Nobody Compares. (Lauren Jaur...

By hallelujahchorus

245K 4.9K 643

Lauren Jauregui is your average teenage girl. During her Summer break she has no intentions but to spend it w... More

1. Concert Virgin
2. Mystery Brunette
3. Boyband Bullies.
4. Special Treatment.
5. The Oak
6. Birthday Girl.
7. Truth or Dare.
8. Hospital Date
9. LA baby.
10. Twitter hate
11. Lying Lauren
12. Rain Check
13. Feeling Guilty
14. My Insecurities
15. Making Moves
16. Hungover Harry
17. Disappearing Act
18. Goodbye Girls
19. Drama Rama
20. Carrying Guilt
21. Nervous Wrecks.
22. It's Over.
23. Different Coasts.
24. Senior Year
25. Surprise Kisses
26. Florida Plans
28. Welcoming Commitee
29. Girl Fight
30. Three Words
31. Skype Session
32. Failing
33. Facetime and embarrassment
34. Christmas Eve
35. Sibling Sitter
36. Worry Wart
37. Misunderstandings and Surprises
38. Innocent Smirks
39. Midnight Memories
40. The End :)

27. Unwanted Gatherings

4K 95 9
By hallelujahchorus


Today is the day we are heading to Orlando for a few days for 'men time' as Harry continues to call it, althought neither I, or the other boys are entertaining it. We're standing in the lobby, waiting on our flight to be called. It is too early and I am not in the mood for pictures, so any fan that came up to me probably thought I was being a sourpuss. I was.

"So are you sure Josh left last night to Florida?" Louis whispered to Harry.

"I'm positive I text him this morning, and he said he's there. He's on board with this plan he agreed to act like he's the one that called and came up with the idea. It's solid."

"And does Camila know we're on our way?" Niall asked.

"She knows, says they're heading out on the road soon and she hasn't spoken a word of this plan to the others. We're masterminds. This is going to brilliant." Harry rubbed his hands together.

"9AM FLIGHT FROM LOS ANGELES TO ORLANDO FLORIDA NOW BOARDING!" A voice rung over the intercoms, I dragged my carry on bag and followed the boys toward the planes runway.

"So I was thinking when we land we can go walk-" Louis began. I cut him off. "You thought wrong mate. I am going to walk my arse to the hotel room and sleep until this little concert starts." I said. Before he could protest, I propped my noise cancelling headphones snug in my ears, and started on a nap.


"Okay, my turn!" Dinah shouted from the back seat. "I spy with my little eyes, something forest green!" We were on our way to Orlando and I was going to go insane. Dinah, Camila and Normami were talking over each other, singing at the top of their lungs and this is the tenth game of eye spy that was being played within the last fifteen minutes. I just wanted to take a nap. I don't know how Ally could focus on driving. The girls were the biggest distractions and Normani is such a backseat driver.

"That tree!" Camila shouted.

"The car in front of us!" Normani gasped.

"Nope, and nope."

"That other tree!" Camila guessed again.

"That sign?" Normani guessed.

"Nope again suckas! My socks!" She held up her foot.

"You can't play I spy with an object we can't even see!"

"Yes you can see them I'm not wearing shoes." Dinah said.

Suddenly they started to get into a "NO YOU CAN'T" "YES YOU CAN!" disagreement. I turned around. "Can you guys play a different game?" I asked.

"Sure, what do you have in mind?"

Normani asked.

"It's my favorite game. I used to always play it with Chris and Taylor. It's called the quiet game."

"That's not really a game though." Dinah said.

"But I bet I can beat you." Normani challenged.

"Whoever wins and doesn't give me a headache gets twenty bucks." I pulled a twenty dollar bill out of my shorts pockets and waved it in their face. "You're on." Dinah said. Suddenly, and thankfully, all three girls went silent. I turned back to face the road with a smirk on my face. "Troy is heading out there with some friends of his." Ally said.

"For how long?"

"Well our break from college is all week, so I think he's staying at a friends who lives a few blocks from the beach."

"And you trust him?" Dinah spoke.

