By Gramei

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Copyright ©2016 by Gramei AND Gramei Productions. All rights served. "What if" is a really dangerous question... More



325 13 1
By Gramei

I couldn't keep my legs still, they kept shaking from all the nerves. I couldn't even enjoy this beautiful car I was sitting in. The leather felt nice against my bare legs under my dress.

I am really unsure about this whole meet the parents thing. I am below him, I have nothing and he is a beautiful man who has it all. He is doing great in life, me not so much.

What if they think less of me? or think I am not good enough for him?

'Alright will you stop shaking your leg and just enjoy the ride?' Tim asked and snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked in his pretty eyes and his eyes made me just a little bit more at ease.

'I'm sorry, it's just what if-'

'No, we are not doing this again they will love you and you will make my mothers day I promise you' he said cutting me short.

'Alright fine i'll stop' I said and my leg stopped shaking as soon he layed his hand on my knee.

We drove true the woods, at least it looked like the woods. When it cleared I saw this beautiful mansion. It was huge, and looked like it came from a historical time back in the days. To cut things short it is magnificent.

'Are you coming?' Tim asked me and I notices he was holding the door for me at my side of the car. I was lost in my thoughts again.

'Yes' I whispered and I walked along the little trackway to the big door.

I slowly took his hand in mine and prayed to god that things will be okay, that I will be okay, or at least we will be okay. I really hope so.

'You ready?' he asked just to be sure. 'No I am not ready as you know, but I will do this for you and I really hope that you are right and that they will like me. That they won't judge'

A glimp in his eye made me a tad bit more unsure about what I just said. He was nervous too, I never noticed before. Maybe because I was so lost in my own thoughts I didn't noticed him at all. I felt a little bad for him, it must be nerve wrecking for him too.

His parents must know their sons reputation with woman, maybe he is scared what they are thinking about him being in a real committed relationship?

'Just don't take things personal with Jocelyn, she can be a little rough sometimes'

'Who is Jocelyn?' I asked a little scared for what he is about to say. Secret daughter or something?

'Jocelyn, is my sister and a little overprotective'

'I see, I need to go to hell if it's up to her. Great' I whispered.

'Don't be like that, she will love you just like my parents but she needs a little more time then they need to' he explained while holding my hands.

'Fine now let's go before I change my mind' and I gave him a little smile.

'You won't leave my side are you?'

'Not for a second' and I smiled fondly, and even a little proud of the handsome, pretty eyed man on my arm.

The moment Tim and I walked in the house I smelled the delicious smell of food. Something baked, something cooked. It smelled so good.

'Is that Timothy?' a woman asked probably his mother.

I was holding his hand in a firm grip, I was so nervous. When we walked in the kitchen that is bigger than Tessa's apartment, I saw a woman who almost screamed kindness. She really looked like the perfect mother.

'Timothy' she said and hugged him instantly.

'And who is this young lady?' she asked really curious right now.

'You didn't knock her up did you?' his father asked already judging his son for his way of treating woman.

'No dad, I haven't this is Alexandra and she is my girlfriend' he said.

In the room fell silence, it was rather quiet and I felt the tension rise. They didn't know how to react properly or that it was serious between me and Tim. I don't even know if it is serious between us. But we have time, right? It's not like we are moving too fast. Tessa hasn't even met him and I live with her under the same roof.

'Hi I am Alexandra and I'ts very nice to meet the both of you' I said trying to be polite to them. Trying to make them like me or something.

'But this is wonderfull news, I am Taya and this is Lamar my husband. His sister, Jocelyn can be here any moment. But dear why haven't I see you before, you are so pretty and how long do you two know each other?' she asked.

'We met when I was working in this little diner he came for coffee almost everyday. And I let his assistant wait for almost 15 minutes because it was my first day and I had no idea how that machine worked'

'And I fell instantly for her' he said finishing my sentence.

'This is wonderful Lamar get the champagne'

'Mother,she is not drinking alcohol'

'It's fine really, I'm okay with a glass of water' I said smiling to her.

'Alright dear wait a second come here you two' she said and fastened to the kitchen with Lamar at her side.

'This is going well' he whispered in my ear, and sucking on my earlobe.

'Stop it, they can come back any time' I giggled. That when I heard the front door open and close.

'Who is this' I heard a cold voice ask us.

'Ah Jocelyn, this is Alexandra my girlfriend' Tim said confident not afraid for his sister. He may not but I am.

'Girlfriend, we talked yesterday why am I hearing about this just now?' she asked already pissed off at her brother.

'I wanted to do this formal and introduce her first to mom and dad'

'So how did you meet? in another strip club, is she another hooker? Or a co-worker, or even better the daughter of your rival in business' she snapped. The more she talked, the more I felt alone. And scared that she is never going to like me.

