His Playboy Ways

By Bookworm_Tina

2.4M 42.8K 14.3K

"Please don't leave." he pleaded. His once arrogant, obnoxious, confident gaze looked so vulnerable, helpless... More

A New Beginning
Hello California
Mr Cocky Jerk
A Sweet Gesture
Changing Rooms and an Old Friend
Mason Behaving Badly
Getting Even
An End of a Growing Friendship?
A Charitable Event
My Childhood Bestie
Deals and Bets
Carly in the Club
From Makeover to Boyfriend
Disaster Date
Down Memory Lane
** Authors Note**
Operation Breakup Part 1
Operation Breakup Part 2
Coming Clean
Back To His Playboy Ways
Daddy Mason and Mommy Carly
Too Many Doses of Drama
You're Not Alone
Pokerfaced Playboy
Something Like Déjà vu
Secrets out of the Turkey
Why So Distant Mr Playboy?
Hangovers, Shopping and A Surprise
The Playboy's Game
Standing As Strangers
The Breaking Point
The Sleeping Angel
A Fresh Start
Goodbyes Are Always Hard
Making it Memorable
An Unexpected Twist
Stuck In The Past
All Grown Up
The Doctor and The Playboy
Revelations, An Old Friend and Planning with the Playboy
Too Late For Confessions
A Twist Of Fate
This Was Meant To Be
Finding Something New - His Playboy Ways Extra
His Playboy Ways spin off
Author note

A Little Like Old Times

44.2K 811 539
By Bookworm_Tina

"You look like a high school girl with that silly grin on your face." Mason said as we stood in the queue to get on the Ferris wheel.

My smile dropped by an inch when I took in Mason's pale face. "And you look like you're about to be sick, are you okay?"

"Of course I am."

"Alright, if you say so." I mumbled to myself not believing him. I got the feeling that Mason wasn't too keen to go on the Ferris wheel.

We stood in silence as the queue moved and I got more and more excited. I've never really been to a carnival before and neither have I ever been on the Ferris wheel.

"Carly," Mason began looking even paler than earlier on. "Do you really want to go on something that will be taking us high into the sky?"

"Of course." I said enthusiastically. "Why? Are you scared?"

"Of that thing?" Mason scoffed. "Not even in your wildest dreams."

I raised a brow at him. "Are you sure? Because if that was the case, you wouldn't want me to rethink my decision of wanting to go on it."

"I was just looking out for you; I thought you'd be afraid."

"Aw, how considerate Mas, but don't worry your little brain, I am thrilled to go on it."

"It is your day after all right birthday girl?" Mason said.

It had been a little over a week and a half since my visit to Mason's office and ever since that visit I'd seen Mason almost every day. We always made plans to meet up to think up a plan to get Nate and Amber together again but that never happened since we always found ourselves busy with something else and by the time we even thought about coming up with a plan we were too tired and decided to reschedule.

For instance the last time Mason and I met up, instead of discussing anything Nate or Amber orientated we ended up watching a movie. Mason insisted that I was a scaredy-cat when it came to horror movies so I had to prove him wrong and that is exactly what I did, since by the end of the movie Mason was the one who was holding onto my arm while I just laughed at what a big baby he was.

Over the past week and a half I felt like I was with my childhood bestie again, I felt so young and carefree around him, I didn't feel like an almost twenty five year old but rather as a sixteen year old again. Mason brought out my inner kid - especially when we argued - and I happened to like it.

So today once again like the many other days, instead of coming up with a plan, Mason insisted we go to the carnival that was an hour away from home for my birthday. I was surprised when he rocked up at my front door with a box of my favourite chocolates and a birthday card. I wasn't only surprised but touched that Mason still remembered my birthday.

I sat opposite Mason in our little cubicle as the wheel moved slowly so more people could get on. "Is there no seatbelt on this thing?" Mason asked looking around his seat.

I pointed to his right. "There it is."

Mason looked at it then back at me. "Thanks." He murmured as he hastily buckled up.

I sat and looked at my surroundings as we got higher.

"Aren't you going to put yours on?" Mason asked me.

I shook my head. "Nope, I'm not afraid."

"Neither am I...I'm just, uh, being safe you know." Mason said nervously. "You know what they say, safety first. You should put yours on; I don't want you to die before your wedding."

"Imagine that." I said with my eyes widening. "I would be a ghost bride, a girl who never saw her wedding day because she oh so tragically fell off the Ferris wheel. I'll come back and haunt every single couple who got on a Ferris wheel; I would look all scary and gross like the witch in the movie we saw." I grinned and wriggled my brows. "How awesome would that be?"

"I just got that witch's' face out of my head and there you go reminding me again." Mason murmured with a glare at me.

I looked at him innocently and faked gasped. "Don't tell me you were afraid of that fictional character Mas?"

"That movie was based on a true story!" 

"That's what made it better." I said lowly and leaned slightly over my seat towards him. "You'll never know when a thousand year old dead witch could be standing behind you, ready to possess your soul." I said in a whisper.

"You're not amusing Carly!" Mason said.

I sat back in my seat and laughed. "Yup, you were scared stiff."

Mason glowered at me. "I was not!"

"Yes you were, you were literally holding onto my arm throughout the movie."

"I did that so you wouldn't be afraid." Mason stated.

I rolled my eyes. "Sure that was it."

He grinned humourlessly at me. "I'm glad we've cleared this misunderstanding."

"It isn't a misunderstanding, it's the truth. You were terrified by that movie."

"What will I have to do to make you believe that I wasn't?"

"Watch it again."

Mason paled. "No can do, I don't believe in re-watching movies. I don't do things twice; I'm a once off kind of man."

I looked at Mason incredulously. "You're not a man Mason."

"Yes I am, I'm almost twenty six years old Carly." Mason rolled his eyes.

"Age wise, yes you would socially be called a man but intellectually, you're still a sixteen year old."

"You think you know everything don't you?" Mason narrowed his eyes at me.

I grinned humourlessly. "Of course I know I do."

"Insufferable." Mason mumbled under his breath.

"Idiot." I retaliated.

Mason and I carried on with our usual banter for a while before I stopped and realized we were at the top of the Ferris wheel.

"What happened, cat caught your tongue Dr Smartass?" Mason said.

I ignored him and looked at the beautiful view from where I was sitting. The sky was a beautiful hue of purple and orange as the sun slowly set.

"We're at the top of the Ferris wheel." I murmured taking in the view.

"I just noticed." Mason said weakly.

"It's great up here, isn't it?"

"Holy crap, we're really high up." Mason said.

"That pretty much happens when you're at the top of a Ferris wheel."

"Carly," Mason began.

Without tearing my eyes away from the view I answered. "Hmm?"

"I um, have a confession." He said.

The word confession caught my attention so I tore my eyes away and looked at him. If I thought Mason was pale earlier on it was nothing compared to the look on his face now.

"What is it?" I asked with a hint of concern to my tone.

Mason gulped and looked at me nervously. "Alright, don't laugh but I have this, uh...dilemma."

I frowned. "Dilemma?"

"Yeah..." he drawled. "I'm uh, afraid of heights." He said in one breath.

I wanted to laugh at him but the look on his face stopped me. Mason really was terrified, his eyes were firmly fixed on me and his hands were in tight fists on his lap. Instead of finding it funny, I pitied Mason.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because you really wanted to come on and I couldn't say no to you, especially on your birthday." He said with nervousness thick in his voice.

"I would've understood, I would've just come on my own while you waited for me."

"I could've told you but then you'd have a good laugh at me and there was no way I was going to let you have that satisfaction."

I wanted to retort with a remark but thought otherwise when I saw the horror in his face.

"Why isn't this thing moving?" Mason said. "We've been up here for a long time now; do you think it's stuck?"

"We haven't been up here long Mason." I said. "And if it were stuck they would've told us to jump already." I teased.

Mason's eyes widened. "W-what?"

