No Room For Era

By MsChryssieE

273K 11.5K 6.2K

A marriage is not 50/50. A marriage is 100/100. Its about giving everything you got for the love that created... More

Bonus Chapter


3.6K 191 82
By MsChryssieE


"I think it was great that you went with her."

"Yea. I could tell she needed me there."

"I'm so excited for their wedding."

"I'm more excited for this one to get here."

Wrapping his arms around my body, he caressed my belly while he kissed on my neck.

"I'm ready for him too." I looked back at him.

I was making breakfast for us this morning. For the first time in a while since I've been pregnant, I was actually feeling good.

"You gonna miss me?"

"Of course I am."

Kevin had two out of state shows this weekend with Aug. I would have gone with him but because of how my morning sickness be, I chose to stay behind and watch YaYa along with Frankie and Brody.

"Ya gon get some practice with YaYa" he laughed.

"Yea." I laughed with him. "I just hope she isn't too much of a handful nor energetic."

"Just don't give her no sweets for the weekend."

"Oh I know that for sure."

Grabbing two plates for us, I put out the eggs and bacon.

"Past me the-"

"Pickles, I know." He smiled.

"And the jam please."

Saying that, he looked back at me.


"I'm not gonna say anything." He laughed.

Sitting there eating, I groaned a bit. Hearing me, Kevin shot up so quickly and came over to my side.

"You ok?"

"I'm fine babe." I snickered. "How did you get over here so quickly."

"You groaned and had a look on your face."

"He kicked me that's all."

"Oh ok." He exhaled.

Going back to his breakfast, I dipped my pickle in the jam before biting into it.

"You enjoying that huh?"

"Mhmm." I chewed as I danced in my seat.

"I love you so much you know that. And I love seeing you happy."

"You make me happy."

"You putting out before I go." He smirked.

"Can we use the jam?"

Kevin let out this loud ass laugh which startled me but then made me laugh.

"Babe." I whined.

"My bad but the way you said that was funny."

"You ain't give me an answer though."

"Nita is it everything you putting that jam on?"

I was now spreading some on my bacon.

"I wanna put it on you." I mumbled.

"Then let's go." I heard him say.

Looking up, he was standing with this smile on his face. He came over to me and took my hand ready to leave the kitchen.

"Wait babe, grab my last two bacon pieces." I pulled away from him.

Putting one in my mouth and holding the other one with the jar of jam, I met back up with him.

"All this sex with food."

"Shut up and spread it on me." I smirked.

"Say no more!!!" He laughed.


"Remember princess-" Aug spoke to YaYa.

"No trouble for TeeTee." She repeated.

"Very good and I'm gonna be asking ha if ya misbehave and if she says yes, ya gon be in big trouble."

"No daddy." She fretted.

"Then ya know what ta do. Now gimme a kiss."

I watched as she wrapped her as around his neck and kissedhis cheek.

"I love you August." He told her.

"I love you daddy."

"G'on by ya momma." He put her down and she ran off.

"Nita, if you'on feel good at any time, call this number." He handed me a paper.

"This ha overnight nanny."

"Kenya has a nanny?" I asked surprised as he laughed.

"Yea but she just assist when needed."

"Oh ok."

"Nita babe?" Kevin walked in. "Call me if you need anything."

"I will baby."

Kissing him goodbye and telling everyone else bye, they left, leaving me and my niece.


"Yea babe?"

"Nap please."

"Girl you spoke the right word." I smiled.

"Momma room."

"I'll get you settled."

Taking her hand, we went to Keira's room here. Grabbing one of her tops, YaYa climbed into bed and began sniffing it as she stuck her thumb in her mouth.

Gently caressing her scalp, Brody came running in the room, jumped on the bed and got behind her.

I watched as she stretched her hand behind her and petted him as he rested his chin on her.

"TeeTee, song please."

"Sure love." I smiled.

Beginning to hum a song I would hum to her, she smiled as her eyes began to close. Closing mines, I rubbed my belly still humming.

Once she was completely asleep, I took a picture and sent it to Keira before walking out. Going into what would be the baby's room and went back to working on it.

"You know it would he awesome if you love painting like your momma." I smiled as I spoke to my son.

This was something I did everyday. When I had the private time,we would speak and his movements were like him replying.

"This world out here is crazy, but me and daddy and the family will protect you." I rubbed my belly.

"You don't have much uncles and aunts by blood but you do go then and they all crazy." I laughed.

