His Playboy Ways

By Bookworm_Tina

2.4M 42.8K 14.3K

"Please don't leave." he pleaded. His once arrogant, obnoxious, confident gaze looked so vulnerable, helpless... More

A New Beginning
Hello California
Mr Cocky Jerk
A Sweet Gesture
Changing Rooms and an Old Friend
Mason Behaving Badly
Getting Even
An End of a Growing Friendship?
A Charitable Event
My Childhood Bestie
Deals and Bets
Carly in the Club
From Makeover to Boyfriend
Disaster Date
Down Memory Lane
** Authors Note**
Operation Breakup Part 1
Operation Breakup Part 2
Coming Clean
Back To His Playboy Ways
Daddy Mason and Mommy Carly
Too Many Doses of Drama
You're Not Alone
Pokerfaced Playboy
Something Like Déjà vu
Secrets out of the Turkey
Why So Distant Mr Playboy?
Hangovers, Shopping and A Surprise
The Playboy's Game
Standing As Strangers
The Breaking Point
The Sleeping Angel
A Fresh Start
Goodbyes Are Always Hard
Making it Memorable
An Unexpected Twist
Stuck In The Past
All Grown Up
The Doctor and The Playboy
A Little Like Old Times
Too Late For Confessions
A Twist Of Fate
This Was Meant To Be
Finding Something New - His Playboy Ways Extra
His Playboy Ways spin off
Author note

Revelations, An Old Friend and Planning with the Playboy

44.5K 775 301
By Bookworm_Tina

When I left Mason's apartment I probably came off as strong and untroubled by what just happened, but the truth was that I felt the total opposite, I just acted that way because I didn't want Mason to see how much of an effect he still had on me, how much his sort of rejection hurt me but all in all I had no idea how else to react when my heartfelt confession was disregarded like that.

I was angry, annoyed and even embarrassed for wearing my heart on my sleeve in front of him but most of all I was hurt, thinking over his reaction hurt, I'd just told him I was in love with him but he responded by telling me he didn't believe in love and relationships; once again Mason pushed me away only this time there was nothing to fight for, I doubted I still had our friendship, everything was over between us.

If one thing came out of this new revelation, it was realizing just how privileged I was to have Damien in my life, I realized just how for granted I've taken him and his love, his love which was so selfless and pure and true, I saw just how much he really loved me and because of this realization, I needed to tell Damien everything.

I unlocked the front door of my apartment and stepped inside. I was exhausted but I knew sleep could wait; I needed to let Damien know I was fine because I was sure he would be worried out of his mind.

Shutting the front door behind me I stepped into the living room area and that was when I spotted Damien sprawled on the couch, asleep. His hair was heavily dishevelled, his tie undone and three buttons of his shirt open.

A small smile played on my lips as I looked at him; he was so much at ease and rested with his eyes closed. I swallowed and imagined what would happen when he found out the truth, what would he say when I told him I spent the night with Mason despite having strong feelings for him in the past.

Damien has been so tolerant with me, we've had small arguments in the past but never has he ever been genuinely mad or worse disappointed and hurt because of me. But today I had a feeling that was going to change.

Dropping the coat that was in my hand and purse on the opposite couch I kneeled down beside Damien and gazed at his sleeping form. I ran my fingers through his hair and whispered, "I'm so sorry."

Damien stirred and I pulled my hand away. He groaned incoherently under his breath and a small frown covered his forehead before his eyes opened.

I half-smiled at him. "Hi."

Damien's eyes widened a fraction as he realized I was opposite him. He immediately sat up and wrapped his arms around me tightly. "Carly, oh thank God."

I sat immobile in his embrace - feeling unworthy of his concern and care - before I slowly wrapped my arms around him.

Damien pulled away and he cupped my cheeks with both his hands. "I was so worried, I wanted to call the cops but I didn't because of the text you sent. I knew you'd be late but the clock was ticking, from six pm it went to eight and then twelve, I tried calling you but it went straight to voicemail. I was losing my mind wondering about your whereabouts in the storm, my mind pictured the worst of things but I had to be headstrong, you said you were with a friend and that kept my mind at a slight ease." He ranted in one breath.

He pulled me to his chest again, running his hands through my hair before placing a kiss on top of my head. "You have no idea what I went through with just the thought of losing you Carly, I've lost too much and I can't afford to ever lose you, I love you too much."

My chest tightened hearing his words, I knew I was not worthy of Damien; he was far too good for me.

After a long moment in Damien's embrace I pulled away and Damien asked, "Which friends were you at? Next time give me a number so I can call and breathe at ease knowing you're safe and-"

"I was with Mason." I cut him off.

Damien stilled when the words left my mouth. "Oh."

I sat up on the couch next to him. "It's not what you're thinking; I just spent the night there because of the storm."

"I wasn't thinking what you thought I was thinking, I trust you Carly...I'm just surprised you were with Mason, all of a sudden, I mean after we saw him at the hospital we didn't see him again and I guess-"

"It's okay to have your doubts sometimes Damien, it isn't very advisable to blindly trust someone because that person can take your trust for granted."

"So are you saying I should doubt you?" Damien frowned.

I shook my head. "No, all I'm saying is that you shouldn't be so trusting... not even with me."

"Carly," Damien began seriously. "Why do I get the vibe you're trying to say something. How exactly did you land in Mason's place last night?"

"I never intended to go there, after struggling to catch a cab from the streets I walked over to the nearby park - where it was much less hectic than the streets - and while there I met Mason and Macy, it was beginning to rain and Macy refused to go home unless I accompanied her, so seeing that the storm was approaching I gave in and when I wanted to leave, the storm was in full force."

"Macy? Mason's daughter I assume?"

"No Ashley's daughter." I said.

"Same thing."

I shook my head. "No, I thought it was but after last night I realized how wrong I was."

"Damien haven't you ever wondered why I left California, why I left everything behind and lived in England for so many years? Didn't you wonder why I took so long to open up and allow myself to be in a relationship with you? Haven't you ever wondered about my past?"

"I would be lying to you if I never wondered but I just never saw any reason to ask, all I knew was that I was part of your present and wanted to a part of your future, everyone has a past and I accepted that you probably had one too." Damien said. "Besides I could tell you didn't want to talk about it and I understood, nobody can move forward when they're still stuck in the past."

"What if your past unexpectedly comes back?" I spoke in a weak voice.

"What are you trying to say Carly?"

I took in a breath and took Damien's hand in mine. "Damien I think it's about time you found out about everything...about why I left home and about Mason and I."

Damien frowned. "Carly, I trust you but you're frightening me here...did something happen between you and Mason?"

"Yes." I whispered.

Damien stilled and looked at me with a blank expression. Looking at his expression frightened me a little so I held onto his hand tighter and quickly shook my head and hastily said, "It's not what you're thinking."

"Isn't it?" Damien said his voice scarily calm. His jaw clenched and he looked at me squarely. "Because from where I'm sitting it sounds exactly like what I'm thinking."

"I promise it's not that, I would never cheat on you Damien."

Damien pulled his hand away and gazed at me sternly. "Then what the hell does it mean when you say something happened between you and Mason?"

"It means that something did happen between us." I answered in a low tone.

"Stop talking in riddles Carly and get to the goddamn point!" Damien snapped and his tone startled me a fraction.

