Cameron Monaghan Imagines

By Fufaation

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I'm just gonna write imagines that pop into my head. Randomly lol it can be where I'll write 3 in one day or... More

The Fair
The Interview
The Interview pt. 2
The Accident
The Road Trip!
I so ship you guys!
I so ship you guys! Part 2
"But You Will."
Jerome. Part 2
Comic Con
The Coffee Stain
I hate how much I love you
I got tagged
Miss me?
Say Okay...
Be With Me.
Fucking Hell!
Baby It's Cold Outside
Fucking Hell! Part 2
The Black Canary
Stop You're Makin' Me Blush!
My Soul is Literally Dying!
Miss Me? Pt. 2
She'd See My Love
Chris Wood
How Neat! Her Name's Kara too!
"You Have A Child?"
New Imagine Book
You're a Potterhead??
I'm so sorry!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Same Soul Pt. 1
"You worked for the Gazette, yeah?"

The Murder Of Your Mother

1.3K 34 40
By Fufaation

"Alenia. Come here please, I need your help."

I rolled my eyes but got up anyway. I am not in the mood for his shit right now, and I will punch him in the face.


"Uh change your attitude, young lady." 

"I'll change it when I'm out of your sight." I sneer

He got up so fast and came at me, I barely had time to process everything before I had him pinned down. I widened my eyes and got up.

"Oops. You good?"

"What the hell is the matter with you?!" he snapped

"I'm sorry! I'm not in the mood today, Billy." I sighed

"Well you better get in the mood. We have shit to do."

"I don't want to do this anymore! Can't you see that!? I'm sick and tired of being this person, I hate doing this shit! What are we even doing?! Honestly, Billy. Tell me, tell me what's so important about this?!" I shout in exasperation 

"Calm down!"

"No! I will not calm down anymore! You can't control me anymore! I'm out." I say shaking my head

I spun on my heels, grabbed my jacket and walked out of the shitty apartment. I closed the door respectfully, and just went on a walk. I needed to clear my head and to think. I didn't want to risk my life anymore. I don't want to be the girl that doesn't make it out in the world. I wanna live, and not just survive. 

I need exhilaration, I need strength. I need power, and I need meaning. I don't want to be stuck, and I don't want to be empty anymore! 

"Hey watch where you're going!"

"Watch your attitude lady!" I snapped

I kept on my walk before I loose control and hurt some innocent people. 

"Hey babe! Wait! Alenia!" 

I look over to see my ex boyfriend, Aiden smuggly smiling at me. Oh great!

"You look sexy as always baby!" 

"Aiden, go away. Don't make me hurt you." I say shrugging his hand off my shoulder

"Why are you always such a bitch?! I mean honestly, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who would ever consider dating your sorry ass." 

My eyebrows rose up and I laughed at his notion. 

"See. No one in their right mind would stand for this shit. Hell I only want you for your ass." He laughed

I chuckled and started walking away. I don't have time for this.

"Hey! I'm not done talking to you, you bitch!"

Wrong move, buddy. 

The moron should know better than to grab me from behind. So reflex kicked in and I knocked his sorry drunk ass out. He'll feel that in the morning.

I jogged the rest of the way to my apartment and packed a bag. I didn't want to live here anymore. I didn't wanna be me, and I certainly didn't want people to know me. Luckily, I have no family left to worry about me, so I just grabbed everything I needed and all the extra cash I have left and took a bus. 

4 Days Later

Oh shit! I fell asleep on the bus!

"Stop the bus!" I shrieked

"Miss we are stopped.... have been for 10 minutes." The bus driver said calmly

"Oh... I apologize." I said and grabbed my things.

"Thank you." I smiled

"Have a wonderful night, little lady." The bus driver smiled

"Oh uh, can you tell me where I am? I fell asleep."

"Gotham City."

I nodded and headed on my way. Gotham City... never heard of such a place. I like it so far.

I found an abandoned warehouse and decided to stay here for the night. From the looks of it, it seemed to be abandoned for about 70 years. So I was cautious of any weirdos, and any animals.

"Hmph." I plopped down on a love seat that was quite comfortable.

I got up after about 10 minutes and began exploring the warehouse, which is starting to look more like a mansion to me. There was furniture everywhere, and there were pictures on the wall, and utensils. It was as if, someone just up and left. And fast.

"May I ask who you are?" A voice called out

I jumped out of my skin and spun around in search of the mysterious voice

"I asked you a question."