I spent an hour plus finishing the detail on the art piece on his wall. Once I was finished, I got cleaned up and ready for when Kenya woke up.

"Brody, you hungry buddy?"

As though he understood me, he barked.

"I'll take that as a yes then." I laughed.

Pouring out some food for him and adding water, he got in instantly.

"Guess I'll feed you too Frankie."

Taking out the lettuce, I broke off a leaf to give him.

"No TeeTee." I heard as I turned. "Frankie have special food." She pointed at the bag that had Brody's food in.

"Ok." I said a bit skeptical.

Opening the bag, there was a container in it sure enough. Taking it out, I gave it to YaYa and she went ahead and feed him.

"Eat up Frankie." She smiled.

"Now." I took the container back. "What does my niece want to eat?"

"Tacos." She squealed.

"Hmmm that sounds good but we gonna have to go to the supermarket then."

"Mhmm." She nodded while she watched Frankie ate.

"Come go clean up princess."

Taking my hand, we walked back to her room and got her ready.


🎶I just do my dance and cuff my pants,
Then twist my fingers with my hands...🎶

In the kitchen throwing down with my niece, we were cutting up at the same time.

🎶Do ya dance YaYa, do ya dance.🎶

I sang along to YG as she did her little dance.

Doing a quick SC video, she looked so cute.

"She a west side shawty like her momma." I captioned the video.

"You like this kind of music huh?"

"Mhmm." She nodded as we finished the ground beef.

Setting out everything, my phone began to ring. Seeing Keira name on face time I knew she was calling because of the video.

"Yea sis." I laughed.

"I see y'all having fun." She smiled.

"Yea. I didn't know YaYa like YG."

"Child yes because of your husband."

"Keira why you lying!" I heard Kevin yell.

"Who she on the phone with?" Aug's voice came in. "Nita!"

"Just ignore him." Keira said before he snatched her phone.

"Why you got my daughta' out thea c walking ta a blood."

"She bhose the song Aug." I joked.

"Man, y'all better stop playing when it comes ta ma daughta'."

"You just mad she dances better than you." I heard behind him.

Holding in my laugh, he turned around and putting his attention on Keira. Before I could say anything, the call ended.

"YaYa daddy don't like you listening to that music."

She just looked at me and laughed.

"You know what you be doing." I tickled her.

As we laughed, the door bell rang. Containing myself, I got up and answered it.

"Hey you." I smiled but was surprised.

"Hey boss." Faith smiled. "Sorry to disturb you but I think you left with my set of keys for the office last night."

"I did?" I asked confused.

"I think so because I can't find them anywhere and last place I had them were in the office."

"Oh! Um come in let me see if I have them in my bag."

Stepping inside, I closed the door.

"YaYa, TeeTee coming back."


"And stop having Brody eat out of your taco."

"Hi Kenya." I heard Faith say.

"My name August." YaYa said with an attitude.

"Oop.." I heard Faith.

"YaYa be nice." I laughed. "Don't take it personal, Kenya is for family especially when Aug around."

"And daddy told me to let people know too."

"Oh well I'm sorry." Faith smiled.

"Let me get my bag." I turned and walked off.


Walking into the kitchen, I heard them as they conversed.

"So Frankie is yours but Brody is the family own?" Faith asked.

"Yup. Daddy got him for momma but he love me more."

I laughed when she said that. She sounded so much like Keira when she said that.

"Who Brody or your daddy?"


Finding the keys, I shook my head.

"Guess I did pick them up. I'm sorry." I walked back out.

"Its cool. I'm early anyway so no time lost."

"True. Let me know how things go tonight."

"I will."

"And remind the girls about tomorrow being closed."

"Oh right. As you mentioned that, we're all doing lunch tomorrow and we wanted to know if you could make it."

"Oh, um."

I wasn't sure how to respond because I was still a bit uneasy with what had happened but I could have been wrong and it could have been an accident.

"I have her all weekend."

"Its no problem, you can bring her. We're going to the park."

"TeeTee can we go?" YaYa looked at me.


"Pleaseeee." She begged then pouted.

Looking at her face then at Faith, I didn't know how to respond.

"Hear what. Let me run it by her parents and I'll let you know."

"Ok cool. Anyway, let me head out. Bye August."

"Bye." YaYa smiled.

Walking Faith out, I told her goodbye then closed up. Sitting on the couch, YaYa climbed up on me and began rubbing my belly.

"You really wanna go huh?"