Damien closed his eyes for a second and took in a breath before he opened them again and spoke softer. "Please just tell me what you're trying to say or I'm going to lose my mind."

I took in a breath and slowly nodded. "Nothing happened last night but a lot happened before I left California, in fact to be specific, Mason was the reason I left."

Without waiting for a response I began telling Damien everything, right from the time after Grandpa Mitch's death, the time I realized I was in love with Mason, the night I spent with him at the beach house, to the time I found out about Ashley's pregnancy and even about the time I called him and heard Macy's voice for the first time. I told Damien everything he had a right to know.

"I thought Mason was happy and with that thought I allowed myself to move forward and finally let go of him." I finished.

There was a long moment of silence, I didn't utter a word but just watched Damien sink in all this new bit of information.

Damien ran a hand through his hair a few times, tousling it even further. "So you still had feeling for him when we met?"

"I made myself believe I didn't but the truth was that I was only fooling myself; I was still very much in love with Mason then."

"And for almost seven years you lived under the impression he was with Ashley and they shared a child together?"

I nodded. "Until last night when Macy called him uncle instead of dad..." I began telling Damien how I found out Mason wasn't Macy's father.

When I was done silence lingered in the air for a long while again, only this time the silence was frustrating, I couldn't take it but I still didn't utter a word.

Damien's expression was monotonous, he showed no anger or hurt, he just looked to be in deep thought.

"So," Damien began and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. "Mason is still...well Mason? He isn't with anyone?"

I shook my head. "No, not that I know of."

"Did he love you too?" Damien asked.

"No he didn't, love and relationships are too farfetched for Mason, he never believed in them and I doubt that would ever change."

"Does he know how you felt?"

"Yes." I answered softly.

Damien took in a very audible breath before he shifted in his seat and completely faced me. He took my hand in his and looked at me squarely. "Carly, while you were with me, was there a moment - a second even - that you felt something, anything for Mason?"

I swallowed and gazed at him not sure what to answer.

Damien gave my hand a squeeze. "Please be honest with me."

"There was a moment, when I visited my family in Cali and Mason stood on my parents front porch, I felt so overwhelmed seeing him again that I forgot everything and everyone and hugged him." I paused for a second before continuing, "And while in that embrace I felt something, I felt that connection that was always present between us, it felt as if I was truly home again."

"Old feelings resurfaced?" Damien enquired.

"I...I don't know... I guess I was just so happy to him again after so many years that I didn't think of anything other than acknowledging the fact that I was seeing and holding my best friend."

An emotion like hurt flashed in Damien's eyes when he attempted pulling his hands away but I held onto them tightly. "But as soon as I came back to reality I immediately pulled away and that connection was gone. I remembered I was engaged to you and that so much has happened in all these years."

I shifted closer and cupped his one cheek. "Damien I know what I want, I don't want to be with Mason, he's my past - a past that shouldn't have happened. I want to live my present and future with you, you're probably the best thing that's ever happened to me, just know that."

Damien slowly slid his hands from under mine and then just as slowly removed my hand from his cheek. "But there was a moment you felt something for him, even if it was a moment, it was something... something that could mean a lot of things."

I shook my head and felt a lump building in my throat. "Damien, I assure you-"

"You don't have to explain anything to me Carly." Damien cut me off calmly. "I don't blame you for anything, yes I want to be mad at you for not telling me anything all this while but I can't because I told you I didn't want to discuss the past."

"But I should've been honest with you in the first place, I shouldn't have listened, then we wouldn't have been in this situation." I said.

"What if's and should haves aren't going to change anything, so there's no point in pondering over something that didn't happen." Damien said coolly.

"But-" I began.

"But nothing." He stated standing up. "I should get going and you should get ready, don't you have to be at the hospital?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, so I'll um, be off." He murmured and picked up his coat and tie before heading towards the front door. I was taken back at his sudden change of subject but moreover at his calm reaction, I wanted him to get mad at me or show some sort of emotion.

"Damien." I called after him before taking gradual steps towards him. "I'm so sorry for not telling you and I know I can't go back and make things right. I just want you to get mad at me or something, yell and shout at me, just don't be so calm and leave things like this."

"I have no right to be angry at you Carly because like everyone else you have a past but for now I just need to be alone, please." He said softly and without waiting for a reply he left.

* * *

"You're late today." I gasped in fright when a voice spoke from behind me as I shut the front door of my apartment.

Holding onto my chest and gaining my breath I said to my unexpected guest, "Don't sneak up on me like that Damien; I almost had a heart attack."

"Sorry." He apologized sheepishly. "I expected you to be home when I got in but as I said you're late today."

"Yeah, I was in theatre today, I sort of lost track of time." I explained as I tried to get off my coat.

"Here let me help you." he said and took the takeout bag from my hand allowing me to get rid of my coat easily.

"Thanks." I said and took the bag back from him.

"So I'd invite you in but as I can see, you've done so yourself." I said as I made my way to kitchen and Damien trailed behind me.

"What's so shocking in that? I've done so before." Damien said.

I stopped walking and turned around to face him. "It's shocking because I haven't seen or heard from you in two days."

And that was the truth, after I told Damien everything he needed to know, I hadn't seen or heard from him in two days, even though we lived in the same building and most of the time left for work around the same time, we didn't come across one another. I figured Damien was avoiding me so I gave him the space he wanted.

Damien's light hearted mood disappeared and was replaced by a serious one. "I know, I guess I just needed to clear my mind." He muttered.

"Okay and you're all clear now?" I asked.

"You could say that, yeah."

"So?" I mused not exactly sure what to say.

Damien faintly grinned at me and took the bag out of my hand. "Why don't you go freshen up and then we can talk."

I nodded and made my way to my bedroom.

After a quick shower I found myself seated at my little kitchenette with a plate set in front of me. "So what made you opt for takeout's tonight?" Damien asked as he set out the food in front of me.

I shrugged. "I felt like having Thai and I didn't exactly feel like pulling out my copy of Cuisines Easy Thai Guide."

Damien chuckled. "You don't own anything with that name; in fact you don't own any recipe book."

I grinned. "My point exactly."

"C'mon eat up, you look famished. Did you eat lunch today?" Damien asked as he piled on the recently warmed up noodles on my plate.

I shook my head. "It was a busy day, I didn't find the time."

Damien gave me a look of disapproval; I ignored him and took a bite of my food. "Why don't you join me? I would've ordered more if I knew I was having company, I can always make you something if you want or-"

"Don't worry about me, I've already eaten. I just want you to get food in your stomach." Damien cut me off and rested a hand over my left one.

I swallowed another forkful as Damien brushed his thumb over my fingers but stopped when my ring got in the way. "I'm glad you're still wearing this."

I stopped eating and said, "I didn't see a reason to stop, unless of course, you don't want me to wear it anymore."

"Of course I still want you to wear it...I just thought that you'd stop wearing it after my two day absence."

I felt lighter than a minute ago. "Oh, um, I figured you just wanted some space, I didn't think you ended things between us." I paused and looked at him a little sceptically. "Did I think right?"

"You thought absolutely right." he said softly and walked around the counter towards me, he looked down at me with a soft expression. "I'm sorry I've been so scarce these few days."

