Something I Can't Have (Seme...

By Uunouncium

302K 8.2K 1.9K

watch as kakashi the college professor falls for the reader, who happens to be one of his students. featur... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
Author's Note (important)
AP: Hidan
AP: Hidan (Pt 3)
AP: Hidan (Pt 4)
AP: Hidan (Pt 5)
AP: Kiba Inuzuka
AP: Kiba (Pt 2)
AP: Kiba (Pt 3)
AP: Kiba (Pt 4)
AP: Kiba (Pt 5)
AP: Shikamaru Nara
AP: Shikamaru (Pt 2)
AP: Shikamaru (Pt 3)
AP: Obito Uchiha
AP: Obito (Pt 2)
AP: Obito (Pt 3)
AP: Obito (Pt 4)
AP: Obito (Pt 5)
AP: Obito (Pt 6)
AP: Obito (Pt 7)
AP: Obito (Pt 8)
AP: Obito (Pt 9)
AP: Obito (Pt 10)
AP: Juugo Taka
AP: Juugo (Pt 2)
AP: Kidomaru Smith
AP: Kidomaru (Pt 2)
AP: Kidomaru (Pt 3)

AP: Hidan (Pt 2)

937 30 0
By Uunouncium

later on that day....

reader pov

"im gonna go ahead home, ladies. im sure my boyfriend is getting pretty restless just waiting for me," i said. they all pouted. "when did you get a boyfriend? do we know him?" asked hinata. "probably not. i actually met him way before the semester even started," i said. "oohh is he older? sexier? id love to meet the guy who you are exclusivo for," hinata grinned evilly. "eh...he is in the living room right now," i got up and headed to the living room. they followed. he was just sitting on the sofa eating a bag of chips and watching tv. "oh my god is that a model?!" ten ten whispered in my ear. "nope. just sexy as fuck," i said. we walked over to the sofa. he looked right at me. "are you done yet? cause there is this fancy restaurant that i want us to go to for dinner," he grunted, getting up. "the girls wanted to meet you before we took off," i motioned to them who all pretty much swarmed him. "ill meet you in the car," i said as they pushed him on the sofa and ambushed him. i headed out.

he finally came out a few minutes later, wearing a nonchalant expression as he got in my car. "what? they didnt tear you apart?" i raised a brow as i started the car. "i can handle the onslaught just fine," he said. "where is this restaurant?" i asked. "ill tell ya how to get there," he grinned.

"really?" i pulled into the parking lot of what was probably the fanciest restaurant ive ever seen in my life. "i already made the reservation," he said as he got out the car. "why do you love making me uncomfortable? like why does that get you off?" i grunted as i got out the car. he walked over and grabbed my hand as we walked into the fancy restaurant Habaneros. it was just as i thought it would be too. we only made it in the entrance and i could tell that i will never in my life afford this restaurant. we were headed to the hostess desk to see a man in a black and white classic suit with fiery orange hair talking to the hostess who had red hair. we walked up to stand behind the man. "im sorry, kushina. you dont have to do that. i know this is short notice. ill come back--" the woman, named kushina i presumed, cut the man off. "no!! you are my bff forever and you are almost never in the city AND you are married to my cousin so that makes you family. the other couple can kick rocks," said the woman. hidan cleared his throat. the two looked at us. the man's eyes widened as he looked at me. weird. "table for two, please? i made the reservation earlier today," said hidan. the woman looked at him like he was crazy. "im sorry, but it appears we no longer have any available tables," the woman said nonchalantly. i looked at hidan. he was PISSED. "WHAT THE FUCK!! i made this reservation just like i was susposed too. i called in and specifically asked if there were any tables available and the woman said that i was lucky: there was one left. i made the reservation!! what the fuck do you mean there arent any tables left!!" hidan yelled. "its fine, hidan. lets just go some--" "FUCK NO JOHN!! i paid for this just so we could have a romantic night out and this stupid bitch is trying to tell me that there isn't no more tables! what the fuck!" hidan yelled. the other man was still staring at me. the woman just sucked her teeth. "come on, juugo. lets get to your table," she grabbed the man's hand, who im presuming is juugo, and pulled him towards the dinning room. he didnt let her, instead just staring at me. "they.....they can have the table, kushina. im just gonna go...go back to the hotel and order out," said juugo. "but juugo! i wanted you to try my new menu! forget about them," she kept trying to pull him away but he wouldn't let her. he pulled her close and whispered in her ear. i looked over at hidan who was waiting impatiently. "whole fucking night ruined," he grumbled to himself.

they chatted for a few minutes before hidan had had it. "can we get our table, or am i gonna have to call the manager?" he grunted. the two looked at us. she was blushing lightly while his was really dark. he looked at me. "dont worry about it. kushina will take care of you guys, right?" he looked at her. she just grunted. "fine," she said. "she has this new menu that she would love for you guys to try out. dont worry about it. its on the house. im gonna head out," juugo kissed her cheek, mumbled a thanks, and took off, waving behind him. "tsk...i dont know what he is talking about. your meal isn't free," grunted the woman. "i heard that kushina!!" called the man from the doorway. "uugghh!!! fine! come on," she motioned for us to follow her. i sighed. i can tell she is gonna be really upset for some reason. even though hidan wont be any better about it.

