
By Piper_Noell

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A rogue attack forces Harper Smith to save and build her pack, Silver Star Pack, up from dust. Her past is fu... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

108 12 3
By Piper_Noell

Harper's P.O.V

Xavier's body becomes rigid next to me as the previous chatter dies down instantly. A growl rumbles from Xavier and he clenches his jaw in anger. Shooting Cal and Scott a look we all get up and i grasp Xavier's hand firmly. His grey eyes meet mine and i give him a reassuring smile and i walk with him out of the pack house with the boys i tow.

Walking out of the pack house a eerie silence lurks though the air as we see multiple black cars pulled up in a type of formation. Warriors line up holding a variation of weapons and Oliver stands in front of them all with his beta, Malcolm, and his third in command, John. 

His light brown eyes settle on to me and a glare immediately settles upon his face as a growl comes from his chest. 

He's obviously pissed at me for throwing him out the window.

Xavier reacts instantly and pushes me behind him slightly as he puts a muscular arm in front of me protectively. A thunderous growl comes from him as his muscles tense and he clenches his fists. Mason and Cal growl and step forward next to Xavier as Jake and Scott stay flanking my sides.

"What the fuck are you doing on my land?!" Xavier growls out in his alpha voice breaking the eerie as multiple people flinch visibly at his tone. I need to stay calm and make sure Xavier doesn't rip Oliver's head off.

'Even though we both wouldn't care if he did' Aurora added in with a hint of anger in her voice.

Stepping forward sightly i touch his forearm and feel the sparks dance upon my skin. Xavier's muscle relax under my touch and his arm wraps around my waist as he pulls me into his side. 

"And here i thought we were friends, thought friends could come on to one another land anytime they wanted" Oliver chuckles darkly as his eyes narrow and Malcolm and Jake glare.

"You stopped being my friend as soon as you insulted my mate!" Xavier growled out as his grip on my waist tightened. 

Oliver's dark laugh fills the air as the atmosphere darkens. "You're seriously choosing her over me. I've been your friend for months. And you're going to throw that away for some slu-" Oliver begins but he's quickly cut off as Xavier lurches forward and grips his throat tightly.

A growl comes from my chest as i think about what he was just about to call me. Mason and Jake rush forward as they grip on to Xavier's shoulders to try and persuade him to let Oliver go. Cal and Scott stand in front of me.

"Are you going to be able to keep calm?" Cal asks as his eyes narrow on to my now clenched fists. Breathing in a deep breath i close my eyes and count to three before opening them again. Looking in between Cal and Scott's shoulders i can see Mason and Jake struggling with Xavier telling me i'm the only one who can calm him down.

Giving Cal and Jake a reassuring smile they step to opposite sides and i rush down to the scene.

Oliver's warriors are now glaring at the scene and getting in to fighting stances. Malcolm roughly shoved Jake away from Xavier and Olive and a thunderous growl rumbled from Xavier's chest as his eyes began swirling mixes of grey and black. Oliver's face began turning a different color and just as Malcolm was about to swing a punch at Xavier a growl came from my chest and i grabbed his arm and threw him to the ground.

A warning growl sounded through my chest and the warriors all flinched as some stepped back. Stepping next to Xavier i placed my hand on his biceps and felt the sparks run from my fingers to my shoulder as his muscles slowly relaxed under fingertips. His initial heavy breathing slowed down and his jaw relaxed as his head turned towards me. 

His grey eyes softened and all traces of black disappeared. His hand released Oliver's throat and his body fell to the ground in a spluttering mess. Xavier's arms pulled me into his chest as he held my waist tightly and dug his head in the crook of my neck; inhaling my scent.

Moving my arms up i twisted my finger tips in his hair as i watched Mason, Cal, Jake and Scott back away and stand behind me and Xavier.

"I really want to punch him" Xavier whispered softly in my ear as he snuggled his face in to my neck further. 

A soft giggle came from my lips as i buried my face in his shoulder. "I do too. But you've already nearly killed him, that and we don't need any more problems other the ones we already have" I whispered softly referring to the rogue problem as the grip on my waist tightened.

"I'm sorry"  He whispered in return placing a soft peck on my exposed collar bone making me shiver in delight.

"It's fine" I whisper as we pull away from the embrace but Xavier's arm still stays firmly planted around my waist.

Mason and Cal flank our right side together as Jake and Scott flank our left side together. Olive is now stood back up looking back to normal besides his complexion looking slightly red. Malcolm and John flank his sides and all the warriors stand behind them. 

Looking behind  see various members from both packs at the entrance of the pack house watching the situation unfold slowly. "Why did you come here?" Xavier's voice booms through the air with a calmer tone.

"I came to resolve what happened yesterday with your mate" He answered shrugging as his gaze turned to me as he eyed me suspiciously. 

"Why the need for all the warriors then?" I ask raising a eyebrow as i cross my arms in front of me for comfort. 

