My Body His Baby Wattpadprize...

By MissyJ31

1M 29.4K 1.5K

Bella goes in the clinic to donate her eggs and comes out knocked up by Hollywoods biggest star, Logan Spade... More

My Body His Baby
Fired (Edited)
Pregnant (Edited)
Logan Spade (Edited)
Proposition (Edited)
The Villa (Edited)
Logan's departure (Edited)
Interview (Edited)
Ten weeks later (Edited)
Twenty Three Weeks (Edited)
Christmas Vacation Part 1(of 3) (Edited)
Christmas Vacation Part 2(of3) (Edited)
Christmas Vacation Part 3(of3) (Edited)
Eight Months (Edited)
About time (Edited)
Ready to Go (Edited)
Meet The Parents (Edited)
Mommy duty (Edited)
Kisses (Edited)
Parallels (Edited)
Concubine (Edited)
Surprises and Lies (Edited)
Planning a Trip (Edited)
Family Time (Edited)
The Best Day Ever (Edited)
Home (Edited)
Confrontation (Edited)
The Beginning of the End (Edited)
Update on Sequel
The Sequel is HERE
Sequel is now up

While he's away... (Edited)

34.3K 967 13
By MissyJ31

The first week since I moved into my new home, I met my housekeeper and the cook. I met a male housekeeper. It was quite strange. I expected to be surrounded by women, but he is a man and a young one at that. Luckily for me, he is not my type at all.

The cook is an older woman. She's officially lost her mind. I think she thinks she's my mother or something. She's always giving me advice on everything. Our first meeting went like this:

I woke up two days after the ultrasound to hear banging in my kitchen. I, of course, was freaked out thinking that I was being invaded by thieves. Then I heard her voice. She was complaining.

"Humph, ten years in the big house and here I am sent away, this is the first step to them firing me, I bet."

I didn't feel a threat from her so I walked all the way down the steps in my pajama pants and tank top. "Uh, who are you?"

She turned to me then. She's an older brunette with age lines. She narrowed her eyes at me. "I'm your cook. Who are you?"

"Bella. What's your name?"

She laughs. "You expect me to believe you care."

I'm taken aback. "I expect nothing of you quite honestly. I was told I'd be getting a cook. I don't know why, but I'm guessing Logan is a bit of a control freak. I would like to know who I'm speaking to as all."

"Oh," she says. "My name is Nancy and Mr. Spade is a control freak."

I laughed. "I knew it. I bet he gave you a complete list of what to cook me."

Nancy grinned. "You know him well."

I nodded. I don't know the man at all. I do know how he seems to respond to things. I know he wants these babies as much as I do. I know he'd do anything to ensure their safety.

Later on that day, I met the housekeeper. It was strange to see a man in my bathroom. He was so young, he had to be around my age. I admit for a split second, I was frightened until I realized he was only cleaning. He seemed oblivious to my presence.

"Uh, hi."

"Hello, miss." He turned to me and said.

I smirked. Miss. "I'm Bella, you're?"

"Grant," he replied. "I'm your new housekeeper."

"You?" I ask. Because he's a he. I hadn't guessed men were housekeepers. I bet that's sexist of me.

He smiles. "I know. I'm a man, right. Well, I got this job as a favor and I would like to keep it. The Spades pay very well."

Ah. "Okay, nice to meet you."

The second week of Logan's absence, I received a visit from his mother. I did not answer the door. I did not need to associate with these people. I just wanted to be left alone. I'm eight weeks pregnant, I often hug the toilet. I'm sure Grant appreciates cleaning up those messes that I miss. Nancy makes me good food, but half of it still seems to come back up.

At nine weeks, I received a call from Logan. He'd been gone for three weeks. He called me from the private phone he bought for me.

"Hello," I answered.

"Bella," he said.

"Who else," I replied.

He chuckled. "I'm calling because I have a favor to ask of you."


"Yes, I have been experiencing some heat regarding our situation. I spoke with my agent and he seems to think that if the two of us went public, I'd still have my reputation. As an actor, I need my reputation."

Okay. "What exactly is the favor?"

"We'd have a spot on Good Morning America. We just explain what happened. Therefore, the world knows I'm not some sleazy asshole."

