No Room For Era

By MsChryssieE

273K 11.5K 6.2K

A marriage is not 50/50. A marriage is 100/100. Its about giving everything you got for the love that created... More

Bonus Chapter


4.2K 173 107
By MsChryssieE

All the couples in the MM. That's all I'm gonna say😌😌😌



🎶I wake up on a daily basis
I count this money up, I'm already rich
I go so hard with these riches
I fell in love as a dodie
I fell in love with the rollie...🎶

Sorting my music for later tonight, I sat in the family room of Kei's house in Cali. We was out here for Sara and Mike's dinner where they tell they families that they're married.

🎶I'm ballin' outta control
I'm ballin' outta control, I'm ballin' outta control🎶

Laughing I looked up and seen YaYa walking in singing "I'm ballin' outts control" part.

"Man y'all gon make my daughta' into a lah trap queen bruh." Aug shook his head.

"YaYa singing it for your pops." I laughed.

🎶I wake up on a daily basis
I count this money up, I'm already rich...🎶

"Lah girl!" He snatched her up. "Gon find ya momma."

As I laughed, I paused my music as we sat.

"Wassup bruh."

"Man this wedding shit harder than I thought." He exhaled.

"Bro why you ain't just let Keira help."

"Nah." He shook his head. "She be doing a lot too so Ion want to put no pressure on ha, Ion wanna take no chances."

"What you mean?"

"I mean she still be having ha off days and tha last thing I need right now is anything happening to ha. YaYa ain't a baby no more, she'on need to see shit happening with her momma."

"You right." I nodded same time YaYa came running back in.

She came over to me, or so I thought. She went straight to my laptop and scrolling my list.

"Kenya what we tell you bout touching lah girl." Aug called.

I sat quietly and watched as she selected a song. Soon as Aug heard "Live from the gutter" start to play he shot up as she took off running.

"Keira!!!" He yelled as he left the room.


"Come get ya lah trap child fa me please!"

I just sat there laughing as I went back to my business. After this dinner I had an important gig and I didn't want to be unprepared.


"Yo." I looked up at Keira.

"What the hell is August bitching about?"

"YaYa singing Future and Drake." I laughed.

"That's it?" She sucked her teeth. "I thought its come crazy shit." She shook her head and walked off.


"Yea?" She turned back to me.

"You lose weight?"

"Yea." She sighed. "I don't know how."

"What you mean you don't know how. You be working hard and I know you stressing over something but I'm gonna need you to slow down and chill. Don't make me give you time off from work."

"Ok big brother." She smiled. "I'll take it easy." She nodded. "Where my sister in law?"

"Laying down, her feet are swollen."

Nita was now five months and even though she had a little bump, all the other symptoms were doing it to her.

"Oh ok well I'll make something quick for lunch then."

"Aight thanks."

As she left, my phone began to ring. I was confused by the number because I didn't know who it was but it was an Atlanta code.


"Hey Kevin, its Faith."

I paused for a minute wondering how she got my number.

"Hello, you there?"

"Uh yeah. How you got my number?"

"Oh I found it in Nita's office. I've been trying to get on to her but her phone is just ringing."

"She sleeping."

"Oh well can you tell her call me when she gets up."

"Yea I'll pass on the message."


Looking at my phone crazy, I was still surprised she called me. She could have called Sara if it was something bout anything to do their spot.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Faith just called me." I looked at Aug.

"How she got you're number?"

"She said from in Nita's office, she was trying to get on to Nita."

"So why she ain't call Sara?"

"That's what I was thinking."

"Something ain't right bout ha."

"What you mean?"

"Bruh you never seen how she be watching your wife." Aug looked at me with a straight face.

"No, how?"

"Like she wanna fuck. I picked up on that shit two months ago when I did the show."

"Before y'all case?"

"Yup and you asked me what's wrong."


"Yes Nigga. You better watch that."

"Nah, I doubt its anything like that." I fanned him off.

"Like I told Keira, I know when someone is into someone."

"Like how you knew Keira was into you right?" I laughed.

"Fuck you. That was different."

"Yeah Yung, of course it was." I nodded and laughed.

"You know what, let me go find my girl to see what she wearing tonight so we look good like always. Don't say I ain't warn ya."

"Bruh tonight ain't bout you and Kei."

"Nigga every night is bout me and Keira!" He walked off.

Getting back to my shit, the door bell began going off.


I was starting to get annoyed by the constant disturbances.

"I'll get it!" I yelled getting up.

Soon as I opened the door Sara came busting through.

"Where's Nita." She said in a panic.

"She sleeping and a good day to you."

Ignoring me, she just made her way down the hall as Mike came in.

"Hey man." We dapped.

"Aye man, sorry bout that." He laughed.

"Its cool but what's up with her?"

"Nervous bout tonight." He laughed.

"Kev who is?" Kei came in. "Hey." She paused then smiled.


"What you doing here?" They hugged.

"Don't mind me, just here while the wife deals with her nerves with her best friend." He laughed.

"Oh ok."

Same time Aug walked in.