The look of utter fear and horror made me laugh at him. "I'm kidding Mason, don't look so frightened. It will move in a bit."

"In the meantime don't look down and ignore the fact that we're so many feet up in the air." I said.

"Yeah because that's really easy when a picture of me falling and dying is running like a marathon in my head right now."

I instinctively reached for his hands that were on his lap. I took them in mine and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Close your eyes and take in a deep breath." I said softly.

"You're not going to throw me off while my eyes are closed are you?" Mason asked.

"That's quite an idea." I smirked before rolling my eyes at his absurdity. "No, I won't just trust me."

Mason did as he was told and I could see his rigid body relax. "Okay, now slowly exhale and open your eyes." I gently said.

Mason's eyes slowly opened and some amount of colour returned to his features. I faintly smiled at him. "Good, now keep your eyes on me, don't look anywhere else."

Still holding onto his hands I said, "Now look at the sky, forget about how high we are and just admire at the beauty Mother Nature freely offers."

My eyes left his and looked at the twilight sky, I watched the clouds that were illuminating a pink colour and then at the tall buildings that was present in the city. There were many cars - that looked like little model cars from where I was - moving around the city as the lights from the streets and buildings shone.

I felt a slight breeze caress my face, blowing my hair backwards. I smiled at how magnificent everything looked from up here. "Beautiful isn't it?" I breathed glancing at Mason.

"Stunning." Mason said but instead of looking at the sky he was looking at me.

My gaze locked with his and I noticed that all the fear that was present a few seconds ago disappeared and was replaced by something else that looked completely foreign in his eyes.

After a long moment of just staring at each other I felt the wheel start moving again and I pulled my hand away. "Um, I was talking about the view." I murmured.

"So was I." Mason said with a small grin.

"So you won me a stuffed animal, we ate ice-cream, I beat you at almost every game and we rode to the very top of the Ferris wheel." I said as Mason drove. "I can safely say that I felt more like a teenage girl today than I did when I was a one."

"That was the purpose, I brought you here so that you didn't have to feel like the old lady you are." Mason said with a smirk, glancing at me.

"You're one to talk. You're older than me." I retorted.

"From where I look at it, we're the same age now." Mason retorted.

"You're still a few months older than me and you're going to be turning twenty six in a few months' time. So from where I look at it, you're the old man."

"So you finally accept I'm a man now huh?" Mason said looking amused.

I scoffed. "No, you're just old, not a man."

Mason chuckled and we continued our light hearted chatter and banter all the way home.

"Would you like to come in?" I asked Mason when we were parked in my apartment parking lot.

Mason looked sceptical then at his watch. "The fiancé won't mind you having another guy alone in your apartment with you?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Damien isn't a control freak. He trusts me and doesn't stop me from seeing my friends."

"Alright then, but I can't stay long." Mason gave in before adding, "You go ahead, I've got a call to make, I'll meet you up."

I agreed and holding onto the stuffed animal I made my way inside.

I left the my front door open for Mason while I went to the bathroom to freshen up and when I got back in the living room I spotted Mason sitting on the couch with my stuffed animal on his lap.

Tying my hair into a ponytail I went to take a seat next to him and grabbed the animal away from him. "Who gave you permission to play with Simba?"

"Simba?" Mason raised a brow. "You've kept a name for your stuffed animal? How old are you, four?"

"Yes Simba, he is a lion so I named him after Simba from The Lion King. And I do not need to be four to name my stuffed animal!"

"Alright if you say so." Mason murmured. "I still think you're completely crazy."

"I don't care what you think."

"You just think you don't care but the both of us know very well that you actually do care... a lot."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever makes you sleep at night Mason."

"Why do you have to argue with me about everything?" Mason asked exasperated. "Can't you ever agree to anything I say?"

I shook my head. "It will be a cold day in hell when that happens." I grinned. "Besides if we agreed and didn't argue for a day then I wouldn't be Carly and you wouldn't be Mason. We became friends because of our banter, remember?"

Mason chuckled. "Yeah, I was so mad at you for stealing my sand bucket."

"But you wouldn't take back that day would you?" I asked.

Mason shook his head and looked at me earnestly. "Not even for a second."

I smiled at him and a silence lingered in the air for a moment before I broke it by clearing my throat. "Can I get you anything to drink or eat?"

"Are you seriously being formal with me?" Mason asked.

I shrugged. "Call it manners."

"Too late for that Doc." Mason said and looked at the coffee table in front of us. "I already helped myself." I looked at the can of soda on the table.

"Sorry I don't have anything stronger." I said.

"Don't worry about it, I know you don't drink." Mason said. "And I'm glad; dealing with a drunk Carly wasn't very amusing."

"Hey, at least I'm not a complete jerk when I got drunk."

"Who are you referring to Carly?" Mason asked with a playful glare.

"You." I stated.

"I'm not." Mason said.

"Are too." I said.



By the end of our childish banter the both of us were laughing at out idiotic selves.

"Ah, I missed you Carly." Mason said in between laughter.

"Me t-" I broke off my sentence and both of our laughter died down. I guess we realized that we got lost in the moment for a second.

An uncomfortable silence lingered in the air for a long moment until Mason broke it. "So, I uh, got you something."

"No, I don't want any gifts." I said.

"Relax; you're not half important enough to spend money on." Mason said and handed me a wrapped up box shaped gift. "I'm only giving you what rightfully belongs to you."

"Says the guy who got me diamonds for Christmas." I mumbled under my breath as I took the box from him.

"I didn't give you diamonds." Mason said. I guess he heard that.

"Do not start another argument."

I examined the wrapping. "So what's in it?"

"Only one way to find out." Mason said. "Unwrap it."

I did as I was told and once the paper was off I had a medium sized wooden box sitting on my lap. The box looked fairly old but still in a good condition, however that didn't bother me, what bothered me was that the box looked awfully familiar.

"It's a box." I said.

"A box that hold contents." Mason said. "Open it."

"Okay." I said as I lifted the lid.

I put aside the lid and looked at the first thing that sat in the box. I pulled it out and unfolded the pale blue dress. "I'm going to take a wild guess that this isn't yours." I said looking at the mini-dress. "Unless you're trying to tell me something here." I glanced at him. "Is that why your parts don't work around woman anymore, you don't swing that way do you?"

Mason gave me a look. "Can't you recognize your own clothing?"

I looked at the dress with a frown. "Mine?"

"Yes yours, remember the day I acted like your knight in shining armour and rescued you from my then perverted friend Carter?" the memory flashed in my mind and I subtly recalled what I was wearing. "Remember the next morning? It was your birthday and I took you shopping but you refused to wear that dress again and stole my clothes."

I smiled as the memory became clearer, it was such a long time ago but it felt so much like that happened yesterday. "Yeah and Grandpa Mitch gave me that awful tasting drink to cure my hangover."

"I'm glad you remember, you're not as senile as I thought you would be at this age." Mason said.

I playfully scowled at him and looked at the dress again. "I can't believe you kept this."

"Well you took my clothes too, I happened to like that t-shirt too."

"Really?" I raised an amused brow at him. "And what colour was the t-shirt?"


"No, it was red." I said.

"How do you remember?" Mason asked amused.

"Because I still have it." I said matter-of-factly.

"Really?" Mason asked with a smile.

"N-no, I threw it out. Why would I keep your old t-shirt?" I lied, knowing I still had it stashed away.

"Because you're a freak." Mason answered.

"Shut up, you kept this dress." I said as I put it away.

"Only because I saved it for a day I ran short of firewood, cotton can be a good conductor." Mason said.

I ignored him and pulled out the next thing. I was surprised when I looked at the garment in my hand. I held it by its strap and it still looked to be in good condition.

"You're the freak for keeping this Mason." I said looking at my bra. "I cannot believe you still kept this."

"I didn't, I found it with some of my things while moving to the beach house, in that rush I dumped it in that box and forgot about it, until a few days ago when I looked through this box after I got a maid from Cali to post it over." Mason shrugged. "I thought you'd want it back."

