Impossible love- a harry styl...

By Joharrisx

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Molly Boulton is a normal girl, living in Cheshire, England. Her life is as normal as anyone else's. That is... More

Chapter 1- mr styles
Chapter 2- private tutoring
Chapter 3- dreaming
Chapter 4- hiding
Chapter 5- reality
Chapter 6- not so secret admirers
Chapter 7- breaking
Chapter 8- more than friends
Chapter 9- goodnight kisses
Chapter 10- grandmas house
Chapter 11- harry and freddie
Chapter 12- christmas day
Chapter 13- boxing day
Chapter 14- regretting
Chapter 15- waking up
Chapter 16- niall's escape
Chapter 17- harry and molly
Chapter 18- free again!
Chapter 19- back to school
Chapter 20- love potion
Chapter 21- the truth
Chapter 22- love songs
Chapter 24- its not the potion...
Chapter 25- harry's songs
Chapter 26- visions
Chapter 27- going into town
Chapter 28- finn's question
Chapter 29- days before the disco
Chapter 30- does he know?
Chapter 31- the disco
Chpter 32- running away
Chapter 33- harry picks us up
Chapter 34- dan
Chapter 35- silence
Chapter 36- finding harry
Chapter 37- harry finds out
Chapter 38- the party
Chapter 39- the bridge
Chapter 40- the river
Chapter 41- back in time
Chapter 42- saving harry

Chapter 23- harry or finn?

132 4 0
By Joharrisx

The end of another day and Finn comes home to mine again, plonking right down on the sofa. He looks up at me and sighs, his green eyes turning away from me and to the floor.

"what's up, Finn?" I ask him and he turns away. I put my hand onto his shoulder. "Finn..." he interrupts me by putting his hand onto mine.

"Harry told me that the potion doesn't work... Everyone keeps saying that. But it can't not work!" he gets agitated and a worried look comes across his face. His hand is still holding on tightly to mine. He seems so distressed by this whole thing. "and the pain of it all, is that, even if it isn't the potion and it is real, you'll never love me back... You love Harry" he tells me. I do love Harry, but I'm starting to fall for Finn, very slightly. Is it normal for someone to love two people at the same time? It can't be. Soon I will find out who I really love, because right now, I have no clue whatsoever.

"I do love Harry..." I say, and Finn's eyes drop to the floor, his head sinks down. "but-" he lifts his head up again, his eyes meeting mine and were locked in a gaze again. He nods for me to go on. "but... I might like you a little bit" I admit and Finn's face turns into a smile. He looks down to the floor and then up at me, the frown replaced by a cheeky looking half smile which makes me happy. He raises his eyebrows and leans in to kiss me, just at the same moment as Harry enters the room.

"am I interrupting something?" he asks sharply, as me and Finn instantly break from the embrace. Harry looks suspicious and I see Finn move uneasily. He is still holding onto my hand, which must have been squeezed so tightly now it hurts. his eyes are fixed on Harry.

"not really" I say, letting go of Finn's hand which he probably hasn't realised that he's still holding. I look at the brown haired boy, who's green eyes narrow at Harry. I shake my head subtly at him, raising my eyebrows, trying to make him not say anything. Finn opens his mouth to speak, but quickly closes it again, doing as I wish.

"okay..." harry drifts off. I know he knows what's going on. I can see by the flash of pain in his eyes when he looks at me, which quickly turns to anger. I shouldn't kiss finn, not after what Harry said and what he's been through. He quickly turns away, slowly edging into the kitchen, and slamming the door behind him.

"well..." Finn leans in to kiss me again, but I quickly pull away. However much I want to kiss Finn, I know that I can't, for harry's sake. The helpless boy looks at me with hurt in his eyes and he looks down. "why won't you..." he looks at me and I close my eyes, trying not to give in to him. I open my eyes again and he's disappeared away somewhere. I look around and he's gone. Hearing the door shut, I presume he's gone outside. I won't follow him, however much I want to, because I know what'll happen- the exact opposite of what I planned to do. That always happens, every time. Instead I go to my room, where I'll be safe for a little while at least...


After a while I find the growing guilt in my chest to much to bear, so I decide to go and see Harry. Pushing everything else aside, I need to tell him that I like him, not finn. Finn has gone to bed, and is sleeping on the couch. It's 10pm and Harry is in my mum's bedroom, where he sleeps. I open the door, seeing Harry lying face up on the bed, his eyes scanning the ceiling. His face is red and blotchy.

"Harry?" I say quietly, my head peeking around the door. My teacher has changed into a simple top and jeans and he looks up when I come in, his eyes bloodshot and red. I frown. Has Harry been... Crying? I step gently in the room and Harry's head falls back onto the pillow. He doesn't even look at me. "hello?" I ask him and he closes his eyes for a minute before opening them again.

