One Direction Kidnapped Me..W...

By peachesnlou

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Hi... my name's Ana. Uh... Let's get right into it. I'm from a larger than usual town in England. I, personal... More

One Direction Kidnapped me..Wait KIDNAPPED? (1D Fan Fiction)
Chapter One - Love me not
Chapter Two - Coffee problems
Chapter Three - Kate...
Chapter Four - Little Miss attitude
Chapter Five - What a great actor he is
Chapter Six - This can't be happening
Chapter Seven - Oh really now?
Chapter Eight - I'll Pass
Chapter Nine - It's him!
Chapter Ten - Change My Mind
Chapter Eleven - Missing Starbucks
Chapter Twelve - Who is this?
Chapter Thirteen - Ugh, Mom!
Chapter Fourteen - I'd Hate To Lose You
Chapter Sixteen - Take A Sip, Babe
Chapter Seventeen - Meghan!
Chapter Eighteen - Oh, Go Away
Chapter Nineteen - I Hate Cardio
Chapter Twenty - Don't Ask Me
Chapter Twenty One - The Rebel
Chapter Twenty Two - Feelings
Chapter Twenty Three - Ease

Chapter Fifteen - The DISRESPECT

9.7K 248 101
By peachesnlou

~Ana's POV~
[Edited. TRIGGER WARNING. And yes, I know the picture says Anadre, but her name has been changed to Ana. Thank you.]

I wake up in the same room I was accustomed to last time. I don't quite remember when I had fell asleep. Chantell is sitting silently beside me. I don't think she has slept due to the alert look on her face. I'll just escape with her. Again. I tug at the duct tape circling my arms. Maybe I could undo Chantell's wrist, then she can undo mine. With a slight struggle I bring my wrist under my body, just like I remember doing the last time. I motion her close to me. She furrows her eyebrows but complies and wiggles closer.

I quickly peel the duct tape from her wrists, stopping whenever it would be too loud. She rubs her wrist for a split second. I glance at her apologetically as she does my wrists. After shes done I rip the duct tape from my mouth, leaning down to undo my ankles while she repeats my actions. Once we're both up and stretching I pull Chantell closer to me. Leaning into her ear, I tell her my plan. It's not exactly an escape plan- but it's a plan. Perfect.

I walk into the closet I dearly missed, seeing all my clothes have been replaced. I grab the makeup sitting in the corner. Rummaging through the bag I find lipstick for Chantell to write on the walls with. The plan- I distract the boys, she wrecks EVERYTHING. We need to have at least some fun before we escape. I giggle while handing over the bright lipstick.

"You know what you're doing, right?" I ask, motioning around the room.

"Of course." She replies sweetly. I nod and clear my throat.

"CURLY!" I screech. The boys yell at each other before knocking the door open. I laugh loudly at their puzzled expressions and bolt past them downstairs.

"What the hell!" Louis yells grabbing at the back of my shirt as I run into the kitchen. I grab a plate and chuck it towards them. Chantell can be heard breaking things upstairs making me smile.

"Ana, STOP!" Zayn commands.

"WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY, ZAYN!" I scream throwing a blue mug at them.

"Oh god-Ana please just- can you stop!" Liam huffs out, dodging the mug. Niall lets out a girlish scream from the stairs.

"How about no! You don't oooooown me!" I sneer back. Climbing over the kitchen island I put distance between them and me. Throwing a particular set of plates I take my chance to run back up the stairs, kicking another door open. My brother taught me how to do that. Break doors- BREAK ALL THE DOORS!

Harry slips into the room just as I'm pulling his clothes from the closet. He grabs me and I shimmy to get out of his grip while giggling madly. I see Chantell has successfully smeared lipstick all over the wall. I whistle to get her attention and she runs over to me. I grab her arm and tug her into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

"That was awesome Chantell." I laugh as I high-five her.

"I know- and so easy!" She replies flipping her hair. I roll my eyes fondly. Someone beats against the door.

"Open the door, Ana. We're giving you one chance!" Liam barks out from the other side.

"How about no! Louis the bitch still not find his precious keys?" I let out another sarcastic laugh. Chantell smirks beside me.

"Actually, I went to get new ones made." Louis says smugly behind the door. I widen my eyes and lean down.

"Get on my back." I tell Chantell who nods and climbs onto my back. I wrap my hands around her thighs while she grabs my neck. Putting myself in a running position my eyes are scanning over the door. The lock jiggles for a split second before the door opens. I look at the boys standing in front of me.

