Something I Can't Have (Seme...

By Uunouncium

302K 8.2K 1.9K

watch as kakashi the college professor falls for the reader, who happens to be one of his students. featur... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
Author's Note (important)
AP: Hidan
AP: Hidan (Pt 2)
AP: Hidan (Pt 3)
AP: Hidan (Pt 4)
AP: Hidan (Pt 5)
AP: Kiba Inuzuka
AP: Kiba (Pt 2)
AP: Kiba (Pt 3)
AP: Kiba (Pt 4)
AP: Kiba (Pt 5)
AP: Shikamaru Nara
AP: Shikamaru (Pt 2)
AP: Shikamaru (Pt 3)
AP: Obito Uchiha
AP: Obito (Pt 2)
AP: Obito (Pt 3)
AP: Obito (Pt 4)
AP: Obito (Pt 5)
AP: Obito (Pt 6)
AP: Obito (Pt 7)
AP: Obito (Pt 8)
AP: Obito (Pt 9)
AP: Obito (Pt 10)
AP: Juugo Taka
AP: Juugo (Pt 2)
AP: Kidomaru Smith
AP: Kidomaru (Pt 2)
AP: Kidomaru (Pt 3)

chapter 52

2.3K 72 5
By Uunouncium

early the next morning...

reader pov

i woke up with a start. i blinked a few times till my vision cleared. i spied the clock on the nightstand next to the bed, 6:10 am. good. kiba was still sleeping deeply, his hand having loosened up on mine sometime during the night. i gently removed it from around him, quickly replacing it with a bundle of the sheets. i scooted away from him, replacing my body with the pillows when he started groaning. i made my way out the bed. he groaned for a bit before settling back down and returning to sleep. i used a rag, moistened quickly in the faucet so i don't wake him up, and cleaned myself up as much as i could. i cant risk waking him up by taking a shower right now. i don't wanna have to explain to him why im leaving or deal with him chasing me down the street. i gathered up my things, placing them back in my suitcase. its early so they shouldn't be up yet. i got dressed quickly and made my way out. i put my things in my car. shit. me and Naruto drove up here. sure shika can catch a ride with his new man. i got in and pulled off.

2 hours later...

kakashi pov

i was woken up by a knock on my door. i groaned as i rolled out of bed, wearing nothing but the skin i was born in. i looked at the clock, 8:20 am. who on earth would come over my house this early? i know gai is still sleep cause he probably went out drinking. i kept trying to figure out who it might be as i made my way to the door. i opened it. my eyes widened. he stood before me in jeans and a tee and a large bag in his hand. he didn't wait for me to walk in, instead just pulling me into a tight hug and burying his face in my neck, sobbing his eyes out. i....i didn't know what to do so i just closed the door and waited till he calmed down. he pulled me tighter, squeezing the life out of my waist as he whimpered. sure i was still trying to find a way to get him but.....i had heard he had a boyfriend so i pretty much gave up on trying to find the chance. he just tossed the bag in my house and nuzzled his face in my neck, slowly calming down. "im staying here for a while," he grumbled into my neck. "...ok?" i said. he didn't really ask, more so telling me that he was living with me for a while. with that, he let me go and walked into my house. he stripped to his undies and laid down in my bed. shit. i don't even wanna question why he came here nor do i really care. i just locked the door and joined him in bed, falling asleep in his embrace again.