"It's alright, I understand." I said earnestly.

"No I shouldn't have taken so long to think, I overreacted about this whole thing." Damien took a seat next to me before taking in a breath. "Every time I thought over this, I came up with the same answer all the time."

"And what was that?" I asked.

Damien cupped my cheek and looked at me sincerely. "That I can't afford to lose you."

His answer made me feel like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Over the past few days, I kept on pondering what he was thinking and feeling but after hearing this I felt so much lighter.

"I always said I didn't want to know about your past yet I still acted like a complete jerk when you opened up about it, I walked out on you without trying to understand. Carly, I could tolerate everything but it scared me when you told me about the connection you felt resurface when you met Mason in California."

"Damien, that was just a spur of the moment, I was overwhelmed seeing him again...it was nothing, I assure you."

Damien cupped both my cheeks. "I know, I realize that now. I would probably feel the same way if I saw my childhood friend after so many years, I completely understand."

I offered a small smile. "So I'm forgiven?"

"There was nothing to forgive Carly, I wasn't mad at you; I told you I had no right to be mad at you for your past. When someone truly loves another they wholeheartedly look forward to living in their present and future, irrespective of their past. The past is the past and shouldn't be brought into the present if you want to live a happy future. I don't care if you were in love with Mason and it took you a lot of time to get over him, all I care about it that you got over him and I was the one who helped you; I'm glad you could find it in your heart to love me."

I put my hand over his and smiled at him.

"I love you Carly but I need to ask you one question before I allow us to carry on with our relationship."

A little nervous at his question I pulled my hand away and nodded. "Alright, ask away."

"Promise you'll be honest with me."

"Promise." I said in a whisper.

"Do you honestly feel nothing for Mason anymore? Do you not even have the slightest amount of love for him?"

I looked at Damien's penetrating eyes and took in a breath before I answered. "I want to be with you Damien, not Mason. Loving Mason wasn't in my control, it just happened but I know now that it wasn't only just one-sided but also a mistake. Mason and I were never meant to be, we could never exceed being just friends."

"Carly-" Damien began but I cut him off with a kiss.

I pulled away and cupped both his cheeks. "I love you Damien, just know that." I said softly before kissing him again.

* * *

"Will that be all?" a friendly woman asked after handing me the coffee I just ordered.

"Yeah." I smiled and handed her the amount due.

It was a cold January morning as I made my way towards the exit of the warm coffee shop. I savoured the taste of caffeine go down my throat as I reached for the handle of the door but just as I was about to walk out someone else bumped past me as they entered.

"Sorry." The person quickly murmured sparing a glance up at me before hastily stepping into the store.

I stood in my spot and pictured the face of the person I just saw or thought I saw. It couldn't be? I thought, after all these years?

I turned around and stepped into the coffee shop once again to see the very same person I bumped into ordering from the counter. "Yeah I'll have a large espresso with a blueberry muffin."

I walked over and tapped her shoulder, she spun around and looked at me, "Yes?" she asked but when our eyes met, her expression pretty much mimicked mine.

It had to be her; she looked the same as I could remember only her trademark red hair was now a more normal brunette. A smile stretched onto my face as I took in her features. "Amber?"

A smile blended into Amber's shocked expression. "Carly?"

My smile widened and it didn't take us a second before we hugged. "Holy Macaroni, it really is you!" Amber exclaimed after breaking away from our hug.

She held me at arm's length and examined me. "And you look great."

"And so do you." I smiled. "I love the new hair."

Amber rolled her eyes but still grinned. "Don't start with the hair."

"Oh but it's so good to see you again, after so many years!"

"Right back at you Ambs." I grinned.

Amber's smile faded just like that and she looked at me sternly, letting go of me and crossing her arms. "Carly Isabelle Edwards, where the hell have you been all these years?"

I knew that was coming, I thought. "Long story Amber, but I'm back."

"How could you just disappear like that? Without a word, you just left?" she said. This time her tone softer and I could catch onto the hurt in it.

"Ma'am your order." The cashier interrupted us and Amber swiftly turned around grabbing her espresso and muffin.

Amber and I moved out of the way. "There's so much you'd want to know, but can we do this another time?" I said.

Amber looked at her watch. "We'll have to, I'm running late."

"What say we meet up for lunch later today?" she asked.

"I can't, I have a hectic day and I normally just eat at the hospital cafeteria when I'm too busy." I said. "But I can do dinner, if that's fine with you?"

"Perfect." She grinned and handed me her phone. "Save your number under long lost friend and I'll call you later."

I took the phone and after saving my number I handed it back to her. "It's saved under Carly."

Amber sighed. "I guess that'll do too."

I chuckled and gave her a quick hug again. "It's really so good seeing you again Ambs, I'll see you later."

"Yeah, I look forward to hearing everything, especially about what you've been up to Dr Edwards is it?" she grinned.

I returned the smile with a nod. "Yeah."

After our goodbye's I was back on the road on my way to the hospital, looking forward to my dinner date with Amber, I was as curious about her life as she probably was about mine.

"So you're living in New York now?" Amber asked me as we sipped on our drinks at a restaurant that evening.

"For the past few months, yes."

"What about you?" I asked her.

"I'm all over, but my home's still California." Amber replied. Turns out Amber never go into the journalism career but rather fashion - another one of her age-old expertise - and even though she wasn't really recognized as yet, she was growing fast, so travelling was part of her job.

"So let me get this straight, you did your studying in the UK and then moved here to practice?"

I nodded. "That's exactly what I did."

"Why did you move so far away? Weren't you supposed to go to Harvard?"

"It was sort of a spur of the moment type of decision, thanks to Nicole's uncle I got in." I answered.

Amber nodded and took a sip out of her wine. "A lot has changed in all these years huh?"

"I couldn't agree anymore." I murmured.

There was a moment of silence between us when our food arrived. "So I was browsing through a tabloid some time back." Amber said.

I raised a brow at her. "I see you still like knowing what's happening in other people's lives - people who don't know of your existence, I'll add."

"If you mean I'm still a curious person then yes I do, besides I mainly read them to see which celebrity wore who and so forth. And just so you know, I do happen to know some of those celebrities, take Damien Brinson for example, don't tell me you haven't read about him."

"Damien?" I asked curiously. "No, I haven't read about him in any tabloid, simply because reading those things never interested me."

"Then I assume you don't know that Damien Brinson, the hot guy we went to school with recently got engaged?"

I nearly choked on my cider. "Wait, they really do write about Damien?"

"Of course they do, he's one of the youngest hotel empire owners, he's a celebrity in his own right." Amber stated matter-of-factly.

"Did they say who his fiancé is?" I asked curiously. I surely hoped I wasn't named in any of those tabloid things, I grew up as a simple girl and I intended on it staying that way.

"They didn't give a name, all they said was that it was a high school sweetheart or something, Damien didn't comment, the news was given by a close source."

High school sweetheart? I thought to myself. I didn't remember being Damien's high school sweetheart. Friends, yes but we never a couple.

"I had no idea Damien was dating someone in high school." Amber mused out loud. "But then again Damien was always so discreet about his life; I honestly thought he always had a thing for you."

