All Things Go Bump In The Nig...

By JJReaders

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~~[Highest Ranking #121]~~ Have you ever wondered... What goes bump in the night? Well the simple answer is... More

Come to Single Reed
The Girl
When She Pretended
A Sibling's Rivalry
A Fake Life
The Narrator
All alone
The Tricycle
My Best Friend
A Haunted House
Writer's Block
How I met Your Mother
The World Up Here
Something Supernatural
Fresh Meat
How could you forget me???
Grandma's House
How To Survive A Horror Movie
Running With Scissors
Orchaestrated Death
Dramatized Fascination
How To Survive A Horror Movie Part 2
The French Tongue Ripper
And They Lived Happily Ever After
How To Survive A Horror Movie Part 3
Break In
The Boy Who Always Had To Be Sedated
How To Survive A Horror Movie Part 4
The Witch
The Callers
Journal Entry Z
How To Survive A Horror Movie Part 5
The Skin of Man
Daddy's Little Boy
Alice and Wonderland
How To Survive A Horror Movie Part 6
A Valentine's Day Poem
An Accident
A Message From Death
The Polished Floor
The Monster With A Thousand Teeth
My Torture Plan
The Door

Eyes Wide Shut

25 2 0
By JJReaders

Once upon a time, in the distant world we once knew as the 80s, there was a dress maker's factory. There were several people who worked there, included a woman named Debra McDonald.

Debra was the CEO of the company and a very talented tailor. She was always coming up with new designs and patterns that the company could sell. But she was a queer woman who enjoyed nothing more than her personal space.

So she had a small room built in the back of the building with a huge, hand-made sewing machine she would use to make her patterns. Rumor has it she used to make exotic dresses for the queen and even carpets back there. But one things for sure, she would stay up there all hours of night sewing.

One day, Debra was working late like she usually did. She was in her special room with her specially made sewing machine when she heard a noise. It startled her until she realized her spool had simply fallen from its place.

She bent down under the table to pick it up. When she picked it up, as she was getting back up she hit her head on the underside of the table. This caused her to press down on the pedal that started the sewing machine.

Her hand, which was the still holding onto the fabric was somehow caught in the needle and impaled. This caused the machine to jam and get stuck and she was unable to free herself and was left alone to scream for help.

Unfortunately, it was a long weekend and it was the afternoon of the next Tuesday when she was found. Eventually, it was discovered that all of Debra's family was deceased and no distant relatives wanted the body. She wasn't even religious so she was eventually just buried on the property.

The company had a sour reputation after that and was eventually closed. A few years later, in our more recognizable era of the 2000s, a new clothing store was opened on the large property. The old building was forgotten about and wasn't even torn down.

Eventually, during the summer a new intern decided to get a job there. Her name was Marcy. She was in need of some extra cash and was easily accepted into the job because of her qualifications.

But, unfortunately, she quickly found out that her new boss, was mean, unfair, unkind and an all around horrible person. Forcing her and all her co-workers to work 12 hour shift with minimal wages and an extra hour if they came late.

She began to despise her new job but as she needed the money and her co-workers weren't that bad she decided to stay till the end of the month. One day she had had enough though. Her boss had decided to with hold everyone's pay-check till next month because they had been celebrating Marcy's birthday.

As Marcy was an outstanding person and everyone liked her, they jumped at the opportunity to celebrate her birthday. When the boss found about their 'party' (which consisted of a bottle of soda, a cupcake for Marcy and a bunch of people talking on their break), he refused to give Marcy her paycheck along with everyone else.

Marcy had had enough and told him that she was leaving tomorrow and if she didn't get her paycheck she was taking the matter to court. Everyone stood dumbfounded looking at her loud and incredible outburst.

After a few seconds Marcy flipped off her former, now red-faced, boss and stormed out of the building. Just then she heard a noise. She couldn't really tell what it was, but it felt like a whisper, beckoning her to follow it.

She followed it past her workplace, past the parking lot and into a deep forest trail that ended where the old building stood.

The old building gave Marcy a bad vibe and she never wanted to go in there, but there seemed some sort of importance in there. She just felt that whatever was calling her needed help. So she swallowed her fear and ventured inside.

Inside the old musty building she continued to follow the sound. All the way up the steps to the fourth floor. Then she ventured further and further until she stood right in front of Debra McDonald's room. She wanted to turn away, to just leave and never speak about coming here again, but something lured her inside.

