One Direction Kidnapped Me..W...

By peachesnlou

303K 6.6K 1.8K

Hi... my name's Ana. Uh... Let's get right into it. I'm from a larger than usual town in England. I, personal... More

One Direction Kidnapped me..Wait KIDNAPPED? (1D Fan Fiction)
Chapter One - Love me not
Chapter Two - Coffee problems
Chapter Three - Kate...
Chapter Four - Little Miss attitude
Chapter Five - What a great actor he is
Chapter Six - This can't be happening
Chapter Seven - Oh really now?
Chapter Eight - I'll Pass
Chapter Nine - It's him!
Chapter Ten - Change My Mind
Chapter Eleven - Missing Starbucks
Chapter Twelve - Who is this?
Chapter Thirteen - Ugh, Mom!
Chapter Fourteen - I'd Hate To Lose You
Chapter Fifteen - The DISRESPECT
Chapter Sixteen - Take A Sip, Babe
Chapter Seventeen - Meghan!
Chapter Nineteen - I Hate Cardio
Chapter Twenty - Don't Ask Me
Chapter Twenty One - The Rebel
Chapter Twenty Two - Feelings
Chapter Twenty Three - Ease

Chapter Eighteen - Oh, Go Away

8K 225 10
By peachesnlou

~Ana's POV~

[Edited! xx]

Once I was finished talking everything over with Meghan, I turn my attention to Chantell. She sits quietly watching the TV in Meghan's room that's playing an episode of Law and Order. I furrowed my eyebrows reaching out to sit a hand onto her shoulder. She jolts turning to blink at me.

"Are you alright?" I ask quietly.

"I'm scared." Meghan leaves the room to give up privacy.

"I'm sorry for bringing you into all of this." I whisper pulling her into my chest. She nuzzles her face into my fur jacket.

"I don't blame you." She mumbles. "This is all Louis' fault." I nod comforting running my hand over her neck. Pulling away I feel a knot on the back of her neck. What the hell?

I swing her around forcefully, pushing her hair up and ignoring her squeaks. I squint my eyes examining the bump, is that a- what is that?

"Meghan!" I yell. She comes running into the room and I motion for her to look at her neck.

"That's a fucking tracker." I widen my eyes reaching back to check my own neck.

"What do you mean, a tracker?" Chantell shivers wringing her fingers nervously.

"Chantell hun, they put a literal tracker chip in your neck." Meghan explains grabbing her hands to hold them, trying to explain it to her.

"Oh god, get it out or something! Where did they even- How do you get one of those!?"

"We can't unless we do something like cut it out." I mumble running my finger over it. It lights up- and I jump backwards.

"That means it's being activated. Don't- Don't ask me how I know." Meghan rushes out with a blush on her face. She jerks her head around when the doorbell is rung. I shake my head pulling Chantell to the floor.

"Go hide, Meghan. Don't get involved with this too." I whisper.

"Chantell! Ana! We know you're in there!" Someone bellows. I slap a hand over Chantell's mouth to quiet her heavy breathing. Meghan looks over at me before sliding from the room, padding down the hallway to hide. I hear the door downstairs creak open. Chantell grips to me and I move my hand from her mouth to hold her head to my chest. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Ana. You knew we weren't that stupid." Louis speaks first.

"Oh, I'm sorry your highness. I just assumed that since you were complete assholes it comes with it." I snap back, turning Chantell away from them.

"Did you forget number 5?!" Louis mock gasps a smirk crossing his features.

"Fuck your rules! You're scarring this poor girl!" I let Chantell go after she slips me the key we've been sharing. I slide it into my back pocket while she suddenly bolts from the room, Zayn following her. Let her go. Let her go. Let her- I hear a scream before Zayn enters the room again with a thrashing Chantell.
"Shouldn't have said that." Louis scoffs. I jerk away from his arm trying to grab me. Liam tugs at my jacket. I stumble backwards and he steadies me gingerly. He avoids my bandaged wrists, deciding to grab my around my elbows. I huff letting him click the handcuffs around my elbows forcing my back to arch in the slightest. Bringing my foot up I kick Niall roughly while Liam drags me from the room.

"Where's your friend?" Harry hums. I shrug keeping my eyes on the ceiling.

"Let Chantell go." I mumble nervously looking around the house. Louis rolls his eyes walking over to me and leaning into my ear. I turn my head away from him stubbornly.

"You're both mine now. I told you I would have you." He whispers. My stomach drops and he pats my hip before trailing over to Chantell. I hold back any tears threatening to leave my eyes. Chantell lays crying in Zayn's grip. They bring us out of the house and shove us into the car. I stare at the house the whole time. My eyes land on Meghan who's staring out of her mother's bedroom window. Tears are streaming down her cheeks. I close my eyes Harry pushing me beside Chantell who's curled up against the seat.