I laughed under my breath remembering how my bra landed with him. It was the day we planned to break Nicole and Liam up and I needed to doubt Mason's fidelity, hence the bra acted as evidence to feign baseless doubt on his faithfulness to me - his then fake girlfriend.

"Well I did quite like this one." I said. "Thanks for keeping it."

"You're welcome." Mason grinned innocently.

I laughed and shook my head. "You're a freak and a bit of a pervert for keeping this."

"Maybe a little." Mason grinned with a wink.

I put that aside with my dress I pulled out the next thing out of the much emptier box. I pulled out a silver bracelet looking thing, it had little charms on them and looked really small, like a bracelet or anklet of a little girls.

"Don't tell me you forgot about that?" Mason said from beside me as I examined the piece of jewellery.

"Of course not." I lied because I had no idea what I was holding in my hand.

"You still suck at lying Carly, I told you before, I can tell when you're lying because you do this weird thing with your eyebrows." Mason said.

"I do not." I defended myself.

"Alright, I'll believe you if you tell me what that is you've got in your hands."

I looked at the piece of jewellery again. "It's a bracelet or an anklet."

Mason leaned forward and held onto the little chain, his fingers just brushing past mine. "Look at this little star shaped charm." He said holding out the little star charm. "Does it ring a bell?"

I took the charm out of his hold and looked at the charm more attentively. A small smile formed. "This is my anklet." I said when realization dawned over. "Nana gifted it to me when I turned seven; I used to wear it every day without fail."

"And this star charm was the main reason you wore it so often." Mason said. "You always loved the stars when you were younger. Remember whenever you'd be upset or angry, you'd go outside and gaze at the stars and talk about how peaceful and bright they looked up in the sky, you always said you wished you were like a star because even though they're so little they still lit up the entire sky."

"Like the stars, I always wished to light up someone's world too." I said.

"Maybe you did." Mason murmured.

I looked up from the anklet in my hand to Mason's gaze. Mason faintly grinned, "I bet Damien tells you that a lot, you probably lit up his world."

I half smiled in response before turning my attention to the anklet. "How did you get this?"

"I found it."  He answered flatly.

"Did you steal it?"

"No." he said with a frown. "I found it on the beach one day after one of our play dates, I meant to give it back but I forgot and stashed it away in this box, like many of your other things."

Looking at the anklet sparked a memory. I put the anklet aside and looked closer at the wooden box. I knew it was familiar. "I know this box." I mumbled more to myself. "This is the same box you stashed your porn in." I said clearer.

"Remember the day I brought you those red velvet cupcakes?" I asked.

"Yeah it was the same day you ruined my chance with that Brazilian aerobics instructor." Mason said sourly.

Ignoring him I continued. "I went through your stuff and after finding many disturbing things I do not wish to recall, I came across this box and that's where I found your porn stash but underneath all of that I saw this little anklet, I wanted to take a close look at it but you came out of the bathroom so I didn't have the chance."

"Those were good times huh?" Mason said.

I nodded. "Yes." I laughed lightly remembering out little fight over the picture I took of him with the doll we had as our assignment or better known as Macy. "Do you remember that pic-"

"Please tell me you deleted it?" "Mason cut me off, knowing exactly what I was going to ask.

"No way."

"I'll find a way to get rid of it." Mason said. 

"Good luck with that." I said as I looked at the box that looked to be completely empty. I was about to close it but one little thing caught my eye. I looked closer in the box to see something sparkling on the inside.

"What?" Mason said when he noticed me looking attentively in the box. "I think that's all there was in the box."

I reached for the sparkling thing in the box and pulled out what looked like a broken earring. "I don't think so." I murmured as I looked at the earring. I looked back up at him. "Whose earring is this?"

Mason shifted slightly in his seat. "That wasn't supposed to be in there." he said and reached forward to grab the earring out of my hand but I pulled away.

"Why not?"

"Because I said so." Mason reached for it again but I pulled away further. "Carly, hand me the earring."

"No." I adamantly stated and stood up. "Not until you tell me why this earring is so special to you."

"I don't need to answer you." Mason said coldly and stood up after me. "Hand me the earring."

"I can be stubborn too." I said and held my hand with the earring up in the air.

Mason raised a brow at me. "Seriously? You really think I can't reach it?"

"Not if I forbid you from touching me you can't." I said and took a step backwards.

Mason took a step towards me. "I don't take orders very well."

As I took more steps backwards Mason took another forward. "You're being difficult Mason, if you tell me who the earring belongs to and why you're so possessive over it, I will happily hand it over."

Mason paused and looked at me seriously. "I doubt that." he murmured more to himself before more coherently saying to me. "Now please hand it over and pretend that you didn't see it."

"No." I stated.

Mason sighed and took faster steps towards me. "Last chance Carly, give it back or I will take it."

I adamantly shook my head. "Not until you answer me."

"Suit yourself." Mason mumbled and as he took more steps towards me I stepped backwards until I could no longer go anyway.

"Got you now." he smirked when my back touched the wall.

I looked to my left then right and knew I could move in those directions but Mason caught onto my plan and placed both his hands on either side of my head.

Taking in Mason's close proximity I gulped. "Move out of the way Mason." I said and my voice somehow sounded weak.

"Not until you hand me the earring."

"Not until you tell me why you want it so badly."

"Then I'm not moving." He said looking dead straight into my eye.


"Carly." Mason said in a low warning-like tone.

"Mason." I said casually.

Mason, looking rather exasperated, looked at my face for a long moment before his eyes fell down to my sides where my hands were lying, where my palm was tightly closed around the earring. I watched as he removed one hand off the wall and slowly down to my side where my hand rested.

I quickly moved my hand upwards and closed my palm into a tight fist. Mason sighed. "You're only making this harder for yourself Carly."

With my hand above my head I ignored his comment and snorted. Mason effortlessly moved his hand upwards and caught my wrist. He leaned in a fraction closer and with his gaze not leaving mine I felt his fingers moved all the way to my fingers that were in a tight fist, I didn't look away from him either as his fingers gently began unfolding my curled fingers.

His larger hand dominated my smaller one and he eventually opened my hands, easily getting the earring out. I couldn't be bothered it was gone, all I could hear was my heartbeat, all I could see was Mason's penetrating gaze and all I could feel was his body heat that was radiating off me.

I watched as Mason's lips curved into a satisfied grin. "Got it."

I swallowed and spoke in a soft tone, not missing that Mason's hand was still over mine. "Who does it belong to?"

Mason took a moment before he answered. "You."

I frowned. "Me?"

Mason nodded and his hand left mine, he brought the earring down so it was levelled with my eyes. Flashing it in front of me he said, "Remember it now?"

I watched as the little pearls and diamantes danced together as the lights and moonlight from outside illuminated off it. Even though the earring was broken it looked faintly familiar but I never remembered every single piece of jewellery I ever owned. "Not really." I answered honestly. "Where did you find it?"

"Amidst the bed sheets at my beach house." Mason lowered his hand but didn't waver his position. His hand was still aside my face and his body very close to mine. "You were wearing this earring the night you spent with me at the beach house. I think in the rush to leave you left it behind and I found it when I got up, tangled in the sheets, broken. It was because of this earring I believed whatever happened that night really happened and it wasn't a figment of my imagination or a dream."

I didn't know how to respond to his answer. A part of me was glad to hear this but another didn't want to remember anything of that night. "Then you should give it back, it is mine after all." I said with a hint of iciness to my tone.

"Finders keepers." Mason smirked and I watched as he pocketed the earring.

"I found it in the box with the rest of my things, which means it rightfully belongs to me."

"As I said, it shouldn't have been in there. I didn't intend on returning it." Mason said, his tone mimicking mine.

"Why did you return my things?" I asked with my tone softening.