'This guy gives me the creeps' Aurora said sheepishly as i silently agreed with her as i watched Oliver and his warriors shoot me glances continuously.

Sensing my discomfort Xavier pulls me into his side further and places a soft kiss on my temple. "I simply brought them because i know how alpha's can get protective over their mates. If Xavier reacted badly then i would need back up" He stated simply as he looked me in the eye with a look i couldn't decipher.

Xavier's body seems to tense slightly as he growls warning Oliver. "I want you of my land, what happened yesterday is resolved but you will stay away from her!" Xavier ordered; his voice full of authority.

"Very well then, but if i was you i'd be careful of your little mate" Oliver nodded towards me before signalling to his warriors to get back in to their vehicles. 

As quickly as they came Oliver and his men disappeared and the atmosphere lightened significantly.

The earlier crowd dispersed and the boys left me an Xavier. "Are you okay?" I asked Xavier stepping in front of him.

"I didn't like the way they were looking at you!" He growled our possessively pulling me closer.

"I know. It was giving me the creeps" I told him placing my head on his chest. His arms wrap around my body and i breathe in his scent heavily.




"We need to find out more information about the rogues" Xavier sighed rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Do you guys know anything we don't" He asked directing the question towards me, Cal and Scott.

I'm currently sat in a meeting with Xavier, Mason, Jake and Cal and Scott. Sighing i bite my bottom lip thinking. "We don't really know much if were honest. One of the rogues have told us that not all of the rogues have a choice in joining the alpha rogue. For example, the rogue we spoke to, Adrian, told us that the rogue king has his men take rogues from the woods and bring them to him, he offers them a pace to work by him and if they say no he kills one of their loved ones. If they still say no then he tortures you and if you still say no then he brainwashes you" I say reciting what Adrian told me the first time we met; leaving the bit about his mate out.

"Adrian is the one you demanded to be keep in the best cell and to be treated like we treat each other, right?" Mason asks cocking his eyebrow.

"Yeah, the guys been through through a lot so i made a agreement with him. When this is all over if i trust him he can either join my pack or ill get him to his friends pack that he was going to before the whole rogue king thing" I explain shrugging. 

"So a lot of the rogues don't actually want to do what they're doing?" Jake asks as Xavier stays silent.

Nodding my head to Jake's question i yawn loudly making the guys crack a smile. "But what does the alpha king want?" Jake asks and Xavier's head snaps up to meet my green eyes. Jake's question brought all the thoughts back that had before disappeared.

"You read that letter didn't you?" I ask Xavier referring to the letter i got from the alpha king when i got the locket and ring.

Xavier nods while everyone else looks around at each other confused. "The rogue king sent me a letter when he sent the rogues with the box full of the photo's. The letter said that he knew who i was and that he was coming for me. He wants me; that's why he's doing all this. You were right about everything you said when i told you i was the white wolf, it's all my fault" I told Jake  looking him dead in the eye before rushing out of the room.

People shouting my name from behind me hit my ears as i sped out of the pack house and ran for the forest.

'Shame they had to suffered because of you'

That line echoed through my mind as i ran further and further away. The nightmare from a couple of nights flooded back to memory as i remember the gun shots ringing through the air.

Shaking my head i tried to get rid of the thoughts but the images of Sasha being killed came to mind instead.

The sound of footsteps behind me broke through my thoughts as i heard Xavier shouting my name.

"Harper stop!" He shouted just as i reached the pack borders. My body subconsciously listened to his words and my legs stopped moving.

Tears flooded down my cheeks freely as Xavier wrapped his arms around me providing me a sense of security. Turing around my i buried my face in his chest as my body shook with sobs. "It's all my fault" I whispered helplessly as Xavier stroked my hair whispering soothing words in to my ear.

"What Oliver said was right" I told him pulling away to wipe my cheeks.

"What do you mean?" Xavier asked not moving his arms from my waist.

"When he said that you should be careful of me. He was right, i'm the cause for everything" I shake my head as Xavier growls and pulls me back in to his chest.

"None of this is your fault baby girl" He whispered in to my ear as the wind blew through my hair roughly.

"Come on" Xavier said softly before guiding me back to the pack house.

"But my mascaras going to be a mess" I laughed wiping under my eyes with my fore finger.

"You look beautiful anyway" He told me kissing my side of my head. 

Rolling my eyes the pack house came in to view and a view peoples heads turned to greet us. "I need to fix my makeup, i'll meet you in a bit" I tell Xavier when we reach the pack house before attempting to walk away.

Key word: attempting.

Xavier grabbed my wrist gently and pulled me towards him. His lips smashed on to mine and one hand cupped my cheek while the other held my waist. Smiling in to the kiss i wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

The sound of people making 'awhs' broke the kiss and when we pulled away there was multiple pack members watching us with awe. A small blush rose on my cheeks and i quickly gave Xavier a quick peck before jogging upstairs.

2109 Words
Do people actually understand why Harper gets upset randomly?

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