Turning The Straight Player G...

By MadForYou1

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"Stop." I mumble as he moves his hand to undo my pants and I place both my hands to halt his. We were hiding... More

Question and Answers.


24.9K 829 199
By MadForYou1

I head to the cafeteria and was still annoyed that Damon had my phone. I'm sure Nicholas would be confused by me not responding to his messages and I avoided walking near his office as I quickly made my way towards the end of the long hallway.

"Mr. Hanicock."

I jumped as I heard my name being called and turned to see the exact person I was trying to avoid just as he exited one of the staff washrooms.

"Yes sir?"

"A word."

He walks off in the direction of his office and I reluctantly follow. Time wasn't on my side and I had a few more minutes before my lunch period was up but as I entered and heard the door close behind me, my appetite somehow vanished.

Turning to face him, I was completely unprepared for his wild kisses as he literally pinned my body onto his desk. At first I stayed stationary but then when my mind played catch-up, I pried myself from him.


"Don't you think the time for being shy has passed?" He asked as he ventured closer; his voice dropping with every step.

"We need to talk... about this."

"What is there to talk about, hmm?"

Once again he's got me pinned to the wall and his firm lips start to command my neck.

"I'm serious... we need to stop this."


"Someone saw us... and am... I think we..."

"Who saw us?"

"It doesn't matter but he threatened to tell the principal if we don't stop."

I watch as Nicholas takes a seat at the edge of his desk as he releases a nervous chuckle. He runs a frustrated hand through his thick hair as his mind goes deep in thought and I twist my thumb subconsciously.

"Maybe if you tell me who it is I could-"

"No." I interjected, "this has to end."

He takes a deep breath before nodding his head slowly and I half smile before leaving. Even though I didn't do this because Damon insisted that I do, I still knew that being with a lecturer was dangerous.

The bell rang just then, announcing the end of the lunch period and instead of going to class on an empty stomach, I decided to skip since it was just revision and I could study in my room. I slowly walked towards my dorm, careful to avoid anyone that might know me and left the huge building. It was about time I started working on my final projects and I made a quick detour to the library.

I spent the better part of my afternoon doing research and gathering information that by the time I finally came up for air, it was almost six. I gathered my stuff as the librarian started to lock up and briefly head out to a closeby food court to grab some dinner. The walk back to the campus was slow and cold and I finally noticed the change in weather as we approached the christmas season.

Arriving at my dorm, I dumped my work onto my desk and sat on my bed as I devoured the chicken sandwich and fries with my water. There was a knock at my door and before I could say enter, in walks Trent.

"Sup dude?" He greets. "You good?"

"Hey, just grabbing a bite before I have to catch up on some final projects,"

Trent takes a seat next to me and digs into my fries as he made himself comfortable. "Isn't finals like a little over a month away?"

"Yeah but I don't want my work to pile up on me."

"Hmm. So, how's the 'roommate'?"

"Why do you have to air quote it?"

"Cause, I came to see you this morning and he said you slept out... How come you didn't come crash at my dorm?"

"Do I look like I like being tortured by a bunch of straight guys?"

"My frat isn't like that-"

"How would you know? You're as straight as they are."

"I know my brothers."


For the second time that night my door was pushed open but in came Damon. His face is epressionless as his eyes move from Trent to mine and his mouth is a thin, hard line.

"You need to go." He commands without looking at Trent and I could see him grinding his teeth as he never breaks eye contact with me.

Trent looks over at me and I barely nod my head. As much as I wanted him to stay or at least take me with him, I knew Damon could beat the shit out of him. I mean, he plays rugby for crying out loud! All Trent knew was to be a businessman. Trent gives me one last look and after giving my newly found, reassuring nod, he leaves. Damon follows behind him, finally breaking eye contact before securely closing the door. Turning to me, I could see that his hard epression was still etched into his features.

"Why were you not in any of the afternoon classes?" He demanded, his voice an accusatory tone. "Were you with him?"

"What? Damon-"

"I had your phone for the entire afternoon yet he never texted back so don't you dare lie to me."

"You're acting like one of those crazy ex husband-"

"Were you with him?!"

"No! I ended it."

"Don't lie to me... I will find out."

"Go ask him yourself."

"Good." He exhales and start to head over to his side of the room and I was just itching to say something.

"It's not because of you."

"Whatever makes you sleep at night."

"You know you're really starting to piss me off."

Damon just rolls his eyes and gets on his bed and I fold my arms angrily at being ignored.

"I'm moving in with Trent."

"Seriously!" Damon chuckles as he turns to face me before sitting up. "You leave one asshole to jump into bed with a next?!"

"I'm not jumping into bed with anyone and Trent is not an asshole."

"He's a frat boy and not just any, no! He's part of Alpha Sig."

"So what!" I shouted, completely over this entire conversation. I grabbed the nearset bag and started throwing my stuff into it.

"Do you know what they do to gays?"

"I'm sure I'll find out. Who knows, maybe I'll like it."

Before I could even zip my bag, Damon is behind me and forcefully turns me to face him.

"Damon I'm so sick and tired of you treating me like a damn puppet on strings-"

The rest of my statement got cut short when his lips collided with mine and I stood shocked for the second time that day as my supposedly straight roommate kissed me. My brain barely worked enough for me to push him off and I was livid.

"The fuck is wrong with you?! You can't just kiss me every time you think I'm making a wrong decision or when you think you're helping me. I'm not some-"

Once again Damon cuts me off as his mouth devours mine and the kiss is so forceful that even if I wanted to shove him off, I couldn't. His mouth is insistent and demanding that I became a slave to him and a subconscious groan slips past my throat as his rough hands sneaks under my top to caress my sides.

I feel myself slowly starting to get hard and I try to not be so close to him but as he clears the gap between us, I notice the bulge in his pants.

Damon Sebastian Wright is hard from kissing a guy?... from kissing me?! Oh fuck!

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard him groan and felt his hands squeeze my butt from the outside of my pants. Wrapping my hands around his neck, I ran my fingers through his hair as his lips slowly moved from my mouth to my shoulders before continuing further down.

I don't know where the braveness came from but I found myself opening his pants before I cupped his erection. Damon let out a loud groan as he recaptured my mouth and I started to pump him. This was better than all my dreams about him and just when I was about to really show him what I could do, he pulls away.

I stood dumbstruck as a clearly horny Damon walks over to the lights, turns it off before stripping off his clothes and climbing into his bed.

What the fuck! Did he seriously just leave mid session?!

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