'Jocelyn stop this, I am happy with Alexandra can't you be happy? Or even accept this?' he asked getting pissed too.

'What is going on?' his mother asked when she came back with our drinks.

'Have you heard this, this nonsense. He doesn't do girlfriends mother' she snapped.

'Jocelyn enough, if he is happy with her who are we to stop it? And besides that, Alexandra is a very nice, young lady. We will not discuss these things in front of her. But please confirm you are not a stripper' she begged me what made me laugh.

'No I am not a stripper don't worry' I said. 'Alright come dear, let's eat' she said and sat me down in between Tim and herself. She didn't want me to sit next to Jocelyn. And obvious I was sitting on her spot because she is eying me like a hawk.

'Alright cheers to the happy couple' his mother said and we took a sip of our drink.

'Tim how is business going?' he asked when we were eating all this delicious food. 'It is going just fine, thank you. We have new clients so that is a good thing' his father nodded and with that, that subject is done.

'Alexandra, tell us something about yourself' his mother asked, 'oh alright, yes well I live with my best friend Tessa and her partner. I go to collage, I study medicine and want to become a doctor' I said. 'That is wonderful' his mother replied.

'So you are what? 27 years old and still goes to collage?' Jocelyn asked. 'I am 25 years old not 27 and yes I go to collage any further questions?' she looked a little bit shocked of my snappy mouth. 'All I am saying it's a bit odd that you go to collage with that age, what did you do when you actually had to go to collage like myself and Tim?' she said looking me in the eye. I can play this game too.

'You don't trust me' I said and put my drink down.

'And you are avoiding the question'

'I didn't go to collage, because me parents could care less what I did at that age'

I know she didn't expected this but I didn't want to tell his family I went to prison. I am ashamed of this experience and if I could forget I would. 'Oh god, I am so sorry for Jocelyn she is being rude, normally she isn't like this' his mother explained.

'It's alright, she wants to know things and that is totally fine'

'Let's discuss some more happy things, you want to be a doctor why? what has inspired you to do that?' she asked.

'Specifically an children's doctor. I know what bad things, what drugs can do to a human body. I want to speak to them, teach them and make them better. I want to educate them to no to touch those bad medicine'

'You have experience with that?'

'Yes unfortunately, I was in a bad place'

'And you are alright now?' she asked me.

'I am working on it, and getting so much support' I said looking over at Tim while he grabbed my hand again.

'I can see you two really like each other' she said smiling. 'You are good for him, and maybe he is good for you. I must admit I thought I'd never see the day that he would come home with a proper girlfriend. Maybe there is hope after all' she said and took another bite from her food.

While his mother rambled on and on his father didn't say much, he just announced that he was happy for us. Maybe he is more on Jocelyn's side then he shows to us.

'The food was amazing thank you so much' I said and gave her a hug. 'You are welcome dear, and stop by a little more than he does alright I loved your presence'

'I will, don't worry about that we will come by soon'

'Don't make promises like that Alex, she will call tomorrow' he said joking around with his mother. 'Oh stop it Timothy' she said and started to laugh. She is a very kind, sweet woman. Tim grabbed my hand, 'let's go, i'll speak you soon mother' she waved while we walked to the car.

'That wasn't too bad was it?' he asked me and all I could do is look at him. 'Your sister was bad alright, she didn't like me and she wanted to know every detail about my life. You have to promise me you won't tell her. She will only think worse of me' I said to him.

'I won't tell a thing about it alright' he said and we stepped in the car and drove away.

The ride back home was a lot more comfortable then the ride to his parents. 'Do you have a past?' I asked him. I know so little about him while he knows practically everything about me. There has to be something went true, did he really had the perfect childhood?

'What do you mean?' he asked.

'You know everything about me, but I know very less about you' I said to him.

I heard him sigh, he doesn't want to talk about this.

'You don't want to talk about your past why?'

'Because angel there is nothing to tell'

'So you had this perfect childhood?'

He didn't answer me what means that wasn't entirely true.

'No I didn't had the perfect childhood like you think I had, most of the time I was with my sister alright done. End of this subject'

'No not done, most of the time with your sisters you didn't had that great connection with your parents you now have?'

'Alex drop it alright, my past isn't from any value' he snapped and turned back to the road.

'It is from value to me, you know everything about me and didn't retrieve that information the right way so you owe me in some way' I snapped back. Why is he so stubborn?

'Fine, my childhood was terrible. I had no connection with my father and my mother always covered for him. I was no one in his eyes. Happy?' he said and turned back to the road. But that was not what I wanted to hear at all.

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