One Direction Kidnapped Me..W...

By peachesnlou

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Hi... my name's Ana. Uh... Let's get right into it. I'm from a larger than usual town in England. I, personal... More

One Direction Kidnapped me..Wait KIDNAPPED? (1D Fan Fiction)
Chapter One - Love me not
Chapter Two - Coffee problems
Chapter Three - Kate...
Chapter Four - Little Miss attitude
Chapter Five - What a great actor he is
Chapter Six - This can't be happening
Chapter Seven - Oh really now?
Chapter Eight - I'll Pass
Chapter Nine - It's him!
Chapter Ten - Change My Mind
Chapter Eleven - Missing Starbucks
Chapter Thirteen - Ugh, Mom!
Chapter Fourteen - I'd Hate To Lose You
Chapter Fifteen - The DISRESPECT
Chapter Sixteen - Take A Sip, Babe
Chapter Seventeen - Meghan!
Chapter Eighteen - Oh, Go Away
Chapter Nineteen - I Hate Cardio
Chapter Twenty - Don't Ask Me
Chapter Twenty One - The Rebel
Chapter Twenty Two - Feelings
Chapter Twenty Three - Ease

Chapter Twelve - Who is this?

10.3K 264 66
By peachesnlou


After several attempts at me trying to sing, the boys telling me to shut up, arguments, and yells later we arrived back home. I walked into the house, swinging my hips. Boosh. I run upstairs, kicking my door open. The wood splinters basically breaking the door. My eye widen before I slowly back away and into the bathroom. I lock the door behind me and stand there waiting. I heard the yells of the boys, then their feet approaching the door.

"ANA?!" I hear Louis yell.

"Are you okay?" Zayn mumbles before someone hits him.

"Yes.." I talked back in an almost whisper.


"It may have broke."


"I may have kicked it open."


"I felt like it." My voice got louder.


"WELL I DID IT ANYWAYS, BUD." I scream back at him.






"Nah." I laugh.

"OPEN THE DOOR!" He sounded uneasy with that comment. I hear them whisper back and forth. Then, I shiver from a breeze. Wait, a breeze? I whip around to see the window open. AGAIN BOYS. REALLY. I smirk and run up to the window. FREEEDOMMM.

"ANA?" Harry speaks this time.

"WHAT BITCH," I laugh loudly.




"Fresh air is important you asshole," Harry yells back and I hear a thump.

"Owwww..." Niall drawls.

"Sorry, Niall. I was aiming for Louis." Harry starts laughing until I hear another thump. I shake my head and shove the window open with a atrocious squeak. I halt my movements to see if they even realized. I don't hear anything...

Shrugging I put my head out the window and look at the jump down. Sure, Louis has one of his cars conveniently placed near the window I could surely smash the windshield out of, and possibly get internal bleeding from if I jump down onto. I'll take my chances.

My heart races as I climb through the window, gripping onto the side of the windowsill. But, if they left the hall, why didn't I just unlock the door and run out that way? I think to myself as I struggle to keep a hold of the window.

Well shit. I breathe out heavily and look down. If I plan this perfectly, I could probably save myself from getting hurt too bad. I grip the window too hard and I feel my nail break. Gasping, I accidentally let go.

"MY NAIL," I scream, arms flailing as I try to land on my front, arms tucked into my chest. I hit the top of the car unharmed but have to inch to the edge to throw up over the side of it. My body aches as I slide down the other side, clutching my arm but also my stomach.

"GUYS SHE WENT THIS WAY!" I hear Liam yell. DAMN IT LIAM JUST REALLY. I pick up the pace running a full lap around the house before going straight. OH GOD I'M SO OUT OF SHAPE. I pass up the car debating if I should use it to my advantage. I turn around shoving Zayn back unexpectedly and hurdling my heavy plastic bangle at Liam before pushing the door to the house, locking it once I'm inside.

I hear them bang on the door as I disappear up the steps, running into the room I've claimed and discarding some of the noisy jewelry. A louder bang sounds through the house and I dunk out of my room and into Louis'. Covering my mouth to stop the heavy breathing I hear soft footsteps.

"Ana?" Niall whispers, near Louis' closet door. I straighten my back against the wall as the door opens and he scans the area before shutting the door with a slam. I lean my ear against the door waiting until its completely silent to slip into the bathroom next. Latching the door closed very softly I crawl over to the other room door, discovering it leads into Liam's room. My breath hitches in my throat when the door is opened across the room and I dunk back down to a crawling position.