"did you come to torchure me about you and Finn going out? You know I know what's going on between you two, right? Also, I know about the love potion" he says, making me wonder. What does he know about the love potion that I didn't realise in the first place.

"what is it about the love potion?" I ask him and he smiles at me for a second before his face goes serious again. He sits up, wiping his face which is still damp and red.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, Molly, but I lied about it" he tells me. Confusion starts to invade my brain and I tilt my head. What did he lie about and why would he lie to me about anything? I don't say a word but he carries on anyway. "there's no such thing. I lied about the girl who made one before. I kinda meant that someone attempted before, it never actually succeeded..." he looks down. That mean that finn really does like me and he's not just under a spell. It never seemed much like a spell anyway...

"oh" is all I can say. I'm really happy that Finn likes me for real, although I'm unhappy as well because I know that now this will cause complete hell for me when the two brothers start fighting, as long as none are pretending, which I'm pretty sure none of them are, because they've proved it. well... Harry has proved it, I don't know about Finn yet.

"I know Finn likes you... But can you stay away from him? please?" he pleads, looking at me with worried eyes, hoping I'll say yes. But how can I stay away from Finn if he's in the same house as me? It's impossible! Plus, I really like Finn and he'll get Really upset. I might talk to him when I go to school but I know I cant start anything with him because I know I'll never be able to end it because I'll feel too bad.

"yep, okay" i agree, looking away from Harry for a second and down onto the wooden floor. When I look back up, Harry is right in front of me, sitting on the bed. "whoa" he pulls me down next to him and looks at me, biting his lip.

"well, I haven't done this is a while" he chuckles, his long fingers rubbing his neck and he looks straight into my eyes. I nod and he brings his lips down to meet mine. Instantly I am set on fire, as I Am whenever Harry kisses me. Maybe this is what I want? The kiss doesn't last long, because Harry breaks away so quickly, saying we both have to go to bed now. I nod my head, agreeing that I don't really want to go any further with him, especially with me being so young. I walk back to my room and Finn is there, asleep on my bed. Sighing, I wake him up. Why does he always end up like this?


Finn's POV

I get onto the bus in the afternoon and save a space next to me for Josie, who I have become friends with. Molly can sit next to micy or Emily or Heather if she wants to but I'm sitting next to Josie. Kris is sitting behind me again so I turn around and talk to him.

"hey, kris" I smile and kris looks up at me. I don't know what I am doing here, i mean, kris is crazy! He leans over my seat and I sit down. The bus begins to move away from the school. Kris begins to touch my hair and I give him a questioning look.

"you're hair really is lovely, finny" he says, poking my head. I try to move away but he comes and sits next to me. I guess kris is just a really touchy feely person. "do you want a double decker, they're 50p?" he asks and I tilt my head, looking at the bar. Nodding my head, I give him the 50p and he hands me the chocolate bar. I thank him and he chucks his bag over to his seat again but leaving himself over here. I sigh and look out of the window but kris turns my head around to face him.

"what do you want, kris?" I ask him and kris smiles at me, his funny smile which is sometimes quite creepy.

"awww, you're no fun... Bye" he moves back to his seat and I sigh in relief. What does he want from me?! I find Jonny sat in front of me, listening to music. I like him, but he is sometimes a bit stupid when he hangs around with the popular guys like Joe and Ben.

"hi, Jonny" I say to the small, brown haired boy who looks a little bit like Adam, only shorter. Jonny looks up at me, his yellow eyes looking tired from another day of school. I guess it's better to make conversation than just sit here, especially as I have no music.

"hey Finn" he says, turning around in his seat to face me. I smile at him and he nods slowly. This is a bit awkward... Why did I have to say hi to him?

"so... What did you do at Christmas?" I ask him and he shrugs, taking out one of his headphones but leaving one in.

"nothing much... Got money, and the new assassin's creed game. Oh yeah, and we got another pet dog." he says. He is acting like a pet dog isn't a big thing. I have always wanted a dog, but now I live in an apartment and I'm almost 14, I'll probably never get one until I'm older. "what about you?"

"oh yeah, erm... I went to the lakes for christmas with some family friends and well... That's where I met Molly" I tell him and Jonny raises his eyebrows, just as the bus stops off at the girls school.

"cool" he looks at Molly and then back to me, winking subtly. I scowl at him but he just laughs, plugging in the Other headphone in. A surge of nervousness overwhelms me as I see her figure, whacking a blonde haired, quite scrawny boy, in the face with her giant bag. She looks at me for a second, and then looks down, sadly, sitting in an empty seat. Emily goes and sits next to her. Suddenly, Josie comes bouncing down the isle and I divert my attention to her as she comes and plonks her stuff right next to me, resisting the temptation to look at molly's heavenly face again.