"Nigga didn't I tell you I ain't want you up in hea." He looked at Mike.

"Try telling Sara that." He laughed as they dapped.

"What's wrong with your crazy girl."

"You calling mines crazy, you forget who you engaged too."

"Nah I ain't." He laughed.

"Deal with Anita, then y'all gonna know crazy." I laughed.

"I heard that."

We all froze when she and Sara came walking in.

"Hey babe, how'd you sleep?"

"Don't speak to me." She pushed me off. "Kei?"


"Girl talk." She said.

"I'm on it." She got up.

"Watch the alcoholic." Aug mumbled. "Keira leave the bottle of wine alone for once." He yelled after her.

"You letting Nits drink man?"

"She's allowed one glass a week. Apparently according to her doctor, it flush toxins out of her system and it also helps with the baby's mental development." I shrugged.

"Damn." Him and Aug said surprised.

"Yea but she don't drink either way so of she has one glad with them then its cool. Aye Aug, you know if Keira finished cooking?"

"Yea she was just bout to call you when the door rang."

We all walked into the kitchen while Nita an them were out back.


"So what's wrong?" I asked.

"This whole dinner thing has me nervous to the point where my skin is breaking out." She showed us.

"Why are you nervous, its not the first time you're meeting his parents." Keira sipped on her wine.

"I know but this is different. This is us revealing that we've been married for four almost five months."

"Ok and." Keira stared at her. "At least y'all married for so long it should show them that y'all in this for real despite how y'all did it."

"True but you know them better than me, how you think they gonna react?"

I looked at Keira as she exhaled before speaking.

"His mother is going to ask if you're pregnant first off."

"Really?" Sara and I both asked.

"Yea. They're not religious ppl but they go to church and because of how it happened she will question it. His dad on the other hand would sit there looking at you observing your body language, then he gonna randomly shut his mother up from asking all the questions and just accept it." She shrugged downing her glass.

"How do you know this?" I laughed.

"We had a lunch when to discuss the whole Ashley being pregnant shit. By the way, is she going to be there tonight?" Keira smirked.

"Yes she is and please don't start anything. Nita already told me about your history with her."

"Fine." She mumbled.

"Well there you go. Kei just gave you info on how to deal with tonight." I laughed as I rubbed my belly.

"So how is my godson doing?" Sara smiled at me.

We had found out that it was a boy we were having and decided to just tell everyone seeing as how they were going crazy not knowing.

"He's good, better than me. This shit is draining me." I sighed.

"You got what four more months, you'll be fine." Keira smiled.

"Yea that's what everyone is saying." I nodded.

As we talked some more Kevin and the guys came out with food for us.

"Thank you babe." I smiled before he kissed me.

"Faith said to call her." He whispered in my ear.

"Ok." I nodded.

As they walked back inside, I noticed Kei watching Aug in this way.

"Sara." I whispered.

Getting her attention, I nodded in Keira's direction as she was still staring. Once the guys were inside she closed her eyes and smiled before turning back to us.

"What?" She looked at us.

"You and Aug are nasty as hell." I laughed.

"Whatever!" She shook her head.

"Did you just slightly get off from just looking at him?" Sara laughed.

"I don't know what you are speaking about." She began to eat.

"You did." I laughed. "Ewww."

"Girl bye. That's my man and he is sexy as fuck to me."

"I know we all got different guys but how do you and Aug do it?" I ate.

"I don't know." She shrugged. "I mean he gets on my nerves but at the same time, from the moment I see him I just get this feeling over me."

"I get that with Mike." We heard Sara.

"Ohhh do tell." Keira smirked and sat up.

"You are so pervy." I laughed.

"Mhmm. Says the one who was peeping at me and Aug while we were going at it."

When she said that I began to choke.

"Don't choke. You think we didn't see you and Tima on Christmas."

"Nita!" Sara laughed.

"We didn't see much and we always wondered so." I shrugged.

"Mhmm. Anyway, Sara let me hear bout this feeling."

As I laughed at the fact of being caught that time, I listened to how Sara explained her feelings about Mike and their overall relationship.

"So basically you knew you wanted to be with him till the end regardless of how y'all did it?" I asked.

"In a way yea. Mike is an amazing person despite what he does and now that he's been thinking about stepping out of the game because Damien is getting off early..."

"Wait, What?" Keira's head shot up.

"Shit." Sara covered her mouth.

"Not no shit, what did you just say?" She pointed at her.

"I umm, uhhh." Sara stuttered.

"Sara are you serious?" I asked.

"It just slipped out. I, I'm sorry Kei, I wasn't suppose to say anything."

Keira sat there just staring at the ground like she was lost. Sara on the other hand looked scared out of her mind at this point.

"Keira I-" She tried to say but instead Kei just got up and walked back inside.

"Sara are you serious about what you just said?"

"Yea." She nodded. "I had heard Mike talking on the phone a couple weeks ago and I questioned him."

"And what did he say exactly?"

"He said that because of some arrangements made Damien was being released sooner but would be on house arrest for some years."

"Fuck." I sighed.

"But why does it matter though, she and Aug are engaged and are already a family."

