One Direction Kidnapped Me..W...

By peachesnlou

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Hi... my name's Ana. Uh... Let's get right into it. I'm from a larger than usual town in England. I, personal... More

One Direction Kidnapped me..Wait KIDNAPPED? (1D Fan Fiction)
Chapter One - Love me not
Chapter Two - Coffee problems
Chapter Three - Kate...
Chapter Four - Little Miss attitude
Chapter Five - What a great actor he is
Chapter Six - This can't be happening
Chapter Seven - Oh really now?
Chapter Eight - I'll Pass
Chapter Nine - It's him!
Chapter Ten - Change My Mind
Chapter Eleven - Missing Starbucks
Chapter Twelve - Who is this?
Chapter Thirteen - Ugh, Mom!
Chapter Fourteen - I'd Hate To Lose You
Chapter Fifteen - The DISRESPECT
Chapter Seventeen - Meghan!
Chapter Eighteen - Oh, Go Away
Chapter Nineteen - I Hate Cardio
Chapter Twenty - Don't Ask Me
Chapter Twenty One - The Rebel
Chapter Twenty Two - Feelings
Chapter Twenty Three - Ease

Chapter Sixteen - Take A Sip, Babe

9.6K 239 40
By peachesnlou

~Ana's POV~
[EDITED. Also, I MISS POLYVORE SO BAD. Thanks for reading ]

After the boys were done, well, telling us the 'rules' and also just being DICKS in general, we're carried back upstairs to my room. Handcuffing us to the leg of the bed I huff. Hanging my head in boredom I look over at Chantell. I feel bad for pulling her into this mess.... Her cheek was a light red making me wince. I scowl. They better hope I never find out who slapped her.

I turn my attention to the door after it's unlocked and Louis slips in. My eyes narrow into a glare as he walks over and unlocks the handcuffs circling my wrists. I bite my tongue, refusing to talk to him.

"Get dressed and be downstairs in 20." He mumbles and helps me stand. I nod while he moves to slowly shake Chantell awake. I slip into the closet.

~Chantell's POV~

I feel light shakes to my shoulder slowly bringing me from my dreaming state. I furrow my eyebrows seeing Louis leaning over me. My eyes widen trying to push against the wood behind me to get away from him. I frantically search the room for Ana.

"Where is Ana?" I gasp out, kicking my legs out, trying to push him over.

"What time is it? Where am I? Why is there still handcuffs on me?! Where are the rest of you?" He dodges my feet. Rolling his eyes Zayn slinks into the room and lays a hand on Louis' shoulder startling him.

"Where is Ana?" I question again as Zayn moves Louis away to unlock the handcuffs. He drops them on the floor and gently massages my wrists while Louis stands a few feet away with his arms crossed.

"We didn't kill her or anything, calm down. She's in the closet." Louis huffs motioning to the closed door. "Anyway. Get dressed and be downstairs in 15."

"....Okay." I reply quietly. Zayn follows Louis out of the room shutting the door silently behind him. I stand up and stumble over to the closet door knocking on it. Ana peeks her head out, opening the door for me to step in. I pull her into a hug trying to ignore the red welt covering her cheek.

"I don't exactly have clothes that are for someone your age, but I could probably find you something that didn't look too bad." She hums pulling out of the hug to look through the multiple clothes.

"It's cold outside today. I think it might snow." I reply, watching her grab a sweater and leggings. She hands me the clothes, turning around to give me privacy while I change. Once I'm dressed she slips socks onto my feet, letting me pick out necklaces to wear.

"I hope these fit." She mumbles to herself, pulling a cream colored pair of boots from the shelf. I accept them and unzip the back to slide them on me. They fit perfectly. She smiles while zipping them back up and patting the back of my leg.

"There you go, darling! One more thing." Ana praises turning around to shift through a bag until she pulls out a pair of dog tags. "These are very important to me. They are my brother's tags, he gave me these when he had new ones made. I'm going to trust you with them, alright? Chin up. I'll do your hair after this." She undoes the latch and slips it around my neck, latching it gently.

I leave the closet to brush out my hair while she changes. I decide to borrow her mascara and put a few coats on my eyes. After applying my own lip gloss Ana emerges from the closet in an adorable jacket, light jeans, a black shirt, sunglasses, an YSL clutch, and black winter boots. I thank whoever bought these pricey clothes for her. She walks over to me grabbing two silver triangle hair pins and pinning my wavy hair back.

She takes her time applying makeup to her face then mine to hide the red marks. It's been well over 15 minutes, but I don't comment on that. She grabs my hand and leads me out of the room.

"How are you Chantell?" She asks on the way down the stairs, staring ahead of us.

"Good- I guess." I mumble furrowing my eyebrows and looking down. We reach the bottom of the steps and she tightens her grip on my hand.

"Ready?" Liam asks smiling at us. Zayn walks over to smooth Ana's jacket out.

"What are we doing?" I ask politely, inching closer to Ana. Louis scoffs.

"We are going out," He drags it out as if talking to a small child.

"Oh, I know that. I meant where are we going you asshole." I snap at him. Ana snaps her head towards me, Harry and Niall halting their weird 'IT'S GOING TO SNOW' dance. I trust Ana to protect me.

"Don't talk to me like that, child!" Louis splutters stepping towards me.

"I'm actually not a child. I'm 15, therefore I'm a teenager." Smirking I look down at my nails to show lack of interest in the conversation.

"Don't be a smart ass." I roll my eyes at him.

"Don't be an asshole then." I say, my tone bored. He shoves past Liam to get close to me grabbing the front of my sweater. My eyes widen. Ana clears her throat shoving her away in between us. Zayn whines when her jacket gets wrinkled from the action.

