Living with 17 Players

By Surfer_Swimmer

160K 4.9K 657

All Janetta Robinson wanted to do was play Football and be happy. That all changes when she must move to Col... More

Meet the Families
Chapter 1: An Accident
Chapter 2: Moving On
Chapter 3: Meeting Everyone
Chapter 4: Dinner with a Side of Halo
Chapter 5: Yes, Girls Actually Run
Chapter 6: Drills for Days
Chapter 7: What's for Dinner?
Chapter 8: Just Dance
Chapter 9: Dylan the Hulk
Chapter 10: Shadow Racing
Chapter 11: Taco Shells and Emails
Chapter 12: Prayin' to Yesus
Chapter 13: Picnic and Quads
Chapter 14: Pancakes and Hawks
Chapter 15: Practice with a Foreign Language
Chapter 16: Facetime with the Grandparents
Chapter 17: Tryouts
Chapter 18: Movie Night
Chapter 19: Back to School Shopping
Chapter 20: Suprise!
Chapter 21: A Miracle In 3 Quarters
Chapter 22: Walking with The Gods
Chapter 23: Lakeland Loss
Chapter 24: Shark Week has Began
Chapter 26: Almost Perfect

Chapter 25: His Story in History

1.5K 71 22
By Surfer_Swimmer

Mason's POV



I quickly pack up my Latin stuff and rush out of the room and into the main hallway.

I know Latin is useful for when I become a doctor, but does Mrs. B really have to be that boring....

"Aye Mason!" Someone calls from behind me.

"Aye, what's up Jevin?" I respond giving Jevin a man-hug greeting while continuing my walk down the hallway.

"Not much man, hey, are you back together with Amanda again?"

"What?! Hell no." I say looking at him like he just spoke to me in a foreign language.

"Ooh, good for you man, but I would clear that up, apparently Amanda hasn't gotten over you because there's a thing going around the school that you're going to ask her to homecoming or something. I don't know, I just heard." Jevin says sheepishly

"Nah, nothing like that is going on. I've moved on. But thanks man, I'll talk to her. See ya later man." I say with wave as I turn down the 600 hall towards AP US History.

Why should she be talking about us together again? I don't love her or want to date her again. Mean she is very attractive, but there's something else that no longer attracts me to her. But that's not the point, homecoming dance is in a few weeks, but I was planning on taking someone else.

"Happy Tuesday!" Janetta says with a bright smile that quickly turns to a frown, "are you alright, Mason, it looks like you just went through a line of defenders and shit yourself."

"Oh-sorry,... no. What? I'm fine." I reply

"Good Morning lady's and gent's. Let's get started on some history!" Mr. Nieter says with a smile.

"Morning!" We all reply pulling out our books and other materials for the class. I pull out my phone as well. Amanda needs a little talking to.

M: What's up with you talking about us going to homecoming together? I never asked you.

A: What do u mean? U promised me that we were going to go together!

M: I promised you when we were still dating that we could go together. Guess what. We're no longer together and we're no longer going together.


M: Promises can be broken. Especially when I made them when we were dating. Stop telling everyone we're going and you can stop the rumor that we're still dating too.

A: Thanks a lot Mason! Ur going to make me look like a fool at homecoming with no date when i already said that u and i were going as a couple

M: Then maybe you should have kept your mouth shut.

A: But u like it more when my mouth is open

M: That's disgusting Amanda

A: But you love it. Just like you love me.

M: No, I actually don't. Stop the rumors that you think are true.

"Mr. Mason, I don't believe you are permitted to dismiss the red zone rules we have in this classroom."

Damn it, caught.

"No, Mr. N, I am not. I'm sorry for my misbehavior." I say in a pleading tone while slipping my phone into my bag.

"Since it is your first offense. I'll let it slide, but please try to focus on the lesson. You'll find that the Chinese dynasties were quite interesting." He says with a smile and I'm thankful for how cool Mr. N is.

"Alright class, for the rest of the block, we're now going to start on a partner assignment. -Wait! Before you run off to go join your besties across the room. -I have to tell you what we're doing first. You're going to draw your favorite, or any, dynasty. You can draw people who are associated with that dynasty or the dynasty's symbol. But, here's the catch, you must have the whole paper covered and there must be 20 facts about the dynasty. Mark, get set, GO!" Mr. N yells before the room goes into a mad house. People run over to their friends and some girls start running towards me, I ignore them and look to Janetta as she nods back at me. All the girls running up to me immediately stop and frown before turning around to look for other partners. I slide my desk over next to her.

"Looks like you've got a little fan club over here." Janetta tells me as she pulls out some paper.

"Um, yeah, just a little one." I say with a smirk

"Anyways, what dynasty? I was thinking Diao, but I don't care." Janetta asks and I just shrug my shoulders.

"I don't care either. So Diao it is then."

"Alright, now do you want to write-" Janetta starts to ask me as she looks over to my notes "- maybe you should color instead."

"Why am I always the one to color?!" I say with a huff

"Maybe you should look at your handwriting again." Janetta answers me with a smirk and starts looking at her notes for facts to write on our project since I'm not doing it.

"So, I've gotta ask, what was the whole texting in class deal about?" Janetta asks me and a frown returns to my face. "Yeah, you looked just like that!" She points out then returning to write some more facts.

"It's nothing. Just a little girl problem." I respond with a short and curt tone.

"Do you mean like little-girl or a girl problem that's little. I guess we gotta work on your grammar too." Janetta asks and immediately my frown has lifted a little.

"It's a girl problem that's not important." I answer

"Ok. Continue.." She nudges me on.

"It's with this girl Amanda, I've dated her on and off, and we were basically the 'it' couple. She's a cheerleader, I'm the football star-"

"The football star-that can't throw." Janetta interrupts.

"-Do you want me to finish my story or not?" I ask

"No, sorry, please continue." She answers and writes down another fact.

"Anyways, so her and I dated for a long time during the summer we were kinda off and on. But some stuff got complicated involving other people so I broke it off. Apparently she still thinks we're together and I'm taking her to homecoming dance."

"And by your tone of voice, you're not going to do that?" She asks

"Haha, no way in hell am I going to homecoming with her." I say with a sarcastic laugh.

"So you were texting her to tell her no. Ok, I got it now. Thank you for explaining." Janetta says before returning to her notes for more facts. I pull out my colored pencils and start drawing on our poster.

From then on we sat in silence and continued on our work. It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable silence, just peaceful work quiet, even though the room was in complete chaos.

"And number 20. Done." Janetta smiles before looking up as I finish coloring the Diao symbol.

"Good job J." I congratulate her with a smile.

"Thanks M." She replies with a wink.


Hey y'all,

I finally updated! Yay! Sorry it took so long but don't worry, another update should be out soon! I know this is kinda a short update but there in another part coming.
Anyways, what do you think of History class with Mr. Nieter?

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays!


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