shikamaru pov

i knew it. i don't think ive ever been this sore after sex. i heard even breathing in my ear. he is still asleep? i looked at the clock, 8:30 am. he is usually awake around 7. he must have really been drunk. "babe....babe!" i called. he groaned. "what?" he grunted. "we have to check out by noon," i said. "i just got here yesterday. we are supposed to be here for the week," he said. "we got here a week ago babe. did the booze kill ya memory?" i asked. "of course not. i was just with tatsuya yesterday morning. speaking of her....i wonder if she got lucky with that guy. he seemed really into her," he said. "who is tatsuya?" i asked. he never mentioned her before. "my sister," he said. "you never told me you had a sister," i raised a brow. "tsk....we were too busy fucking to talk about anything, babe," he said. "we've been dating for over a month, john. i asked you about your family and you told me you were an only child, when did you have a sister," i asked. he chuckled. "my name is kidomaru. i told you that last night, babe," he said. kidomaru? i thought his real name was (F/n) (l/n). i rolled over in his embrace to see a man ive never seen before in my entire life. i shuffled away from him, falling out the bed. i shuffled away, putting my back against the wall. "damn, are you ok? that was a pretty hard fall, babe," he wiped his eyes, as he sat up on the edge of the bed. "who the hell are you!" i yelled, hoping against hope that i didn't do what i think i did last night. "not so loud, babe, its really fucking early in the morning," he said, still wiping his eyes. i looked around the room. i didn't see any of our things. just my clothes in a pile on the floor by the edge of the bed. i got up quickly, sending a wave of pain all throughout my body and making me fall back down. he got up quickly and came over to me. he picked me up. "take it easy. we were going pretty hard last night. i can barely walk myself," he walked shakily over and put me back in the bed. he climbed in next to me. the bed was sticky. the sheets were disheveled. shit. i did, didn't i? i cheated on my boyfriend. going to the bar last night was the worst idea ive ever had. i had never seen john drunk so i wanted us to get drunk and have sex. somehow i mistaked him for my boyfriend. shit. they were streaming down my face. all this time i thought he would have cheated on me but i ended up cheating on him.

"babe...whats wrong?" he asked, hovering over me. he looked nothing like john. he looked strangely like me. shit. "i...i have a boyfriend," i whimpered. he chuckled. "yeah. i right here," he leaned in to kiss me but i didn't let him. i rolled out of bed, willing my legs to stop shaking as i got to my feet. "where are you going?" he grunted from the bed. i took a long hot shower before putting my clothes back on. he just watched me as i walked out the door. if im lucky, he is passed out drunk in the room. he wont ever know about this. that's for sure.

i made my way back to the room and walked in, only to be hit by the strong smell of sex. i looked around to see kiba sitting on the edge of our bed naked with the cover on his privates sobbing his eyes out into his hands. what the hell?! i looked around. all of his stuff was gone. i walked over to the window. shit! his car was gone too! they started streaming as i looked around for my phone. i grabbed it off the night stand and called him. he didn't pick up. i called and called, sending text after text but he didn't pick up or respond. nothing. shit! he....he saw me didn't he? i sat on the bed, joining kiba in sobbing. what the hell am i gonna do about this? how can i explain to him that this was a mistake? from the looks of it, he just used kiba to take the edge off and disappeared in the morning. shit. i....i don't know what to do!? will he ever forgive--"there you are!" i looked up to see the other guy standing in the doorway. he just walked in, sporting a blue jersey and loose fitting jeans with sneakers. he knelt in front of me, taking my face in his hands. "are you ok? you just stormed off without even talking to me," he whispered. i just met the guy last night and he is acting like he cares about me? "no, im not ok. im no where near ok, kidomaru. my boyfriend caught me cheating on him. do you understand what the means?" i said. "you single, or not cause we are totally dating," he grinned. "do you really not understand what is going on?! i cheated on my boyfriend. i spent the last month getting treated like i meant the world to him. do you have any idea how he is feeling right now?!" i yelled. shit. the more i talk about it, the worst i feel. "i know that he wont talk to you ever again. im not trying to be insensitive, im just being realistic. just....chill with me till he comes around," he said. i sighed. he is probably long gone. all the way back at home probably crying his heart out. seeing me right now might be the worst possible thing right now.

"shit....yeah," i mumbled reluctantly. he smiled. he wiped my tears with his thumbs. "kiba come on! Naruto and hinata are ready to le--" we all looked at shino in the doorway. "why aren't you ready?" he asked. kidomaru stood up, taking my hand, and started leading me out. "don't worry about this guy. i got him," he said to shino as he led me out.

shino pov

i watched them walk out. not even gonna worry about that. i turned my attention back to kiba, who for some reason was still naked on the bed. "get ready or they will leave us!" i motioned for him to hurry up. he wiped his tears and got up, walking straight into the bathroom. wow is there a lot of drama surrounding this john guy. i started back to my room when shika and that guy came back. they ran into the room. they came out, carrying shika's stuff and headed back to the elevator. i just went back into the room and started packing kiba's things, setting out some clothes for him. my phone buzzed again.

hinata: come on or we will leave you!!

me: kiba is taking a quick shower. im getting his stuff together. just give us like 20 more minutes

hinata: 20 minutes and he is pulling off

me: ill drag him out if i have too

i quickly got his stuff together and put them with my bag. ok. now to just wait for kiba.