She grabbed the old, rusty doorknob and threw open the door. At first the only thing that had happened was that the doorknob had broken off in her hand. But then, within a blink of an eye a woman stood in front of her in the room. She only had one arm and her other hand was covered in blood along with her clothes. "Pl-lease come..... H-help meee," the woman begged. But Marcy was terrified. She jumped back and screamed. In her terror she tripped on something and fell to the floor. She was about to get up when the woman grabbed her feet with lightning speed and dragged her into the room before throwing her onto a wall. Knocking her out in the process.

When Marcy awoke she was tied to a wall in a dark room. She never knew where she was, what time it was and who was doing this to her. But it didn't matter, Marcy quickly rediscovered the pain in her lips and the taste of blood on her teeth. When she tried to call for help she found that she couldn't spread her lips apart and could only make muffled screams. That's when she came to the horrifying conclusion that her lips had been sewn shut. Then she immediately began to scream as loud as she could, trying to get someone's attention, but her muffled screams faded into the darkness. Only one person could hear them, and it was the one person Marcy didn't want to hear.

The woman that Marcy had previously seen, appeared in the darkness before her. Why are you doing this??? was what Marcy would of liked to say, but before she could even mutter another muffled sentence the woman used her one good hand to sew Marcy's left eye shut. Marcy screamed as the needle pierced her eyelids with lightning speed and stretched her skin. Blood poured onto her cheek but this didn't stop the wrath of Debra McDonald. She heartlessly moved onto Marcy's right eye and when she was finished, spat in her face and disappeared. Marcy, was in pain. She couldn't escape, she couldn't cry for help, she couldn't even cry. She could only stay and whimper as death inevitable overtook her.


"That's a load of crap and you know it," I protested, not believing the ghost story had just heard. "Detective you have to believe me, I saw the girl tied up with her mouth and eyes sewn shut. She must of been there for weeks! Probably slowing starving to death. Imagine having to just sit there and wait, not knowing what's gonna happen? If they're gonna coming back. You can't even call for help. Only one thing is sick enough to do that and its the ghost of Debra McDonald!" Petey shot back at me. My partner was a rookie and always fell for things like that. "Let me tell you Petey, this is the work of a psychopath. Someone who's... who's just sadistic alright. Now instead of going ghost hunting why don't we catch this guy and bring him to justice alright?"

Petey simply stood up and walked out of my office, red-faced and upset that I once again wouldn't believe him. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my coat and walked outside. Looks like I would have to start investigating this one again and wait till he calmed down to help me. It was about 10 minutes to the spot where the girl's body had been found. It was fresh, well it's discovery was fresh. The actually body had been decomposing for a number a weeks now.

The poor thing must of been alive for at least three days before she died, in absolute torture and agony. I clenched my fist when I got out of my car and stared at the building. I was gonna get to the bottom of whoever did this and when I did.... jail wasn't gonna be the only thing they had to worry about. Things like this disgusted me and was the main reason I was a cop.

I walked in the building. I decided to go the fourth floor, the highest floor in the building then work my way down as the girl's body had been found there. When I got up there I immediately smelled the horrible, metallic stench of dried up,rotting blood. I covered my nose and followed the smell into a room which lead to another, smaller room. By the fact that upon entering the smaller room I vomited at the smell which had gotten significantly stronger, I inferred that this was where the body was found. I looked at the wall. There were four shackles on it. Whoever put the girl here must of touched the shackles. I decided to take a sample for DNA when the door slammed shut.... leaving me in darkness.

I jumped at the loud sound before laughing at my silliness. It was just a door and the dark, Nothing to be afraid of. What could possibly happen?

That's when I heard the sound of footsteps coming towards me. "Pl-lease come..... H-help meee," a woman's voice pleaded. I froze. I came in here alone, no doubt about it. I slowly reached for my gun before I was knocked into the wall with such forced that I was knocked out. When I awoke I was shackled to the wall. I couldn't open either of my eyes. "Damn it!" I cursed out loud, realizing how stupid it was of me to come here alone.

I managed to slip my hand through my restraint and felt around until I was able to free myself. I felt the blood on my cheeks. I wasn't gonna end up like that girl. I screamed for help as I tried to rip out the stitches but the thread was to thick. All I was doing was ripping skin. I couldn't use my pocket knife, it was risky, I had to get out of here.

I propped myself on a wall and felt my around the room. I felt a door handle and pulled it open. I could feel a light on my face and smiled and hoped I was almost out. "You're not finished," I woman's voice said as the warm light disappeared from my face. My smile faded. I was pushed back onto the floor. "NOO!" I screamed and got up and ran into the wall. I couldn't end up like this. I can't end up like this. This wasn't the end. "This isn't the end!" I yelled at the empty air. "No, this is," an unrecognizable voice said. And the door slammed shut, and locked.

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