"Hold on Chantell." I huff before charging through the group, knocking Niall over. I stumble for a second before finding my balance. I decide my best route is to run down the stairs. Just to be safe I tug at the front door to see if it will open. I shake my head not wasting my time in fumbling with the lock when I hear Zayn stomp downstairs. I dart into the kitchen, trying not to step on the broken plates. Once I'm in the lounge I realize it's the only room with a window that can be opened- other than the bathroom and kitchen windows. The lock is too high for me to reach.

"Unlock it." I say quickly and turn my body so she can get to the lock. She unlocks it in under 10 seconds, attempting to push it open.

"Don't worry about opening it yourself, I don't want you to fall." I tell her, stumbling a bit from being off balance. Harry saunters into the room with Liam.

"Give up Ana." He sneers at me, cornering Chantell and I against the window. I slowly lower Chantell from my shoulders. She takes Harry's arm that's reaching towards her and bites it, distracting the both of them to run from the room. I take the chance to whip back around and try to push the window open. Liam lunges forward and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Let go!" I squeal, kicking around. He pulls me away from the barely opened window.

"Stop moving." He huffs out pulling his face away when I try to punch him.

"I REFUSE." I hiss pushing out of his grip and running out of the room. I frown seeing Zayn holding Chantell, her wrists already covered with duct tape. I put my hands against my stomach backing up. Louis, Niall, Harry, and Liam make slow movements towards me.

"I....." Louis shakes his head at me.

"Just give up. Come here."

"I....SHALL STAND MY GROUND!" I scream before picking up the lipstick Chantell dropped and smearing it all over Niall and Louis' clothes.

"This was my favorite shirt." Niall whines.

"Good!" I throw the lipstick at Zayn. It bounces off of his back and he turns to look at me with a raised eyebrow. Liam moves to grab me and I smack at his hands. Harry grabs the... yeah. You guessed it. The duct tape- wait, that isn't duct tape. That's handcuffs?!

"Where did you even get those!" I squeal.

"We can't tell you that." I stare at them with my mouth open as they handcuff my hands and ankles. Zayn drops Chantell on the couch. Liam does the same with me, sitting me on the other end of it.

"Hi Chantell." I giggle. I wiggles on the couch before I am close enough to her to rip the tape off of her mouth.

"Hi Anadreeeee." She replies also giggling. The boys glare at us.

"How are you?"

"Well I'm doing just dandy thank you."

"Are you having a good day?"

"I sure am. Are you?"

"It's been fun! Hope to do it again aha-"

"STOP TALKING." Louis huffs out crossing his arms. I turn to him with narrowed eyes.

"That's rude, Louis Tomlinson. You could have just asked to join our conversation." I roll my eyes. Harry pats a fuming Louis' shoulder comfortingly as Zayn moves forward to pull me to the other end of the couch, securing my arms around the metal of the arm rest.

"Take these off." I pull against the handcuffs bruising my wrist.

"Shut the- Shut the freak up!" Harry finally bellows. I cringe back. Niall hesitantly slaps duct tape over my mouth. I look over at Chantell, noticing she's having another mini panic attack. I pull at the handcuffs harder trying to reach her. I stare up at Liam as he slides the blindfold over my eyes.

I yank my head away from him once he's done. Someone grabs a fist full of my hair and I strain against the hold. Chantell whimpers beside me and I can't help but to feel guilty. I yank at my hair, hoping they would let it go. Someone slaps me across the cheek. I freeze in my spot, holding my eyes shut to try to stop the tears from wetting the blindfold. Thankfully they don't hit Chantell.

"Now that, THAT, is taken care of, we have some 'rules' to go over that come along with this new treatment." This isn't new treatment, I think to myself. This is abuse.

"Rule number one- you will not try to escape." Harry states. I scoff behind the duct tape. I've already broke that like what, 5 times? I actually start laughing before someone yanks my hair again. I wince.

"Rule number two- no destroying the damn house." Harry drawls on. Chantell tries to stifle a laugh until someone smacks her. I scowl behind the duct tape. If I ever find out who just hit-

"Rule number three- no running inside OR outside of the house." I roll my eyes again. Wow.

"Rule number four- no disobeying." What are we? Dogs? I shove my head between my knees to contain my laugh. 

"Rule number five- no talking back or telling anyone about this." I remember what happened when I told joey. I keep my mouth firmly shut not making a noise though the duct tape.

This is NOT happening. They can't treat us like this. Men are something ELSE.


How did you like it? It was hard to write!!


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