"why weren't you already ready?" asked hinata. i loaded our stuff in the trunk of Naruto's car and got in the back seat with kiba. "he was...gone when i woke up. all his stuff, his car.....gone," he whimpered. she looked at me. "i found him in john and shika's room butt naked. im assuming some bad shit happened," i shrugged. she pulled out her phone and started texting. "what happened to you guys?" asked Naruto. he got on the highway. "kiba broke up with me last night," i admitted. "oh..." said Naruto. kiba just gazed longingly out the window. i honestly expected a big reaction but...shit. was it that obvious? "john isn't answering back so id say its pretty big. we might have to do a search and rescue," said hinata. "did you try shika? he was talking to some guy who took him and his stuff out their room," i said. "they probably broke up," commented Naruto. eh....i could see it. shika was broken down in tears right next to kiba on the bed so im sure something along those lines happened. "shika just told me that he is staying with kidomaru for a while till he can figure out how to talk with john," she said. im guessing that guy with shika is named kidomaru. "anyone have any idea where john could have gone?" grunted kiba. "i doubt he went home," said Naruto. i sighed.

later on that day....

reader pov

"your phone wouldn't stop ringing," he grunted. "sorry. i forgot to turn it off," i grunted. "what happened?" he asked. "im done with the frat people for a while," i grunted. "so you came over here?" he asked. "would you like me to leave?" i said, starting to pull my arm from around him. he gripped my hand, keeping it on his stomach. "no, come here, with me?" he mumbled. "the one place no one knows about. perfect hiding place," i grumbled. "wanna talk about it? i used to be a high school counselor," he said. i probably should or it will eat me alive. "went to the bar last night, got drunk, went to find him only to find him in a hotel room getting plowed by some other guy," i grunted. "and that's why you are hiding?" he asked. "i keep....messing up their relationships. i complicate shino and kiba, as well as shika and kiba, i nearly ruined two marriages, and i didn't want to do any of it. i wanted to have my little crush and live a normal life. be boring like you," i grunted. " not boring," he mumbled. "its ok, kakashi. being boring doesn't mean you are less awesome," i nuzzled his neck. "whatever. im not boring," he said. "who just sleeps all day during break? a person with no life or friends or a boyfriend. i swear my chasing you was the most interesting part of your entire life," i said. " don't have to chase me anymore," he mumbled. "now i should just give up, huh? you are just awful, kakashi. just terrible," i grunted. "im saying that the one reason i couldn't be with you is out the way. you are a junior now. i teach sophomore classes," he said. "so you are saying....that after all that has happened to me and all the shit i went through during the semester, NOW you wanna date. i swear there was supposed to be some kinda climactic ending," i said. "was i supposed to just come and steal you away from your boyfriend? im sorry, john, but i don't like drama. sure im boring but at least i don't cry about stuff," he grunted. "my boyfriend cheated on me. how was i supposed to feel about it?" i grunted. "beat the new guy's ass for trying to take your boyfriend or move on," he said. "if i would have done that, i wouldn't have been here," i said. " sure you would have made it to me somehow. i get the feeling fate wont keep us apart forever," he said. "you were totally waiting for me to come around," i said. "i wont deny that," he stated. "you could have just came for me. i would have chose you over any one," i said. "oh? so if juugo wasn't married with kids, shika hadn't cheated, or kiba hadn't left you for shino, you would have chose me?" he asked. "you forgot to say if you weren't also playing soo hard to get but yeah. i would have been with you even before i was with juugo. he would be second followed by kiba with shika in last place but not because he wasn't a good guy, its more so for the preferred body types," i said. "what about that hidan guy or obito? wasn't hidan your first?" he asked.