Mason looked at me with some sort of expression that I couldn't decipher but he quickly covered it with an expressionless one. "Because I no longer have any right to keep anything that belongs to you." he leaned in towards me a fraction. "And I wanted to gift you something that can't be bought for your birthday."

"What's that?" I breathed.

"Memories." He said with a faint grin.

His answer warmed my heart, simply because of the honesty to his words; memories truly couldn't be bought. I smiled at his latter answer but I remembered his previous one, if Mason believed he had no right to keep anything that belonged to me then why did he insist on keeping that broken earring? "If you truly believe you should return everything that belongs to me, then you should return everything, meaning the earring too."

"I told you, finders keepers. I'm not returning that Carly."

"Why is that old, broken piece of jewellery so important to you?"

"Because this old, broken piece of jewellery is a reminder of something that could've been new and complete to me; it's a reminder of the one night I felt as if you were mine."

I was rendered speechless as the words left his mouth, I didn't know how to respond to what he said but I had to say something or the awkwardness I currently felt would go on forever.

"Mason-" I began but Mason cut me off with laughter.

He moved away and after he stopped laughing he said, "I bet that's something Brinson would say right?"

I frowned at his reaction. Was Mason kidding all this while? I watched as he dug into his pocket and pulled out the earring. "You can keep it, I don't really care. It's just an old piece of jewellery, the only reason I didn't want it in that box was because it was broken and I didn't want to give you anything broken."

He subconsciously played with the broken earring in his hand and still wore a grin.

"So you were just messing around? You didn't mean a thing you just said?" I asked.

"Of course not, what do you take me for Carly?" Mason asked casually sounding pretty amused. "You should know me better, all that sappy crap isn't in my vocabulary or nature."

I didn't know what I felt after hearing that. For a moment Mason indirectly told me he felt some sort of closeness with me in the past but then he told me it was all a joke. I didn't know if I should be happy that it was a joke and he had no feelings for me or whether I should be sad for the very same reasons.

"What? Don't tell me you actually thought I was capable of being so cheesy?" Mason said breaking away my reverie.

I plastered on a small smile. "Of course not, I know you way too well."

Mason chuckled under his breath as we made our way back to the couch. We sat in silence as I packed everything back in the box. "Thank you for this, you truly made this a birthday to remember. By bringing these things you resurfaced memories that I will always cherish."

"That was the idea." Mason grinned. "So you're most welcome."

I put the lid on the box once everything was inside and looked at it before placing it on the table in front of me. "I don't really like this box." I mumbled. "It had contents that I don't like in it." I recalled seeing Mason's 'special' DVD's. I looked up at him. "Couldn't you have gotten another box?"

"Why would I do that?" Mason asked. "I wanted to give you everything that belonged to you and I remember that box being yours."

"No it wasn't."

"Yes it was." Mason said. "Remember that weird looking doll your Nana gifted you for your one birthday?"

"The Chucky looking one with the creepy smile and scary eyes?"

Mason nodded. "The very same. It came in a box remember? And as soon as you received it you threw it out, saying that doll would give you nightmares."

I recalled what Mason said, I couldn't believe he still remembered all of that. I chuckled. "You have a memory of an elephant Mason; I only remember it now that you've mentioned it."

Mason casually shrugged in response and leaned back on the couch.

"So you kept this box, why?" I asked.

"Because it looked cool, I threw out the doll and decided to keep some of my own things in it."

"Like porn?"

"Exactly." Mason innocently grinned.

I rolled my eyes at him. "You'll never change."

"Don't plan on it."

Mason all of a sudden sat up and looked at me seriously. "Do you remember what happened at the end of your last birthday we were together?"

Surprised at his spontaneous question I frowned but at the same time mentally answered, of course, we kissed. But he didn't need to know I remembered it so I firmly shook my head. "No."

A small smile tugged on his lips and he shook his head. "Your eyebrows are doing that thing again."

"Mason-" I attempted speaking but was cut off by him.

He moved closer to me, his arm brushing over mine. "Carly." he said softly.

I hated that his close proximity had some sort of an effect on me. This was so wrong, I wasn't supposed to be having strange feelings whenever he got close to me or shiver when his skin got in contact with mine. I hated feeling this way but the feelings were inevitable, I couldn't control them.

"Carly," he began softly again, his eyes gazing into mine. "Are you going to get that?"

"Huh?" I frowned.

He pulled away and asked again, "Your phone, are you going to pick up or let it ring all night?"

I blinked and that's when I heard my ring tone, I didn't know how I couldn't hear it when Mason could.

"Um, yeah." I mumbled and reached for my flashing phone that was lying on the coffee table in front of me.

I looked at the screen and saw Damien's name flashing before I looked up at him again. "I should get this." I said.

"Of course, you wouldn't want to get your fiancé worried or worse upset now would you?" Mason replied before he stood up. "You go ahead and speak to him, I should get going anyway."

"So soon?" I blurted.

"I didn't know I was such good company?" Mason smirked and tilted his head to the side.

"You aren't, you just missed the sarcasm to my tone, you're here way past your stay anyway." I said sarcastically.

"Oh I didn't miss any sarcasm; the sarcasm was in your last sentence not the first." He said with a teasing tone before adding more seriously, "But I should really go, you need your privacy to speak to Damien."

Mason put on his coat and genuinely smiled at me. "Happy birthday again Carly."

I returned his smile and wrapped one arm around him for a half hug. "Thank you for a great day."

"See you tomorrow." Mason said pulling away. "The fashion show starts at seven so I'll pick you up at six sharp."

"Right, the show is tomorrow." I said just remembering. "Then I'll see you at six tomorrow."

Mason walked to the door but before he left he looked at me over his shoulder. "You better wear something hot; after all it's my arm you'll be seen on, I have a reputation to be kept intact, I can't be seen with just anyone in public."

"Then I'll be sure to wear my best rags." I smiled humourlessly. "You should dress smart, and by smart I mean do something about that awful beard. I might not have a reputation to keep intact but I don't find the idea turning up with a hobo to be very amusing."

"Answer your phone Carly before Damien has a fit." Mason retorted sourly and opened the front door. "And leave my beard alone." He shouted just before he left.

I shook my head with a small chortle after him before I finally picked up my phone. "Finally! Is the birthday that busy?" Damien said.

"I'm sorry but yeah, you could say that." I said.

"Don't worry about it..." Damien went on to ask about my day and I gave him subtle answers, not really telling him I spent the entire day with Mason but I did tell him Mason and I did spend some time together.

As I spoke to him on the phone my eyes landed on the coffee table to the box Mason gave or rather returned to me but the box didn't catch my attention, it was the earring. Mason left it behind after all, I reached for it and held it in my hand, feeling strangely and somewhat disheartened that he left it behind. He really was returning everything that belonged to me; it felt as if he was trying to get me out of his life.

* * *

The following evening came quicker than expected, after I got back early from the hospital I started getting ready for the show. It didn't take me long to shower, dress, apply makeup and get my hair done.

It was almost six pm when I applied a quick layer of red lipstick over my lips. I did a once over in the mirror, quite satisfied with my look. Amber had sent over a dress she specifically designed for me with the matching heels. I however, sometimes wondered what went through Amber's head; she sent me a mini bandage dress that sat a little above mid-thigh despite it being cold outside so I had no choice but to wear a crème coloured blazer over the dress.

My thoughts were put to a halt when I heard the front doorbell ring, Mason must've been here and I was surprised for once he wasn't late. After running a quick hand through my loose curls I grabbed my purse off the bed and headed out of my bedroom.

When I opened the front door I stood with my eyes wide but a wide grin quickly spread across my features. Mason was dressed in a smart tux with his hair neatly combed but what struck me the most was the fact that he looked just like the Mason I knew and not the caveman he recently resembled. "You shaved!" I exclaimed.

Mason looked at me peculiarly. "Hello to you too Carly."

I ignored his greeting I was just highly amused at the fact that Mason looked like Mason, he looked so much younger and handsome without the scruffy beard.