we took a seat at the table for two. the animosity she had towards us coupled with the animosity hidan had towards her was so thick i felt like i might suffocate. "ill be back," grunted kushina before she walked away. i sighed. hidan flipped off her back. "really?" i said. he just looked back at me. "what? because of the shit she pulled, our romantic night is all the way fucked up. i have a right to be pissed here," he grunted. she returned with a platter and a bottle of wine. "you two should feel lucky. juugo was very generous," she grunted as she put the platter between us. she poured us glasses and put the bottle on the table. "its a three course meal so i hope you are hungry. eat every bit or you are paying for it," she walked away. "what the fuck is she so mad about? what the fuck did we do? i made the reservation like i was susposed too. i dont know why she is treating us like we are the ones who did shit here. i swear when we finish, im talking to the manager," he grunted as he put the napkin in his lap. "we could have gone somewhere else. its not like we just had to come here no matter what," i grunted, frustrated about how things turned out here. "no, john. you deserve the best and i wont let you settle for any less. everyone should experience the high life at least sometimes and im still loaded so yeah. we are gonna be fancy every now and then," he dug in. i just dug in with him.

food was really good. regardless of how she treated us while bringing out food, the night was all good with me. we finished eating every bit just as she asked us and got up. we started towards the door. "before we go, babe. im talking to the manager of this place. we dont deserve service like that," hidan said as he took my hand, intertwining all the fingers. we walked up to the hostess desk. there was a different waiter there. "how can i help you gentlemen?" he asked. "i need to talk to your manager about one of your waitresses," said hidan. he nodded. "please wait just a minute. she will be right out," the man said before he walked away. a few minutes passed before kushina walked out the kitchen. she walked over to us. "how can i help--" she looked at us and sighed. "look guys, im sorry. i know i was insanely mean too you guys and not fair about anything and i want to apologize. as a token of my apology, you next meal here will be on the house as well," said the woman. "thank you-" i started before hidan cut me off. "you are the fucking manager? oh this is something else right here. you are representing what i thought was a fine respectable establishment and that's the reason i wanted to come here. you should be ashamed of yourself. you should--" i covered his mouth. "please dont listen to my boyfriend. he is still a little upset about how the night turned out. please excuse us," i started pulling him away. he kept screaming against my hand, making dramatic insulting motions. i just pulled him out the restaurant.

"you didnt have to embarrass me like that, hidan. the woman apologized and offered us a free meal the next time we came. you should have left it alone," i said. "i was standing up for us, john. how can you sit there being all calm when the bitch treated us like shit for our entire date? we deserve better. you deserve better," he crossed his arms. "i wont deny that she didnt treat us fairly at all but she made up for it. that other guy talked some sense into her and we got out with not one, but two free meals at a five star restaurant. im sure this is the first and last time she will ever treat us like that again. if anything you should be happy, hidan. she will probably treat us like royalty from now on," i pulled into the parking lot of his dorm room. "shit, i hope you are right, babe. are staying the night again, right? cause i want you to stay the night again," he said. "actually i was gonna go home," i said. "can....can i come too? ive never been to your house," he said. i sighed. that privilege is for my boyfriend. "do you need to get clothes?" i asked. "naw, ill just wear yours," he said. i headed home.


kushina pov



did you take care of them like i asked?

*sighs* yeah, juugo. i even apologized and told them their next meal was on the house. are you sure about this, juugo?

when i looked at him, i remembered what i wanted in a person. it felt like i already knew the guy. i dont know what it was but i felt the urge to take care of him.

mmm hmm. so you are telling me that you get a boner when you see him?

well i got one of those too but that's besides the point. was he happy? please tell me he was happy

tsk...he seemed ok but that motherfucker he was with, i dont know juugo. i dont like him.

i dont care about the silver head. im talking about the guy he was with

if anything, he seemed really distracted by being with the silver head. he was concerned about him. what happened tonight wasn't what bothered him. it was the silver head's reaction to it all

shit....that bothered me too. the guy didnt even look at me. all i got was a passing glance before he turned his attention to the silver head again. makes me wanna take him away from all of this

since when were you gay, juugo? i know i didnt make it obvious but im wondering when you made the switch

shit...since i laid eyes on him. my heart raced, it was hard to breath, and my face felt like it was on fire just being around him. not to mention the throbbing hard on that im still trying to get rid of right now. ive only felt this way for two people in my whole life: my wife and that man. did you happen to get his name?

i didnt have time to talk to him about anything. the silver head just started going off on me when i apologized. the other guy just pulled him out the restaurant

shit....i gotta see him again. i dont know how or when or under what context but i must be near him again. i never thought i would feel that way again, honestly. when i realized i was falling out of love with Karin for the umpteenth time in my life, i thought that was it. that would never find love again but.....shit. you have to have some kinda name for him, kushina. what about their reservation? didnt you need a name for that?

...(shuffling)....(paper flipping)....oh! i do have a name for the reservation. its a reservation for two by a......hidan? i dont see a last name. just hidan

that's the name of the silver head, kushina. remember? when he was rambling about what was happening. he said he was the one who made the reservation and had paid for it.

well i dont have anything else for you, juugo. that's all we ask of people when the make a reservation. we ask for a name so we can find their reservation in our records and everything will move more smoothly.

shit....that's all i have to work with, huh? the name of the boyfriend? well ill just have to talk to you later. when i head back home tomorrow, ill have to do some digging at the firm.

oohh you are going full on stalker mode, juugo? what would Karin say?

i dont give a fuck what she would say. what she doesnt know wont hurt her. i cant just leave this alone, kushina. one look and we were just meant to be. all i have to do is show him im better and he is all mine

tsk...whatever. you know im a fangirl so i want all the details when you and him hook up

yeah, yeah. ill talk to you whenever


***end call***

i sighed. i really hope this works out. i have a bad feeling about this.


juugo fell in love with you but you were too distracted by hidan's freaking out to return the feelings. see!! just a few minor tweaks and the whole story would completely change

also, im telling you guys this in an attempt to mitigate how long these AP's are gonna be. just trying to fill in the gaps so i dont have to write a 60 chapter story for each of the AP's


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