"he was....too easy, if that makes any sense. he was ready to get married after i just lost my virginity. i hadn't found myself yet so i didn't wanna be tied down cause i know my curiosity would have gotten the best of me. im not getting into a relationship knowing that im gonna cheat so it wouldn't have worked out. obito was crazy so big no. shika's problem was how small he was. he was even smaller than hidan. i haven't been satisfied with him since he couldn't take it like the others could. kiba was simple, not saying that i want complicated could tell he imprinted on one person a while ago. in the end he wanted me but shino had him first. juugo happened by chance. if we didn't have love at first sight, we wouldn't have been together in the first place and even then, i could see him cheating with women at some point in our relationship, having been straight before getting with me so yeah....after everything ive been through, if everything had worked out in my favor, i would still chose you. you are boring, just like how i was before all of this," i said. he started laughing. "wow, i didn't know you had thought that much into what was going on around you. i honestly thought you would go for kiba or juugo," he said. "well they do have the best bodies, aside from yours," i humped his butt, earning a grunt. "on an intellectual level, who do you believe you vibed the most with?" he asked. "the smartest was juugo followed by shika. i haven't been with you long enough to know where you stand in my opinion," i said. " look like you have grown up to my level of maturity now," he said. "its like the world was preparing me to be with you babe. you were mine in the first place, i just wasn't ready," i chuckled. " probably right about that," he said. "what are you doing the rest of the break?" i asked. "being boring at home. how about you?" he asked. "tsk....being boring right here with you," i kissed his neck.


shikamaru pov

i.....i dont know what to think about this. he seems.....right? i dont know how to put it. we just....chilled. i didn't know that doing nothing could be so relaxing. he took me to the firework show, out to eat, to the park before we just came back to his room and chilled in the bed. sure i still feel bad about how me and john are right now kinda dulled. kido is smart and sexy. his physique is interesting. similar to mines but a little thinner and lankier. if it wasn't for his personality, he would be a nerd. he carries himself with utmost confidence and is a bit conceited. insists he only likes me cause i sorta resemble him. we just sat up in the hotel bed, chilling in our undies. "tell me about this john guy. id like to know what im competing against to earn your affection," he said. i just pulled out my phone and showed him a picture of him. he looked at him for a long time. "damn....i might have went for the wrong guy," he mumbled, reaching under the covers and stroking himself. "you probably did. he is the most loving affectionate guy in the world," my heart sunk at the reminder of what i did. what im still doing. " he got a little dick too? damn. that's sorta deal breaker," he grunted, handing me my phone back. i scrolled till i found his dick pic. i showed it to him. his eyes widened and he gasped. "damn!! he is like two inches bigger than me!! i couldn't take that if my life depended on it," he said. i tried to take the phone but he didn't let me. "didn't say i wouldn't try though," he said, a dark blush appearing on his cheeks. he started stroking himself again. "well....he was pretty amazing outside the bedroom too. i lived with him for the past month and wanted for nothing. he took care of me better than i ever could have thought of. i swear he worshipped the ground i walked on," my face felt hot. "you are terrible. just awful for hurting a man like that. if his dick wasn't so big id make him mine," he grumbled, beating off more aggressively. "that's....that's another thing about him. he is amazing in bed. makes you want to feel every inch and his hands deserve awards. his foreplay is like sex itself. makes you think he spent the last ten years studying your anatomy and---" "please!! stop! im already on....edge....FUCK!!" he yelled. he laid back on the bed to catch his breath. he handed me my phone back and wiped his cum soaked hand on the sheets. "trust me, one time with him and everyone else will be a disappointment," i chuckled nervously. "soo...when we get back to the city, we are gonna have a talk, and by talk i mean a threesome, shika," he said. " wouldn't even pay attention to me. you would just be waiting for him to come and touch you next. you dont even need to stroke yourself. his touch will--" "if you say cum hands free, we are leaving tomorrow," he looked at me. "stroking isn't necessary with john," i shrugged. "i drove up here myself. we are leaving tomorrow afternoon," he said. i sighed. i hope this....will help him forgive me. i dont want him mad at me forever.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- that you think about it, kidoshika totally works, right? btw, kidomaru only had two arms. no mutants or supernatural in this story at all.


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