"Who are you?! Where did you come from?!" It shouted

"I don't speak to strange voices." I spat in confidence

"Then answer me now." The voice whispered in my ear

I jumped back in fright, and spun my fist to hit the man. Only to have him grab my fist inches from his face.

"How rude."

"Let me go you freak!"

"I asked you a question! Answer me." He said calmly

"My name is Alenia. You are?"


"Ed? That's it? Is it short for Edwin, Edgar?" I smirked


"Oh okay... well can you let me go now, Ed?"

"Oh my apologies." He smiled

"Why are you in here, Alenia? I've never seen you before and no one comes here."

"I just got to Gotham and I needed a place to stay. I thought this was an abandoned warehouse. Clearly, I was wrong."

"Well you may stay, if you'd like."

"....... uh, okay." I squinted my eyes in concern

"I'm not some mass murder, if that's what you're worried about. I'm just a forensic scientist."

"Why do you live here, all alone?"

"I don't. This is where I come to think."

"Oh... well okay. I'm gonna go then."


"Because this place is taken."

"I told you, you could stay. Did I not?" He asked slightly demanding

"Yeah, but it's cool."

"I have food and clothes here. Stay here, and I will provide for you."

"Uh, dude. I don't know you, and I don't want to offend you but I'm okay."

"I said you are to stay!" Ed smacked his hands onto the table between us

"Okay! Jeez!" I snapped

"See what you did. You made poor ol' Ed scurry away." Ed smirked


"Ed is gone for now. I wanted to meet the new face in person."

"You're sick man. I'm gonna go."

"Did I say you could leave?"

"Did I ask your permission? I didn't think so."

"Woah, woah, woah! I'm sorry! That wasn't me! I'm sorry!" Ed rushed

"You need mental help Ed."

"I know! I'm sorry, I have split personality. Just don't leave. It's dangerous out in the world and it's cold."

"I can handle myself, but thanks for the concern."

"Please! Just tonight."

"Fine! But leave me alone... you have to stay 50 feet away from me. You're psycho personality also!"

"Okay, as long as you stay."

"I'm gonna go find a shower and a room. Do not, and I repeat. Do not come into the room I'm in, unless we are being robbed, or about to be murdered. Got that?"

Ed nodded and watched as I climbed the steps to find a room.

"What have I gotten myself into?"

I explore the gigantic mansion in search for a decent room, to find the other floors spotless. Like someone has been keeping them clean for years. Maybe Ed comes here everyday to try and escape himself. Or he probably has OCD and feels the need to clean this place and is the reason he was here when I got here. Makes perfect sense. 

"Staaaaaaaaaay wiiith me tonight! I want you to staaaay witttttttth meee tonight!" I started singing

I found a nice room to crash in. So I plopped my bag on the floor, and began danicing around.

"Staaaaay witttttth meeeeee tonight! I want you to staaaaaay wiiiiiiitttttthhh meeeeee tonight! She said, don't walk leave what we could've been behind. Don't leave me standing here tonight! Don't say another time so, staaaaaaay wiiiittttth meee tonight!" I shrieked along with the song in my head

"We gotta go! Now! Stop screaming! We don't have time for this!" Ed came bursting in my room

"What!? What are you talking about?" I puffed out after screaming

"No time to explain! Come on!" Ed rushed frantically looking to the door

"Ed I'm not going anywhere until you tell me whats going on." I crossed my arms over my chest

Edward groaned and threw my over his shoulder, bent down to grab my things, and ran down the stairs.

"ED! Put me do-hensofbucus" I was put down and had a hand to my mouth. Obviously my stubborn self was trying to fight him off until he turned me around to face him.

"Shut up! He'l find us!" Ed whispered 

"Who?" I muffled through this fingers


I could see the panic through his eyes which began to frighten me. I realized, damn I know nothing about this place or people. I should really listen to Edward Nygma.

"Well boys. It looks really shitty in here! Why did you bring me here?" an attractive voice echoed through this halls

"E-exactly... if it's dirty and gross. No one would look for you here."

"You idiot, this is the first place they'd look." the attractive voice growled

"You lookin' right in my eyes, and I know that you're lying..." My phone rang

SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! I fumbled for my phone in my pocket to shut it up but it was too late.

"You idiot! He'll kill us both!" Ed whispered

"I'm sorry!" I groaned

Ed grabbed my hand and we ran to the end of the hall, opposite to the attractive voice. Only to crash into a gigantic buff man! 

