All Things Go Bump In The Nig...

By JJReaders

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~~[Highest Ranking #121]~~ Have you ever wondered... What goes bump in the night? Well the simple answer is... More

Come to Single Reed
The Girl
When She Pretended
A Sibling's Rivalry
A Fake Life
The Narrator
All alone
The Tricycle
My Best Friend
A Haunted House
Writer's Block
How I met Your Mother
The World Up Here
Fresh Meat
Eyes Wide Shut
How could you forget me???
Grandma's House
How To Survive A Horror Movie
Running With Scissors
Orchaestrated Death
Dramatized Fascination
How To Survive A Horror Movie Part 2
The French Tongue Ripper
And They Lived Happily Ever After
How To Survive A Horror Movie Part 3
Break In
The Boy Who Always Had To Be Sedated
How To Survive A Horror Movie Part 4
The Witch
The Callers
Journal Entry Z
How To Survive A Horror Movie Part 5
The Skin of Man
Daddy's Little Boy
Alice and Wonderland
How To Survive A Horror Movie Part 6
A Valentine's Day Poem
An Accident
A Message From Death
The Polished Floor
The Monster With A Thousand Teeth
My Torture Plan
The Door

Something Supernatural

16 2 0
By JJReaders

Once upon a time, a long time ago. There's a story that everyone used to know.

There used to be an art teacher in a town called Church Vale. Before I go on I'll tell you this isn't your average fairy tale.

Although she was kind, funny, nice and never screeched; the children didn't like her, because she couldn't teach.

Eventually she got mean, and meaner and meaner; until the point that the children pretended that they couldn't see her.

As the years went by, she turned into an old hag, and the children decided she was nothing but bad.

The art teacher had no friends, family, or home. So in the art studio was where she slept and abode.

But one fateful day, something unexpected occurred. The art teacher fell down and got really hurt!

She passed out screaming like she was insane. And none of her students realised her great pain.

She never woke up but nobody could care less. They said the cause of death was because of the stress.

But when students began telling tales of their plight. Every knew not to go in the old art studio at night.

'Her ghost was pale, and ugly, and floated. "She looked the same when she was alive, just a little more bloated,"

They say don't scream on the top of your lungs. Because if she hears you, she'll rip out your tongue.

The art studio closed and was locked up tight. But the old woman's ghost still remained at night.

Soon a new girl came to the school. And everyone thought she was super cool.

But she was honestly extremely introverted. And never knew what to do when people found her to be extremely extroverted.

Well one day to try and get inside of her head.

They dared her to go in at night and sleep in the bed.

She told them she wasn't afraid of a ghost. She made it clear that the spirit would be toast.

But deep down she was terrified. She had never been more afraid for her life.

But the next day, at 9:30 at night. She crawled into the old art studio, to a terrible sight.

An old woman's pale, white face. She couldn't escape, the woman had locked up the place.

She tried to scream but she was too scared move. The woman had grabbed her and threw across the room.

The children outside only heard a scream. And the girl who went in was never again seen.

The police searched for hours then they searched for days. But no one could solve the mysterious disappearance of Elisa Bay.

Only the students of the school knew; that the art teacher took her and there was nothing they could do.

But a boy decided to test his luck. He went inside the old art studio for only a buck.

What he saw, nobody knows and he's too afraid to say. He jumped out the window, and screamed for days.

He was never quite the same, he would do nothing but shout. So they sent him to the mad house and he never came out.

Eventually the old woman's story was completely forgotten. And the message to stay out of the art studio, everyone got it.

For the ghost still remains. And if you go in the art studio, you'll never be seen again.

But every child knows, just as they know not to steal from the store. Stay out of the art studio at night, unless its a death wish you're searching for.

And here ends our story from the town of Church Vale. Just remember I told you it wasn't your average fairy tale.

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