My Mafia Husband {ManxBoy} [C...

By lostboys_lostgirls

5M 160K 57.1K

HIGHEST RANK: #3 IN ROMANCE 18 year old, Liam Spencer's life changes drastically when a sexy, mysterious man... More

My Mafia Husband
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Valentines Day Special
Marco and Ortiz Story

Chapter 13

118K 4.2K 408
By lostboys_lostgirls

Sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes.


It had been a week since I was shot. Enzo couldn't rest, he was always up and pacing, yelling at his men when they came back with false leads or dead ends. Enzo was anticipating another attack but he was also trying to attack them before they attacked us. But nothing was happening and we weren't finding out anything useful.

The doctor, Dr. Mettio, was coming back again today. The medicine he gave me was actually working very well. Enzo was a little skeptical but I downed it with the rest of my pills before he could argue.

The medication made me sleepy though and I was only awake a few hours of the day to eat, use the bathroom and once I took a shower, with Enzo had to help me with but I kept my boxers on.

My sleeping habits made Enzo stress even more about me because he was afraid that I was getting worse, I disagreed. I felt great for those few hours I was up during the days and my leg no longer throbbed randomly. I could also move my arm without my shoulder screaming in protest. Whatever Dr. Mettio gave me was working, very well.

"Ortiz, I swear to God, if you or anyone else comes back to me with a dead end of a false lead, I will shoot you." Enzo yelled, Ortiz had came into the room to break the news to Enzo.

"Enzo." I scolded, "Calm down."

He glanced at me and his scowl disappeared, "I can't stand this not knowing. They need to die for what they did to you Liam."

"Don't take it out on Ortiz or any of your men. They've done nothing but help you." I said.

He sighed but didn't say anything else. Ortiz disappeared and a few minutes later Dr. Mettio walked in and got right down to business, "Hello, Liam. How have you been feeling?"

"Good." I said honesty.

"Great, have you been taking the medicine I gave you?" I nodded and he continued, "You must be sleeping a lot then." I nodded again, "But have you noticed a difference?"

"My leg doesn't throb anymore like it did, even on pain killers. I can also move my arm without it hurting really bad."

"Wonderful. I'm going to remove the bandages and check your leg." He said taking a seat and I rolled onto my said so he could remove the bandages and take a look.

"I'm very surprised in the improvement. Liam could you move your foot for me?" He asked.

I moved my foot around only a whisper of pain coming from the movement, "How bad does that hurt."

"Barely at all." I responded.

"Wonderful." He said, "Roll to your back please." Once I was there the lifted my leg just so it was above the covers, "Tell me when it hurts." He said and he began to raise the lower half of my leg."

I made him stop when my whole leg began to be raised and I felt the slightest tug on the wound and I hissed, reaching for his hands to stop him. Thankfully he stopped.

Enzo stepped up and pulled Dr. Mettio away, "That's enough."

"Sorry." He said, "You're showing major improvement. I think soon you should start walking around on crutches, as soon as your shoulder heals, which it should be good enough in at least three days. You don't need to be in bed this much, it's not very healthy. Keep taking your medications, and as soon as you feel that your shoulder is healed enough to use crutches, use them." He instructed while carefully wrapping up my leg.

"I will see you again in a week if you have no other concerns or questions." He said.

"Is he supposed to sleep most of the day?" Enzo asked.

"Yes, it is the side effects of my medication plus the medication he was given at the hospital. It's nothing to worry about." He reassured.

"Call if he gets worse, but I doubt that will happen, you are healing remarkably well." He smiled and gently patted my lower leg before walking out briefly with Enzo. I always got a little uneasy when Enzo left me. I only felt truly safe with Enzo.

Enzo had just walked back in and had laid down beside me, wrapping his arm around me as we watched the movie on the screen when Ortiz ran in, a hint of a smile on his face.

"Sir, we have something and it's not a false lead." He said, almost out if breath from most likely running up the stairs.

Enzo shot out of the bed, careful of my heart monitor which I didn't want or need to have anymore but Enzo insisted, wanting to know how I was even when I was sleeping.