I was about to tell Amber that she thought right but Amber still being Amber started speaking again. "Speaking of sweethearts, I've read a bit about a certain someone's childhood sweetheart who also happens to be a hotel empire heir."

"Who?" I asked.

"Who else other than your very own childhood lover, Mason Clarke?" Amber said. "I always see him pictured at functions with a leggy model or some hot cougar."


"Yeah, you know, older woman."

"I know what they are, I just never saw Mason for a cougar type of guy." I said.

"Yeah, I took him for a blonde bombshell type of guy; he did get Ashley Spencer pregnant after all."

"You know about that?" I asked slightly surprised.

"There was a rumour going around and I sort of believed it after you left." She said. "That's why you left home right?"

"I guess this is the part I tell you everything right?" I asked sheepishly.

"Yup." Amber said enthusiastically but quickly lowered her energy levels and hastily added, "Only if you want to."

"I don't think I have much of a choice." I said.

"Oh you always have a choice, but I would think you owe it to me to fill me in on everything." She humourlessly grinned. "Just saying."

After taking in a deep breath I filled Amber in on everything, everything apart from telling her I was Damien's fiancé. I thought I'd tell her the good news separately.

"Wow." Amber breathed and sat back in her chair. "The past six and half years of your life have been far more interesting than my entire life. Seriously, I'd write a book about it if I were you."

"Yeah I was thinking of that but I didn't think anyone would want to read a story about a girl who's had more problems and heartache than happiness." I said sarcastically before adding in a lower tone, "Nobody wants a sad ending."

"Your ending doesn't have to end sad. Just because one chapter ended, it doesn't mean the entire book has to be over."

"I know and a new chapter has started for me." I smiled and Amber frowned.

"Are you telling me that after hearing that Ashley and Mason aren't married with a child, you two have worked things out?"

I shook my head. "No, that is not what I'm saying."

"I'm saying that I know who Damien's fiancé is."

"Well that's expected since you two drank tea and ate scones together in England for four years." Amber said casually before realization dawned over her features and she looked at me with wide eyes.

"No way, you and Damien?"

"I can say we didn't only drink tea and eat scones there but bonded really well and here we are now, engaged." I said.

A broad smile etched on her face. "Oh my God, I'm so happy for you and Damien. I always knew he had a thing for you but I guess it was more than just a thing huh? Congratulations Carly."

I smiled. "Thanks."

"So when's the big day? I mean, have you even thought of a date?" she asked.

"Well we originally thought for a date around July but I wanted it moved up, so we settled for March." I answered.

"March? That's like two months away!" Amber exclaimed. "How the hell are you going to pull off a perfect wedding in such short time? You are going to have a big wedding right? You're not marrying just anyone; a lot of people would want to know about your wedding. You'd need the perfect dress, venue, catering, music and don't get me started about-"

"Amber." I cut off her rant. "I don't need the perfect venue, catering, music or whatever for a perfect wedding. All a bride needs to have a perfect wedding is her perfect groom, a wedding should be about the union of two people who love each other, not about a big show off for people who barely even know you to have a good time and then complain about the food not being up to scratch."

Amber faintly grinned at me and I didn't know why but a sort of sadness coated her eyes. "You're right; it is about two people who love each other, why should we worry about satisfying others."

Amber placed her hand over mine and gave it a small squeeze. "I'm really happy everything worked out well for you."

I smiled at her. "Enough about me, tell me about you? How long are you going to be in New York for?"

"For about a month, I'm here for a fashion show, it's the biggest one I've done. I'll be leaving after the show."

"I think you'll have to extend your stay, I need a designer for my wedding dress." I said.

"What?" Amber said unbelievingly. "You want me to design your dress?"

"Of course, who else other than my best friend? That's if you're up to it?"

"Hell yeah, I'd love to design your dress, that will be great on my name, I mean I'll be designing Damien Brinson's fiancé's wedding dress. Thank you so much Carls, it means so much that you'd trust me to take on this responsibility."

"No, thank you for agreeing, worrying about the dress takes one thing off my list to do. Damien was bugging me to choose a designer; he'll be glad that I've finally picked one." I said.

Having had enough of speaking about me, I averted the subject to her. "What about your love life Ambs? How's Nate?"

Amber's excited expression from a minute ago dropped and she looked at me sadly. "I guess he's alright."

I frowned at her. "You guess?"

Amber took in a breath. "Yeah, I haven't seen Nate in two years. We broke up just before we graduated college."

I was taken aback and saddened at her words. I always thought Nate and Amber would grow old together. "What happened?"

"My paranoia and jealousy got in the way. Nate and I went to different colleges but we lived close to one another so we saw each other regularly. As you know Nate was always charming, sweet, smart and good looking so you could imagine the female attention he got. I used to question him about everything, I became so jealous and possessive that I forbade him from merely speaking to any female other than a lecturer, I told him if he did keep in contact with any other girl he'd lose me forever."

"He spoke to a girl didn't he?" I asked.

Amber nodded. "Yeah and I don't blame him, I mean if I look at it now, I was wrong to ask that of him. One day I saw a girl come out of his dorm room and I freaked out. I later found out I had crossed over the line and overreacted, that girl was his cousin that recently joined his college. After that night, instead of him losing me forever, I lost him."

"I'm sorry Amber." I said softly.

"Don't be, I'd dump me if I dated me too." She said with a weak smile but I could still see the love in her eyes for him.

"You still love him don't you?" I asked.

"I do, I thought I could get over him but I can't. I truly loved him and I see now that true love never really dies, it might feel as if it's faded but it's still there, haunting and killing you inside every time you think of the one you love more than life itself and knowing that all you can ever do is love them from a distance and always wish them the best."

Her words made so much of sense that I had no words to respond to them, all I could do was just offer a half smile.

"But your life turned out perfect, you have an amazing fiancé, a job you always wanted and I assume a great apartment. You of all people deserve to be happy Carly and I am so glad you've gotten all you've deserved." Amber said earnestly.

"You deserve to be happy too Ambs." I said.

"But I am happy, I love my career, I love travelling and-"

"And you miss Nate so much that you'd give all you have to get him back, right?" I finished her sentence.

"What I feel for Nate doesn't matter; it's all in the past."

A sudden question occurred to me. "What does Nate do?"

"He's one of the biggest up and coming photographers, you should see some of the pictures he takes, they're gorgeous." Amber said and a spark twinkled in her eyes, showing just how proud she was of Nate.

After hearing about Nate's profession an idea occurred to me but I wasn't going to share that bit of information with her at that moment simply because I knew she'd talk me out of it.

"That's great." I mindlessly said. "So how can I get my hands on a ticket to your fashion show?"

"I can easily get you a ticket with a backstage pass." She winked. "Although I don't exactly have to go through the trouble since Damien's company is the chief sponsor for the show, so you could always just get one from him."

This just kept getting better and better, I thought. "Then I'll just get one from him, you don't have to go through the trouble."

Amber raised a brow at me. "You're seriously going to a fashion show?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I'll be there to show my support for my best friend."

Amber smiled. "I'd love to have you there, I'll even send over a dress for you to wear to the event."

"Perfect." I grinned and we carried on eating and chatting well into the evening.

* * *

When I left the restaurant it was already a little after ten and despite being pretty tired I decided to stop by Damien's place instead of going home.