"Stop looking at me like that, I know I'm quite the sex-god but control yourself, you're someone's fiancé." Mason said with a sigh. "Now are you ready?"

I held out my arms and took step backwards. "What does it look like?"

Mason's gaze left my face and slowly travelled down to my legs where it stayed a little longer before it just as slowly made its way up to my face again.

Mason looked like a boy in high school when he looked at me, his expression was complimenting because he obviously liked the way I looked but awkward too.

He quickly looked normal again and asked, "Why's your dress so short?"

I rolled my eyes and shut the door behind me. "Why do you lack brains?"

"That's not an answer."

"I can distinguish that bit." I retorted as we made our way to the elevator.

"It's freezing outside." Mason said.

I pressed on the button to take us to the parking lot. "The weatherman said the same thing."

"Carly, I'm not kidding. That dress is really short." He said seriously.

I sighed and looked at him. "What is it to you?"

"Ever-" he cut off and cleared his throat, "I mean, it's nothing to me. Will Brinson be fine with it?"

"Yes, Damien doesn't discriminate what I wear, in fact he'd quite like the dress." I raised a brow at him, "Why, does it bother you? You were the one who said I should look hot right?"

"I don't care what you wear." He said.

"Then don't whine like you're my father."

We got into the black Limo parked in the parking lot and was soon on the road.

Within thirty minutes we reached the hectic venue, there were many cars pulling up with people dressed smartly getting off. "Let's go." Mason said when the driver opened the door.

I looked at the long carpet that the car stopped by and felt butterflies erupt in my stomach. "Couldn't we take a back entrance or something?"

"Don't be ridiculous, apart from the fact that I'm the chief sponsor, I'm also Mason Clarke - business mogul, I always make an entry."

"Then you make an entry, I'm Carly, just Carly, I don't need to make any entrance. I'm fine with entering through the back."

Mason looked at me earnestly. "What's wrong?"

"Yesterday you told me you were afraid of heights, today I'm telling you I'm afraid of crowds and camera's and all the attention."

"And yesterday you helped me overcome my fear so today I'll help you overcome yours." He said gently and held out his hand. "I'll be with you all the time."

I took in a breath and took his hand before getting off the limo with him. The cold air brushed against my bare legs as I stepped outside. Mason held out his arm and with a small smile I looped mine through his. "You're fine?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "Let's just get this over with."

I clasped Mason's arm a little tighter than anyone normally would but Mason didn't seem to mind as we walked through the crowd towards the entrance of the show.

To my disappointment we stopped in front a bunch of photographers and I suddenly felt giddy. "Why did we stop?" I asked Mason in his ear so he could hear me over the noise.

"They want a picture." Mason answered in my ear. "Let them click one then we'll go inside."

Photographers were mumbling things that I couldn't hear, all I could hear was Mason's name now an again. "Smile." Mason whispered in my ear as his hands snaked around my waist.

I nervously smiled at any camera. "Can we go now?"

Mason took his hands off my waist. "Sure."

Mason started to walk but I quickly grabbed his hand, the last thing I wanted was to get lost in this crowd.

With my hand in Mason's I felt a little at ease as we walked inside. The room was dimly lit but the centre stage had many bright lights and soft music was playing in the background.

"Better in here?" Mason asked.

I let out a breath. "Much."

Mason grinned at me. "C'mon, let's find our seats. The show will start in a few."

"Okay but can't I see Amber before the show starts?" I asked.

"You can but the show is going to start in ten minutes, why don't you see her afterwards?"

"Alright." I easily agreed and an usher led us to our seats.

There were two seats with the name Clarke in the front row so I figured those were our seats. Mason and I took a seat next to each other as other people filled the arena.

"You know we never come up with a plan to get Amber and Nate together." I said.

"You didn't come up with a plan." Mason said.

"So you did?"

"I did." Mason smugly grinned.

"Oh really, please do enlighten me."

"You'll see it when it happens."

"I thought we were supposed to work on this together?"

"We are." Mason said.

"Then how can I not be in the plan?"

"Because it's not really a plan."

"What?" I snapped. "But you just said you had a plan."

"I know what I said."

I groaned. "Mason you're already making me mad and we just got here."

"You're always mad."

"Mason." I said lowly before I took in a calming breath and mumbled under my breath. "Alright Carly, you'll just have to do this on your own."

"Hey what happened to teamwork?" Mason said.

I glowered at him in response.

I thought over what I could do to get Nate to realize his old feelings for Amber and only one thought came to mind. There was only one thing that could get him to realize his feelings and that was jealousy.

"Do you happen to know any male models here tonight?"

Mason frowned. "Why?"

"Because I want one of them to act as if they're dating Amber."

"Even if I knew one of them I wouldn't put them in that kind of trap. I have a heart Carly." Mason said.

I gave Mason a look. "I need Nate to think Amber has moved on so he can realize his old feelings for her and who better than a model?"

"Carly, most of the male models here are taken or gay."

Hearing that disheartened me. "Oh wonderful. Now what?"

"I told you, I have it all planned out, all we have to do is-" Mason started but I cut him off when a thought occurred to me.

"Mason, you're single right?" I asked.

"Yes, why?" he drawled but before I could answer the thing we called a brain suddenly worked for him. "No," he shook his head. "There is no way in hell am I acting to be that crazy woman's boyfriend or whatever. I'd rather get married than fake date her!"

"Wow, you really dislike her do you?"

"Dislike is an understatement. I happen to like my life Carly; I do not wish to attempt suicide by dating your crazy friend."

I sighed. "Then what are we supposed to do?"

"Carly, like I said-"

"No whatever you say is irrelevant. Nate needs to see what he gave up on, he needs to realize just how right Amber is for him, he has to see how much they're made for each other and in order for these revelations we needs to spark the one emotion that will only make him see how much he still loves her, we need to get him jealous. But how are we going to do that if Amber is single and there isn't anyone we can hire on short notice to pretend to be her boyfriend and you're not willing because you're so stubborn, getting your dislike in the way of helping an old friend help her old friend. Really Mason, how can you be so selfish, I expected better from you and-" I ranted in one breath.

"Carly!" Mason cut me off a little too loudly.

I took in a breath and waited for him to speak. "Calm down and just listen to me."

"Is it worth it?" I asked.

"Yes, trust me." he said exasperated.

"Carly," he began calmer, "We aren't going to scheme or get a fake boyfriend for Rubylocks, all we have to do is just make sure she and Nate meets, that will be enough to get them back together."


"It's simple." He said. "All two people - who are meant to be together and really love each other - need is one look, one smile and one touch to get all those old feelings to resurface again. Those feelings that felt as if they were dead all the years they were separated will feel more than alive as soon as they look into each other's eyes, as soon as you hear your loved ones voice, laugh and see their smile, you will fall in love with them all over again. It just takes one moment to fall deeply for someone you truly love all over again."

I was shocked at his words. Mason Clarke, the very same person who ceased to believe in love believed in something as sweet and probably true like that. "Where did you learn that?"

Mason placed a hand over his chest. "From here."

"And since when do you have a heart?" I asked.

"Since always."

I gave him a look. "Let me rephrase that, since when do you have feelings?"

"Alright, I read it somewhere."

I raised both my brows. "And since when do you read?"

Mason looked exasperated at me. "The show's starting, look in front and stop bothering me."

I stifled a laugh, quite enjoying that I could still get on Mason's nerves.

The lights dimmed and the lights on the stage brightened as the music got louder and faster when the show began. Many models dressed in many different type of spring wear walked the ramp back and forth. I actually enjoyed watching a live fashion show, I never thought it would be so entertaining.

A lovely gown was worn by another designer's showstopper; it was so pretty that I couldn't help but gasp at it. "Like it?" Mason said in my ear.

While clapping I didn't tear my eyes away from the dress. "Love it, it's beautiful."

"Want it?" he asked.

This time I looked away and turned to him. "No, I couldn't accept something as pricey like that from you."

