Hall of Fame (Going For Glory...

By TheNameIsMark

52K 1.3K 487

"How much do you want to become a Pokemon Master, Ash?" Lance asked Ash, who stopped to think for a moment ab... More

Chapter 1 - Catching Up!
Chapter 2 - Bonnie's First Catch!
Chapter 3 - What Is a Pokemon Master?
Chapter 4 - Date Interruption
Chapter 5 - The Pokemon Master Alliance
Chapter 6 - Test of Strength
Chapter 7 - Cage of Darkness
Chapter 8 - (Un)Friendly Return
Chapter 9 - Tough Decisions
Chapter 10 - The Trials Begin?!
Chapter 11 - Fighting Is The Only Way
Chapter 12 - Destructive Revelations
Chapter 13 - Paranoia
Chapter 14 - A Peaceful Surprise!
Chapter 15 - Dreams, Plans, Action!
Chapter 16 - An Explosive Encounter!
Chapter 17 - Future of Amour
Chapter 18 - Ambush
Chapter 19 - An Overwhelming Force
Chapter 20 - Loves Nightmare
Chapter 21 - Never Give Up
Chapter 22 - Drowning in Sorrow
Chapter 23 - Ash
Chapter 24 - Parker & Gary
Chapter 25 - Dawn & May
Chapter 26 - Iris & Cilan
Chapter 27 - Misty
Chapter 28 - Bonnie (Passing of Serena's Torch!)
Chapter 29 - Brock & Clemont
Chapter 30 - The Ones He Called Family
Chapter 31 - Flames of Battle! (Final Battle Part 1)
Chapter 32 - Mega-Bonds (Final Battle Part 2)
Update>(Back to Writing)
Chapter 33 - Worlds Apart
Chapter 34 - Before We Say Goodbye
Story So Far & Q/A
Chapter 36 - Christmas Special
Coming This March
A Much Needed Updated (For Those Alive)

Chapter 35 - Retour d'Amour

1.5K 41 35
By TheNameIsMark


I honestly loved him ever since I laid eyes on him. However, I knew that Serena was there too. It was a complicated situation. I wanted to be a good friend and competitor for Serena, but I also had the urge to speak with Ash. I decided to fire up Serena with my thoughts instead. It was a 'frenemy' kind of relationship. To me, anyway. The journey through Kalos was hard. Returning to see Ash and Serena were harder than I thought it would be. 

However, now, I have more friends. I don't regret the choices I have made. Even if the love I once felt never came to be. I'm happy. 

Thank you, Ash. For everything, you have done. Without you here, I am not sure if we could have even made it one day. Without you, this group wouldn't be anything. Non-existent. You're an amazing trainer, never losing hope in the face of even the most destructive of forces. You lost the one thing you loved the most. We all lost a friend.

It tore me to pieces. But we all knew we had to carry on. Carry on for a better future. Carry on for something more. I feel like the Mirror World is some sort of heaven. It seems more peaceful there. Better. Of course, it is better, Serena is there.

Well...I guess this is goodbye, huh, Ash? You've been an amazing friend. The best friend. I still love you, that will never change. But you deserve a life with Serena. You don't deserve to live in sorrow anymore. 

Stay strong and I will too. Maybe our paths will cross again some day.

See ya another time, Ash...


Ash Ketchum. Before we even began our journeys, we were well aware what would become of us. Rivals. Destined for greatness. Pushing each other beyond our boundaries. Travelling through Kanto was the best ride of my life. Battling you brought uncertain joy. It was amazing. Following in my Gramps footsteps and doing Pokemon research was even better. It made me grow as a person.

Meeting again, over a year ago, after awhile, was great. Of course, I had to bring back my A-game to try and make something of myself in the tournament. Well, it didn't matter in the end, did it? Team Shadow have sure as hell caused a lot of problems, but we brought the iron fist straight down on their plans. We've all grown along the way. New friendships made. 

Ash, keep moving forward with your head held high. Never give up on your dreams. Continue them through and through until the end, no matter what world you may be in. I might be able to see you again, but who knows? Only time will tell. We haven't had enough time to research the world more. Unanswered questions leave us and more importantly, you, blind to some things. Let's just hope everything works out in the end.

Smell ya later.