"hey, Finn!" she laughs, giving me a cheeky grin. Why I like Josie so much Is unknown, but I know I still love Molly however much I like Josie.

"hey, Jo" i remember that she told me to call her Jo. She shoves her bags down under the seat and then looks back up at me, her brown eyes wide. "how come you're so happy today?" I ask her.

"oh, no reason really, some days I'm just really happy!" she squeals, giving me a tight hug. Something must have happened to make her this happy because she is pretty hyper. Has she had anything fizzy?

"oh, okay. Are you Sure something didn't happen at school?" I ask her and she rolls her eyes. Why else would she be so happy on a Wednesday. It's the middle of the week!

"fine, whatever. Something might have happened at school but why should I tell you?" she says and I Raise my eyebrows. She's got to be joking! I told her bout all that Molly stuff and she can't tell me about 'what happened at school'?!

"tell me" I demand and Josie laughs. She is only playing with me. Leaning over, she whispers into my ear.

"fine, okay. Well, today at school... Micy got a boyfriend!" she squeals, squeezing my hand. Why is she so excited about her friend getting a boyfriend? Why would I care? Then again, girls do get excited when their friends get boyfriends... I decide to go along with it to make her feel happy, as she's meant to be my friend and it would be mean if I didn't.

"wow!" I try to say it with emotion in my voice but it comes out a bit sarcastic. Josie scowls at me with a small smile playing on her lips.

"shuttup, Finn, I know you're not interested..." she tells me, laughing as she says it. I smile at her, tickling her waist. She flinches, giving out a tiny giggle and then does the same to me. I gasp, a playful frown crossing my face. Chuckling, I tickle her again and she does the same. Soon we are having a laughing fit and everyone on the bus is staring at us. I don't care though, Josie is probably my new best friend, even though I still love Molly, after all, I kissed her this morning. You don't have to be best friends with the same person you've fallen in love with. After all, I guess it's good to have a friend who's a girl... They actually listen, unlike most of my old friends.

"aww, I love you, Finn" Josie says as we laugh "... As a friend..." she adds and I nod.

"a best friend" I smile and she let's out the biggest smile I have ever seen her do. Her eyes screw shut and her nose crinkles up. Only now do I realise that she only has one dimple. On one side, she has no dimple, on the other, she does have one. I laugh and point at her face and she looks at me with a questioning look on her face. I need to explain myself or she'll think I'm laughing at her.

"I'm laughing because I only just realised that you only have one dimple" I burst out, still laughing, and Josie chuckles. In the corner of my eye I can see Molly watching us, a sad look in her eye. We lock eyes for a second but she turns away, sitting silently on her own. I swear I see a tear trickle down that perfect face of her's.

"everyone says that" Josie bites her lip and my attention returns back to her, one eye, however, still tracking the upset girl sitting across from me who I am meant to be in love with. A sad smile possesses my face and Josie notices instantly. "what's wrong?" she asks, a concerned look on her face and I shake my head. "it's Molly isn't it" how does she have that ability to just detect what I'm thinking? Im clueless. Suddenly, my phone goes off and I reach inside my blazer pocket, pulling out my mobile and turning it on. Haz...

"erm, hey haz" I say into the phone and my brother answers, a little worried.

"hey, Finn" he says nervously and I am instantly thrown off guard by his scared tone. Harry is normally so certain about things, but here, he seems totally out of control.

"what is it?" I detect my brother's worry and he breathes in and out slowly before answering.

"I looked it up on the Internet and, well... Finn look, the potion isn't real" he tells me and a sudden wave of terror comes over me. Molly loves Harry. How the hell am I going to survive when she tells me she can't be with me... My mouth drops to the floor.

"what?!" I say, an angry the in my voice, this could all start war between me and Harry and I could get my heart broken...

"you heard it, finny" he states and I close my eyes momentarily, pondering over the situation. Well, now I know that I'm not going to be having anymore happy days... With Harry I can't be blaming the potion in everything anymore... I end the call before haz can even say goodbye. Josie looks concerned and I throw my head in my hands, pulling at my hair. Why does this have to happen to me? I should have stayed with ciara. I'm sure as hell I don't want to actually fancy Molly!

"are you okay, Finn?" Josie asks me, lifting my head up so I can see into her deep, brown eyes. Her hair looks sort of red in the dusky light. I don't even have to say anything but she knows exactly what I'm thinking. She gives me a warm hug and I let a single tear trickle down my face and land on her shirt, causing a wet puddle on her shoulder. She smiles at me and I force a smile out. She hugs me again and I close my eyes, pretending to be in molly's arms. Suddenly the bus comes to a holt and I open them again. Josie grabs her bag and tosses mine to me. Molly is eyeing me as I give Josie a hug on the pavement and wave to her while running to my crush.