"You thought I was offering on behalf of me?" Mason shook his head with a small laugh. "It's Brinson's job to fulfil your every desire not mine."

"You're such a gentleman." I told him sarcastically as a new designer's works were being modelled on stage.

This lot of models were modelling lingerie. "Like anything here?" Mason asked this time with a smirk.

"That's none of your business." I retorted.

"I'm offering you anything you like from this line, so you better tell me now before I change my mind."

I scowled at him and chose to not respond to his words.

I watched as more models walked up and down the ramp until I was disrupted by Mason's voice in my ear. "See that model in the pink and black lace assemble?"

I saw the very attractive blonde model strike a pose before she turned to walk back. "Yeah, what about her?"

"She's one hell of a crazy woman."

"What makes you say so?"

"I slept with her, thrice." Mason stated casually.

"Good to know." I said sarcastically.

"Yeah apart from her being completely clingy and crazy she's great. She's hot and she really knows what a guy wants, she's amazing, she does thing with her tongue that-"

"Oh my God, I really don't want to know Mason!" I cut him off.


"Because I don't care."

"Fine suit yourself." Mason said sourly. "I was just helping you."

"How is that helping me?"

"You'd learn how to keep your married life spicy."

"Not that it's any of your business but my life is just fine as it is." I told him.

Mason leaned in closer to me. "Can I ask Damien that? Just for confirmation."

"You're annoying." I snapped at him.

"And you're way too serious." Mason said before he pointed at another model with black hair. "She's hot."

"They're all hot Mason, it's in their job criteria." I said.

"I know that but she's really hot and very sexy. She gives good messages."

"Slept with her too?" I asked in a bored tone.

"Yeah but only once."

Another attractive model walked by, this one had really long legs and bright eyes. "She has a nice smile." Mason pointed out.

I snapped my neck in his direction. "Did you only come here to point out all the many attractive models you've slept with?"

"No, I came here to admire the view too." Mason replied casually. "And for your information, I only slept with the two I showed you, I know that one has a nice smile because she's on the cover of the programme." He said pointing to the smiling girl on the front of the events programme.

Thankfully the lingerie models were off the stage and another designer's work was showcased.

"Why are you so grumpy all of a sudden?" Mason asked.

"Because you can't shut up." I told him.

I heard Mason mumble something like 'woman' under his breath and after that he thankfully was quiet throughout the show.

Amber's line was finally being showcased and I had to admit I loved almost everything she designed.

"This must be Rubylock's line?" Mason spoke after a long while.

"Uh-huh." I nodded. "How'd you guess?"

"Your goofy grin." He said.

If I wasn't so happy for Amber I would've retorted with something instead of ignoring his remark. I watched as the models walked back and forth, wearing brightly coloured sun dresses with trendy shades and hats. There were camera flashes and loud music, the whole atmosphere was great.

For a moment my eyes left the ramp and fell to the photographers, for a moment I'd forgotten that Nate was here somewhere. My eyes scanned through the many heads of different photographers and after a while I spotted a familiar blonde head, Nate.

My smile widened and even though I couldn't see his face properly I knew it was him, his hair looked to be a little longer and from what I could see he looked way more mature than I could remember. I lifted my hand to wave at him but before I could Mason grabbed it. I looked at him confused.

"He won't be able to see you; if you wave you'll look like an idiot and get that old man sitting on the opposite end excited." Mason said seriously.

I looked at the old man and back to Nate, Mason was right, there was no way he could see me, he was way too busy. I'd just have to greet him after the show.

After the show all the VIP guests were invited to an after party and I wouldn't have attended it if it wasn't for Amber, who had no time to even say hello after the show.

"Thank you." I smiled and took the glass of champagne from the waiter.

"You're really going to drink?" Mason asked from beside me after sipping on his bourbon.

"I drink occasionally." I said taking a sip of the champagne.

"Well you better control your intake because I am not breaking my back carrying you home." Mason said.

"Rest assured, I'm a big girl and I can handle myself." I smiled humourlessly at him. "Thank you for the concern though."

"I'm only concerned about my back not you." Mason mumbled.

I looked at him bitterly and thankfully I spotted Amber heading towards before I could get any more irritated with the creature I called my childhood bestie.

"Amber." I smiled widely and wrapped my arms around her. "I absolutely loved your work; in fact I've ordered a few dresses for myself."

"You and many others." Amber smiled. "You have no idea how much of a positive response I got on my line. I'm so happy Carls, nothing can spoil my mood."

Just after Amber said that Mason chose to greet her. "Rubylocks, remember me?"

Amber's smile faded by a fraction as she took in Mason who was smirking at her. "I wish I didn't have to." She said bitterly.

Mason - which I'm sure was to annoy the hell out her - wrapped an arm around her. "Aw, it's good to see you too Rubylocks."

Amber didn't even attempt to hug him back and when he pulled away she scrunched her face. "Great, now I have to bath a hundred times to get off your germs."

"You and I both know you don't really mean that." Mason said.

Amber turned to me. "Why'd you bring him?"

I opened my mouth to reply but Mason beat me to it. "The real question Rubylocks, is why did I bring her?"

"The name's Amber, I thought you'd learn by now." Amber said coldly.

"I much prefer Rubylocks...but wait," he said looking at her hair. "What happened to your rubylocks... they've turned brown."

Amber rolled her eyes. "It's called hair dye Clarke, I went back to my original hue, I was always a brunette."

"No." Mason said in utter seriousness. "Go back to red, what am I supposed to call you if your hair's no longer red?"

"Amber would be nice."

"Don't be ridiculous, that's highly out of the question. Only earthlings are called by their right name and you have to agree, you're far from our species." Mason said.

Amber huffed in annoyance. "You haven't changed a bit Clarke!"

"That's what I said." I mumbled, agreeing with her.

Mason lazily grinned and took a sip out of his drink. "Never planned to."

"You need to grow up!" Amber said.

I tapped her shoulder and shook my head, defeated. "Don't waste your breath; I did that way too much already."

"Amber!" a woman called after Amber form behind her.

Amber looked at me apologetically. "I'm sorry, I should go speak to her, I'll be back later."

"Don't worry about it, go ahead and take your time." I told her with a reassuring smile.

"Yeah please take all night." Mason said.

Amber smiled at me and glowered at Mason before she walked off.

I gave Mason a look. "You're a jerk."

He returned mine with an innocent one. "What did I do?"

"Do I have to spell it out?"

"Hey all I did was told her to dye her hair back to red so I can call her by her name."

"Her name's Amber not Rubylocks." I clarified.

"Not to me it isn't." he said. "Now because she wanted to be fancy, I have to think of another name."

I finished my drink and walked to the snacks table with Mason on my trail. Mason took a side plate and together we filled it with finger food. "You seriously do need to grow up Mason." I said.

"I thought you didn't want to waste your breath?"

I sighed. "I give up with you."

"You should never be a quitter, giving up is for losers and nobody wants to be a loser." Mason said.

I wanted to glare at him but knowing how right he was I couldn't.

I sat down at a table while nibbling on some crackers and trying my best to not let Mason get under my skin but I was failing more and more by the second.

"Shut up and eat Clarke!" I snapped at him.

Mason looked amused and slightly triumphant. "Ah, it's still way too easy to get you worked up." He murmured under his breath.

I glared at him as coldly as I could.

"I had my doubts about you but after seeing that deathly glare you have to be Miss Edwards." A voice from above my head spoke.

I looked up to see Nate grinning at me. I automatically stood up and smiled. "And you must be Mr Montgomery."

Nate nodded. "The one and only."

I smiled wider and hugged Nate. "It's really good to see you again Nate."

"You too Miss Edwards." Nate said and I took the time to see that I was right, Nate's hair was a little longer than I could remember, he looked way more mature and he had a small stubble on his chin. Nate's eyes left mine and travelled to Mason who I didn't even notice was standing next to me. "Or is it Mrs Clarke now?" he asked a little unsurely, glancing at Mason.