Unova. My home. Iris's home. I remember the day we met clearly, Ash. You challenged me and my brothers to a gym battle and won, best two out of three. It was a good day. I had never seen someone battle like you before. It intrigued me. I wanted to find out more. Thus, my journey with you began. Throughout the region, we experienced many different things, fought many battles together. You grew as a trainer, challenging in the Unova league. You didn't quite make it, but you certainly did well. That's where Dawn first met me and Iris. Thinking about that makes me feel good, having met all of your other friends now.

This group, the things we have shared over the past two years. Nothing can break us up. Nothing will make us falter. We will fight with the never give up attitude you have followed, Ash. Fight for a better future, even if you are not here. I am sure you can live without us, as we will try without you. It might be hard, but no need to worry.

I'm no friendship connoisseur but I do know one thing.

Our friendship will never fade. 

Not now. Not ever.

So goodbye Ash. Live one as you are supposed to.


Unova was...eventful. So much happened in what felt like a short amount of time. 

I drained with my dragon Pokemon and tried to grow and grow, chasing my own dreams while you chased yours. Cilan had his dream, too. We were all after something, but neither of us quite got their in the end, did we?

It was fine though, because getting the chance to adventure with you not once, but two more times was enough.

It was fun, these past two years. So I want you to make your next year the best it can be, while we do the same.

Don't let me down, 'little kid'.


I remember when we met. You helped me. Journeying through Hoenn was great. The tournament last year was like a nightmare for me. 

You were the saviour in that nightmare. You brought me back to the light. You kept me from going insane. I was being devoured, becoming an empty vessel for the use of evil. I can't believe I almost caused so much trouble for all of us. I can't believe I almost fell for you like I did.

It was sad to see Serena affected in the way she was. You fought tooth and nail to save her. We all thought it worked. We were all finally happy. 

Then everything came crashing down.  Serena is gone. We were all torn to pieces by it. I hadn't known her as long as you and yet she felt like family, fading away so suddenly. To find out that there is another chance for her and you makes me happy. I can smile and look forward, towards a better future, knowing you will be happy. 

Goodbye, Ash. Never forget what we have all done. 


You were such an idiot. Both you and Brock were a handful to travel with. I'm just joking, really. It was the best possible time I ever had. The journey we had led me right to the gym I now lead. The experience we had, meeting all kinds of people and Pokemon, is something that will never, EVER be forgotten. Ever. 

I will cherish the moments we shared. The good and the bad. I will cherish all the years we have had together. 

Have a good life Ash. Whatever may happen in the Mirror World, don't let it dishearten you. Ya never know, right? We could all dispise you, but I don't think it would matter to you as long as you had Serena.

You just love her that much, I can tell.

So enjoy yourself and keep on moving. 

I'll miss you.


It was that moment...when I decided what I wanted to do with myself. With Piplup finally at my side, we started a journey. You were there right from the word 'go'. I can see why Serena fell for you. I did too, after all. You are that good of a person. You risk your life for your Pokemon. You never stop training and keep fighting until the end. You never lose hope. Even after losing Serena, you came back stronger than ever with a taste for revenge.

So keep up the strength Ash. 

We'll see you sometime, maybe in the future.

Who knows?


Kalos, where dreams and adventures began. 

We had the time of our lives in Kalos, watching you challenge gyms and even battling against you, I would never have had that time any other way. Team flare, Zygarde, my inventions, everything was so much fun.

Now, as our journey draws to close, I want to say goodbye to you, Ash. It's been fun.

Perhaps we'll see you on the other side. Now that I think about it, I wonder if I could invent something for us to use. Maybe one day.

Just maybe.


Growing up, I had always wanted to become a Pokemon trainer. Watching my brother battle and learning from him was so much fun. 

Then you touched down in Kalos. I had never seen anyone like you before, Ash. You are willing to sacrifice anything for the safety of the Pokemon around you, your own or anyone else's. You are not scared to go through the darkest of caves, the haunted mansions and you will battle anyone that offers it. 

Your dedication to Pokemon inspired me. Looking at you, Serena and Clemont, I knew I had a lot to aim for if I wanted to push on and become a strong trainer. I have Serena's Pokemon by my side now and I will win the Kalos league in her name and yours too. 

Don't worry, Ash. You may possibly be going for good, but you will always be here.

In our minds and in our hearts.


It seems like yesterday that you were saying goodbye to me as you left for new adventures. I have been a part of your journey for so long now and to see how far you have come, it is truly a wonderful sight. You are one of the strongest Pokemon trainers I know. You are unselfish. Kind. Strong. 

The qualities that elite trainers need. You possess them all.

You tried to save my life, once upon a time. That wasn't too long ago, either. 

