Something I Can't Have (Seme...

Von Uunouncium

301K 8.2K 1.9K

watch as kakashi the college professor falls for the reader, who happens to be one of his students. featur... Mehr

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
Author's Note (important)
AP: Hidan
AP: Hidan (Pt 2)
AP: Hidan (Pt 3)
AP: Hidan (Pt 4)
AP: Hidan (Pt 5)
AP: Kiba Inuzuka
AP: Kiba (Pt 2)
AP: Kiba (Pt 3)
AP: Kiba (Pt 4)
AP: Kiba (Pt 5)
AP: Shikamaru Nara
AP: Shikamaru (Pt 2)
AP: Shikamaru (Pt 3)
AP: Obito Uchiha
AP: Obito (Pt 2)
AP: Obito (Pt 3)
AP: Obito (Pt 4)
AP: Obito (Pt 5)
AP: Obito (Pt 6)
AP: Obito (Pt 7)
AP: Obito (Pt 8)
AP: Obito (Pt 9)
AP: Obito (Pt 10)
AP: Juugo Taka
AP: Juugo (Pt 2)
AP: Kidomaru Smith
AP: Kidomaru (Pt 2)
AP: Kidomaru (Pt 3)

chapter 59

2K 60 4
Von Uunouncium

later on that day...

reader pov

i had actually managed to fall asleep which is funny. i was wide awoke when i laid down with him. i blinked a few times before i was able to notice the clock, 7:45 pm. wow do i always sleep late. i mean seriously. i gotta stop having sexy during the day. i probably wont be able to go back to sleep till like three am. good thing my class isn't till noon tomorrow. as my hearing became clear, i noticed some deep breathing. it appears muu is still sleeping. i looked at him. he looked pretty damn comfortable in my arms. his eyes were shut gently. i could see that his eyes were moving. i wonder what kinda dream he is having. eh....i dont really care. im STARVING. i had only had two mcgriddles and some oj from mcdonalds this morning and as you can see....its a quarter till eight right now. i carefully pulled my arms from around him and scooted away, quickly replacing myself with a mass of pillows. he groaned but didnt wake up. ok. i got outta bed and took a nice hot shower. i put on some clothes and grabbed my phone before heading down stairs.

i had started to make myself something to eat when i noticed i had some messages.

kakashi: whats going on? how are you?

kakashi: were you able to fuck him? i dont know if this arrangement would work if you couldn't have sex with him

i sighed. i just called him.



hey babe

oh thank god i thought you might have passed out or was still asleep or he had done something to you or--

babe! im fine. im still in one piece. turns out he is a really heavy sleeper but i was able to handle business

*sigh of relief* i was worried. i have to deal with not being able to see my boyfriend for a week because of this. i was afraid for whatever reason he wasn't happy about this and this turned out to be all for naught.

im gonna make sure he is more than happy. this gonna be the best week of his life so i can prevent this from ever happening again. i cant go without being with my baby for so long ever again


*chuckling* anyway, how are you doing. im having sex know, what about you?

ive been making due with some masturbation but.....lets just say we are definitely fucking when you get back

tsk...that's for sure. everything about him is off. he is good looking, dont get me wrong, but he aint no kakashi hatake if ya get what im saying


i swear you make me grin from ear to ear every time you blush not blushing

mmm hmm

im not fucking blushing, john


i said im not blushing!

i heard ya the first time. you dont have to keep lying.

damn it. i miss you so fucking much it hurts

ive been gone a day, kakashi. save ya sobbing for at least day three that way i can sob right along with ya

*sighs* yeah. im working on it. its gonna be difficult since i have to spend the rest of this week at home know, you arent gonna be there.

yeah. i cant say itll be easy on my side either. he merely takes your place when fucking and cuddling and even with that he is barely scraping by. i had grown to love it when me and you would cuddle and you would press that big beautiful ass against me. muu has a little butt. no jiggle whatsoever so im making it but just barely

*moment of silence* why you always gotta bring up my ass?