"What?" I choked and shook my head.

"I saw you two all night, you haven't left each other's sides, you two looked to be laughing at times and then fighting like an old married couple." Nate said and then his eyes fell on the large diamond on my finger. "And that ring doesn't look like any ordinary ring, are there congratulations in order?"

"If I were married to her there'd be no congratulations but rather sympathies in order." Mason said.

Nate chuckled. "I'll take that as a yes then."

I shook my head. "No, no you've got it all wrong. I'm not married to Mason. I'm still Miss Edwards."

"Don't lie to him Carly." Mason said. "You're not Miss Edwards."

Nate looked a little confused at us. I couldn't help but wonder what the hell Mason was up to now.

"She's Dr Edwards now." he said with a genuine smile and something that looked like pride shone in his eyes.

I genuinely smiled at Mason before I looked at Nate who had a grin on his face. "Wow, that's great Doc."

"Uh-uh, it's Dr Edwards to you, only I call her Doc." Mason said.

Nate put up his hands defensively. "Sorry, Dr Edwards it is then." He looked at Mason, "You're pretty possessive over her Mason, are you sure you're not her husband?"

"No he's not." I said. "Do I look like I escaped from the asylum?"

Nate chuckled. "I forgot how sizzling the chemistry between you two is."

"You're delusional. There is no chemistry." I said and quickly changed the subject. "Although I still see something between you and Amber."

Nate's playful mood seemed to disappear and a small smile appeared. "She's a real talented designer huh?"

"Absolutely." I agreed.

"Eh, she's alright." Mason commented.

"No one asked you." I told him with a warning glare.

"She looks great too." Nate said as he gazed at her, she was laughing with a few people.

That's when I thought what Mason said was probably right, the look in his eyes told me that his feelings for her was still ever-present.

"You should go talk to her." I said.

"I wouldn't advise it." Mason mumbled and I gave him an annoyed look.

"Why don't you go talk to one of those models you were admiring so much?"

"That's actually a good idea, why didn't I think of that earlier instead of boring myself to death with you." Mason said. He gulped his drink down and left it on the table. "Later. Nice seeing you again Nate."

Nate grinned at him and I couldn't be happier that he was gone. "Finally got him out of my hair."

"You don't mean that." Nate said. "I see everything; you both enjoy each other's company."

"I'm engaged." I blurted without even thinking, all I knew was that I didn't want to speak about Mason and me. "To Damien." I added softer.

"Brinson?" Nate asked.

I nodded. "Yes."

Nate smiled widely. "He finally manned up and told you how he feels eh, he was in love with you since high school."

"I know, he told me." I smiled.

"Wow, congratulations Carly." Nate said and hugged me again.


Nate gazed at me with a peculiar look. "What about Mason?"

My smile dropped. "What about him?"

"Didn't you have feelings for him?"

"Had." I clarified. "As in the past. I'm with Damien now."

"Alright, I'm glad to hear that." Nate said and I remembered why I liked Nate, he never pried. "How is my old pal, where is he and how did he tell you how he felt? Tell me everything."

I laughed. "You sound so much like Amber."

"Her habits grow on you." Nate shrugged before I told him all about how Damien and I got together.

I didn't see Mason for a long while after I was done speaking to Nate. I tried my best to convince Nate to speak to Amber but he looked sceptical and nervous. As I sat at the table sipping on sparkling water I eyed Mason at the other end of the room, chatting with a very attractive model. I know I told him to get away from me but now I needed him back because his plan wasn't working, Amber and Nate weren't looking at each other let alone speaking.

I tried to gain Mason's attention but to no avail so I decided I needed to go up and do something about it. I stood up and walked up to where he was talking to the girl.

"Mason." I said politely.

Mason waved me off and pretended that I wasn't even standing there. Typical, I thought. Mason had done that numerous of times in the past.

So I had to do what I always did in the past, mess up his chances of getting with a girl.

"Mason." I said loudly.

"What?" Mason snapped at me.

I looked at him taken aback and the model looked at me annoyed. I smiled humourlessly at her. "You like him?"

She smiled flirtatiously at him. "Who doesn't like Mason Clarke? He's the most eligible bachelor."

"So you like his looks and money?" I asked.

She looked a little offended but didn't say anything so I decided to carry on speaking. "It's a pity though; he's only a pretty face with a big fat bank account because he slacks in other departments."

"She doesn't know what she's talking about." Mason said quickly. "I'm no slacker in anything."

"Poor guy won't admit what an awful performer he is, I don't blame him. No one likes to talk about their flaws but take it from me; I can tell you from experience that he's not any good, you won't be going home with a satisfied smile tomorrow morning." Leaning in closer to her I said in a loud whisper, "Woman to woman, I'd try someone else if I were you."

"What?" Mason exclaimed. "Don't believe a word this crazy woman says."

"Believe me." I said casually crossing my arms.

"Shut up Carly." Mason snapped at me.

"Oh stop being in denial Mas, must I tell her about your little problem as of late?" I looked at her; "You see Mason over here has a problem, he's struggling to get it u-" I was cut off when Mason covered my mouth.

"You know what, I'll call you sometime. Just go." He told the model who stormed off, looking quite offended.

"What the hell is your problem?" Mason asked me once he let go of my mouth.

"You touching my mouth." I said wiping my mouth.

Mason looked pretty annoyed at me. "Old habits are really die hard."

"Who'd know it better than you?"

"Why do you have to kill my charm every time by telling them I'm no good?" Mason asked.

"Because it's the best way to get rid of them." I answered.

"Why lie though?"

"Who said I was lying?"

"I know you were lying, you know I'm really good."

"I do not." I said.

Mason gave me a look. "Really? Do you want me to spell out everything for you, the rain, the beach, the kiss, your drenched white dress, do I need to remind you how you unbuttoned my shirt and-"

"No." I stated seriously and took in a breath. "Look I'm sorry I ruined your chances with that model but you'll get many. I needed to tell you that Nate and Amber haven't spoken all night and from where I see it, they won't be getting back together any time soon."

"Too bad I'm too pissed at you to help."

"Oh come on, it was just one girl. You can find tons like her."

"But I wanted that one." Mason really sounded like a spoilt little brat.

"Well we can't always get what we want."

"True." Mason said seriously.

There was a brief silence between us before I broke it. "So are you gonna help me or not?"

"Only if you take back what you said."

I rolled my eyes. "Seriously, can you get any more childish." I sighed and scanned the crowd. "Where's the model?"

"Who cares?" Mason said.

I reached for his forehead and touched it. "Are you okay? I'm getting bipolar vibes from you here."

Mason pushed my hand away. "I am perfectly alright, I don't care about the model anymore, I doubt anything would've pursued between us anyway. I want you to take back what you said, meaning I want you to tell me I'm good, in fact very good in the bedroom."

"Mason," I began sternly. "There's a limit to everything and I'm telling you now not to cross it."

"You started this."

"Fine, I'm sorry okay, I didn't mean what I said but I will not do what you told me to, be reasonable." I said exasperated. "Now are you going to do something about Nate and Amber or should I do it on my own, we did come here for them after all right?"

"Fine." Mason said. "I'll go find Nate and try and convince him to speak to Amber."

"I don't think your theory will work."

"Then what do you suggest?"

"I think we should make him jealous, it will definitely work."

Mason shook his head. "It won't work."

"It will if you just act to be interested in Amber."

"That's out of the question, besides Nate thinks I'm with you."

"He thought you were with me until I cleared it with him and told him I was with Damien."

Mason remained quiet for a moment. "I'm telling you it won't work out the way you want it to."

"Why not? Nobody can stand the sight of someone they love with another, after all you only realize what you have after you lose it right?"

"Or sometimes you realize that what you lost landed in better hands." Mason said seriously. "In other words, no matter how much you can't stand it you'll let the person you love go thinking it's the best for them. You won't think of yourself worthy to be with the one you love so you'll let them be with someone else who'll be a reason for their smile not tears." Mason said. "You'll put aside your jealousy and selfishness just so your loved one can be happy, after all their happiness lies in yours."