You're a trainer no one should forget. 

So keep on living and let the legend of your journey continue.

Bye, Ash.


Love is a strong word.

What is the true meaning of love? 

What does it mean to us? 

The future is so bright with you around. I can barely see when I look at you, like a star in the night sky and I am right there, next to it as it shines brightly, twinkling in the night sky. 

There are millions of stars in the sky, but you're the only star that I can see. You stand out clearly against them all, unchallenged and unrivalled. 

The perfect star.

My star.

When I first met you so long ago, you made me happy. 

Somehow, I knew on that very same day, you were not going change and we would meet again. I

I was right.

It was almost like fate had brought us together. 

The journey through Kalos was the best time of my life. Being so close to you and journeying with you, being able to perform all over the region. I never quite achieved my dream, but even so, the journey was worth it in the end. 

Now I wait here, for something more to happen. 

This world is dark and lonely. All I can do is watch and wait as you sleep. Eventually, you awaken and we can live again. It's hard to explain.

I feel as if time is paused and starts again at random times. Almost like I live in an empty void. Is it my mind playing tricks on me? Am I dead? Is it just a dream?

Questions that may possibly never be answered. 

I have not seen your face for so long. How I wish to see it once more, hear your voice once more.

Live hand-in-hand with you once more.

I'm waiting, Ash. Even if it takes a whole eternity, I will wait for you.

Because in the end, it will all be worth it. I know that much.

Because I love you.


I stepped up to the mirror and turned around to my friends, who were following behind me. 

"Guess this is it then," I said, scratching my head lightly. I didn't know what to say. Many of them were in tears, unable to handle what was about to happen.

"Remember Ash, we still have many unanswered questions," Cilan's voice was stern and serious. He was taking it well, I suppose. "You might not know what is going to happen and we might see you again. Just prepare yourself."

"He's right Ash. Prepare for anything...who knows what will happen. To you, to us and even what Serena is going through. This is all one big mystery," Clemont took his turn to speak.

"Just don't screw it up, heh," Gary slapped me on the back and Parker grinned.

"What he said," was all he said, hands in his pockets, as usual.

"One big mystery, yes. But the mystery is worth it. I don't care what happens. If I can be with Serena, then it is worth even the whole world," I grinned like an idiot and turned to face the mirror. "Ready, Pikachu?"

"Pika..." Pikachu spoke softly, with a little nod to confirm his readiness.

"I knew you would say that," Brock nodded his head and grinned. He held out his fist and I bumped it. "See ya another time in the future, yeah?"

"You got it," I returned his grin and faced his reflection one more time.

It began to sparkle and glow. Every crystal in the cave began to light up. Ash's image changed in the mirror. It became empty, a black void. Nothing was visible.

"That's it," Lance stepped forward and put a hand on Ash's shoulder. "Good luck. Oh and, if you don't see us again but see us again, go easy on me, will you?"

"Of course," I understood the meaning behind his words and took a step forward, shouts of 'bye' and whispers from the ones that were too tired to shout anymore. I turned my head one last time and took everyone's image in, before entering the void.

It was completely dark and I couldn't see. Was this the world I was supposed to be in? 

"Ash?" I heard a soft whisper in the dark, but I couldn't see. It was Serena's voice!

"Serena?" I called out and I looked around.

"Ash, wake up!" she called out and the world began to distort. Everything began to change and I felt the darkness take over my body.

Suddenly, I rose up into a sitting position. The dark void had gone and instead...I was in the Kalos region?! 

I looked to my right and saw Serena. Emotion swelled up in my body and I latched onto her like super glue, unwilling to let go. I couldn't help but cry as I held onto her tightly. The sky was blue, the sun was out. Birds were chirping, everything was just right. 

But yet, questions still remained. I had to ask Serena, so I let go of her and stared into her teary eyes.

"Serena..." I grabbed onto her hand and smiled. "What's going on?"

"You're finally here, Ash," Serena said, which was confusing, to say the least.

She began to explain what the world we were in was. It was created as a result of everything that had occurred last year. When Serena died, her life was passed on into this world. She told me how it began.

Serena's Death... (Serena)

I passed away after my last conversation with Ash. However, something didn't seem right. My consciousness was still fully intact and I felt like I could see, yet it was so dark.

"Welcome...child,"  a voice inside my head called out. 

"Who are you?" I found myself being able to talk. Was I not dead?

"I am Giratina. It seems you have stumbled upon a different dimension, have you not? For I control this world and all that surround it," Giratina replied to me and I felt a little confused.