Okay. "Whatever, I'm going back to bed."

"Bella, I know it's four o'clock there." Logan says.

"So, I'm tired." And with that I hung up and went back to bed. All I do is sleep.

Ten weeks pregnant, I am awoken from my slumber by the door. I head downstairs and find that a car is waiting to take me to my appointment and then the airport where I will go to Good Morning America.

I rush back inside and throw on some clothes and pack a bag. Logan never did tell me when we were doing that interview and silly me didn't even think to ask.

By the time I'm done, I leave the house. I'm beyond surprised to find Logan in the back seat of the tinted Lincoln. He never has a bad day ever. He looks just as good looking as always and it sickens me. He's in a suit and tie.

"Hey," I say. "Where are you going?"

Logan grins. "The appointment with you." He takes in my outfit. "I guess it's a good thing our interview is tomorrow."

I roll my eyes. "Logan," I practically whine. "It's early. I told you if you wanted me to look pretty I need advanced notice."

He smirks. "You were there when the appointment was made."

I narrowed my eyes at him and sure enough he began to laugh. I sulked. I closed my eyes and completely decided to shut him out.

At the appointment, I pulled up my shirt as I got ready for the ultrasound.

"Whoa," Logan blurted out. I stared at him like he'd lost his mind. "You're showing. I didn't even see that in the car with what you're wearing."

"Get over it," I snapped. I didn't need him calling attention to my fatness.

He narrowed his eyes. "It's okay. I like it."

I raised an eyebrow. The doctor did the sonogram and allowed us to hear both of our babies heartbeats. I cried. I really cried hard allowing the tears to fall down my face. Logan was in awe of the sound. The doctor said he'd make us a CD of it. Then he left us alone so I could clean up the gel off of me.

"That was," Logan started.

"I know," I finished the statement for him without actually saying the words.

We stared at each other completely in awe of one another because of what we unknowingly created together.

Logan reached for my hand and held it in his. His beautiful light brown eyes locked with my hazel ones. "Thank you so much for doing this," he stated softly.

"Doing what," I asked, confused.

Logan pulled me closer to him. "For having my baby-babies," he corrected. "I know it cannot be easy for someone as young as you to say yes, I'm going to have two children by nineteen."

Oh. "Life is life," I replied.

Logan smiled as he pulled me closer until the two of us were in an embrace. It was a hug, but not a simple one. He held me tight as the hug developed new meaning. His hands rested low on the small of my back. I held onto him as well, confused and overwhelmed at the meaning of this embrace.

Then my phone rang. He laughed. "You're using it, I see."

We separated and I picked up. "Unknown," I said and answered. "Hello." There is some breathing. "Hello," I say completely annoyed. More breathing. "Goodbye." The phone rings back. Logan decides to answer this time. Whoever it is hangs up on him.

"Who was that?" He asks.

I shrug. "Like I know all they did was breathe."

"Who did you give this number to?"

"Really, " I say. "Who do I talk to, Logan?"

He mumbles something incoherent and when I ask he repeats his previous question. "Your boyfriend?" He says painstakingly slow.

I roll my eyes. I gear up to tell him off and then I see the expression on his face. He isn't accusing me, he's asking me. I cross my arms in front of my chest. "Logan," I sigh. "Tomorrow, we are going on TV to convince your fans you're still in love with your wife and that this was all a mistake. We are just adjusting to the situation as friends." I say the last words and look in his eyes.

He gets it. He gets that I mean that he's a married man. And then he leaves the room and I want to yell at myself for sticking my foot in my mouth.

 Preview for the next chapter:

"Do you intend to come between Vanessa and Logan?" The woman asks.

I gasp at the suggestion before narrowing my eyes. "Uh-no." I glance at Logan, annoyed she even asked.

The woman cuts off anything he could say. "Logan, are you aware there are reports that Bella asked an employee from the Life Clinic to implant her with your DNA?"

"That's crazy. I had no idea he was even in the building," I blurted out.

"Is it?" The woman asks. "The employee is also on record saying it is true because the clinic was supposed to be closed except for the one person allowed in that day, you."


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