
Piper_Noell tarafından

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A rogue attack forces Harper Smith to save and build her pack, Silver Star Pack, up from dust. Her past is fu... Daha Fazla

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Six

252 12 2
Piper_Noell tarafından

Harper's P.O.V

Pressing down on Oliver's windpipe he let out spluttering noises as his face started to change colours. A hand touched my shoulder and sparks erupted all the way through my arm. Xavier squeezed my shoulder gently and spoke softly "Harper, let the alpha go".

"See! Everyone says that the white wolf is suppose to stay calm and collected. She is nothing like everyone said she's supposed to be!" He attempts to raise his voice before I applied more pressure to his wind pipe crushing the words in his throat.

A growl rumbled through the room as my eyes began to darken. I could feel Aurora beginning to take charge. One eye stayed the normal green colour but the other turned a deep black colour; me and Aurora now how joint control. "You don't think I'm the white wolf" A voice I didn't recognise as my own spoke through my own body "Let me show you" I smirked evilly before throwing Oliver out the window.

Xavier's P.O.V

Before I knew it Harper's voice turned animalistic. "You don't think I'm the white wolf. Let me show you!" She spoke evilly smirking before throwing him out the window.

Her wolf has equal control.

Harper turned around and my eyes immediately darted to her eyes. One was green and one was black. "Harper stop this! I know you're still there, take her back!" I tried to command in my alpha tone but it had no effect on her. A smirk stretched on to her lips as she flipped me the finger before walking to the window and jumping out.

Running to the window Grayson stirred within me as I watched Harper stalk towards Oliver like he was her prey. Oliver had a cut along his forehead from being thrown out of the window and his face was a red colour. But yet he stood up and snarled at Harper making her growl lowly.

Jumping out the window I stood beside Harper and growled loudly at Oliver. 'No one threatens my mate!' Grayson growled as he begged to take control.

"I don't need your help!" Harper growled at me without turning her gaze away from Oliver. People from my pack and Harper's pack watched in shock as they spread out to the sides.

"Back of bitch, I don't want to hurt you little wolf!" Oliver spoke smirking when Harper growled ferociously.

"Trust me if anyone's going to get hurt, it's going to be you!" She growled taking a step forward menacingly. The sky grumbled to life but somehow the elements stayed under control.

'She must be learning how to take control of her powers' Grayson spoke thoughtfully as we walked closer to Harper. As much as I want Oliver dead he is my friend. As well as that if Harper hurts Oliver it could unintentionally create a war between Silver stone pack, Black stone pack and Blue moon pack.

"Harper you don't want to hurt him; you know what it will happen!" Cal's voice vibrated through the air as he rushed out with Scott in tow and surprisingly Jake as well.

'I told Cal and Scott what happened. Figured they may be able to help since they've known her longer' Jake mind links me and shoots me a nervous glance as if he thought I'd be angry at him. I've been a little 'off' with him apparently according to Mason. But I'm not surprised after everything he said about Harper. I'm still holding a little grudge about that.

"I don't give a fuck!" Harper shouted stepping closer and closer towards Oliver who carried on shooting smirks at her; tormenting her. "He shouldn't have said what he did about my parents!" She screamed as anger rolled of her in waves. Sharp stings hit me in the chest as I felt the sadness and anger through the mate bond. We may not be exactly close but I can still feel her strong emotions.

I hate seeing her like this.

Every time she gets upset she tries to hide it and be strong, she doesn't tell anyone. But I always feel it and it kills me every time because I know she won't let me help her and take some of the load of her shoulders. Grayson whimpers as these thoughts pass though my head. 'Why does she keep pushing us away?' He whimpers softly; his voice laced with sadness.

'I don't know bud' I reply as the wind picks up.

"I only said what was true!" Oliver argues adding fuel to Harper's anger. Stepping forward I step close to Harper and touch her shoulder softly. Exhilarating sparks shoot up my entire arm from my finger tips to my shoulder blade.