When I entered his apartment I noticed most of the bottom floor lights to be off so assuming he was upstairs, I made my way to his room.

Just as I thought, Damien was in his largely spread out bedroom. He was sitting on his bed with his back against the headboard and MacBook on his lap.

"Hey." I greeted entering his room.

Damien looked up from his MacBook to me with a slightly startled expression for a second before he smiled. "Hi."

I returned his smile as I casually slipped off my shoes before making my way to the bed next to him.

I scooted closer and rested my chin on his shoulder, glancing at the screen in front of him. "Are you busy?"

Damien sighed. "Yeah, I have to go through these contract clauses my PA emailed and some documents regarding last month's finances that my accountant sent and-"

I cut him off by placing a finger over his lips. "A simple yes or no answer would've sufficed; I didn't need a very boring seminar."

I pulled my finger away and Damien chuckled. "Yeah now you know how I felt every time you would speak about formalin, cadavers, dissection, cells, bones and who knows what else."

"Hey that stuff was and still is very interesting, I honestly thought you found it intriguing, I mean aren't you fascinated how much of work your body does just when you take in a breath or enact a simple task like moving your hand."

"Well you obviously thought wrong." Damien retorted with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm far more interesting than you Damien and you can't deny that." I said smugly.

"I never denied it but you can be really boring at times Carly and you can't deny that." he teased.

"Whatever." I scoffed.

Damien chuckled and then went back to his MacBook. We sat in a brief moment of silence while I watched him work. "If you're busy I can come back another time." I said.

"Don't be ridiculous, I like having you over. I will be done in a moment then you'll have my full attention."

"Alright." I said and rested my head on his shoulder as he worked.

"You know I don't really appreciate how lucky I am to have a business mogul as a fiancé." I said.

"Really? And what brought about this new revelation?" Damien asked sounding amused.

"Amber." I answered.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask, how was your dinner date with her? Did she forgive you for leaving without a word?"

"I'm back in one piece so that should answer your question." I chortled. "But jokes aside, it went well, I really did miss having my best friend around."

"Does she live here permanently now?" he asked.

"No, she's a fashion designer so she's here for a show."

"Amber always loved fashion didn't she?" Damien said while his eyes were fixed on the screen. "Did she say how Nate was? I bet they have twenty kids already, those two couldn't keep their hands off each other."

"They broke up." I said.

Damien paused what he was doing for a moment. "What?"

I went on to explain to Damien about Amber's and Nate's breakup.

"That's why I need your help to get them together." I said.

"What am I supposed to do? I haven't spoken to Nate in eons."

"I don't need you to speak to Nate, all I need is for you to try and hire him as a photographer for the fashion show." I said.

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"Don't you know what your company sponsors Damien? Amber said your company was the chief sponsor for the show, so you should have some type of say right?"

"First of all no, I have an idea about what my company sponsors, we have a board and normally little things like sponsorships and advertising has its own department. If something sounds beneficial in a proposal by an employee, I just give the go ahead and it's done, I don't look at the little details." Damien clarified. "And secondly I could've had some say if were still sponsoring the event."

I lifted my head off his shoulder and looked up at him. "What? Your company pulled out?"

"There was a dispute with the organizers so we decided to pull out." Damien said. "I'm sorry I can't be of any help, but I can see what I can do to speak to Nate."

"No don't worry about it, it wasn't your fault." I said reassuringly.

Damien went back to his work and I idly wondered if there something else I could do. "You don't happen to know who the new sponsor is."

"Um," Damien mused. "If I'm not mistaken I think Clarke Group of Hotels took it over, I'll just to have to check with Mr Hale, the guy who's in charge of sponsorships."

"Clarke Group of Hotels?" I thought out loud. "They don't happen to be part of Clarke Corp, as in Mason's company?"

"They're all one." Damien answered. "Why don't you ask Mason if he can do anything?"

My eyes shot up to his. "What?"

Damien looked at me casually. "You heard me, ask Mason if he can do something to bring Nate to New York."

"You wouldn't mind if I spoke to Mason?" I asked bewildered at his suggestion. Maybe Damien was losing his mind because of his overload of work.

"Why would I mind? He's your childhood friend; I can't keep you from speaking to your friends."

"Because I slept with him." I blurted and as soon as the words left my mouth I realized how silly it was of me to speak without thinking. Correction Carly, you were the one who was losing their mind, not Damien.

Damien stilled and I quickly blabbed. "I'm so sorry, I didn't - I mean I shouldn't have said that... I'm so stupid, I wasn't thinking and the words just left my mouth, I know you don't like thinking over that, but I swear-"

"Breathe Carly." Damien cut off my rant.

I stopped speaking and took in a much needed breath. "Sorry." I murmured.

Damien smiled at me and kissed the top of my head. "I know all about yours and Mason's past and I've come to terms with it, sure I don't like to be reminded that my wife-to-be slept with someone else...but it was in the past."

Damien put aside his MacBook on the pedestal and shifted slightly to look at me properly. "Mason was and probably is still your friend, that's all. Yes you had a one night stand with him and you were in love with him but I realize that you can't even call him an ex because he isn't that. You and Mason weren't even a couple, you two were always just friends and I don't see why a misunderstanding should ruin that, after all, those feelings are now a thing of the past, you loved him he never loved you, you've both grown and I think you're mature enough to put all of that behind you."

"But-" I began.

"But nothing, I trust you Carly, you spent a night in his apartment alone in complete darkness and you never let anything happen. That's enough evidence your feelings for him are dead and he's just a good friend now, nothing else."

"Besides you're going to see him for helping a couple who are meant to be together, I can't stop two people in love from being with each other now can I?" he added with a lighter tone.

I shook my head and Damien grinned at me. "Go and see him, I'll give you the address of his office in the morning."

"Okay." I smiled at him and pecked him on the lips. "Thank you, you're way too good for me you know that?"

Damien smugly grinned. "I know."

I playfully rolled my eyes at him and went back to my comfortable position, only this time I rested my head on his chest and he wrapped an arm around me. "You can still come for the show right? Because if you do, then you can finally let the world know who your fiancé is, Amber was saying that you're a bit of a celebrity."

"Celebrity?" Damien said the word in ridicule. "I hate people nosing in my life; I mean why should I be important just because I might have more money in my bank account than the average citizen. That's why I never went to public events and never took you because I know you wouldn't be comfortable there."

"And here I thought you were ashamed of me." I said.

"Yeah that's a reason too." Damien retorted earning him a punch in the ribs.

He kissed my head again. "I was never a very open person about my life when I was alone and I don't intend on people prying into my business now that I have you in my life, I don't want you to get meddled in that lifestyle Carly, I just did it to protect you."

"I know and I appreciate it but I would love for you to come support Amber at her fashion show."

"I'd love to be there Carls but unfortunately I'll be out of town at that time."

I sat up straight away, surprised by this new information. "Out of town? For how long?"

"Three weeks, I leave next week." he answered.

"Three weeks?"

"I'm sorry, but I have to go. My dad went for this conference every year and now that I'm back in the States I thought I'd go."

"It's okay, I understand." I said and rested back into my position. "It's just three weeks is a long time."

"I know but think if this, by the time we get back, our wedding would be drawing closer. Besides you know what they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder."