"Chantell, it's alright. I promise I will get you out of here." I whisper trying to move myself closer to her. She ignores me tucking her head in between her knees. Harry Glares at me from the row of seats in front of us. I go limp rolling my head back and letting it hit the headrest with a huff. He turns back around to continue his game with Niall who seems to be winning. I rearrange myself until I can grab the key from my back pocket. I tap Chantell's foot and she turns enough to see the key, scrambling over to unlock the handcuffs. She pops the key into her mouth when Harry brings his head up to look at us. 

I keep my glare on Harry, him staring at me with furrowed eyebrows. The car jolts to a stop and I use the advantage of Harry flying forward onto Niall. Turning to Chantell I mouth 'The-House-Beside-Meghans'  to which she nods. I turn my head to look down at my boots while we're roughly pulled from the car. Chantell spits the key out at Liam and he hisses as the metal cuts his cheek. I glance around the snow covered area before pulling at my arm and running from Louis. He stumbles forward before getting his footing and running after me, Zayn following him. Chantell runs the opposite way with the other 3 following her.

I keep my running place making sure not to slip on the occasional patch of ice. Reaching Meghan's house I notice Zayn is still running behind me. Chantell is a blur as I notice her climbing the fence and shimmying under the deck of the next house. Harry emerges from over the fence, glancing around madly. I pull the scarf from my neck and drop it onto the snow. I'M SORRY SCARF, I'LL ALWAYS LOVE YOU! Zayn flies to the ground tripping on the scarf. Once Harry is out of my vision I slide under the deck. 

"I'm sorry for what I'm about to do." I pant.

"What-" I ignore her and flip her over, pushing her hair out of the way of the blinking tracker. I close my eyes ripping it out of her skin, taking one of the bandages from my wrist to press against her neck. She cries out and I throw the tracker watching it land in the snow. I hear the crunching of gravel as Meghan's parents pull into her house. It must be 5:00, then. Chantell sobs burying her face into my chest again. Her sobs are muffled as I watch Liam and Louis approach the spot where the tracker lays.

"It says she's right here!" Louis hisses.

"Guys, wait-" Liam tries to say before Harry runs over and cuts him off.

"Then where are they then?" Harry states his hands on his hips.

"Guys!" Liam yells as Zayn walks up behind him, ruined scarf in hand.


"They removed the tracker. There's blood on the ground." He points, crouching down to pick the tracker chip up from the snow, smearing blood on his hand. Dammit, Liam.

Chantell sobs louder hearing him and I slap a hand over his hand. I sit my head on top of hers. They go silent, looking around. Niall shouts from the opposite direction. Liam shoves the tracker into his pocket as they all run towards Niall's voice. I crawl from under the deck. Chantell copies my actions and I hoist her onto my back. Crawling over the fence surrounding the house I set off in the direction of my hotel.

After an hour of walking in the blistering cold, we reach the hotel. I enter smiling at the receptionist. Slipping into the elevator I press the button to the top floor, letting Chantell onto the ground. She stumbles grabbing onto the railing. I let her sit out in the hallway while I slide into the room to grab my car keys.

"California it is." I mumble bringing Chantell into my room to properly care for the wound on her neck.

"But, your friend is dead?" She reminds me.

"Well, I... You're right." I sigh defeated. I leave the bathroom looking around the apartment.

"Who got the house?" She asks sliding her jacket off of her.

"I called her uncle to deal with it. Legally it's his. I could just contact him again, but I don't have my phone. I'll have to ask the receptionist- but we're still flying. I don't care." I snap going into my bedroom to grab the secret stash of money under the mattress.

"Go ask the receptionist if we can use the phone because you lost yours." I usher her out of the room. She nods leaving. I sigh heavily. When did life become so hard? I ask myself cleaning up the bathroom. Once I'm done I slam the door behind me leaving the hotel room. Downstairs I pay the fee for the room and borrow the phone from the receptionist who gladly agreed to allow us to use the phone. Chantell sits beside her gushing about how beautiful her hair is.


"Flight 186 to California, United States, now boarding. Flight 186 to California, United States, NOW BOARDING." The intercom blares. I grab Chantell's hand, noticing we have nothing but money with us now. We hurry through the gates. No boys. I find our seats and let her have the window seat in case something would happen. My eyes slip shut once we're in the air and I'm glad we have no worries on the plane. We're safe. I'm glad Meghan wasn't dragged into all of this.


Whew sorry my Chapters are getting Shorter. Ive been feeling REALLY SICK. Thanks for Reading!! Vote and Comment Please. <3

(i must have been really sick bc this chapter sucked so i rewrote basically all of it. thanks 4 reading (-:   -future laura)

                                                                                   -Laura xx.

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