its my favorite part of your body. just like your favorite part of my body is my penis

i....i like other stuff about your body too

its ok to be honest. we both have great bodies, babe. we just also have favorites too. i love to kiss you and hug you and cuddle with you and play with your ass, in that order

more like reverse order

either way i still love ya

*nervous chuckling* i love you too

im gonna grab a bite to eat. from the groaning im hearing in the background, id say muu has discovered that i abandoned him to talk to my kakashi. ill talk to you tomorrow. try to get some sleep. i know you are used to my wonderful bulge pressed against you but you will have to make due just like me


i want you to send me a selfie right now

....bye, john


***end call***

i had just put my phone away when muu finally walked into the kitchen. he had put his bandages back on, along with some jogging pants and a tee. "hey sleepy head. want some...dinner?" i pointed to the chicken i was sautéing in butter with broccoli. "im not hungry," he grunted as he went right to the fridge. he pulled out a huge water bottle, parted the bandages covering his mouth a little, and proceeded to down the whole thing. "are ya sure? im a pretty good cook," i said. he stopped drinking and glared at the food. "how many calories? how much salt? how much fat?" he asked as he looked at them. "two tablespoons of unsalted butter, boneless skinless chicken breasts, pinch of pepper, pinch of low sodium salt, tablespoon of half and half and unsalted cheese on the broccoli," i said as i started dishing them up. his eyes widened in surprise. "hey, this body dont stay rocking eating pizza and fried chicken every day," i handed him a plate. he stared at the plate as he took it. i made my way to the living room and took a seat. i flipped on the tv and started eating. he came in a few minutes later wolfing down the plate, almost finishing when he sat down. "calm down! its not going anywhere," i grunted as i ate my chicken.

we watched tv for a little while. "want some dessert?" i asked as i stood up and took our plates into the kitchen. "...yeah?" he didnt seem sure. i dug out some bittersweet chocolate chips, oatmeal, the rest of the unsalted butter, low carb sugar, brown sugar, and some flour and made cookies. i put them in the oven. "they will be done in ten minutes," i said as i pulled out some vanilla yogurt. i mixed in some half and half and whipped cream before putting it in the freezer. i joined him on the sofa. "you.....can cook?" he muttered, looking at me with wide eyes. "i am a jack of all trades," i smirked. we enjoyed the cookies and frozen yogurt for dessert. it was delicious cause i made it and i know how to cook. we had watched tv till about two in the morning before i was actually starting to be tired again. "im going to bed," i said as i got up. he just watched me walk away.

i made myself at home in a different room. i put my clothes away for the week, stripped to my undies and got right in bed. i got comfy. i had almost dozed off when my door opened again. i sighed. "why did you come in here?" he grunted. "dont you have work today?" i asked. "what does that have to do with cuddling?" he growled as he moved the covers and started into the bed. "im not cuddling with those bandages. off or no cuddling," i pulled the covers back. i cant do the mummy thing. he grunted but started to pulled em off. about 15 minutes later, he climbed in the bed quickly, snuggling up to me. i put my arms around him and pulled him close. "you not wearing those ban--" all i heard was snoring. i sighed. i didnt think he could fall asleep that fast.

later on that afternoon....

i was sitting on the sofa in the living room when he finally walked in the door. i had already went to class and did my homework. dont have to work till Wednesday night so im just here. normally id go out with kakashi know, im with muu for this week. he put his suitcase on the stand next to the door. he wore a classic black and white suit but still wore his headband for whatever reason. "its cold in here," he grunted walking right over to the thermostat. "why is it set to 80?" he grunted. "because higher than that is hell for me. im normal, muu. having a boyfriend means you have to think about me too," i said. he sighed. "110 in the house is comfortable for me with the bandages on, john. lower than that is freezing. what am i susposed to wear? winter coats and comforters?" he grunted. "you could put on regular clothes and cuddle with me," i shrugged. "24/7....for the next week?" if he had a brow im sure it would have been raised. "being in a relationship means compromise, muu. ill die of heat stroke if the house is always 110. 80 is still hot for me but you are like a walking ice cube cause lower than 110 is freezing for you. cuddling keeps me cool and you warm. its a win/win," i said. he seemed surprised. "how do you know that would work?" he muttered. "wont know unless we try," i said. he walked away.

he returned a few minutes later in some jogging pants and a tee. he sat on my lap and got comfy in my embrace. worked just like i planned. he was freezing. he snuggled up to me and let out a sigh of relief. "this....this works. i could never have anyone over cause my house was always so hot. having a boyfriend was out of the picture," he buried his face in my chest. eh...i guess i cant be all mad about him working being like this. if i didnt have to do this, im sure the heat wave when i first showed up would have been a major turn off....assuming i would have been able to make it past his mummy look. "you gotta learn how to compromise. im sure that if i didnt have to do this, i wouldn't have made it past your mummy look if i were single. just looking at you in those bandages makes me sweat," i said. "i have severe anemia and am unable to grow any outer body hair. the bandages keep me from having to live in a hospital," he muttered, nuzzling his face in my chest. "shit...i dont really know what to tell ya. life with you must be pretty tough," i said. "i....i haven't had sex in a decade," he muttered. "cant imagine it being easy for you to get laid. you cant stay at other people's house. you would freeze to death and i doubt most people would be willing to cuddle 24/7 with you every time they come over," i changed the channel. "am i not susposed to find love? why do i have to steal other people's boyfriends just to have some company? why me?" he whimpered. i sighed. i just hugged him as he started crying into my chest. he gripped my shirt tightly, sobbing his eyes out. i rubbed his back soothingly, telling him to let it out. this is gonna be different. it really is. i dont think i can be that upset about this anymore. ill be helping someone out in more ways that i could probably imagine. yeah, i dont mind giving him all my attention. talking to kakashi while muu is at work just so i can give him all the attention. i mean....after i leave, what will muu have?