Harper turns around and swiftly grips a pressure point on my hand with stone cold eyes that soften when they take me in to view. "Let me help you!" I plead my voice full of vulnerability as her eyes soften more.

"I can't" She chokes out as tears roll freely down her cheeks and she loosens her grip on my pressure point.

"Baby please" I plead further and grab her arm gently before pulling her closer to me. Her eyes turn back to normal slowly as the sky brightens up and stops grumbling with thunder.

"You don't understand Xavier!" She tells me in a hushed tone wiping her tears with her free hand.

"Then help me understand" I tell her before pulling her in to my chest. As cliché as it sounds holding her in my arms made me feel like the world was all right again. Her body fitted perfectly against mine as she buried her head in my chest and sobs wracked her body.

Looking up I saw Cal and Scott being held back by Mason and Jake as they tried to go for Oliver. "No one disrespects our alpha!" Scott yelled before punching Oliver in the jaw. Oliver's growl voiced itself as he pushed Scott with so much force it made him fall to the ground.

Harper reacted immediately as she practically leaped out of my arms and stood in front of Scott in a protective stance. Her eyes still held unshed tears and her cheeks were red and puffy from crying. But she was still beautiful to me.

Walking over to the unfolding scene I wrapped my arm around Harper's waist and she leaned in to my side. "Back off!" She growled at Oliver as Scott stood up and stood slightly behind me and Harper alongside with Mason and Jake. Turning around slightly I looked at Cal and Scott and watched them nod as a sign of respect. Smiling a genuine smile I turned back to Oliver and replacing my smile with a scowl.

'He upset mate!' Grayson chanted in my head pacing back and forth.

"Come on Xavier man!" Oliver shouted directing his attention towards me as a slight bruise started showing up on his jaw. "We've been friends for years and you're really going to turn your back on me for her of all people!" He shouted gesturing towards Harper with the flick of his wrist. A growl rumbled through my throat.

"She is my mate! My everything! You upset her and you upset me and you of all people should know I'm not a nice guy to upset" I growl out menacingly faking a step forward. Oliver flinches visibly and takes a step back.

"I think you should leave!" Harper orders her voice full of disgust. Oliver nods his head and begins walking towards the front of the pack house with Mason, Jake, Cal and Scott escorting him.

"Are you okay?" I ask Harper as everyone leaves.

She shakes her head slightly and presses her forefingers to her temples gently. "I-"She began to say before her body fell limp and she passed out.




Holding Harper's hand I sit on a chair next to her bed. Her chest rises up and down gently as her hair spreads out around her neck. A soft knock on the door brought my attention away from my mates beautiful face as I look to the door and see Marianne pop her head through the door.

Nodding to her she walks in and closes the door gently careful not to wake Harper up. "How is she?" she asks as she touches my shoulder in a motherly gesture.

"She's okay. The doctor said it was just stress" I say quietly rubbing small circles on Harper's hand with my thumb.

"You have to promise me something Xavier" She states walking over to the other side of the bed and holding Harper's other hand.

"What is it?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"Harper...she's been through a lot. She has trust issues for many reasons and tends to push people away. She never thinks about herself and always looks after others. She tells everyone that she's fine but inside she's really not. You have to promise me that if she lets you in...You're going to look after her. You won't turn your back on her and you will stand by her when she needs you at all times" She states looking me in the eyes.

"She is my one and only Marianne, I will never ever turn my back on her. When I look at her I can almost see my future writing itself right in front of me. Every time I look in to her eyes I get lost. She is my world, my everything. I promise to always look after her, I promise to never turn my back on her, I promise to stand by her at all times" I say never taking my eyes of my mates face.

Marianne nods her head in and stands up softly before walking away and leaving the room. 'We should go take a shower to calm down' Grayson tells me as I take notice of the mud on my clothes. Agreeing I stand up reluctantly and kiss Harper on the forehead before leaving the room and heading to mine.