"Don't touch her, Louis." She lays a hand on her hip. Zayn hesitantly reaches over to smooth her jacket out again. Louis smacks his hand away.

"Well... Don't tell me what to do anyway!" He replies rather childish and steps away from us. I squeeze her hand gently.

"I'll do what I want. I'm a grown woman."

"Whatever. Let's go." Louis grumbles grabbing Ana's wrist and dragging her out of the door, me right behind her. Harry and Niall run in front of us to get into the car. I pick a seat between Ana and Zayn. Harry and Niall were allowed to sit in the back row of seats by themselves, which only really made it easier for them to continue their dancing.

-------(Back at Louis' House.)

Once we arrive back home, I stay glued to Ana's side. I'm petrified at this point. Louis took us to the mall- I know, I was surprised too. I don't even think it was his idea- and Zayn had dragged me and Ana into a clothing store. He stated that "Everyone needs their own style." and declared to buy me my own closet full of clothes. We weren't aware Liam had followed us into the store and when the store assistant unlocked the dressing room, we tried to explain to her how we were kidnapped. Long story short- Liam overheard us and freaked out. Zayn calmly bought the clothes I had already gathered to try on and left with the bags after sharing a hug with Ana. Can I trust Zayn, though?

I'm startled when Louis rips the door open and drags Ana out by her arm. She simply sighs at him with an annoyed expression and smooths down her jacket. I step down from the car Harry holding my hand to help me from slipping on the snowy ground.

"Thank you." I mumble to him wrapping my arms around myself. I wish Ana would have gave me more than just this sweater. I follow her and Louis into the house, slipping my wet boots off at the door. Louis is already tugging her up the stairs. I look over at Zayn with a questioning expression, asking him what to do.

"Go ahead up there." He says dropping the shopping bags onto the floor. He motions to the stairs. I nod and turn towards the stairs taking a deep breath.

"I-I don't think I want to." I break the silence after hearing the door slam and Louis yelling.

"Ana won't let him hurt you. Hell, we won't let him hurt you." Niall reminds me. "Would you like me to guide you up the stairs?" He adds comfortingly. I give him a nod. He takes my arm lightly and walks me up the stairs, me glancing back at the boys at the door. Liam is fidgeting beside Harry.

"I GIVE YOU ONE CHANCE AND YOU GO TELL SOME RANDOM WOMAN?" Louis yells inside the room as Niall pushes the door open, letting me enter. Ana pulls me into her side.

"How nice of you to finally join us." I curl into Ana's side tiredly. Niall shuts the door.

"I hope you know, Louis, that no matter how many times I fail I will get out of here." She speaks firmly. My eyes dart around the room nervously.

"Oh, I don't think so." My eyes land on the window, widening when I spot a young girl. I clear my throat looking up at Ana then back to the window. I tap her side and whisper the word window into her ear. She nods and glances over while letting Louis continue his rant.

"I'm going to stop you right there." Ana interrupts his angry yelling. "You don't own me. You simply don't. I'm a person and this is way out of hand. It's not a game." She sighs removing her jacket and hanging it on the hook beside the closet door.

"I MIGHT AS WELL. I DID kidnap you and this little smarty." He sneers.

"Don't call her that!"

"Don't think you can tell me what to do. I own everything around here." Ana pushes me behind her before ever so slowly bringing her hand up and slapping him across the face.

Louis growls shoving her backwards. She slips on the hardwood due to her wet boots. He takes the chance to pin her to the ground. I scream out and pull at the back of his hoodie.

"Get off of her!" I gasp yanking as hard as I can. He barely moves. There's footsteps and the door opens. "Get him off of her, please!" I plead. Ana stares up at Louis angrily.

Harry pulls my hands away from his hoodie. I frown as he pulls me from the room altogether. "You can't just- what if- what if he hurts her?" I gasp again, trying to get free from him.

"I'm sure Liam and Niall are taking care of it, alright? Just calm down. Don't have a panic attack on me now." I shake my head.

"You don't understand." I huff out looking at the closed door.

"Would you like to go through your new clothes?" He asks trying to distract me. I shake my head again, pushing against his arms that feel tighter than before. He pulls me into his lap ignoring my protest, combing his fingers through my hair calmly.

Harry agrees to let me sit out in the hallway until Louis exits the room. I watch his every move until he's out of my sight. I stand up, Harry letting go of me as I run into the room where Ana is.

She's curled up against the foot board of the bed, wrists handcuffed in her lap. Liam is pacing the room and Niall is unlatching the necklace from her neck. He proceeds to feel her forehead afterwards.

"What happened?" I ask loudly kneeling beside her. She's asleep...?

"Don't be too loud." Liam scolds. I just shrug. Niall smiles at me and stands up leaving the room with Liam. I decide to leave Ana alone not having enough strength to move her. Who was that earlier at the window? Humming I stand up and take the dog tags from around my neck, instead putting them around her neck.

Walking over to the window I look around outside for any sign of her. She's sitting against the fence surrounding the house. I knock on the window trying to gain her attention- it works! She hops from the fence and climbs the wall again.

"Do-You-Know-Sign-Language?" I mouth to her, not being able to open the odd window. She nods quickly.

"I can't exactly use my hands!" She yells back through the glass. I shrug and sign out a few things to her, but I only know the alphabet so it takes a while. We continue this conversation until she has to leave. I tell her to be safe in the snow and close the curtains. Turning to Ana I slowly pull her boots from her feet, sitting them on the desk chair until I can get a towel. I use a shirt to wipe the water up from the floor so it doesn't ruin the wood. Ana never stirs.

I finish and sit down beside Ana, leaning against her protectively and facing the locked door.


Hope you Liked it, It was Hard to Write. MEGHAN ISN'T GONE!! <3 Thanks for voting and Commenting, It means A lot.


- Laura xx

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