"What does this mean?" I decided to sit down and wait. 

"I can do anything I want with this world and I have noticed something about the 'real world'. You have a lot of friends that are sad to see you go. I can make that change, if you would like that," Giratina continued to speak in my head. It felt so weird.

"What's the cost?" I asked, knowing that everything had a price.

"I'll give you your world back, but the chaos that will erupt in doing so will be something that you will have to overcome yourself. Prepare yourself. It will be like nothing you have faced before. I cannot promise anything to you, child. This is a world that I can control," although Giratina was being a little unwilling to give me proper information, I understood. 

"This is so strange. Are you saying I am going to be alive again?" I had to ask.

"Due to strange circumstances in the 'real world', you seem connected to different ones. Perhaps it is the manifestation of evil inside of you? However, this world will not be created until the one you love the most finds you. For now, this void is your home, so goodbye," and before I could say anymore, Giratina's voice faded and everything became silent.

"I don't understand still...Ash needs to find me?" I felt really tired and decided to sleep, not even knowing the time of day or what was happening. The void was empty and that was how I felt as I drifted away into my slumber.

Now... (Ash)

"So, when we were...here before, you were never actually here on your own in the first place?" I asked and Serena nodded instantly. "I have never heard of Giratina doing something like that before. Some sort of strange phenomena." 

"Whatever itwas doesn't matter. What matters now is that you are here, Ash. I'm alive. We can be happy again. Live again," Serena kissed me before I could reply and I relaxed, not moving a muscle. We must have stayed in the same spot for ages, until something finally happened.

The ground began to shake. Everything became dark and lightning began to strike. Rain poured down suddenly.

"Let's find shelter!" I shouted to Serena, holding her hand as we ran towards the nearest house.

"This is part of our future, Ash. We will have to survive with chaos and disruption following us at every corner. That is the way we must live," Serena shouted over the showering rain.

"IT'S WORTH IT, THOUGH!" I shouted back as loud as I could, feeling the effects on my throat. "I WOULD RATHER LIVE IN CHAOS IF IT MEANT YOU WERE ALIVE!"

"I know you would, as I would too," I heard Serena murmur to herself as the rain began to calm down slightly. We stepped inside the shelter and sat down on a bench, taking a moment to breathe.

"So, we have no Clemont? Bonnie? Brock? Iris?" I fired off some names and Serena frowned.

"I'm afraid not. The only person that could be apart of this world, in truth, was you. Now that you are here, they cannot see this world, even if they sleep, as you were the catalyst for that strange happening," Serena was using big words to explain, something she rarely did before.

"So it is just us two?" I spoke to myself and then grinned. "I'm fine with that." 

"I love you, Ash," Serena put her head on my shoulder as we watched the rain pour down.

"I love you more. You know it," I replied, still holding her hand. I gripped it tighter.

I would never want to let go, even if the world fell apart.

Forever and always, we were going to be together.

Our love was just that strong.

The 'real world'... (Parker)

Everyone stood in the big hall as Lance stepped up to the podium. We all waited, staring at him with determination.

"Today, we mark the opening of this hall. May we never forget those that sacrificed what is most important to them and may we live on with their names in our hearts, their inspiration in our Pokemon battles," Lance started his speech and then he brought out two big frames. One had a picture of Ash, the other was Serena. "Our first entries into the hall of fame. Ash and Serena."

Everyone applauded, some seemed to want to cry again, although we had enough of that the previous day.

The hall of fame, a place where the ones that die are always alive.

Because legends never die.

They are the tale of the future and the present.

Ash and Serena.

Welcome to the Hall of Fame.


To explain:

Giratina is the controller of the mirror world. There is no chance that the others will see Ash and Serena again. At least, that is what you have heard ;)

Now, Ash and Serena are together, but a tough journey awaits them as chaos erupts around every corner.

This is the final chapter of the book, concluding what has been a REALLY hard story to write. I have been taking so long on this chapter because it has been so difficult. The story has been so difficult to write and come up with and everything has been so confusing. 

I am sorry. It's been a messy ride but a fun one nontheless.

Go check out 'The Investigation Club' if you have the time, my new High School Amour book!

Thanks for reading.

If you have any questions/feedback leave it in the comments.

If you want a third book in the series then just say so. Who knows, maybe a whole book dedicated to Serena and Ash may come into play.

See ya around.

Again, sorry for the delay and the mess this book is, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway.

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