what was t--" "i love you.....soooo much. i dont know if i can live without you," his voice had lost all of its base. what the hell. "kiba, i cant--" "i know. i fucking know and it makes me soooooo angry that i feel this way so early," his voice changed from sadness to...well anger. his hands curled into fists. i put my hands up to block my face. the tears were still pouring but his expression remained a grimace of anger. he gritted his teeth. ok. that was weird. " gonna....go now," i said. he nodded and i headed out, more confused than ive ever been.

later on that day....

shikamaru pov

kiba was....different when i saw him this morning. "did the work out thing not go so well? did you tell him you were gay?" i asked as we walked to the store for some sodas. "no, we fucked in the shower," he grunted through gritted teeth. ok. im not seeing a reason to be upset. "was he not....big or strong enough?" i asked. "tsk...i wish. aint no holding back with him. big dick and know how to use it. i came buckets," he grunted. again, im not seeing a reason to be upset here. "so whats wrong? why are you so angry?" i asked. "because..." his voice completely changed. from anger to shaking with overwhelming sadness. "...i love him! i love the way he looks at me. i love touching and smelling and feeling him. im soooooo confused!! why is it this easy for me to fall in love, shika?" he whimpered. i pulled him into a hug. he squeezed back fiercely. "its because we are young. your life and experiences has made you vulnerable. you arent used to someone actually being attracted to you and wanting to take it slow. just relax and ask again when you feel better, ok?" i said. he nodded. "good. now lets get you some gummy bears," i smiled as i pulled away. "yeah. imma get me some gummy bears," he smiled, wiping his eyes.


another critical point in the relationship is coming. things are awkward between you and kiba but he isn't as crazy now. this is how significant it is for you not to have hooked up with kiba at the frat party. since you are distracting obito, kiba is able to feel a little more at ease about life. that will change soo but he is feeling good right now.


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