"Ana." Zayn breathes in a sympathetic tone and it makes me want to almost jump up and pull him into a hug. I hang my head down covering my mouth again- cowering against the bed. He begins to walk farther into the room and I take the chance to slide under the bed, curling in on my self and watching his feet silently walk across the room. It takes a full 5 minutes before he leaves. I slowly move from under the bed and crawl over to the door, shoving it open and running into the bathroom with the opened window. Locking the door silently I manage to get out of the window and onto the old car with a thud.

I quickly walk down the side of the house staying alert. Breaking into a run once I'm a few feet away, I hear Harry yell and curse myself. I don't hear anyone behind me and let a small smile slip as I come to a cross road. Deciding to run left I see a few houses farther down the road but decide to stop at the first.

I see Louis' car swerving behind me. He halts to a sideways stop allowing the boys to hop out. I jump across the fence only to have Zayn grab my ankle.

"ZAYN LET GO!" I gasp. Harry attempts to grab my other ankle. Before he can I yank my leg in Zayn's hold and tumble over the fence. I'm quick to get up and run behind the house scaling the wall like I used to back at my father's house. He used to live near this beautiful cliff, leading into a river and me and my brother used to climb it like a race. I send a silent thank you to whoever designed the house with the stone. I pry the window open, falling in and slamming the window shut. I lock it and draw the white curtains closed. I turn around to see I'm in a seemingly teenage girl's room.

The walls are painted a shade of blue and Doctor Who posters litter the wall. Several Glee posters are hanging in the left side of the room. An Ed Sheeran poster hung over the blanket covered bed. I smirked to myself- I've met Ed before, I got a hug. I'm startled when a door is shoved open and a girl walks out dancing like a wild man. She freezes locking eyes with me. We keep the eye contact before she tackles me to the floor, her forearm shoving against my throat. I whimper from the pain in my neck caused by the 14-15 year old girl.

"WHO ARE YOU?" She bellowed at me. I could tell she was Canadian, with a hint of what... is that... Scottish? She had a soothing voice. I hush her loudly.

"Shhhhhh! I'm Ana. I need help but I need you to listen.." I hear a knock at the downstairs door. I knew her parents weren't home due to the lack of cars parked outside. I squirm under her nervously only for her to shove against my neck harder.

"Listen, listen, I got kidnapped and these boys are trying to find me. You have to help me please. I need you to go answer the door and say I'm not here, one with a denim jacket on will try to tell you I'm his girlfriend. DON'T BUY IT." I Splutter looking up at her pitifully. She slowly gets up with furrowed eyebrows when the knocking is louder.

"Um...OK.." I thank her before sending her downstairs to talk to them. She answers the door and Louis talks first.

"I'm looking for a brunette, she's wearing yellow and white... I was wondering if you have seen her? We were playing hide and seek. She's my girlfriend." He smiles at her and I see Harry wink, smiling to show his dimples.

"I haven't seen her. I'd be happy if you would LEAVE ME ALONE, thanks." She replies in a bored tone and goes to shut the door only to have Louis stick his foot between the door and the door frame.

"This is urgent, please just tell us if you have seen her! W-we have an... uh... bet." He clears his throat, clearly angry at the teenage girl blocking his way.

"I'm telling you I haven't seem her. I've my phone in my pocket right now and I'm honestly not afraid to contact the police this very moment." She warns and slips her hand into her back pocket. I squint to see she doesn't have her phone in her pocket. Smart girl.

"Okay. Okay. No need for that." He stutters and ushers the boys away from the house. Harry looks back at the house suspiciously before they enter the car. The girl watches them leave to the next house, slamming the door shut and hurrying up the stairs.

"Oh my god thank you so much dear." I let out a sigh of relief tearing up.

"Um.. you're welcome? I'm Meghan by the way. What-Who was that? Are you okay? Can you please leave?" She mumbles nervously and crosses her arms.

"Well...I-I don't have anywhere else to go...." I smile at her sadly. She probably thinks I'm fucking weird.

"I can't do this.. fine. You can stay, but only till 5!" I hug her, which means her just awkwardly standing there with me wrapped around her. I pull away and pat her shoulder.

"Sorry about all of this." I sigh admiring the 14 year old.

"Other than the fact its really fucking weird, it's okay. My parents are at work until 5:00, that's why I said 5. Now I need to hear this kidnapping stuff." She rubs her hands together, sitting down on the bed. I smile and plop down beside her.

"Okay, let's start with Louis.." I mumble starting the long story.


I needed a new Character and THANKFULLY I had a Friend let me Use her in the Story. Thanks a lot @NeonCupcake121


Hope you Liked it, Thanks for reading!

- Laura

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