"Yeah or it could grow people apart." I murmured under my breath.

"Hmm?" Damien asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing." I shifted away and got off the bed. "I'm staying tonight if you don't mind."

"Of course not." Damien said with a smile and grabbed his MacBook of the pedestal. "I'll be done in a bit, you don't mind if I work here while you sleep?"

I shook my head and after dressing into one of Damien's t-shirts I was under the covers feeling sleepy but at the same time mentally preoccupied. I didn't know why but I didn't like the idea of Damien being away for so long and during his absence I would have to be with Mason, to derive a plan to get Amber and Nate together. I had no idea what the next three weeks were going to bring.

* * *

After getting back from seeing Damien off at the airport, I found myself standing in an elevator that was going up to the top floor of a building Damien gave me the address to; I was on my way up to see Mason and for some reason I was pretty nervous.

The 'ding' on the elevator came way too quick, I thought as I stepped out of the elevator and onto the lobby area of a very plush looking office.

I looked out the large windows of the high building to see the overcast clouds covering the sky as the rain stained the glass windows.

"Hi, can I help you?" A young woman at reception in maybe her mid-twenties with dark hair and bright eyes broke away my reverie.

"Hi, um yeah, I was wondering if Mr Clarke is in."

"Mr Clarke hardly ever uses this office; he's mostly in the California branch." She replied politely.

"Oh no, I'm not talking about Michael Clarke, but his son, Mason." I clarified when I figured she was referring to Mason's dad. "Is Mason in?"

The lady looked me up and down a few times before she slightly raised her brow. "I see." She said almost incoherently under her breath. "You don't look very much like his type."

I frowned after catching onto her words. "Do I have to be a certain type to visit?"

"To visit, of course not." She said casually. "But if you're here for a special meeting with Mr Clarke - you know a type without an appointment - then I guess you would. I'm just saying this from what I've seen, I mean Mr Clarke's special visitors normally are blonde, long legged and older than you, they also give off a snooty...sophisticated kind of vibe."

Understanding what type of visitor she thought I was, I quickly shook my head. "Oh no, I'm not here for a personal visit, it's more of an official visit."

"Oh I see, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding." She smiled politely. "I think I might've called you to say Mr Clarke won't be able to see anyone, so maybe you could reschedule your appointment."

"No, I didn't get a call because I don't have an appointment, I've come unannounced." I said.

"Oh, I think I might've gotten Mr Clarke's dates mixed then." She mumbled more to herself

"No, as I said, I didn't make an appointment to see Mr Clarke." I clarified.

"I know you didn't make an appointment but perhaps Mr Clarke called you, for a lunch date maybe?"

I shook my head. "No, Mr Clarke doesn't know I'm here." I said getting tired of repeating the same thing over. "Look, I just need to know if Mr Clarke can see me now or not."

She looked a little nervous before she spoke, "I'm sorry he can't."

"Is he in a meeting?" I asked, knowing that if he wasn't I would just go in without his permission.

"Yes...No, I mean yes, he's busy with someone. I think it would be best if you come back another time."

I was growing suspicious at her shady and hesitant behaviour. "Why do I get the impression you're lying to me?" I drawled.

"Look, I can get into trouble for doing this but you seem nice and well, smart for a change so I'm just going to tell you anyway. Mr Clarke is in a meeting with a woman."

"Okay, do you know how long the meeting would last?" I asked casually.

"You still want to see him despite just finding out Mr Clarke is alone in his office with a woman he just came back from a lunch date with?" she asked sounding surprised.

I nodded. "Yeah, I need to see him for something important. I can wait."

"I knew you were different from the others who Mr Clarke normally sees."

"Different?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yes, you seem smart and definitely not like the type Mr Clarke normally takes out."

"You mean the woman he dates?" I asked.

"I wouldn't call it dating, because between me and you, Mr Clarke doesn't really do the 'date' thing. He takes different woman out for lunch or dinner and then I never see or hear from them again."

"Typical." I murmured under my breath before looking back at the receptionist. "You think I'm one of those women?"

"Well initially I didn't because as I said you don't look like his normal type, but now that you say you're here without an appointment, I assume so, yes."

"Normal type?" I asked.

"Yeah, Mr Clarke normally sees women a decade older than him or really attractive young women who lack highly... in the intellectual department."

"Some things never change." I murmured to myself before asking her, "Do you know when he'll be free?"

She shook her head. "I can't say for sure but looking at his recent 'stats' I can say he'll be ready to see you in bit."


"Yeah, you know..." she trailed off and gestured for me to come closer. "Between me and you but a few of Mr Clarke's, shall I say 'friends' have been leaving the office in quite a foul mood; it seems to me he's not able to perf-"

I pulled away. "Please I do not need to know every little detail of Mr Clarke's life."

"I just thought you'd want to know beforehand that you're going to come out of that office quite unsatisfied. You should see some of the messages some women leave him."

"I am not one of Mason's friends. Do I look like an escort?" I said really annoyed at her and somewhere deep inside I knew I was annoyed about hearing of Mason's never changing ways.

Her eyes widened. "No, I didn't mean to imply that... Mr Clarke doesn't see escorts more like-" her sentence was broken off when we both heard a slamming of a door.

I turned in the direction and saw a woman in maybe her mid-thirties storming out, red faced. "What a waste of time!" she said under her breath.

"This is the fifth time in two weeks, why do I even bother with these youngsters!"

I looked at the attractive woman angrily press on the elevator buttons as she mumbled under her breath. "Is this thing working? Or like the owner, is it out of order?" she snapped at Mason's assistant behind me.

I stifled a laugh hearing her remark and I think Mason's assistant was doing her best to not laugh too. "It's working Ma'am, it will be here soon." She replied politely.

The lady sighed and pressed the button again before she looked at me. "You're here to visit him?"

"Um, yes." I replied.

"If I were you I wouldn't bother, he's young and good looking for nothing. I'd settle for my ex-husbands grandfather rather than him." she said bluntly and just as if on cue the elevator door opened and she stormed inside leaving me quite bewildered.

I exchanged a look with Mason's assistant. "Told you he'll be able to see you in a bit."

This time I let out a laugh, as much of a gossiper Mason's assistant was I couldn't help but find her funny. "I can go through then?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yeah, let me check with Mr Clarke first."

"I'd rather much surprise him, don't worry you won't lose your job. I'll make sure." I said.

"Alright." She easily agreed and I made my way towards his office. "Good luck." She called from behind me.

I knocked on the tall door. "Laura, I'm busy, whatever you have to say can wait." Mason said from behind the door. So the assistants name was Laura, I thought before I knocked again.

"Laura-" Mason began but without his consent I barged into his office.

I looked at Mason who was seated at his desk. He looked to not only be in a bad mood but pretty stressed out; he had a drink in his one hand while the other was rested against his forehead.

"It's Carly." I said softly.

Mason looked up and our gazes locked. He looked to be slightly surprised at my sudden appearance before a frown covered his forehead "Carly? Are you lost?"

I rolled my eyes at him and shut the door behind me, "Hello to you too Mason." I stepped into his office. "No, I am not lost. I'm here to see you."

"Why?" Mason asked suspiciously.

"Do I need a reason to visit my oldest best friend?" I said a little too sweetly. I knew I had to be nice to get Mason's help.