"Yea but its still a sore topic for her. Like everything to do with him and what happened to her."

"I didn't know Nita, honestly."

"I know babe. Its cool. I'll talk to her."

Sighing, I rubbed my bump as we went back to eating.


After crying for about an hour because of my clothes, I had finally gotten dressed and we were able to leave.

This whole pregnancy was just getting to me and I was about ready to be done with it. I couldn't deal with the emotional part of it. I hated how my moods would switch up randomly and most of all I hated how I would just spazz out on Kevin.

"You good?" He held my hand below the table.

We were all at Mike's parents place and to say it was awkward was an understatement. Before leaving the house Keira been quiet and I knew it was because of what Sara slipped up and said.

"I'm fine. Starving though." I smiled.

Looking across at Keira and Aug, he was whispering something to her which made her smile a bit.

"I wonder what's up with those two?" Kevin nodded at them.

Putting my attention back on them, Keira had laid her head on Aug's shoulder as he kissed her forehead.

Soon enough dinner was served and everyone was engaged in conversation. It wasn't much of us really which made it a bit more intimate and knowing Sara, this was what she would have wanted.

"So Anita." Her mother called out to me. "How are you enjoying married life?"

"Well its perfect now that we're expecting." I blushed looking at Kevin.

Same time I glimpsed Ashley who had this kinda shocked but hurt look on her face which then changed when she saw the way Kei was looking at her and she went back to eating.

"Really?" She said excitedly.

"Yup. Five months."

"Where?" Mike mother asked shocked.

"I know right." I laughed as Kevin kissed my cheek.

"Kevin its been so long since I've seen you and Keira, clearly y'all been busy." Mike mother spoke. "Kei when am I getting to see this beautiful daughter of yours Mike told me about?"

"I'll bring her by before we head back to Atlanta."

"Nice. Sara?" She then called.


"You've been quiet all night, is everything ok?"

"Yea sweetie are you ok?" Her mother followed up.

"Mhmm." She nodded.

"Actually." Mike spoke. "We sorta got some news to share."

When he said that, both their parents got quiet. We had already knew so we just kept eating, well me for the most.

"She's pregnant too isn't she?" His mother asked like Kei said. "I knew it, I just knew it." She ranted. "James didn't I tell you this when he spoke about this dinner."

"Sara is this true?" Her mother asked.

Both their mothers were going back and forth and honestly it was giving me a headache.

"Mommy stop." Sara cut her off.

"Yea mom, chill. Ain't nobody pregnant but Nita." Mike laughed.

"Oh thank God." His mother exhaled. "Because you know how I feel about babies out of wedlock." She finished.

"Really mom." Ashely spoke up.

I looked at Kei and Aug who didn't seem to care.

"Oh you know what I mean." She fanned her off.

"Sara you know how I feel too."

"So we just gonna ignore the fact that we got two people sitting by this table with a child out of wedlock right?" Mike shook his head.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Sara mother spoke.

"Its cool, y'all ain't our family so we'on care." Aug shrugged as Keira nodded and ate which made me laugh.

"Anyway, speaking bout that..." Mike continued. "The reason we wanted to have this dinner is to let y'all know that Sara and I are actually married and before you go off with any tantrums, we didn't really plan for it to happen the way it did but we are and been happy since and shit, it was the best birthday for me." He smiled looking at Sara.

And like clock work, I began to cry causing everyone to laugh. When I was able to control myself, everything just got quiet.

"Married?" Both their moms questioned.

"Mommy, Daddy, I know this is the way y'all expected to find out but we just decided to come out with it."

"Mike your birthday was in January, you two been married for almost five months and only now you're saying something."

"We had some things to work out before coming out and saying and honestly, we're good."

"I-I don't know what to say." Sara mother spoke.

"I do." Her dad finally spoke. "Welcome to this crazy ass family Mike. I know you make her happy as is and shit, I'm too old to fuss over anything at this point."

"Amen to that!" Mike's father raised his glass. "Welcome to the family Sara, finally someone was able to get his ass go settle down. I thought I would have had to shoot him." He joked.

The mood had lighten up a bit now that it was out in the open. Both there mothers were still shocked I guess but seeing my best friend happy like that, I didn't care how they were.

"Yo E?" Aug called.

We were all on the deck just relaxing and chatting.

"Wassup woe?"

"I'll swing back for you and Nita in a minute, I'm gonna take Keira home, she ain't feeling too good."

I looked at Kei who didn't have any kind of emotion on her face and just felt bad. I figured she didn't tell Aug anything and I wondered if she would.

"Aight man, well I'll call ya when we ready or I'll just talk to Mike and he could drop us back to the house."

"Aight man." They dapped.

Aug hugged me before walking back to Keira. Wrapping his arm around her, he kissed her on her temple before they left.



"I know what's wrong with Keira." I sighed.

"What?" He looked at me.

Looking up at him, I opened up and told him bout what happened while we were out back.

"You serious? When?"

"She didn't say when he was getting out but it slipped out."

"Shit." Kevin looked at mez as he looked back inside the house.



Good Night

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