Walking in to my room my bed lies against a light blue wall as the other three walls are painted a deep navy blue. The bed is made with grey silk bedding and the floor is a crème coloured carpet. A bathroom door stands on the right side of my bed and a big window leading to the balcony stands out at same place Harper's does in her room. On the far wall a large walk in wardrobe is twice the size of Harper's and next to the doors is a dark wooden dressing table with my hair gel and usual products I use. On the other side is a glass vanity with makeup and hair products.

When I first found Harper at that waterfall I had my room refurnished to suit me and my mate. Of course I didn't think that she wouldn't want anything to do with me. Grayson whimpers at this thought and I push myself away from the thoughts and head to the bathroom.

Walking in to the bathroom the floor was tiled with white and black tiles as the walls were painted a crème colour. On the right side a large counter stands with more hair gel and moisturisers, body scrubs, face masks and other things like that. I got Chelsea to help me buy loads of stuff that girls normally use. A large mirror stands on the wall in front of the counter and on the wall in front of the door a large Jacuzzi bath stands proudly with a large shower next to it in the corner.

Turning the shower on I take of my clothes and dump them in a washing basket next to counter. Looking in the mirror my hair is a mess from running my hand through it so many times and my grey eyes look tired. My cheekbones stand out as my jaw line is prominent. My tanned skin pairs well with my dark hair and eyes and my straight nose.

Turning away from my reflection I hop in the shower and wash my hair and body quickly wanting to get back to my mate quickly. Hopping out the shower I dry myself quickly before throwing on some Calvin Klein's with black skinny jeans and a tight fitted black t-shirt. Chucking on a pair of black socks I throw on some black Nikes and towel dry my hair before walking back to my mates room.

Walking in I see the bed where she was empty and a panicked felling takes over. Looking away from the bed I see the doors to her balcony, that were closed, now open as the air blew through the curtains softly.

Pushing the curtains to the side I step out on to the balcony. My mate stands there with her elbows leaning on the balcony walls. Her tight fitted jeans have been swapped with black pajama shorts as her long tones legs stay bare. Fluffy socks cover her feet and she still wears the jumper from before. Her dark hair flutters behind her in the breeze and her scent of chocolate and orange fills my senses. Grayson purrs softly as I take steps closer.

"Harper?" I ask softly and as she turns around my breath stops. Her cheekbones and jaw line is evident and her tanned skin goes well with her dark brown hair.

"We need to talk" I say softly stepping forward slowly until i come face to face with Harper. Looking closer at her tears stain her cheeks and her eyes glisten in the moonlight.

"I know" she whispers quietly looking down away from me. Tears drip down from her chin and hit the cold stone flooring as her sniffling sounds through the air. Reacting instantly i pull her in to my chest holding her waist firmly as she places her hands on my chest. Her body shakes with every sob that runs through her body as her cries gets harder the more she cries. Pulling her even closer she buries her head further in to my chest soaking my t-shirt more.

After about five minutes her cries silence and her body stops shaking. She pulls away slightly and looks down rubbing her cheeks to get rid of any trace of tears. She attempts to pull her body away from mine making me growl and pull her against me. "Mine!" The word comes from my mouth naturally as she rolls her eyes.

"You don't want me as a mate Xavier" She told me bluntly making me growl lowly in her ear.

"Yes i do!" I told her pushing her away gently so i could see her face but so she was still in my arms. "I want everything about you Harper; i really do. You are my world, my universe, the only reason i get out of bed in the morning. I don't care about any-" Harper interrupted me by pulling away abruptly.

"No you don't! You don't fucking know a single thing about me Xavier! All the bad little things that happen are my fault! Mine! Jake was right when he said everyone gets hurt because of me because they do! My entire fucking pack-" And then it was my turn to interrupt her.

By smashing my lips on to hers.


2552 Words

hey finally kissed!!!!

Okumaya devam et

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