"Stop screaming!" Ed shouted

I shut my mouth real quick and pressed my body closer to his. To tell you the truth, all my confidence was gone! Out the window! Down the street. Around the corner, and most likely on a plane to Europe! 

"What have we here?" that voice came back

I looked up and didn't see anyone. Weird

"Jerome. I thought you were in Arkham." Ed said

"Oh but I'm not there am I? I'm right here!" then came a sinister laugh

I froze. I've heard that laugh before... 

"And who might this be?" The voice came closer to me

I shut my eyes to try and squeezed the shit out of Ed's hand. Probably cutting off the circulation in his fingers but I was fucking freaking out!

"Aren't you a pretty thing. Let me see those eyes of yours baby girl."

"Leave her alone Jerome. She isn't part of your sick twisted game." Ed growled

I looked up at Ed in shock! Did he just sass this guy!?

"Oh Nygma... haven't we been here before?" 

I was staring at end in fright when 'Jerome' pulled out a gun. I widened my eyes and he pointed it at Ed's forhead.

"Stop!" I shriek pushing Ed behind me, which did nothing. The man is a fucking tree!

"There we go babe. Now let me see those eyes." Jerome smirked

"Holy fuck!" I gasped

"Hold up... I know you." 

"No you don't." I rushed

"Oh but I do... my sweet, sweet Alenia." Jerome smiled

"Oh fuck...." I sighed in defeat

"Wait! You know him?" Ed asked

"Yeah... but it was years ago. I don't know how he remembers." I answered

"How could I forget you? You fucking left me! At the most critical time of my life!" Jerome spat venomously 

"Hoe could I not leave! you fucking murdered my parents! You threw my sister out of the fucking window! You threatened my life!" I shouted back

"You made me that way! What the fuck was I supposed to do?! You were leaving me!"

"No I wasn't! I loved you! I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you!" I shrieked

"You're lying! They told me. They told me you never loved me, that you were just feeling bad for me. So I became who I am now because of you! I'm Jerome Valeska. The mass murdered. The youngest murder in Gotham to break out of Arkham."

"I'm so lost!" Ed whispered

"Shut up Ed!"

"Okay... so it looks like you guys need to work things out. So I'm just gonna go make some tea. Any preferences?" 

"You're not going anywhere Nygma. You survived the shooting at the precinct. How? And why didn't you save your precious mayor?" Jerome smiled

"Go to hell Jerome." I rolled my eyes

"Thats it! Tie them up. Now!" He growled

I put up a fight when the big buff guy picked me up and sat me down in a fairly comfortable chair. Awe he might be a big softy!

"No need to be so rough" 

"Okay! We are gonna play a fun game." Jerome smiled

"I used to miss that smile.." I sighed to myself

"What's December 16th?" Jerome asked

"My birthday." I answered


"What's March 24th?"

"Your birthday."

"Also correct!"

"What kind of game is this?" Ed asked

"My game!"

"Alright, don't need to shout."

"Anyway... what happened on November 9th?"

"The murder of your mother." Ed answered


"Lilah died?"

"Oh yes, that bitch finally got what she deserved." Jerome smile wide

"Why are you naming dates that aren't important?"

"Are you saying our birthday's aren't important?" 

"No that's not what I meant... you already know these dates. Why are you repeating them?"

"Because I need Alenia to remember."

"You want me to remember what?"

What is he talking about? 

"I need you to remember why you killed your family. Why you killed them and blame me for it."

"What? No I didn't. You're fucking insane!" I shriek in disbelief

"Jerome let us go, and go on with your life."

"Edward Nygma... always trying to fight the darker side of you. Just let it consume you! Just like how when your darker half killed, what was her name? Kringle?" Jerome smirked

"What?" I asked

"Shut up. That wasn't me. I would never hurt Mrs. Kringle! I loved her!"

"Ed you killed someone?"


"Dude... something you should say."

"Oh cause you really enjoyed my company already"

"Okay! Off topic."

"Go to hell Jerome." I rolled my eyes

"Alenia Marie Jameson... now that's no way to speak to your boyfriend. Now is it?"


Hi guys! I honestly don't know how I feel about this one. But I left you guys hanging for too long.. so I'm gonna post it. If you guys totally hate it or something let me know in the comments. 

Thank you guys so much for your kind words, and your support. Love you guys!

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