Karin pov

he had just walked in from work and he did not look happy. he took a seat on the sofa and pulled out his laptop. i took a seat next to him. "whats wrong?" i massaged his shoulders. he had been coming in like this for the past few days and i never knew why. normally i would just leave him alone but im sure he must be stressed about something. "that damn iruka just went and bought some huge four bedroom house for no reason. i cant even get rid of the damn thing cause he got it under contract. the company has to keep the house for two years before we can sell it or else we owe the owners 600k plus taxes and fees. his report said he bought it for 800k because it was a bargain but no other reason! what the hell am i to do with this?" he hit he table angrily. i sighed. "just move some people into it. we dont need it cause you already bought a house here and i think its fine," i said. "who can i move into it?" he grunted. "that shino guy and his boyfriend for starters. ooohhh!! you could ask john and his boyfriend to move in too! bam! four bedrooms covered," i smiled. im pretty fucking smart if i dont say so myself. "im sure shino wouldn't mind moving into the house. its pretty close to the university but....i dont know about john and his boyfriend. would you ask em for me? ill call shino," he grabbed his phone and started dialing. i grabbed my cell and texted john.

me: juugo just bought this huge house that he dont know what to do with. four beds, two baths, already talking to shino. would you mind moving in too? im sure he will take care of the bills and stuff. he just needs people to live there so he wont pull his hair out

john: i dont have a problem with it. just ask kakashi. he might have some other reason he dont wanna go. if you can convince him then im good

me: you have his number?

john: 3305551514

i called the number.



yes, is this kakashi?

who is this?

this is Karin. im a good friend of john's. im just calling cause i just talked to john and he said to ask you. juugo just bought this huge house that he dont know what to do with. four beds, two baths, already talking to shino. would you mind moving in too? im sure he will take care of the bills and stuff. he just needs two more people so the house wont go to waste

how close is it to the university? john still goes to school and work and i have a job at Hebi university. cant go changing our flow

its close to the university, if im not mistaken about the same distance as you guys' apartment.

is it nice?

juugo....(what?) the place nice?....(i think its some refurbished frat house or something. iruka bought it from konoha university after they downsized)...its some refurbished frat house. im sure juugo wouldn't mind remodeling it so that is better.

just send me the address. ill check it out. im sure it will be fine

whats the address?....(3232 chakra road. iruka already ordered the remodeling like a month ago so it should be fine)....3232 chakra road. the remodeling should already be done

ill go check it out now

just text me whether or not you gonna go ahead and move in. hoping for a yes here but no pressure

*chuckling* ill go check it out but im pretty confident itll be a yes. ill text you later. bye

bye now

***end call***

"what did he say?" he asked. "he said he is going to check it out right now. lets hope for a yes," i crossed my fingers.

later on that day....

kakashi pov

oh that's funny. that's real funny right there. did not see this one coming. i wont deny it looks a lot nicer than the last time i was here but....shit. now that i think about it, its sorta nostalgic. i walked into the living room. much more spacious. new furniture. i went up the stairs. another bathroom was installed and both were made bigger. four bedrooms when i could have sworn john said it only had three. oh.....well if you count that room then i guess it really is four. the rooms were made bigger. about twice as big now. new bedroom suites with king beds in every room. shit. now i wanna see that room. i made my way down to the basement. cant even recognize the place. its about twice the size of the new rooms sure john would laugh at this but this is gonna be our room. i texted Karin.

me: looks good. when can we move in?

Karin: GREAT! juugo said you can move in a couple of days. he still has some stuff he wants done to it

me: ill have me and john packed by Wednesday

Karin: sounds great

i laughed to myself. i not gonna tell john that the new place is the old frat house or that our room is where obito's was. i wanna see his face when he finds out.


this story is almost over. just bear with me for a little while longer.



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