
By LisaMOwen

48.9K 1K 92

When times are tough and things are not looking good for you, there can always be hope, or destiny to show yo... More

Monica: She's blocked herself away
Rachel: feeling better after some sleep
Monica: what if im right?
Ross: Why did I do that?
Joey: Just when I thought it couldn't get anymore complicated
Phoebe: Poor Rach,
Monica: Calling Ross
Rachel: ...Ross...
Ross: Looking forward to the future
Monica: What happened last night?
Rachel: My life is turning into a dream
Phoebe: Great news
Rachel: A new start
Ross: Getting the appointment
Rachel: Trying to relax
Ross: In the morning
Rachel: The appointment
Ross: Suprise!
Rachel: Suprise!
Ross: Home
Rachel: News
Monica: Yay! Organisation!
Ross: Tuxedos and Phone Calls
Rachel: Dresses and Phone Calls
Narrator: The Disaster Family
Ross: The rest of the day
Rachel: Visits
Multiple POV's: Eventfull times
Rachel: Only a Week Until
Ross: Almost There
Joey: Adventures
Narrator: Excitement
Narative: A New Future

Chandler: ...Wow!

1.8K 32 2
By LisaMOwen

Chandler's POV:

Me and Joey walk out of Ross' apartment. I feel bad leaving him, but we cant stay with him every single second of the day. I'm sure he'll be fine though. He's just going to sleep.

"What do you think Rachel will say if we ask her?" Joey says from next to me.

I look back at him "I really don't know" I admit. "I just hope they can work through this"

"Me too, but Chan, what if they don't?" Joey asks, we both stop dead in our tracks. We look at each other and we both have that same expression. Our friendship group will be ruined if they don't make it through this, we all know that too. I just hope and pray that it all works out for the best of everyone.

Everyone knows that Ross and Rachel belong together. They're perfect together.

Me and Joe barley say a word to each other the entire ride home. I know we're both thinking of the same things. About Ross, and Rachel.

Most people would say "I'm glad it's not me in that situation!" but I wouldn't. If me being in that situation meant that Ross and Rachel would be together and none of this had happened, then I would gladly switch places.

If by me having to give up and loose the girl I was dating, to allow them to be together and happy and back to how it was before, I would willingly have life that way. I would rather give up my girlfriend and be miserable than have what has happened, happen.

It would make me happier to be lonely and have them together than for them to be split and me with some girl. Why did this all happen? Ross really messed this up. He pushed and upset Rach, now they're separated.

 The cab me and Joe are in pulls up to our apartment building, so we pay the driver and jump out. We walk in and start to travel up stairs to our apartment.

We get to the top of the stairs and are trying to unlock the door to our place when we hear a load of shuffling and talking coming from Monica and Rachel's place. We both stop what we are doing to try and listen to what they are saying. I cant quite make out what is being said, but I'm a bit worried.

"Chan, it sounds like something's wrong" Joe whispers to me.

"I know, it sounds like they're, I don't know, but I'm worried" I admit.

"Should we knock and find out what it is?" Joey asks.

I hesitate for a while before answering. "Erm, I don't know if we should..."

"Chandler! What if it's important?"

"You're right! Knock!" I say as he does so.

The sounds from within the apartment silence.

After a few moments, the door is opened to Monica looking at me and Joey. She turns round to Rachel and Phoebe. "Don't worry, it's just the guys" she says to them.

Rachel turned round to look at us as she asks "including Ross or not?" She looks awful, making me feel to bad. Her skin is as pale as a ghosts, she has puffy, red eyes, showing that she has been crying. Her tear-soaked cheeks proving that.

"No, Rach. It's just me and Chandler" Joey says.

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

"Erm, well yes and no!" Rachel says. Monica and Phoebe both give Rachel a look.

Phoebe leans in closer to her a whispers "Are you going to tell them?"

"Well they'll find out sooner or later. They'll figure it out when I start gaining a ton of wait and getting a rounder stomach Phoebe. Might as well get it over with" Rachel replies.

"Yeah, I know. But this situation is a bit complicated Rachel" Monica says.

"They might be able to help" Rachel says, looking over to me and Joe.

"Guys, come in because this is very important and is going to change all of our lives, especially mine and Ross', okay?" she says to us.

Joey and I both nod our heads and walk in, shutting the door behind us.

I'm standing here, waiting to be told what the news is. Standing here hoping that she is about to say she has forgiven Ross and that they will get back together and everything will go back to how it was before.

"Guys" she starts, "I'm pregnant"

...Wow! -I don't know what to say but, Wow!

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