"Of course I trust him. I have no reason not to." Ally laughed. I turned to Dinah, just to see Camila and Normani pointing to her in accusation. "Dinah, you lost." I said. She pouted. "Can I try again?"

"No." I said.

When we arrived at Normani's aunts home. I was hoping to fall asleep immediatley, but to my surprise she has three children. Loud children. When we walk into the house they are already running around screaming. "There are two spare bedrooms upstairs."

"I'll share with Nadeen." Normani said, referring to her cousin. Her aunt nodded. "Great. Show them up to the rooms. I have to get to work, I'm taking the kids to their fathers house for the night so they shouldn't be a problem. Here is a key to get in, lock the doors when you go." She hugged us all, and headed out with her kids.

Okay, maybe I could sleep. "Please show me to the rooms." I said.

"Follow me. Normani said leading the way up the stairs.

She pushed open a door that only had a queen sized bed in it. "She hasn't really finished adding furniture.." I looked at the bed.

"This is fine. All I want is to sleep until later." I dropped my bag, and headed to the bed. I kicked off my sandals, and the next thing you know I am sound asleep.

"Lauren." I am being shaken awake. I pop my eyes open. "Lauren." I turn my head to see Camila standing beside the bed. I look at my phone, hours had passed since I fell asleep, I didn't know I was that tired. "What?" I asked, stretching my arms. "Guess who is downstairs!" She doesn't sound too happy about it.

"Who?" I ask in a bit of a panic because I don't know what is going on. "Austin."

"What? Why is here?" I ask, standing up and smoothing out my shirt. "He's friends with one of Troy's friends who is here with Troy." I take a deep breath.

"Well this is going to be weird." I say, putting on my sandals.

The door cracks open and in walks Normani. "Oh cool you're awake. The concert is starting soon so we better go. By the way, Austin from English is here."

"Yeah, Camila just told me."

"Guilty as charged." Camila held up her hand.

When I walked downstairs there were several guys and the only ones I recognized were Troy and Austin. I said my hellos and sat beside Dinah who was probably texting Siope. "So are ya'll ready to go?" Ally asked. We all nodded.

"We can all ride in my truck." One of Troy's friends asked.

"That sounds great!" Ally clapped. No. It didn't sound great.

We headed out to the truck that seemed to be able to fit 8 people. There were 9 of us. "I'll sit on Dinah's lap." Camila offered. After we all squeezed in, boy who's name I didn't get started driving. I of course was squeezed next to Austin. "I didn't know you'd be here." Austin said.

"Right back at ya." I said focusing out the window. "So.. How's everything been? Ever since you you basically friendzoned me I only see you in class and that's it, we don't even speak."

"I've been freaking fantastic." I said sarcastically. "Cool.. cool. I never even got to tell you that you were telling the truth about dating that direction guy. We were in a magazine."

"Yeah I know." I said. Austin nodded. "Cool. Cool." Was he always this dull. How did I never realize?


I awoke to rowdiness. I grabbed my phone and saw that it was almost 8. I went to the bathroom and decided today was the day I got rid of this beard I had growing. It was too itchy all the time, and it made me look twice my age. The stubble would eventually grow back, sooner than later. I just didn't want this tragic beard.

After my fresh shave I felt like a brand new man.. or boy. My face was baby smooth. After I slipped into shoes, and a shirt I headed out to the living area. To my surprise Neena was sat on a couch with Josh and Beverly. I winced just seeing her. "Zayn! You shaved at a boy!" Niall cheered, being the first to notice me. I gave a small smirk and a thumbs up. "Hey Josh can I talk to you for a second?" Josh jumped to his feet and headed over to me.

"How can I assist you today?" He joked.

"I specifically told you not to bring them around anymore."

"I hate flying alone so I invited Bev, I didn't know for the slightest moment that she was going to bring Neena. Honest." I ran my hand down my face in frustration.

"Alright." I nodded. "She better stay away from me though."


The band that was currently playing went by the name of 'THE TRIPPY ZIPPERS' and I must admit they were actually pretty good. They were an alternative band, and they had impressive vocals for being a free show. Camila's eyes and fingers were glued to her phone. "Camz get off your phone for one second. You're all about music appreciation, so appreciate this." She completely ignored everything I just said.