Mason put his glass down and leaned back in his chair, intertwined his fingers and rested his chin on them as he eyed me curiously. "What do you want Carly?" he asked in a low tone.

Without his permission I casually strolled closer to him and took a seat on a chair opposite to him. "I just told you."

"I don't believe you. I haven't heard from you in weeks and now all of a sudden, you want to visit an old friend?"

I shrugged. "Yeah well I've been busy, I found time today so I thought I'd come say hi."

Mason raised a brow at me. "I'm afraid I know you too well to believe that; tell me what you really want."

I took the time to see what Mason was wearing and I couldn't help but admire his charcoal grey suite, the colour suited him and the fit was perfect. I'd almost forgotten how nice Mason looked in a suit. "I love your suit." I said averting his question. "The colour really suits you."

Mason remained quiet and intensely gazed at me in pure suspicion.

Not liking the silence I sighed. "Alright, you want to know why I'm really here, right?"

"That's only what I've been trying to figure out ever since you stepped into my office, unannounced."

"Okay, I came here to see how your arm was doing?" I lied.

"As you can see, it's all better." Mason answered but I could tell that he still didn't believe me.

I grinned. "Yeah and I'm glad, it must've been terrible working with one arm right."

"Awful." Mason said and his tone was still off. Why did he have to know me so well? Why couldn't he just go along with my nice façade until I've buttered him up enough for him to agree to help get Amber and Nate together?

I leaned over a little and wanted to reach for Mason's hand that was casually resting on the desk but quickly pulled back, I didn't want to touch him so I rested my hands on my lap again. "I couldn't help but hear what the woman who stormed out of your office say." I said sheepishly.

Mason shifted slightly in his chair. "She's at fault, not me. I was just kind enough to not say anything."

"Really?" I drawled with a growing smirk. "I'm afraid I'm not kind enough to admit that you might've lost your touch." I couldn't help but tease him.

Mason's face went a little red and I had to try really hard not to laugh at him. "She's not the first is she?" I asked feigning concern at his little 'dilemma'.

"What do you want Carly?" Mason snapped annoyed at me.

"It's okay Mas, I'm a doctor and I know sometimes, these things happen." I said softly. "If you need something, you know medication or anything to help you, I'll be more than happy to help out. After all a friend in need is a friend indeed, right?" I smiled a little too widely.

"Don't smile like that; you look creepier than the Joker." Mason said sourly. "And for your kind information Doc, I happen to be perfectly fine in that region, I'm having difficulty up in my head, I can't get my mind off..." he cut off and shook his head after a few seconds. "Forget it, why am I explaining myself to you."

"No go on, maybe I can help. I helped heal your arm, maybe I can help you get with your cougars." I said and my tone sounded a little too bitter.

"Cougars huh? Have you been stalking me?" Mason asked sounding amused.

"I don't need to stalk you to know about your ways, I guess it's true what they say, old habits are diehard."

"I'm a good looking rich guy who's bored and pretty lonely so I might as well do something productive with my time. Those cougars and other woman seem to like my sex-appeal and they entertain me so it's a win-win for the both of us." Mason said casually before he tilted his head and looked at me squarely. "Why, do my 'ways' bother you?"

"Yes it does." I stated. "You're no longer in high school; you need to start taking life seriously instead of fooling around with married woman."

Mason rolled his eyes. "Carly, my mother's dead and even when she was alive she didn't lecture me about life and whatnot, so I do not need to hear it from you." he said bluntly.

I shook my head in disappointment at him. "You never learn from your mistakes do you?" I murmured under my breath.

Mason caught on to what I said. "What mistakes?"

I glowered bitterly at him. "Nothing."

"So Dr Edwards or is it Brinson yet?" he asked casually.

"If it were Brinson you would've known." I retorted.

"Alright Dr Edwards what can I help you with? Are you here to see me regarding a purchase of one of our hotels - because if that's the case you'll have to see Michael. Or are you here to discuss the building of a home you wish to construct in the Hamptons with your soon-to-be husband - if that is the case, I can be of no help, my company doesn't contract such small scale projects, we're into the bigger stuff, like skyscrapers etcetera."

"I don't need your professional help."

"But you do need my help." Mason said with a growing smirk.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "From our past ten minute conversation, I'd think you need my professional help."

"If not mine you really need a shrink and most definitely an urologist." I added in a murmur.

With his smirk not waning Mason stood up from his chair and strolled around his desk towards me, he stood in front of me, leaning against the edge of the desk and he slightly so his face was even with mine.

"Carly," he started in a husky whisper, his eyes boring into mine. "Why do you keep on insisting that I have a problem?"

I didn't answer him but just looked into his intense gaze, somehow not having any words at that moment. He lightly brushed his fingers over my arm, and even though I had a coat on, I still oddly felt a shiver down my spine. "Do you want me to prove to you that I do not need an urologist and that I indeed haven't lost my touch?" he lowered his face a fraction more so his lips were in line with mine. "Shall I start with a simply little kiss?" He said in a low whisper.

I looked at his face that was so close by that I could feel his body heat radiate towards me. For a second I was lost in the moment but I quickly touched down on reality again and pushed him away.

I curtly stood up and put a good distance between us. "Stay within your limits Mason, and stay out of my personal space!"

Mason looking very amused stood up straight and placed his hands in his pockets. "Exactly like you didn't like me invading your personal space, I don't like you nosing in my personal life, therefore Carly, you need to stay within your limits."

"I wasn't nosing in your personal life; I was just pointing out the obvious." I retorted.

"You really want to start that again?" Mason asked with a bored tone. "Because I'm willing to demonstrate just how perfectly well I am."

"Ugh!" I groaned. "I try to be nice to you but I forgot how impossible it is to accomplish that with Mason Clarke. I can't talk civilly with you for five minutes even!"

"It's not my fault that you're so immature, you get worked up about every little thing." Mason said casually and leaned back against the desk again with a lazy grin. "Be like me, I'm so chill."

"I knew coming here would be a bad idea, I can't ever expect anything other than my blood pressure rising from you!" I stated and turned towards the door.

Mason chuckled from behind me. "Carly." he called but I ignored him and made my way to the exit. I stopped and looked at him over my shoulder, "What?"

"I think you need a shrink, you need to learn to control your anger, it's not good for you." he said.

Huffing in annoyance I turned around again and made my way to the door.

"Carly." Mason said again this time grasping my wrists. "Come on, I was just kidding."

I tried loosening out of his grip but he just tightened his hold. "Let go of me Mason." I said between gritted teeth.

"Not until you tell me what you really came here for." Mason said.

"Mason!" I demanded trying my best to get out of his hold.

With one swift movement Mason caught me off guard and spun me around, a little gasp escaped my lips as I almost lost my grip resulting in my free hand resting on his chest.

"Now tell me what you initially wanted." Mason said softly.

I swallowed and looked at his hold on my wrist before looking up at him again. "Please let go of me first."

After a short moment Mason let go of my wrist. Mason didn't take a step back but instead looked at me. "Carly," he began very softly, "are you done feeling me up?" he said looking down at my hand that was still on his chest. "It's still nicely toned eh?" he faintly smirked at me as I quickly removed my hand.