"Yes please."

"Ok. We'll go but not for long."

"Thank you." She hugged me before climbing down. "TeeTee Nita." She called.


"Brody need to go potty." She pointed.

Seeing him scratching away at the sliding door, I got up and let him out. Once he was out, we went back to watching our movies for the night.


"You got everything?"

"Yes TeeTee. C'mon Brody." she yanked the leash to get him out.

Walking behind her as she controlled him while holding Frankie, I smiled.

"There she is right there." I heard.

Looking ahead of me, I saw the girls from the club by a well decorated picnic table.

"Hey everyone." I smiled confused. "What's going on?"

"Surprise!" They yelled.

"This is our baby shower to you." Paige smiled as she took YaYa's bag from me.

"What?" I laughed.

"We spoke to Sara of course and asked if we could do this for you and she gave us the ok." Morgan said.

"Yea and when you told us that today was an off day for us, Faith decided we should do it today."

I looked over at Faith as she just looked at me and smiled.

"I, I don't know what to say." I smiled.

"I say, lets eat!" Jess joked.

As the afternoon progressed, We ate, played a few games and just got to know each other a bit more than we already had.

Enjoying the evening overall, I sat rubbing my belly as I watched Kenya play not too far away.

"She is so precious." One of the girls said.

"Man I wish my bad ass daughter was like her."

"Angel, Imani is only a year." I laughed.

"And she a bad ass. that little girls stay getting into trouble."

Yea Kenya is a well behaved child, but people didn't understand what it was when I say she is a mix of her mother and father, till she shows them.

"Nita you sure everything is going to fit?" Jess laughed

"Yea I'm sure." I laughed as we packed up.

"TeeTee, peepee please." YaYa danced in front of me.

Grabbing her little bag, I play raced her. Finding a stall, I placed a seat cover down before putting her seat down.

"YaYa sit still babe." I sighed rubbing my belly.

Standing up, I tried to ride out a cramp that I was feeling.


"Just a minute bit." I breathed out, closing my eyes tightly.

Exhaling, I opened my eyes and looked up in relief. Feeling a small hand pat on my leg, I looked down and saw YaYa leaning forward, looking up at me.

"I'm ok princess." I smiled.

Handing her a wipe, she cleaned up and fixed her shorts.

"Can we go home now?" She looked at me as she washed her hands.

"Yea. TeeTee needs a rest."

Walking back to my car, I got YaYa settled in her seat. Brody was already in the back laying down.

"Hey, thanks again so much for this." I hugged everyone.

"You're welcome boss. Think of it as a pre baby shower." Laura smiled.

"Yea. Anyway, I'm gonna get her back and down for a nap."

"Sure, we'll finish up here."

All the while, Faith stood there just staring at me with this look on her face.

Saying my final goodbye, I got back in my car and left. Kenya was already asleep while we were on the road so I didn't know how I was getting her back in the house.



You good babe?"

"Mhmm." She nodded as she ate her pasta.

We hadn't too long got up from our nap and it was now going on seven at night.

Once I had gotten her settled, I drew myself a bath and called Kevin. He was a bit worried about what I told him had happened but being my solace, he calmed me and told me not to worrg.

"Movies after we eat babe?"

"Yes please."


"Can I call momma and daddy?"


Getting my phone, I face timed Keira.

"Hi love, how you feeling?"

"Kevin told you huh?" I laughed.

"You know he can't keep his mouth shut for anything."

"I know, but I'm good. YaYa wanted to talk to y'all?"

"Of course."

Handing YaYa the phone she smiled broadly as she spoke to her mother. While the conversed, the door bell rang.

"Hey, what you doing here?"

"I came by to see if you were ok. You didn't look too good before you left."

"Oh, yea I'm fine." I fanned her off. "Just needed to get some rest."

"Oh ok. Well ummm, I guess I'll just get going then."

"Ok but thanks for coming to check on me, I appreciate it."

"No problem." She smiled and gave me a wave.

Turning to walk off, I stepped back to close the door when she called me.

"Yea Faith." I looked at her as she approached me.

Out of no where, right there on the door step, she kissed me. I literally froze on the spot.

Letting up, she just stepped back.

"I ummm, I'll be going now." She said I'm a haste and left.

Standing there dumbfounded, I watched as she got in her car and left.

Shaken out my thoughts, YaYa was calling me to hand me back my phone.

"Thanks princess." I said slowly, going back inside.


I'm out✌😁

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