I was completely shocked at Mason's little speech; I didn't know his brain worked that way. It was now twice that Mason rendered me speechless because of his preach about love.

"Where did you learn that from?" I asked him.

"This time I really came up with that."

"I guess as much as I hate to admit it but you're right, if they don't work out I'm going to accept they weren't meant to be together." I said. "But maybe I should still try to initiate a conversation between the two."

"No need." Mason said and he held onto my shoulders, turning me around so my back was turned to him.

"Looks like they beat you to it." he said.

I smiled as I saw Nate and Amber converse, Amber had a shy smile and Nate was laughing. They were standing pretty close to each other and by their body language I could tell that they weren't exactly discussing the weather.

"Told you it would only take one moment." Mason said in my ear.

For a moment I'd forgotten how close I was standing to Mason so I backed up, taking a much needed step away. "Let's not jump to conclusions, they could just be talking. Until I hear from Amber that they're together again I'm not getting my hopes high."

Mason looked at me amused as he tilted his head to the side. "Since when are you such a romantic?"

"Since when are you so thoughtful?" I asked back.

Mason chuckled and shook his head. "I always hated that habit of yours and I see you haven't gotten rid of it. Why do you have to answer a question with another?"

"I could ask you the same thing since you just answered my question with another." I grinned, quite amused with our current conversation. I never could understand how at one minute I could be ready to rip Mason's head off and then the very next moment we could be smiling and having a light-hearted conversation.

"You're insufferable." Mason said.

"You wouldn't have me any other way." I innocently shrugged and then looked at Amber and Nate both laughing. "I actually think your theory of not interfering and letting things fall into place on its own worked."

"Of course it did." Mason said smugly.

I turned to look at Mason again with a grin. "We still make a good team don't we Speckles?"

Mason didn't say anything but instead gazed at me with an odd emotion in his eyes.

"What?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Nothing, it's just I haven't heard that name in such a long time." he grinned. "I never thought it would feel good to hear it again."

I guess in the moment I didn't realize I called Mason Speckles. He was right though, I hadn't called him that in such a long time, I didn't realize it would come so naturally to my tongue either.

I didn't say anything to Mason but looked at that grin on his face; he truly did like hearing that name again.

"Carly!" Amber's voice screeched breaking away the little moment between Mason and I.

"Amber?" I smiled, having an idea what her smile was for.

"Carly, Nate asked me out for lunch tomorrow." She said beaming.

"Really?" I asked with my grin growing wider.

Amber nodded. "Yeah and we were just speaking now and it was so much like before, it was like nothing ever changed between us. Oh Carls, I'm so happy, I think this could be another chance for the two of us."

"Well that's love for you, no matter how great the distance, things will never change." I said and gave Amber's hand a little squeeze. "I'm so happy for the two of you."

"Chocolocks!" Mason all of a sudden snapped his fingers and exclaimed. "That's it, that's what I'll be calling you now. I thought of Brownie-tresses but it sounded way too stupid, so from now on your name's Chocolocks." Mason grinned. "Am I creative or what?"

Amber looked at him defeated and I sighed but still chortled at my crazy friend.

"If Nate didn't tell me it was because of you that he came here I would've responded in a very nasty way." Amber said.

"What?" I asked looking between the two of them. "You know Mason got his people to contact Nate?"

"His people? More like himself, Nate was busy and if Mason didn't personally ask him to come here and offer him a fat paycheck, Nate wouldn't have been here and I wouldn't have had another chance with him." Amber said.

I raised an amused brow at Mason. "I thought you were far too busy to make any calls personally? You always get the people you pay to get the job done so how come this exception?"

"It was the first time after so many years you asked me for something so I couldn't let you down." he answered sincerely.

Amber looked utterly surprised. "I can't believe my ears; that must be the nicest thing that's ever come out of your mouth Clarke."

"Instead of taunting me you should be thanking me." Mason shot back at her.

Amber sighed. "As much as it pains me to say this but thank you Mason, what you did really means a lot to me." and she actually smiled at Mason. "Maybe you're not as much of a heartless jerk I always thought of you as."

"It's Carly you should be thanking; I only did it because of her." Mason said.

"Or it was just out of the goodness of your heart." I said looking at him with a warm gaze and smile.

"So, um," Amber began averting my gaze from Mason to her. "I would've brought this up another time but I need you to see me tomorrow, I need the final measurements for your wedding dress. The tailor is going to start with it tomorrow."

"Sure, I'll come by tomorrow morning." I said.

Mason looked at me with a frown. "Isn't it a little too early to get your wedding dress?"

"Early?" Amber exclaimed. "We're late, the wedding's in just under a month."

Mason looked at me surprised. "Under a month? I thought you said you picked a date in July."

I opened my mouth to reply but Amber being Amber beat me to it. "That was the initial plan but I guess Carly just couldn't wait any longer to be Mrs Brinson so she got the date move up."

Even while Amber spoke Mason didn't tear his eyes away from me, he looked at me in an almost accusing type of way. "I'm surprised you didn't tell me you were going to be married in under a month."

I didn't know why I never mentioned it, in fact I'd never really brought up my relationship with Damien around him, for some odd reason I was never quite comfortable discussing it. "I thought you knew...I mean the invitations were sent out a few weeks ago."

"I didn't come across it but then again I'm not a fan of going through my mail, that's what I pay people to do. I'll be sure to ask my secretary to check through my old mail for the invitation."

"Um, I'm going to go, uh be somewhere else." Amber mumbled and before I could get a word out of mouth she walked off.

There was awkwardness in the air between as we just silently stood. "Well, it looks like our job is done here; you still need my help or can I go do my own thing now?" Mason broke the silence and his tone sounded slightly cold.

"Mason," I began softly taking a step closer to him. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" he asked. "For getting married or for not telling me about your wedding?"

"For not telling you." I replied sheepishly.

"Don't be, you don't have to be sorry for anything. You sent out an invite and you're marrying the man you love. I'm happy for you Carly." 

"But you're my best friend, I should've told you personally about the wedding instead of sending out an invite as if you were just a distant relative." I said.

"Well things have changed, we've changed. I didn't expect to get a personal invite but I would've liked to hear about the date being moved up from you and not someone else." he said before shrugging. "But I guess these things happen, you don't have to be sorry."

"I-" I began but trailed off when a waiter walked by and Mason stopped him, grabbing a glass of scotch.

Mason took a sip before he spoke. "Now if you'd excuse me, I'm going to find that attractive model that you ruined my chances with and see if my charm can win her back." he grinned and turned on his heel.

I didn't know why but I didn't feel right, seeing the way Mason reacted to the news of my wedding made me feel uneasy. There was something about his reaction that told me something was wrong with him, he seemed off.

"Oh." Mason stopped in his tracks and looked over his shoulder at me. "If you want to head on home, feel free to get my driver to drop you off. I don't plan on leaving so soon with all the beautiful woman around." He smirked.

I nodded but didn't say anything in response.

Mason started walking off but he once again stopped and this time he didn't just look over his shoulder instead he walked up to me. "I don't know if I'll ever get the chance to say this again but Carly," he began softly.

"Yes?" I asked in a soft voice feeling somewhat anxious to hear what he had to say.

"Carly, you looked lovely tonight. Damien's a lucky guy."  He grinned and walked off, getting lost amidst the crowds.

A/N first of all I'm sorry for the wait, I've been a little held up but I'm free now and back to writing ^.^

I know I said there was only three chapters left in the last chapter but after writing this one I realized I got carried away so I decided to add the other bits I initially planned for this chapter as a complete new chapter, meaning you guys get an extra chapter...well sort of.

This was for all you Marly shippers, I hope you enjoyed it, I happened to enjoy writing Marly moments.

Tell me what you think; the next one will be up shortly.

'Till then



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