"I'll be right back." He said, looking at me for a response.

"Okay." I said simply, my meds kicking in causing a wave of drowsiness to hit me.

He walked out following Ortiz and I soon feel asleep, watching the people on the screen.

* * *

"...Liam...Liam." I heard someone call my name.

Slowly my eyes opened, feeling heavy.

"Hmmm?" I asked my tired eyes looking around until they landed on Enzo.

"Hey," He said waiting until I woke up a little more before he continued, "I'm going to be gone-"

I cut him off with a shake of my head and searching for his hand in my drowsy state, "No."

He looked at me, looking truly torn, "Liam, I have to..." he said softly.

"You can't leave me." I said, my voice raspy.

He looked sad fir a split second before he went back to his blank expression, "Liam-"

"Please." I said, just like when he left the first time. I definitely didn't want a repeat of the last time.

He was quiet for a long moment, "Okay. I'll be right back." He said simply and walked out.


I couldn't just leave him when he looked at me like that. I couldn't have a repeat of what happened the last time I left on a lead on where they De Angelis family was.

I walked into the meeting room where my second in command, Marco, Ortiz and a few other trusted men were talking.

"I'm not going with you today, I'm staying here with Liam and half of my men. Carlos, you are going to be in charge of this mission, kill everyone except the father and son, you restrain them and bring them to me, unharmed. Ortiz, Marco you go with him and the other half of my men." I instructed.

"Yes, sir." Carlos, me second in command spoke.

"I expect you to head out as soon as possible and contact me if you run into any trouble and when you are heading back."

"Yes, sir." He said again.

With that I walked out of the room, leaving all my power with Carlos.

I walked back upstairs to where Liam was. He wasn't asleep like I assumed he'd be.

"Enzo, can you take me out to the garden?" He asked.

I was surprised by he sudden request, "Liam, it's freezing outside and you can barely stay up for five minutes."

"I can cover up and I can't go to sleep, please, I just want to get some fresh air." He said.

I sighed, I would do anything he wanted and that had been proven true time and time again from this last week.

"Fine." I gave in, like he knew I would and I unhooked his heart monitor. Everything else he was attached to was no longer necessary, the heart monitor wasn't necessary but I refused to take it off, it gave me reassurance when he was asleep.

I wrapped Liam in a thick blanket, careful of his wounds. I picked him up and carried him down stairs and set him down on the couch while I put on a coat and grabbed some gloves and hat. I picked him back up and carried him outside, my men opening the door for me.

I carried him around the house and to the garden, which was just like it had been when Liam finished. The fountains ran but they were frozen that morning, finally thawing out as the day progressed.

I sat him down on the bench, careful so he wouldn't be on his wound, and pushed the beanie over his head, making sure it shielded his ears from the cold. I made sure the blanket was wrapped tight enough around him.

"I'm fine, Enzo." He said, getting comfortable on the bench next to me. I could see his breath in the air as he spoke.

I let my arm wrap around his shoulders, holding him close.

"Why did you want to come out here?" I asked after a while.

"I don't like being in that room all day everyday, so I wanted to come out here." He was silent for a few more minutes before adding, "Just imagine how pretty it will be in the spring when the garden is filled with flowers." He smiled.

"What flowers do you want to put in it?" I asked, wanting to keep the conversation going.

"Some roses, lilies, marigolds, petunias, peonies and other flowers that would look well in the garden. The roses and peonies would have to be closer to the house though, so they aren't in complete sun the whole time. I'd also like to get gardenias but they can't be in direct sunlight."

I was amazing that he knew so much, "How do you know all of this?"

"My mom loved to garden and so all of it just kind of stuck with me. My mom loved flowers so we mistly had flower gardens, but my mom tried to do a herb and vegetable garden a few times."

I loved when he talked about himself and I got to learn things like this.

We were quiet for a while after that and we stayed out there until I looked over and saw that Liam was fast asleep.

I picked him up and carried him to my bed, laying him down and deciding to lay down with him and wait for a call from my men.

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