I put a comfortable distance between us. "Um so you were right, I do need something from you." I said.

"Aren't I always?" Mason said smugly and made his way to his desk again. I watched as he took a seat and gestured for me to do the same. "I know you that well."

I sat down again and rolled my eyes. "It was only because I was being nice to you; you always think I want something whenever I'm civil towards you."

"And I was right wasn't I?"

"Can I just get to the point? Or do you intend on interrupting me after every sentence?"

"And you call yourself nice?" Mason murmured under his breath.

I gave him a look and he out up his hands defensively. "Go on."

"So I met Amber last week." I began.

"Rubylocks?" Mason asked amused. "How did they allow her out of the asylum? I would put a straitjacket on her."

"You're interrupting me again, please would you just shut up and listen!" I snapped at him.

"You know you haven't changed much, you're still as bossy and demanding as ever. Not once has anyone ever spoken to me in that tone in this office." Mason said.

I smiled humourlessly at him. "Well there's a first time for everything, besides I'm not your employee and neither are you my boss so I'll speak to you in any way I like."

"Who needs whose help here?" Mason said.

"You'll help me anyway, you always do." I stated matter-of-factly.

"We'll see." Mason smirked.

"Back to the point," I said loudly ignoring his previous sentence, "I met Amber last week and I found out that she and Nate broke up."

"About damn well time his tolerance snapped, I would've dumped her a long time ago if I were him, heck I wouldn't date her in the first place." Mason once again butted in, disrupting me.

"Mason." I said lowly glaring at him.

"Sorry, go on." Mason quickly said trying hard to hide his grin.

"I need your help to get them back together." I said.

"Why would you want them back together? I thought you liked Nate, why would you want to kill him before his time? And not only just kill him; you want to give him the most painful death anyone could ever have!" Mason said in utter seriousness.

"Mason I'm trying to be serious here and you're kidding around, you call me immature but I think you need to grow up and get over an old hatred towards Amber. She's a real sweet girl."

"I'm dead serious here too Carly." Mason said. "And I would hardly call that creature sweet; she's the furthest from it."

I sighed. "Are you going to help me or not?"

Mason took a moment to ponder over his answer. "Why do you need my help?"

"Because you're the chief sponsor of a fashion show that Amber's apart of."

Mason frowned. "I am?"

I nodded. "Yeah, Clarke Group Of Hotels is."

"That's my dad's company, I just have shares. Besides what am I supposed to do?"

"Exactly, you have shares and I don't need anything major from you, I just need you to use your power as chief sponsor to your advantage."

"How? And how exactly is Rubylocks part of the show? I doubt that crazy little five foot pint of craziness is a model." Mason said.

"No she's a fashion designer and Nate's a photographer." I answered. "Now do you catch my drift?"

Mason's frown deepened. "No, not really."

Looked like in almost seven years Mason still didn't have that thing called a brain. "Mason, I need you to try and hire Nate as a photographer for that night, in that way we'll get Amber and Nate under one roof and derive a plan to get them together."

"Why can't you do it? Just call him." Mason said.

"Because I can't just hire someone for a show I'm not even apart of and I looked up Nate on the internet, he's one busy photographer, he's all over the world. It's almost impossible to hire him for an event."

"Remind me how I fit into all of this again."

I sighed. "Mason no offence or anything but you're really very stupid." I said before I started explaining what I wanted from him. "I need you to use your influence to get Nate here for the show and then you can leave the rest to me."

"Remind me why I would do this again?" Mason said.

I smiled as sweetly as I could. "Because it tears you apart to see soul mates who love each other more than anything separated."

Mason scrunched his face in disgust. "That soul mate crap is only a reason for me to throw up."

I rolled my eyes. "Can you just pretend to think that way?"

"No." Mason said.

"So it's a no?" I asked.

"How can I throw Nate in with the sharks after he just got out from the snake pit? He's finally free from that crazy firehead, I'm not helping to put the poor guy back in a trap."

"So it's a no then?" I asked again.

"Yes." Mason answered.

I smiled widely. "Great so I'll text you Nate's details I found on the net and you can call him or get your people to call him." I said and stood up from my seat.

Mason did the same as me. "I said no Carly."

My smile dropped and I looked disappointed at him. "No?"

"That's what I said, yes."

My smile returned again. "Yes?"

Mason looked exasperated. "No!"

"No?" I asked again.

"Yes!" Mason said.

I grinned widely. "A yes it is then." I walked around his desk towards him and looked grateful at him. "Thank you so much Mas, you have no idea how grateful I am for your help."

"Carly I said no." he said.

"No you said yes." I clarified.

"No I..." Mason trailed off and gave me a look. "I know what you're doing here, you're manipulating my words and the sad thing is you've done this before and the sadder thing is you've gotten away with it."

I grinned innocently at him. "That's because you're so easy to manipulate Mason." I attempted a pout and puppy dog expression, looking up at him from under my lashes. "Oh please say yes Mas, I just want to see an old friend of mine happy and I can't do it without your help."

Mason sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You sure you want to ruin Nate's life?"

"Yes." I answered straight away but after realizing what I said I quickly added. "I mean, I really want to see two people who are meant to be together to reunite."

Mason remained quiet for a long moment before he spoke. "Alright, I'll get my people to organize everything."

I smiled so widely that my cheeks hurt. I let out a little squeal and had to try really hard not to hug Mason. "Thank you so much Mason!"

Mason lightly chuckled looking at the excitement in my eyes. "You know for a doctor you're still really childish, it's like I'm still looking at high school Carly."

I feigned an offended look and placed my hand on my hip. "You know for a CEO, you're still really stupid, dim-witted, idiotic and daft."

"Hey, watch your mouth or I'll have no choice but to change my mind." Mason said feigning to be stern.

"If you do, I'll have no choice but to go all crazy doctor and dislocate each and every limb of yours and then slowly dissect your organs."

Mason looked at me with in repulsion. "You have one sick mind."

"Desperate times call for desperate measures." I said in all seriousness.

Mason and I both laughed.

"So you're sure you can make up a couple? As far as I can remember you were really good at breaking up couples." Mason said.

"It shouldn't be so hard." I answered with a shrug. "Besides I only broke one and a half couples up."


"Yeah, Nicole and Liam got back together again." I answered.

"You still broke them up." Mason said.

"Yeah and I helped them get back together, and because of that they're still together."

"Alright, I'll get Nate here first and then we'll see what happens from there." Mason said.

"We?" I asked. "I thought you were only going to get Nate here."

"How can you do a scheme without my help?" Mason asked and then playfully bumped my shoulder. "Weren't we always partners?"

"Yeah we were." I said with a growing smile.

Mason grinned and did something he commonly did in the past. He pinched the bridge of my nose. "I look forward to scheming with you once again."

My smile widened. "Me too."

A/N so this was more of a filler than anything, I promise the next one will be much better. Let's say a lot of your questions about what's being going on in Mason's head will be answered in the next one ;)

Also I am happy and sad in once to tell you that there are only three more chapters left until the end, yes the end has come nearer and I look forward to see everyone's reaction to how it ends but I'm also disheartened that this story will be over.

Hope you enjoyed this filler; I will do my best to update sooner. Thank you for all your follows, votes, comments and patience. I really appreciate each and every one of you.

'Till then



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