Molly doesn't say a word while we Walk, making things extremely awkward between us. Even the air seems awkward. The whole journey is spent like this, until I go and plonk myself down on the sofa, my head falling into my hands again. This time it's Molly and not Josie comforting me.

"what's up, Finn?" she asks me but I turn away from her angelic face. The pain is too much to bear... She puts her hand firmly onto my broad shoulder. "Finn..." I have no choice but to express my feelings properly to her. Doing as my heart instructs me, I place my hand on top of her's, feeling the smoothness of her hand. She looks up at me, wonder in her eyes. I can see her cheeks glow a bright pink colour.

"Harry told me that the potion doesn't work... Everyone keeps saying that. But it can't not work!" I remember that I will never ever have Molly like m brother does. Molly looks genuinely upset for me and I love how she is so connected with my feelings. "and the pain of it all, is that, even if it isn't the potion and it is real, you'll never love me back... You love Harry" I continue. Molly looks off into the distance and I wonder what thought is crossing her mind. I hope it's about me... In fact, it probably is about me.

"I do love Harry..." Molly says the words that were inevitable. Why do I even ask this question if I know that I will be disappointed every single time? "but-" I lift my head up again, relighting the fire in my eyes. There is always a but... "but... I might like you a little bit" she admits and my frown slowly turns into a smile. She bites her lip and I feel a tingle come across my whole body. Gently, I lean in, as if this is the right time to kiss Molly. Harry is meant to be in the house and if her sees this I'm-

"am I interrupting something?" my brother enters the room and I freeze in my place, my face centimetres from molly's. Me and my crush exchange glances before backing away from each other slowly, to not arise suspicion.

"not really" she says for me and I fight the inside battle to say something. However, I can see Molly looking at me with terror in her eyes. I think better of the idea. It would have been stupid to say something like that anyway...

"okay..." Harry has no clue what is happening from my point of view. I bet Molly hasn't even kissed my brother anyway... She's kissed me. He leaves the room, the door slamming behind him. I know about his little thing with molly. I smirk, all fear disappearing from my body.

"well..."I lean in to kiss Molly, feeling like my moment has finally come. Harry can't come in and disturb us again? Can he? However, as we're about to touch, Molly pulls away. Confusion possesses my puzzled mind. "why won't you..." I look at her hurtfully and then at the ground again. How could she not kiss me after what she just said... I know I can't stay here, I need fresh air. Molly closes her eyes and I quickly and silently escape, so when she opens her eyes I've vanished, the only trace of me is the indent in the couch I just got up from.

I run straight out of the door, only just realising now that I'm still in my school clothes. I Don't care, I just want to get as far away from this house as possible... I get onto the main road and I rush down the street and down a little lane called meadows lane. I now realise I probably should have got to know the village a bit before running away. I won't run far, I just need to get away.

I get onto a road with a lot of rubble on. They must be building houses here. The site seems desolate and all the men have probably gone home, as the sky is already nearly black. I've always wanted to go onto a building site ever since I was a little boy. Not thinking, I edge past the metal gates and into the site, my mind totally blanking the danger that could potentially kill me if I'm not careful.

Stupidly, I decide to climb to the top of an unfinished house and look at everything. It looks so cool at night, and a little creepy. I laugh to myself. I like being bigger than everything, especially because I'm normally smaller than everyone.

"hey, Finn. Is that you up there?!" I hear a girls voice sounding across the place and I turn around, fear forcing its way into my bones. Is this legal? I see a figure with curly hair in a pony tail and a medium sized, brown dog. It couldn't be... Emily? I sit down on the edge of the house and she just looks at me, her brown eyes looking concerned and a little bit shocked at the same time.

"yeah, I guess" I answer after some time thinking. Emily doesn't come any closer but just stands, staring at me. If she tell anyone about this then I'm dead...

"come down, right now!!!" she demands, pointing to the ground in front of her. Ignoring her, I shake my head and she repeats herself again. I roll my eyes. This time when she calls, I obey, especially as she threatens to call the police. When I reach her, Emily shakes her head in disbelief and anger. She doesn't even say a word, but struts off, her nose stuck up in the air. She is really so annoying and I can't stand her at all! I look at my watch. 9pm. I should probably start to get back now... I stroll back the way I came and make it back to hermitage road. I make it through molly's open window, and I collapse on the floor. She's not in here, so no one will know. I grab her sheets from the floor and curl up on her bed, as soon as my eyes close, I'm asleep...

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