"Camila?!" I snatched her phone from her hands. She gasped. "Stop!" She snatched it right back.

"Who are you texting anyway?"

"I don't ask you who you text so let's not reverse this." She smirked and walked deeper into the crowd of people.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. "This is some great music." It was Austin. I turn to him, startled. Last I saw he was toward the front of the crowd with Ally and the guys. "Look. I think, we should give this a shot. You're just so beautiful and I want you to all mine. We're compatible, and even you can't deny that."

Okay.. that's random. Then that's when it hits me, the scent if liquor on his breath.

"Austin, I'm flattered by how into me you are, but like I told you I just want to be friends, and I'm sure this is your liquid courage speaking." I shrugged, what more was there to say.

"Maybe, but what if I don't want to just be friends?"

"Then that's your problem. Honestly, you are a great guy and I'm not feeding you a line, you are. Any girl would be grateful to have you, so maybe- maybe you should go for one." Austin nodded, then did a small smirk.

"Basically I was just friendzoned by you for the third time?" I gave him a look that he should just stop talking.

Thankfully, everyone walked over. I didn't even realize that the performace had ended. "It's intermission." Dinah said.

"We're gonna go grab a bite." Troy said, with his arm hung over Ally's shoulder. They all started to walk off. "I guess I'll see you later." Austin said, and followed his friends, and my friends. Camila still stood there. "So what's up with Austin?" I glared at her.

"He's like, obsessed with wanting me. I just want to be friends. He doesn't understand that concept apparently."

"Guys are hardheaded. Hey, I have to go to the bathroom." She said.

"Okay, well I don't know where they are."

"Help me find them?" Camila pleaded.

"Sure," I said.

"So how was the last song? I didn't even get to see it."

"It was good, the lead singer said something about an encore or something." Camila shrugged, as we made our way through the crowd.

We were far down the boardwalk searching for the bathrooms but we couldn't even find any spots. "My bladders going to explode." Camila grunted.

"Just ask somebody." I said. I tapped a woman standing with a small crowd. "Hey, do you know where the restrooms are?"

"You're right in front of them." She said as if I was dumb. I turned and saw the woman sign. "Right.. -Thanks." I turned around, and pointed to them for Camila.

"Oh wow."

"I'm just going to wait out here." I said. She nodded, and headed inside.

I leaned up against the wall, the sky was starting to get darker and I just prayed that it wouldn't rain. It didn't say it would on the weather. I pulled my phone out and texted my parents that I was okay, and arrived safely. "I CAN'T BREATHE!" I heard a shrill voice belonging to a girl gasp. I looked up, and at first I thought I was hallucinating but after staring for about ten seconds, I realized it really was Harry Styles. He snapped a picture with the fangirl, and continued walking. I was shocked. What on Earth was he doing here? That's when he spotted me, and his eyes widened. He made his way toward me.

"Lauren, wow! Hey!" He said surprised. We shared a long hug.

"Hi. Wow, um what are you doing here?"

"I came for the concert."

"You came all the way to Florida for a free concert by artists you've probably never heard of?" He nodded.

"Yes I did."

"So are you by yourself?" My question was answered once I saw Niall emerge from the boys bathroom. "Lauren!" He hugged me, and swung me around. "How the hell are you?!"

"I'm good." I laughed. "So you two just came all the way to Orlando?"

"The others are around, somewhere." Niall shrugged, taking a look around.

"Camila!" Harry and Niall both shouted, and ran past me. I turned and watched as they ran into Camila's arms. Something was a little suspicious about this whole ordeal. "Turn around bright eyes." Harry said. I stared at him confused. All three of them were looking past me, looks of awe on their faces.

I turn and see Zayn walking out of the bathroom, drying his hands on his jeans. I could feel my heart start beating a million miles a minute. Is this what it feels like to see a ghost? He doesn't even notice it at first, and then he looks up, probably looking for the boys and that's when he sees me and he stops in his tracks. Almost frozen.

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